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AusGAF 3.0 - Double the price, region locked and refused classification

Rezbit said:
Hmm rep, the Corsair TX PSU is a bit cheaper. Has 85% efficiency (???)...no modular though? Not a dealbreaker if it means I can save 30 bucks.

That RAM is 1333mhz as opposed to the 1600, what does that actually do?
I've heard great things about the TX but then again a lot of people prefer modular PSU so I suppose it would depend on which you would prefer (save money or better cable management).

Hopefully Fred drops in in the morning and gives more detail on the RAM.


Jintor said:
Another riveting night of law. This night, constitutional law! And that'll likely be it for the rest of the week, except Thursday (driving test, so if I get it I'll take the night off) and Friday (work event)

PS Serrels is Tracey interning for Kotaku now? D:

She's covering for me when I go on holidays next thursday.


but ever so delicious
fappenmeister said:

Yea for some reason my mind just didn't click over to progressive rock. I fucking love me some prog rock!

Serious sam 3 up for pre-order. Standard is $40, deluxe is $50. But if you own both games you get another 20% off!

evlcookie said:
Yea for some reason my mind just didn't click over to progressive rock. I fucking love me some prog rock!

Serious sam 3 up for pre-order. Standard is $40, deluxe is $50. But if you own both games you get another 20% off!

But what if I also own them on XBLA? Can I has 30% off? Also what is in the deluxe edition?

DeathJr said:
Anyone here subscribe to Game Informer?
I do! It's cheap and has some great exclusives and interviews. The art is usually amazing and is the main reason why I grab it. The dishonored screenshots look incredible!
Rezbit said:
That RAM is 1333mhz as opposed to the 1600, what does that actually do?
The MHz is basically the transfer rate of the RAM. 1600MHz being faster than 1333MHz. Faster the RAM the faster it can move stuff in and out.

But then you have the other things like the cycle speeds and latency that are also important. I'm not as familiar with those, but RAM with a slower clock speed can still be as efficient if it is ultra-low latency. Faster RAM will also help with overclocking.

Probably best to get RAM that matches your motherboard and CPU speed/multiplier.


Cod nailed the relevance of the numbers of RAM. I'll just add that there are a few reviews out there that show the difference (purely from a gaming perspective) between expensive low latency and high frequency RAM vs high latency middling frequency to be absolutely bugger all. Unlike a few socket generations ago where low latency mushkin ram was the bees knees (cas and ras timings), these days for gaming it just doesn't matter as much.

The insinuation being the $$ difference is better spent elsewhere (GPU obviously being the main one).
3chopl0x said:
The fuck is wrong with dominos online, gives me an error right before the live tracker page but the error is just blank :/
We're you paying online too? If so check your credit card to make sure it wasn't charged, that happened to me earlier in the year. Bastards took forever to refund me too


FallbackPants said:
We're you paying online too? If so check your credit card to make sure it wasn't charged, that happened to me earlier in the year. Bastards took forever to refund me too

Nah turns out it was an error on their end, rang up and they said it's been broken all day.

Ended up getting a shitty deal because all the coupons I had were online only :C


If you used the internet on an iphone/galaxy say everyday for up to an hour or so at most. Just browsed, downloaded some basic apps, watch a video or 2 on youtube. That kind of stuff. Would that burn through 500mb of data in a month? I'd probably use that in a day on my desktop but it's hard to say for a phone.
elfinke said:
Unlike a few socket generations ago where low latency mushkin ram was the bees knees (cas and ras timings), these days for gaming it just doesn't matter as much.
Yeah, I haven't followed the hardware scene in recent years as close as I used to. I think the most effective upgrade for most is an SSD nowadays, as it reduces one of the biggest bottlenecks that current PCs have.

Darklord said:
If you used the internet on an iphone/galaxy say everyday for up to an hour or so at most. Just browsed, downloaded some basic apps, watch a video or 2 on youtube. That kind of stuff. Would that burn through 500mb of data in a month?
500 ought to be enough for most people. My wife used to work in an office with restrictive internet so she tethered with her laptop all day and never came close to hitting 1GB.
Darklord said:
If you used the internet on an iphone/galaxy say everyday for up to an hour or so at most. Just browsed, downloaded some basic apps, watch a video or 2 on youtube. That kind of stuff. Would that burn through 500mb of data in a month? I'd probably use that in a day on my desktop but it's hard to say for a phone.
I have free youtube and was fine with 200mb a month but as soon as I got the reddit app, I burned through it. I'm looking at maybe upgrading now.


In the last 4 weeks Ive read A Game of Thrones and Clash of Kings.

Started on ASoS Pt1 last night. These books are very addicting.

When does the tv series come out here?



BOB Katter shouldn't hold his breath waiting for an invitation to his brother Carl's wedding, should such an event occur.

Only a week ago the big-hatted Queensland MP told a rally of Christians and family advocates in Canberra that the very idea of gay marriage ''deserves to be laughed at and ridiculed - it doesn't deserve any serious treatment''.

