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AusGAF 3.0 - Double the price, region locked and refused classification


RandomVince said:
In the last 4 weeks Ive read A Game of Thrones and Clash of Kings.

Started on ASoS Pt1 last night. These books are very addicting.

When does the tv series come out here?


I read Game of Thrones years ago but never got around to book 2, then I watched the entire GOT series 1 recently and was re-hooked and now I'm halfway through A Feast For Crows. Such an addictive series, I love it.


RandomVince said:
Manhunt 2 was not in HD. I don't buy the excuse that HD makes a games impact any more visceral than that of a SD game with essentially the same level of geometry and recognisable characters within it.

The original HOTD Overkill had the same kind of content throughout that the PS3 one has, so it's just baffling and inconsistent that one gets through and not the other.

It's censorship, not classification.

the thing is that the Wii is SD and has graphics which are not 'realistic' hence allowed

HD era graphics are quite high in quality and so it changes the perceived impact of the game. I am not saying its right but I guarantee thats why its gone.

I bet L4D2 on wii uncut would get through to Australia.


I'm making the point not to watch the tv series til Ive read it. I prefer to have my own visualisation of the characters and places.

Without delving into spoiler territory, I like how there are some likable characters on various opposing factions who in an ideal world would be the ones leading the world to some kind of peace. But I find it highly unlikely that will ever happen in ASoIAF. Too many nasty circumstances.

I havent enjoyed reading through a series as much as this one since I went through Foundation.


Choc said:
the thing is that the Wii is SD and has graphics which are not 'realistic' hence allowed.

So why was Manhunt 2 banned? If it was not realistic it should have gotten through.
Or if my memory is fading and MH2 was never submitted, the same question applies to Manhunt 1.


just read the press release from sega

here is why in my opinion it got banned

they added 3D mode to the game. You can play it in 3D

Game over man, game over

3D is going to be a MASSIVE issue for the COB to deal with, even with an R18 rating.

EDIT: Manhunt 2 was submitted and refused because of the content and nature of the game. manhunt 1 got through and was on shelves for 12 months until a pollie found out sent it to appeal and it got banned.

It was amazing MH made it in the first place. I reviewed that game and i was stunned to say the least. It was an incredibly depressing game that I had to play something happy afterwards to make me feel good about myself again. And i wasn't the only journo to feel this way

The fact the game made us feel this way was incredible, and i am not saying it should be banned because of it, but yeah the content of the MH games is insane. Those two games demanded R18 imo.

There is a lot of games on teh market today i personally don't think 15 year olds should be playing.


Choc said:
the thing is that the Wii is SD and has graphics which are not 'realistic' hence allowed

HD era graphics are quite high in quality and so it changes the perceived impact of the game. I am not saying its right but I guarantee thats why its gone.

I bet L4D2 on wii uncut would get through to Australia.
So nothing before the PS3 or 360 counts as being realistic because non-HD resolutions can't portray realism.

...what? Make more sense next time.


I think choc is posting before his argument catches up with him.

As for Game of Thrones/ASOIAF, I'm half tempted to track them all down in hardcover now. Is this wrong?


Frawd my point is that as technology allows for higher definition and more realistic graphics, the perceived impact of the game will increase on the COB side of things. If you read the RC reports from the COB over the past 4 or so years, they all mention higher detail of graphics.

Compare how many RC games we have had this generation to last, there is a lot more this generation

The snes and n64 could not produce high definition realistic gfx, the tech was not available at teh time. We are now getting to a point where the perceived impact is increased by improved realism in graphics and a higher definition. Therefore under the classification rules this is seen as a higher impact on the player and more likely to get banned.

Can't see how that does not make sense


RandomVince said:
As for Game of Thrones/ASOIAF, I'm half tempted to track them all down in hardcover now. Is this wrong?

Not at all, good books deserve good editions!

Having said that, I bought the first 4 books as an ebook bundle from Kindle Canada for $9.


