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AusGAF 3.0 - Double the price, region locked and refused classification

Fusebox said:
I prefer adding cream cheese over sour cream, you get that extra creaminess but don't have to add so much.

Did you sort out your TDS issue with that DNS solution squirrel?
I saw that unblock-us.com charges money for their service and wussed out. I've got enough bills to pay.



The National Science Foundation has cleared climatologist and Penn State professor Michael Mann of any misconduct in the "Climate-Gate" controversy, which became a lightning rod for climate change skeptics in 2009.

In a memo Tuesday, the NSF's Inspector General's office said that "the research in question was originally completed over 10 years ago. Although the subject's data is still available and still the focus of significant critical examination, no direct evidence has been presented that indicates the subject fabricated the raw data he used for his research or falsified his results."

"Lacking any direct evidence of research misconduct," the review concludes, "as defined under the NSF Research Misconduct Regulation, we are closing this investigation with no further action."

The investigation centered around thousands of e-mails stolen from the University of East Anglia's Climate Research Unit in Great Britain, that showed scientists discussing how to keep research skeptical of climate change out of peer-review journals, among other things. Conservatives and climate skeptics latched onto the e-mails, using them as evidence that the idea of man-made climate change is not true. The e-mails did not, in fact, undermine the broad consensus that climate change is occurring.

Mann himself was accused of committing fraud when obtaining government funds for research into human-caused climate change while he was at the University of Virginia, and then manipulating the data.

Three major UK investigations previously exonerated the "Climate-Gate" scientists of any wrongdoing. Penn State conducted its own investigation that did not find Mann had done anything wrong.

Fairly important news for those sceptics out there I guess.
codswallop said:
The enemies in Dead Space 2 are clearly not "human"*, whereas in Left 4 Dead 2, they still appear very human-like. If they were green in L4D2 it wouldn't be an issue.

* Yes, yes, they were all "once" human.

If you're game, watch this. Potential spoiler though you wouldn't know the context.


This happens to Isaac the main human character if you fail. These gruesome deaths happen all the time if you die in various ways. My brother literally couldn't play that part, I had to do it cause he is squeamish.
Sutton Dagger said:
If you're game, watch this. Potential spoiler though you wouldn't know the context.


This happens to Issac the main human character if you fail. These gruesome deaths happen all the time if you die in various ways. My brother literally couldn't play that part, I had to do it cause he is squeamish.

I can clearly read the link name....yet i want to click it soo bad.....


Sutton Dagger said:
If you're game, watch this. Potential spoiler though you wouldn't know the context.


This happens to Isaac the main human character if you fail. These gruesome deaths happen all the time if you die in various ways. My brother literally couldn't play that part, I had to do it cause he is squeamish.
I never actually saw that death when I played the game. That's pretty bad. Don't know if it's worse than the Tripod Death Scene though. NSFW obviously.
Those are some pretty gruesome scenes in Dead Space 2, I guess maybe the censors missed it or considered them way more outlandish than chopping someone in half with a katana?

legend166 said:
Do we tax Mount Franklin more because they make money selling our water?
Water usually comes back (unless you're a farmer, then it's never around). Coal or whatever doesn't, unless we're willing to wait billions of years.


codswallop said:
Those are some pretty gruesome scenes in Dead Space 2, I guess maybe the censors missed it or considered them way more outlandish than chopping someone in half with a katana?

Water usually comes back (unless you're a farmer, then it's never around). Coal or whatever doesn't, unless we're willing to wait billions of years.

Even worse! They're making money selling my own bodily fluids!

I demand compensation.


My wife works with a woman who lost family members in that fire.

She still turned up to work yesterday.

But yeah, keep complaining about lousy coffee. Sheesh.
Gazunta said:
My wife works with a woman who lost family members in that fire.

She still turned up to work yesterday.

But yeah, keep complaining about lousy coffee. Sheesh.