His brother Carl last night burst on to the nation's television screens to announce that, as it happened, he was homosexual - and if he met a man he'd like to spend his life with, he'd hope to marry him.

Oh. Shit. :p

Video - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K7P1JXS--PY


elfinke said:
Oh gosh, surely they're trolling over there in the West? Or 4ch have invaded?

news.com.a and associated websites are a goldmine for idiots and trolls alike I think. Just start following @heraldsunreader on twitter.


elfinke said:
So am I :( Reading comments like those brings me to despair more than SadGAF stories sometimes.

Agreed. Unfortunately, the loud lobby-types like the australian christian taliban have the politicians in their pocket, so nothing is likely to change. And, woe betide someone puts forward a logical argument as to why homosexuals should be allowed to get married, the ACL lobby types play the persecution card.

I swear this country is getting dumber by the minute.


Reminder for BrisGAF, first round is on me tonight, I'll probably be there about quarter to seven.

In other news, I found a Gamecube I forgot I bought under my desk. Well, that's OK I guess.


codswallop said:

Aww man. I wonder if ozgameshop are lobbying to keep the status quo
I'm not actually, just trying to make a subtle point about the bank they must be making


'TBC' on that placeholder image. NOT IN AUSTRALIA IT ISN'T
codswallop said:
So my money is still going to be spent overseas! Great work guys!

elfinke said:
Cod nailed the relevance of the numbers of RAM. I'll just add that there are a few reviews out there that show the difference (purely from a gaming perspective) between expensive low latency and high frequency RAM vs high latency middling frequency to be absolutely bugger all. Unlike a few socket generations ago where low latency mushkin ram was the bees knees (cas and ras timings), these days for gaming it just doesn't matter as much.

The insinuation being the $$ difference is better spent elsewhere (GPU obviously being the main one).
I don't understand all this jibber jabber. Which RAM should I buy? The cheaper one will still work as good as the other one? Or does the 1600 mean it will be better? I won't be overclocking my RAM as that sounds like it would be too much for me but I will be overclocking my 2500k and GPU. This computer stuff moves too quick for me.

RandomVince said:
I'm convinced theyre serious.
They are and they outnumber us 3:1. The human race is doomed to implode.

Jintor said:
Guys Radiant Historia is amazing. <--- 15 minutes into the game
It really is and everyone should buy it and SMT: Strange Journey.


Jintor said:
Guys Radiant Historia is amazing. <--- 15 minutes into the game
Yeah, need to get back to playing this since I've heard so many good things about it. Can't say that I'm a fan of the art though, which is probably why I lost interest after 2 hours.
reptilescorpio said:
I don't understand all this jibber jabber. Which RAM should I buy? The cheaper one will still work as good as the other one? Or does the 1600 mean it will be better? I won't be overclocking my RAM as that sounds like it would be too much for me but I will be overclocking my 2500k and GPU. This computer stuff moves too quick for me.
Generally, the faster the RAM the better. If you want to overclock, get the fastest RAM your motherboard will support.


codswallop said:

wow, amazing.

released on wii but not HD

:D - why i smile? because something from my University investigation as part of my degree into classification in Australia (was for communications) has come true

i stated as one of my closing points that as graphics become better, Refused Classification will continue to increase due to a higher level of perceived impact.

I also said that if R18+ does not happen in Australia there will be economic consequences, the exact argument (one of) that the Fed AG is using to push it through


edit: i fully expect SEGA to appeal and for the appeal to be successful


reptilescorpio said:
I don't understand all this jibber jabber. Which RAM should I buy? The cheaper one will still work as good as the other one? Or does the 1600 mean it will be better? I won't be overclocking my RAM as that sounds like it would be too much for me but I will be overclocking my 2500k and GPU. This computer stuff moves too quick for me.


There is one constant among those builds the WP users recommend. The RAM, from the $400 to the $2000 build, it is the same RAM throughout. I don't if that RAM is particularly good, I'm more making the point that you should just grab 2x4gb of whatever looks good and doesn't have heat spreaders that will bang into you HDD caddies or video card or cooler.


There's a graph that demonstrates the point. The fastest 2133 ram in that graph is $155, and is less than a FPS faster than RAM that is over $100 cheaper.

Even though there's merely a $34 price difference between the fastest and slowest memory tested today, I still don't believe there's any value in the more expensive memory kits on the Sandy Bridge platform. Once you have enough bandwidth (DDR3-1600 at a small $9-$10 price premium), there's just not enough of a performance increase beyond that to justify the additional cost, even when it's only $34 between 4GB kits. Once you jump to the 8GB kits, the price difference for CL9 DDR3-1600 is a mere $8, but it becomes much more pronounced at $92 to move to DDR3-2133. We simply can’t justify such a price difference based on our testing.

That's enough PCing for now though.

TL:DR - just buy some nice 1600 RAM for $50 :D


RandomVince said:

edit: I guess that means the Wii version is the superior one since it's actually released here.

Backwards land Australia continues.

OFLC: Informing you of our choices on your behalf.
It hasn't been named the OFLC for years now. It's the Australian Classification Board. And they are doing the job they were told to, so they aren't even to blame, as they aren't responsible for the guidelines.