RandomVince, would you mind responding to my comments too? I provided multiple examples of completely new content that could be responsible for the change in rating (strippers, babies and gorier weapons).


Clipper said:
RandomVince, would you mind responding to my comments too? I provided multiple examples of completely new content that could be responsible for the change in rating (strippers, babies and gorier weapons).

and 3D. You cannot underestimate the perceived impact increase the COB would claim that does.


Thanks cod for the ram info. I'm just going with some 1600mhz ripjaws x 2x4gb.

Also, you know what I dislike most about those news.com.au comments pages? When people say they're "telling it how it is," before they make a hateful, bigoted comment. You're telling it how you think it is, arsehole!


Choc said:
also Alan Joyce is about to be smashed by politicians and unions

Qantas FY 2011 resulst

Underlying Profit 552 million up 46 per cent
Revenue 14.9 billion
Operating cash flow 1.8 billion, up 32 per cent
Earnings growth in all segments including international (oh deary me)
Results earned despite $224 million impact of ash cloud, floods etc
Profit before tax 323 million up 81 per cent

but they are apparently going broke....

Bit like the Bluescope execs sacking people and taking 3mill in bonsues.


Choc said:
and 3D. You cannot underestimate the perceived impact increase the COB would claim that does.
Yes, that too. But the graphics point isn't convincing Vince and it doesn't yet totally convince me. I agree that 3D and/or HD could be the reason, but I think the new content has a better chance of being the reason.


Clipper said:
1. Actually, there were quite a few changes in the group when the OFLC was disbanded and its actions and responsibilities split up into the Classification Board, Classification Review Board and Attorney General's Department. For one, all the rules related to the guidelines and classification meanings went to the Attorney General's Department. If you want to blame anyone, blame the AGD.

2. That's what they do. They can't inform you to choose something which another entity has declared illegal for you to bring into Australia.

3. It's not the same game. There's new content, part of which is, according to Sega's website, "2 brand new exclusive levels unveiling an insane side story featuring two angry and armed strippers!" There is a high possibility the stripper scenes might be the meaning for the new rating.

Edit: there's also new weapons and a new "baby mutant threat." These are further things, in addition to Choc's visuals idea, that could very well justify the difference in rating between the two games.

1. It's reshuffling the deck chairs. I know there's responsibility for legislation and decisions etc, but at the end of the day it's still the same process, the same legislation and the same inconsistent decisions being made. I blame them all equally.

2. This is the more trivial point of our debate, since it's only in reference to a tagline, but I just find it offensive that the tagline infers we have choices in the first place. Classification should be exactly that, not an enforcement.

3. Without the classification report, that's speculation. Not much either of us can say on that until the reason is made known.

4. (your edit point) is still somewhat speculation (neither of us have the report) but I dont buy the visual fidelity as an explanation when other games have been banned with far worse visuals. Even L4D2 is a good example. It looks pretty ordinary last time I played it (360).


RandomVince said:
1. It's reshuffling the deck chairs. I know there's responsibility for legislation and decisions etc, but at the end of the day it's still the same process, the same legislation and the same inconsistent decisions being made. I blame them all equally.

2. This is the more trivial point of our debate, since it's only in reference to a tagline, but I just find it offensive that the tagline infers we have choices in the first place. Classification should be exactly that, not an enforcement.

3. Without the classification report, that's speculation. Not much either of us can say on that until the reason is made known.

4. (your edit point) is still somewhat speculation (neither of us have the report) but I dont buy the visual fidelity as an explanation when other games have been banned with far worse visuals. Even L4D2 is a good example. It looks pretty ordinary last time I played it (360).

just so you are aware, if they had nto added extra content, the game would not need resubmission. Clipper could be onto something, but the 3D mode would be seen as added content so a reclassification required.
VITA! VITA! Little Kings Story 2! 999 2! Please release before Xmas!

