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AusGAF 3.0 - Double the price, region locked and refused classification


Where's the cheapest place to buy a Classic Controller Pro? I'd usually go to eBay but there are so many fakes, I don't really want to risk it.
OneMoreQuestion said:
Wait why does Batman and Deus Ex show up at 42.45 and 49.99 for me at GMG? Am I doing something wrong? :/
Pre orders get a 15% discount. They also have a 20% off coupon on the front page. That brings the price of Arkham City down to $34 and since you get $5 for a new account you end up paying around $28 after conversion.


Mistle said:
Where's the cheapest place to buy a Classic Controller Pro? I'd usually go to eBay but there are so many fakes, I don't really want to risk it.

Look for a bundle on sales on either goldeneye, monster hunter if you dont have either game. Otherwise rrp is $29.95. play asia maybe?


hey AusGAF, (hope this is allowed)
if you ever need to bypass regional pricing, feel free to add me on Steam: wilflare
i'll help you buy the game game and gift it to you :D (just paypal me, no extra fees or what not!)
wilflare said:
hey AusGAF, (hope this is allowed)
if you ever need to bypass regional pricing, feel free to add me on Steam: wilflare
i'll help you buy the game game and gift it to you :D (just paypal me, no extra fees or what not!)
Thanks for the offer! We try and return the favour in the rare instance that we get a better deal. I think Mirrors Edge is one that we have the best price for.
My main irritation with Maccas lately has been when they advertise a new burger the gf will ask for it the next time I go to Maccas which results in a sweaty, confused looking teen telling me he has no idea what I am talking about. That burger that had mushrooms in it never came to Warrnambool or the ones I went to in Geelong. Same with this next fancy chicken burger, only can get the fancy ones they have had for 2 years now.
Planet_JASE said:
They offer a free PC Scan with every purchase, too.
Free morality scan too. All your porn surfing habits belong to them now.

Just realised my major 4000 word assignment is due this weekend. Better go buy the textbook today then. So much for playing de3 at some point. :-(


So hey, played a lot of Civ V on the weekend. Was pretty fun.

Also, West Ham winning away is something I don't think I will get sick of. The Championship is fun.
Omi said:
So hey, played a lot of Civ V on the weekend. Was pretty fun.

Also, West Ham winning away is something I don't think I will get sick of. The Championship is fun.

Played a lot of Deus Ex on the weekend...well, as much as i could get for myself (made it to 1st boss) Was awesome.

Seems to be a fair bit of news, small bits that came out over the weekend. Quantum Conundrum/Torchlight 2 details etc. this should make for a good Monday :D

Wait.......forgot my headphones....goddammit.


Marshmellow said:
Played a lot of Deus Ex on the weekend...well, as much as i could get for myself (made it to 1st boss) Was awesome.

Seems to be a fair bit of news, small bits that came out over the weekend. Quantum Conundrum/Torchlight 2 details etc. this should make for a good Monday :D

Wait.......forgot my headphones....goddammit.

Oh yeah, my earbuds went missing sometime between Friday afternoon at work and getting home Saturday morning. Fail.
Omi said:
Oh yeah, my earbuds went missing sometime between Friday afternoon at work and getting home Saturday morning. Fail.

Buy new pair! heh.
I think i just left mine at home stupidly. Senheizer cx300, surprisingly good, the only buds i have ever liked.

SWEET and it's $20

found this amusing



I gave Vanquish another bash for an hour or so last night. Fuuucking hell that game impresses me. One of the bosses in Act 3 was INCREDIBLE.

That red ball thing that turns into a Transformer-like device with lasers pointing everywhere to track you, and the only way you can see where it is without being in it's line-of-sight is to crouch behind a crate and look for where the lasers are coming from. Jump out from behind a container, enter bullet time and pray that you have a clear shot at the weak point. Hot damn, so much fun.


Marshmellow said:
Buy new pair! heh.
I think i just left mine at home stupidly. Senheizer cx300, surprisingly good, the only buds i have ever liked.

so good....but mine don't last very long. Already gone through three


Omi said:
So hey, played a lot of Civ V on the weekend. Was pretty fun.

Also, West Ham winning away is something I don't think I will get sick of. The Championship is fun.

It made for a good year with Newcastle too. Mind you, they are doing everything they can to wind up back there next season. No more hughton/nolan/barton/carroll/enrique/ranger arrested
except for winning. great start to the EPL this year

BTW liverpool can fuck off stealing our players
Shaneus said:
I gave Vanquish another bash for an hour or so last night. Fuuucking hell that game impresses me.
You are coming along nicely young grasshopper. Now grab Shadows of the Damned.

commanderdeek said:
Been sick all weekend so all I did was sleep and play Minecraft.
Had a headcold all week and started getting migranes really bad on Friday. Got wasted on Saturday. No hangover yesterday, just insane headaches from this damn sinus infection or whatever it is.


I'm pretty sure England started gaming as *I* know it, but whatever.

So I have more or less succeeded in making zero (0) online purchases this month, and that's even considering not one but two (2) Street Fighter games came out! So I am celebrating by making, um, online purchases.

I wanted Vanquish, then I played the demo, and I didn't. I wanted to like it but something about the demo just pissed me off.

Gazunta said:
I'm pretty sure England started gaming as *I* know it, but whatever.


Heh, first computer system I ever got was a Dick Smith VZ200. Rubber keyboard buttons and tape deck required.

Attack of the Killer Tomatos was the first survival horror game I ever played. It also came with instructions on how to code your own space invaders and pac man clones in basic.
Gazunta said:
I'm pretty sure England started gaming as *I* know it, but whatever.