Choc said:
wow, amazing.

released on wii but not HD

:D - why i smile? because something from my University investigation as part of my degree into classification in Australia (was for communications) has come true

i stated as one of my closing points that as graphics become better, Refused Classification will continue to increase due to a higher level of perceived impact.

I also said that if R18+ does not happen in Australia there will be economic consequences, the exact argument (one of) that the Fed AG is using to push it through


edit: i fully expect SEGA to appeal and for the appeal to be successful
We don't know for sure. There is new content in this release, right? Perhaps it's the scenes in the new content that merit an R rating.


just posted this in marks thread of ask me shit on kotaku but thought it would be interesting to see view points here

Mark if you were SEGA what would you do given todays Refused Classification announcement.

Given that R18+ is coming you would think at some point and that if an appeal fails they are not allowed to resubmit.

Do you wait out for R18 and resubmit under the new rules for appeal, or do you roll the dice and go for appeal now?


also Alan Joyce is about to be smashed by politicians and unions

Qantas FY 2011 resulst

Underlying Profit 552 million up 46 per cent
Revenue 14.9 billion
Operating cash flow 1.8 billion, up 32 per cent
Earnings growth in all segments including international (oh deary me)
Results earned despite $224 million impact of ash cloud, floods etc
Profit before tax 323 million up 81 per cent

but they are apparently going broke....


Clipper said:
It hasn't been named the OFLC for years now. It's the Australian Classification Board. And they are doing the job they were told to, so they aren't even to blame, as they aren't responsible for the guidelines.

1. OFLC is just a name, its still the same group. If they refuse to change with the times, so will I.

2. They still had the same motto last I checked ("Informing your choices")

3. If they are doing the job, why the inconsistency in how they apply their decisions? This is the same game as the Wii version. Unless the review submission for Overkill had "lol sd gfx" in the mitigating circumstances part of the original classification.


Fogz said:
Yeah loved RH, just finished it not long ago.
How does Strange Journey compare with games like Persona 3/4?

Devil Survivor looks good on 3DS, damn region locking :(
Strange Journey is more along the lines of the traditional SMT game. It's mainly a story driven first person dungeon crawler with some moral choices here and there. The choices can affect what demons you can fuse/talk to/ use in battle and the overall story. And the overall mood is a lot darker than P3/P4.

Oh and I liked SJ more than Devil Survivor.


Vince the impact of the game may be higher because it has higher detail of graphics and is more visceral

the rules dictate they must take this into account (how realistic it looks) when classifying.

Given L4D2 went the way of the dodo, i am not entirely surprised this has happened. Human like characters being shot at close quarters with HD gfx. We need to wait to read the COB report into the ban as to why it happened.

Tablet wars: 'Kubrick made first iPad'

10:25am Tablet computers first appeared in director's 2001: A Space Odyssey, Samsung says

LOL samsung

Even more surprising is the fact that a senior patent lawyer argues that "Samsung probably has a viable defence here".

Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/digital-life/...-first-ipad-20110824-1j931.html#ixzz1VuBqtuM6


RandomVince said:
1. OFLC is just a name, its still the same group. If they refuse to change with the times, so will I.

2. They still had the same motto last I checked ("Informing your choices")

3. If they are doing the job, why the inconsistency in how they apply their decisions? This is the same game as the Wii version. Unless the review submission for Overkill had "lol sd gfx" in the mitigating circumstances part of the original classification.
1. Actually, there were quite a few changes in the group when the OFLC was disbanded and its actions and responsibilities split up into the Classification Board, Classification Review Board and Attorney General's Department. For one, all the rules related to the guidelines and classification meanings went to the Attorney General's Department. If you want to blame anyone, blame the AGD.

2. That's what they do. They can't inform you to choose something which another entity has declared illegal for you to bring into Australia.

3. It's not the same game. There's new content, part of which is, according to Sega's website, "2 brand new exclusive levels unveiling an insane side story featuring two angry and armed strippers!" There is a high possibility the stripper scenes might be the meaning for the new rating.

Edit: there's also new weapons and a new "baby mutant threat." These are further things, in addition to Choc's visuals idea, that could very well justify the difference in rating between the two games.


RandomVince said:
If you want to see real stupid, check out the comments on this story.

A photo a friend shared on Facebook said something like "Sex between men and women should be banned as it's the leading cause of creating gay people". Love it.

codswallop said:
Best news about that is that THERE'S A HD VERSION OF OVERKILL COMING OUT!!!

I don't know how it will play with a controller or Kinect or Move, but damned if I'm not keen as mustard for it.


Choc said:
Vince the impact of the game may be higher because it has higher detail of graphics and is more visceral

Manhunt 2 was not in HD. I don't buy the excuse that HD makes a games impact any more visceral than that of a SD game with essentially the same level of geometry and recognisable characters within it.

The original HOTD Overkill had the same kind of content throughout that the PS3 one has, so it's just baffling and inconsistent that one gets through and not the other.

It's censorship, not classification.
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