Choc said:
Come on Choc, that is a pretty logical conclusion you came to there. The big question is what are publishers going to do to counter the realism argument that classification boards will pull up. The fact that you are killing the undead really should have been pushed hard enough to stop this garbage. Undead human is not okay but undead monster is? Come on guys, lets be reasonable now. An adult of 18 years of age should be given the choice of how much violence they want to see, you should be protecting us from stuff that is illegal not immoral.

elfinke said:
TL:DR - just buy some nice 1600 RAM for $50 :D
Okay thanks. But that RAM you linked was 1333? Ah bugger it I'll just pay the extra $20 for the Corsair.

Choc said:
Qantas FY 2011 resulst
Underlying Profit 552 million up 46 per cent
but they are apparently going broke....
This just in! Big business lie through their teeth in order to make money hand over fist! Either the government will cater to their outrageous needs to increase growth to appease the shareholders or they will take more jobs overseas. Capitalism Ho!

Choc said:
There is a lot of games on teh market today i personally don't think 15 year olds should be playing.
Agreed. This generation of kids getting raised on COD is annoying. All they care about is finding exploits in life.

Shaneus said:
I don't know how it will play with a controller or Kinect or Move, but damned if I'm not keen as mustard for it.
Pick up the original and play it on Dolphin! Or buy that Move pack for $40 from thehut.com. You really should grab a Move, have enjoyed it so far.
Also email the youtube link to your gmail account so you can check it at home.


reptilescorpio said:
Come on Choc, that is a pretty logical conclusion you came to there

no argument lol :) but still :)

edit: In news that actually matters in the world, Gaddafi is gone, whole palace smashed to bits, wow


Just on classification in general, the contrast with films is the most salient.

Using films like Saw, Hostel and A Serbian Film as examples, we see that it is possible to get banned but only in extreme cases (ASF). Games banned for violence in various gratuitous contexts include things like L4D2, Mortal Kombat, Manhunt and oddly enough Saw was not RCd in game form.

I think the inconsistency is still solely down to the interactive nature of games. They get banned because you can do that stuff in a game, rather than watch it. Because the visual impact of Saw (film) is orders of magnitude greater than that in Mortal Kombat or even Manhunt.

Obviously that's only working within the MA15+ limitation, but I will bet my last dollar that we still see games like MK and L4D2 banned even with an R18 rating.

edit: the strangest decision not to ban a game in context of what has been banned in recent years is still Resident Evil Remake. Killing humanoid zombies in graphic detail with relentless violence sure the shit got L4D2 banned.


RandomVince said:
1. It's reshuffling the deck chairs. I know there's responsibility for legislation and decisions etc, but at the end of the day it's still the same process, the same legislation and the same inconsistent decisions being made. I blame them all equally.

2. This is the more trivial point of our debate, since it's only in reference to a tagline, but I just find it offensive that the tagline infers we have choices in the first place. Classification should be exactly that, not an enforcement.

3. Without the classification report, that's speculation. Not much either of us can say on that until the reason is made known.

4. (your edit point) is still somewhat speculation (neither of us have the report) but I dont buy the visual fidelity as an explanation when other games have been banned with far worse visuals. Even L4D2 is a good example. It looks pretty ordinary last time I played it (360).
I'm just responding directly to your arguments in each case. My original argument was that blaming the OFLC is an outdated and irresponsible approach. Replace the OFLC in your original post with the Classification section of the Attorney General's Department and I have no gripe with your statement whatsoever. You are the one that stated the Classification Board is at fault because you believe it to be the same game, so I proved it isn't the same game. As far as we know, they have interpreted the rules they were given and that is what they are there to do (and part of the reason why they disbanded the OFLC too, to make the separation clear).

Yes, we do have to wait for the report to determine the reason for the banning, which means your only valid gripe would be with the rating system itself, which we also know will change in a few months anyway. A blanket attack on a group that no longer exists and attacks for the classification from a new group that no longer has any say in the timing or design of the regulations are unjustified, which is why I spoke up.