I haven't had a coffee yet today. But when i get one with lunch i will be sure to complain that it is not brewed with the finest of beans.
Fogz said:
Yeah its looking less and less like I want BF3 every day :(
Yeah I've decided to give it a pass until Origin isn't involved. I was caught up in the hype but I haven't played much of the series since Vietnam. Plus I never have time for MP anyway.


legend166 said:
Even worse! They're making money selling my own bodily fluids!
Just cut out the middle man and drink your own bodily fluids.

Choc might not be putting it in the best of terms, but the resources boom is having a profound effect on our whole economy. 1000 people lost their jobs in one day because our exports can't compete, because the dollar is high, because our rocks are selling like hot cakes. The conditions that are creating such demand for resources are temporary. It would be extremely short sighted to not invest some of this back into public infrastructure. When the demand dries up, those workers won't have some other booming industry to move on to.
Gazunta said:
My wife works with a woman who lost family members in that fire.

She still turned up to work yesterday.

But yeah, keep complaining about lousy coffee. Sheesh.
It's strange but I just want to go up there and give them a hug. Can't imagine going through that shit. Especially the father who threw the mattress out of the second story and jumped out to catch his kids but then they huddled in the corner and died, the rest of his life he would be second guessing what he did and it's just messed up.
Fredescu said:
Just cut out the middle man and drink your own bodily fluids.



Gazunta said:
My wife works with a woman who lost family members in that fire.

She still turned up to work yesterday.

But yeah, keep complaining about lousy coffee. Sheesh.

That story was fucking horrible. The news this morning said one man lost his wife and FIVE children.

That's just unimaginable.


Oh and at the very low end of the scale of problems, Ive been away from home on work for nearly 5 weeks. I just found out that I have to go away for another 4 weeks when I get back home (for 1 week).

ie out of 13 weeks, that will have been 1 week spent at home. :(

Gets a bit lonely away for that long, and Ive completely lost all hype for Deus Ex and Xenoblade too.


Well, I'm past giving a sh*t. Your electricity bill is going up? Don't live in a McMansion with six bedrooms, a rumpus room and a home theatre. Bananas expensive? Buy an apple. Soy-milk Chai latte not flavourful enough? Give yourself an uppercut.

I could have written those very words. It's a like a sounding board from my kitchen during the carry on. Mrs elfinke will have a good chuckle in agreement with that article, thanks for sharing.


Fredescu said:
Just cut out the middle man and drink your own bodily fluids.

Choc might not be putting it in the best of terms, but the resources boom is having a profound effect on our whole economy. 1000 people lost their jobs in one day because our exports can't compete, because the dollar is high, because our rocks are selling like hot cakes. The conditions that are creating such demand for resources are temporary. It would be extremely short sighted to not invest some of this back into public infrastructure. When the demand dries up, those workers won't have some other booming industry to move on to.

As I posted earlier, I recently became a BHP shareholder, so I got their half annual report PDF in full.
BHP pays about one third of their operation profit in taxes. And I'm sure Treasury holds shares in mining companies too (like the UK gov does to pay for pensions).
It's not BHP's fault if the government wastes money.

Also, awesome night last night Gaz.


Jintor said:


Okay news over carry on

I had a P1 license before it was mainstream.
I now have an open license, you've probably never heard of it.


Fredescu said:
Just cut out the middle man and drink your own bodily fluids.

Choc might not be putting it in the best of terms, but the resources boom is having a profound effect on our whole economy. 1000 people lost their jobs in one day because our exports can't compete, because the dollar is high, because our rocks are selling like hot cakes. The conditions that are creating such demand for resources are temporary. It would be extremely short sighted to not invest some of this back into public infrastructure. When the demand dries up, those workers won't have some other booming industry to move on to.

I'm not making a judgement on whether miners should be taxed more. I'm simply pointing out that the whole 'they're taking OUR resources and making profit' line can be extended a long way beyond minerals.