RandomVince[B said:
]Just on classification in general, the contrast with films is the most salient.[/B]


Completely agree but its the interactivity that people keep fucking arguing about with games that apparently makes them worse.

edit: Just also so you are aware only games which the publisher believe will get MA15+ front the actual classification board. Every other game is self rated. But the fines for under rating a game is massive. So if you give M to what really is MA15 you are in trouble. Also someone from each publisher must have been through COB classification training to be able to self rate.

A representative from the publisher takes the game to the board and plays it from start to finish (in some cases) whilst they watch. The classification board take notes and are able to ask questions of the publisher representative. A friend of mine who was the guy who did it for Atari or whatever they were back then played through MGS2 start to finish in front of the board non-stop AND without cheat codes (generally most classification builds have a debug menu to eliminate damage etc so they can get through the game). he was royally f'd at the end of the day.

The point i am trying to make is that a lot of the decision making can come down to how well the publisher presents the game, the way they present it and teh way they answer the questions posed to them.

Some are better than others........


Clipper said:
A blanket attack on a group that no longer exists and attacks for the classification from a new group that no longer has any say in the timing or design of the regulations are unjustified, which is why I spoke up.

Then consider my posts a blanket attack on the classification system, past and present in its entirety, from reviewer to legislator, and the puritanical underpinning which has kept it from keeping up with community standards. ;)


RandomVince said:
Obviously that's only working within the MA15+ limitation, but I will bet my last dollar that we still see games like MK and L4D2 banned even with an R18 rating.

I partially agree. During the many internet arguments on the internet in the build up to R18, it has been said that the R18 classification isn't there to bring in RC'd games, but rather to have MA15 classified correctly, ie in the R18 section.

That argument can, and was, used in both directions.


elfinke said:
I partially agree. During the many internet arguments on the internet in the build up to R18, it has been said that the R18 classification isn't there to bring in RC'd games, but rather to have MA15 classified correctly, ie in the R18 section.

That argument can, and was, used in both directions.

And those comments are exactly why I believe what I posted will come to pass.
Choc said:
The point i am trying to make is that a lot of the decision making can come down to how well the publisher presents the game, the way they present it and teh way they answer the questions posed to them. Some are better than others........
DING DING. Bigger publisher, more money behind the release, more need for a less complicated launch in each region. EA and Acti don't have many problems, although L4D had issues as a partners games so EA probably didn't care too much.


reptilescorpio said:
Pick up the original and play it on Dolphin! Or buy that Move pack for $40 from thehut.com. You really should grab a Move, have enjoyed it so far.
Also email the youtube link to your gmail account so you can check it at home.
Played it on Dolphin with a borrowed controller on my loungeroom telly. Loved it, but far too much fucking around to play one game. Also, I have a Move. It hasn't been used basically since I got it (Flight Control is kinda fun)... woefully undersupported. Even if they made an update so a reticle would appear when using PlayTV so I can shoot the TV program I wanted to watch, it would be worth it.

Even trying a gun game (Time Crisis demo) feels WORSE than with the Wii. Unless I can get HotD with a decent gun (as a bundle) that's cheap, I probably won't jump in.

Shit, that reminds me... need to look into getting No More Heroes for the PS3. Apparently it's pretty good with the Move.
Shaneus said:
Even trying a gun game (Time Crisis demo) feels WORSE than with the Wii. Unless I can get HotD with a decent gun (as a bundle) that's cheap, I probably won't jump in.
Strange, I've found it really responsive and fun so far. Really enjoyed playing The Shoot with it and Killzone 3 was great fun with it. It took a bit of screwing around with the camera to get it perfect but thankfully it is all setup and good to go now.


We don't know why he keeps buying PAL, either.
I'm thinking about writing two articles at the moment.

Basically two opinions on Nintendo and how good/bad they are going at the moment. One article from a jaded, angry person who's disillusioned by Nintendo.

The other view point from someone who doesn't have emotional baggage and just likes to play Nintendo games. It won't be all butt snorkeling, but how 'You know know, things are alright for the most part'.

Sites are taking sides either way, positive or negative. Depending on my mood of the day I get pissed off at Nintendo and some days I'm like 'well at least they're trying, look we have this this, this and this.

Now, to find the time to do such a thing :(


Cheers Serrels

“The “Hardcore” game mode allows players to play in a manner that exceeds strong in impact,” claims the report, “engaging a headshot-only mode which results in frequent, detailed blood and gore as the zombies and mutants [sic] heads explode into bloody pieces that spread around the environment and onto the screen. The game also contains an “Extra mutants mode” which increases the amount of mutants the player must kill to proceed, resulting in an increased intensity and frequency of violence. In addition the game contains a baby mutant that jumps onto the screen and explodes into bloody chunks when killed.”


The baby exploding part is in the trailer up there ^^. It's not that bad, especially given the ridiculous context of the game it is in (and R18 considered), though I get it missing an MA15 rating, as disappointing as it is.


Choc said:
“The “Hardcore” game mode allows players to play in a manner that exceeds strong in impact,” claims the report, “engaging a headshot-only mode which results in frequent, detailed blood and gore as the zombies and mutants [sic] heads explode into bloody pieces that spread around the environment and onto the screen.

Sounds like Doom 2 on 'Hurt Me Plenty'

Choc said:
The game also contains an “Extra mutants mode” which increases the amount of mutants the player must kill to proceed, resulting in an increased intensity and frequency of violence.

Doom 2 Nightmare! mode.

Choc said:

In addition the game contains a baby mutant that jumps onto the screen and explodes into bloody chunks when killed.”

Doom 2 Simpsons mod.


TONY Abbott's savage parliamentary tactics have prevented Arts Minister Simon Crean from attending today's memorial service for Margaret Olley, one of Australia's most prominent cultural figures.

And Liberal Malcolm Turnbull, a good friend of Ms Olley and her local member, also can't attend the nationally televised event in Sydney

On Tuesday, Mr Abbott told his backbenchers they would not be able to get leave and no Government MPs would be given a pair during the debate starting next month on the carbon pricing legislation.

Mr Abbott has now extended the ban to current sittings of the House of Representatives, where today the Opposition failed to force Labor's problem MP Craig Thomson into making a statement to Parliament.

Read more: http://www.news.com.au/national/pm-...tt/story-e6frfkvr-1226120910740#ixzz1VueqUP00

shout it from the roof tops


surely that gives him way too much power as an opp leader?


reptilescorpio said:
Sounds like SEGA weren't willing to put up enough cash to get it a pass. How much does it cost for the second go at classification?
I'm not sure, but it would, according to reports, cost them the chance to resubmit after the new rules come into place if they attempt a resubmission now.

Given that there's no mention of sexualised violence, this will almost certainly make it through unedited after the new rules come into place in a few months. I think Sega might delay their resubmission until then, as it would get through with a clear R, which is probably what it deserves anyway.


also fucking Australia is getting ridiculous

'Live' crosses lead to apology from Nine

It started on Nine's Sunday night ''live cross'' to a reporter in a helicopter hovering near Beerwah, where police were searching for the remains of Daniel Morcombe.

While reporter Cameron Price sat chatting with the newsroom from the helicopter, reporters at Channel Seven, who apparently had a camera on the Nine helipad 24/7 in case it suddenly shot off to a story they were unaware of, noticed it still on the helipad at Mt Coot-tha, roughly 80 kilometres from where it was claimed to be.

Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/entertainment...y-from-nine-20110824-1j901.html#ixzz1VufVG0mu

fucking disgraceful


So a friend at work is going to NY in a couple of weeks, and it got me interested.

You can get return flights for $1450. Ridiculous. I'm wondering if I should go for a couple of weeks next year. Do NY, Washington, Boston, Philly.
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