Like water. And the fishing industry.


legend166 said:
Do we tax Mount Franklin more because they make money selling our water?

best strawman ever

like people said, water comes back, minerals do not

I am stunned, stunned at the opinions in here. You should be looking out for your kids and your kids kids who will have fuck all because the shit will be out of the ground and gone and australian won't have an economy because manufacturing and everything shut down

Read the papers people. It's not just unions etc going on about this crap (and most of the time i do not agree with unions, i am very much on the Qantas pilots side though)

Lots of independant economists etc are saying the same thing. Australia can't afford to waste this


legend166 said:
I'm not making a judgement on whether miners should be taxed more. I'm simply pointing out that the whole 'they're taking OUR resources and making profit' line can be extended a long way beyond minerals.

Like water. And the fishing industry.
Neither of those industries are having temporary booms that are responsible for a restructuring of our economy that we will one day have to recover from. Also, water is renewable. Fishing can be made to be if you farm it.


legend166 said:
Like water. And the fishing industry.

Choc said:
best strawman ever


Water... straw... ah forget about it.

Both sides have good arguments, and certainly the 'tax the mongrels' side (not that that is what you are necessarily insinuating Choc) tugs at the heart strings more easily than not.

Jessica Irvine wrote an excellent piece in the SMH a few weekends ago about this, but I can't find it on the SMH website.


legend166 said:
Like water. And the fishing industry.
How do you grow more dirt for future generations?

Oh Christ I'm agreeing with Choc, the conversion has already begun

Anyway, if I had money I would be investing in Apple stock.

Actually, you know what would be neat? If we could use a lot of stuff people take for granted overseas.

We can't play Ventron's games because we don't have XBLIG here. I can't sell my books on Kindle because I'm not a U.S. citizen. I can't raise funds for new creative ventures because Kickstarter is for U.S. people only. Etc. Etc.

Bloody frustrating. I'm tempted to see what it would take to start a bank account in the states just to get around so much hassle.
So is the new $300 price for 160GB PS3s a temporary thing or the new RRP? Thinking of getting another just for the heck of it. If it's the RRP, I'll hold out for a bundle.


OneMoreQuestion said:
So is the new $300 price for 160GB PS3s a temporary thing or the new RRP? Thinking of getting another just for the heck of it. If it's the RRP, I'll hold out for a bundle.

I think $348 is the RRP, so $300 may be a retailer promo?

Either way, I spent $1k on a 60GB unit when it came with Resistance + Motorstorm + an extra spastix.

What a waste of money that was. >.<


Iron is finite, fishing and water, if handled correctly, isnt ^_^

It takes stars to blow up for iron and crap to be made! STARS!
RandomVince said:
I think $348 is the RRP, so $300 may be a retailer promo?

Either way, I spent $1k on a 60GB unit when it came with Resistance + Motorstorm + an extra spastix.

What a waste of money that was. >.<
Think of all the years of enjoyment from that purchase! And how much fun you had at your second job to pay for the PS3!

Also what the hell is a P1?

Also BHP should pay more tax than a milk bar since they are taking a non-renewable resource out of our soil. Once this country is empty they won't give a fuck about us.


reptilescorpio said:
Think of all the years of enjoyment from that purchase! And how much fun you had at your second job to pay for the PS3!

Heh, it stopped working after 10 months during a fw update. I still remember the phonecall, I said that it was because of a bad update and the clown on the other end said "No it wasn't".


Yeah whatever, I was only watching it as it happened.

In any case, I am pretty much sworn off buying sony consoles at launch now due to the ridiculous ps2 and ps3 launch prices (both of which I paid, silly me).

Really makes the 3DS price drop pale in comparison.
Gazunta said:
We can't play Ventron's games because we don't have XBLIG here. I can't sell my books on Kindle because I'm not a U.S. citizen. I can't raise funds for new creative ventures because Kickstarter is for U.S. people only. Etc. Etc.

Bloody frustrating. I'm tempted to see what it would take to start a bank account in the states just to get around so much hassle.

want to publish eBooks?


Haven't used them but they're part of CDBaby, which I have used.


reptilescorpio said:
Once this country is empty they won't give a fuck about us.

Leaving aside the merits of future funds and taxation, ethically this is by far the most concerning and hasn't received the discourse in the public eye it needs, nay deserves.
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