So I have more or less succeeded in making zero (0) online purchases this month, and that's even considering not one but two (2) Street Fighter games came out! So I am celebrating by making, um, online purchases.

Gaming roots for me would be Civ, Mechwarrior and Doom. And I guess Goldeneye got me hooked on consoles.

What happened to that Mechwarrior reboot? I want it now goddamn it. Yet another kick arse Microsoft owned franchise that has fallen off the radar.


reptilescorpio said:
You are coming along nicely young grasshopper. Now grab Shadows of the Damned.
Oh, I will. But I'm going to wait it out and see which of Shadows or No More Heroes for PS3 will drop first (and clearing a bit more of my backlog, obv). Both seem to have style coming out their earhole. I can also tell that I'm going to enjoy doing speed runs (or harder difficulties) in Vanquish.

PS. Gotta love the way they make it easy to string cool shit together. Just found out over the weekend that if you aim (L1/LB) while jumping in the air from a melee move, it will enter bullet time. Nothing more satisfying than picking guys off while doing a backflip (or jumping over things out of cover, for that matter) in slow motion.

Also noticed that one of the guys who is actually named as one of your squad is S. Mikami. Kinda funny!

Had a headcold all week and started getting migranes really bad on Friday. Got wasted on Saturday. No hangover yesterday, just insane headaches from this damn sinus infection or whatever it is.
Ugh, I've had something too for AGES that I haven't been able to shake. It might be the dex, but my nose has been running non-stop for weeks now and it won't go away. Maybe it's just hayfever season or something.
FallbackPants said:
Gaming roots for me would be Civ, Mechwarrior and Doom. And I guess Goldeneye got me hooked on consoles.

What happened to that Mechwarrior reboot? I want it now goddamn it. Yet another kick arse Microsoft owned franchise that has fallen off the radar.
Mechwarrior died a horrible death just like Shadowrun. Poor IP management. Much like most of the warehouse of IP's that EA has. Microsoft give them a good run for their money though. I think the Front Mission failure would have scared them off try to bring it back, especially since they don't give a shit about PC gaming. Pity since the Xbox games were great for what they were and Chromehounds was a cult hit early on the 360. It would do well but not gangbusters, the market is niche enough for them to think it may not be worth the effort. Pretty sure there is a magical looking community homage coming up, I remember seeing some briliant looking screenshots on RPS.
reptilescorpio said:
Mechwarrior died a horrible death just like Shadowrun. Poor IP management. Much like most of the warehouse of IP's that EA has. Microsoft give them a good run for their money though. I think the Front Mission failure would have scared them off try to bring it back, especially since they don't give a shit about PC gaming. Pity since the Xbox games were great for what they were and Chromehounds was a cult hit early on the 360. It would do well but not gangbusters, the market is niche enough for them to think it may not be worth the effort. Pretty sure there is a magical looking community homage coming up, I remember seeing some briliant looking screenshots on RPS.

Agreed 100%. FASA just seemed to be a clusterfuck. I guess I just hoped Microsoft could get MW (I know it's GAF blasphemy but I don't really care about Shadowrun) as an ongoing series. I mean, it's a well known franchise and like you said, Chromehounds was pretty successful, and they're obviously investing heaps into Steel Battalion.

Also bring back Killer Instinct and Perfect Dark. And PGR. Seriously Microsoft, get your thumb out of your arse.


We should talk about our gaming roots! I'd almost be tempted to start a new thread on it, but an Australian perspective is more interesting and less obvious than those from the US.

Anyway, it pretty much started when my brother would occasionally bring home a MicroBee from high school. We'd play EmuJoust, some Breakout clone and something else that escapes me. After that, my folks dropped nearly $3,000 on an Amstrad PC1640 with 20mb HDD and 8086 CPU which we did pretty much nothing but play games on.
PC history:
System 80 (TRS-80 clone) -> C64 -> Amiga 500 -> 486DX2/66 -> Lots of other PCs

Console history:
Vectrex* -> NES (Deluxe Set, with grey zapper and R.O.B.) -> Megadrive** -> SNES** -> Gamecube** -> Xbox -> Xbox 360**

Portable history:
Game & Watch (Gold Cliff** was my fave) -> Gameboy** -> DS** -> DS Lite** -> Android Phone**

I missed the whole Saturn, PSX, N64, Dreamcast era because I was exclusively a PC gamer (lack of money, mainly) but played most of the big games on friend's machines anyway. I used to venture into Melbourne to visit Hi Tech Game Centre, first when they were on Franklin St and then later once they moved out of the CBD to buy the $120 Japanese imports that I'd use on my Honey Bee converter. Good times.

*Might've been an Intellivision. I don't even have any photos of it.
** I still have these systems. The Amiga 500 died a couple of years back. My dad has the C64 but I don't know if it still works.


Well that's pretty shitty of them to use blackface. Not acceptable in this day and age.

PS. No one create a thread for this in the OT please. The people in there are fucking lunatics about their "Australia is racist" crap.


hamchan said:
Well that's pretty shitty of them to use blackface. Not acceptable in this day and age.

PS. No one create a thread for this in the OT please. The people in there are fucking lunatics about their "Australia is racist" crap.

i think the bigger issue is that QANTAS an aussie icon encouraged it


hamchan said:
Well that's pretty shitty of them to use blackface. Not acceptable in this day and age.

PS. No one create a thread for this in the OT please. The people in there are fucking lunatics about their "Australia is racist" crap.

Australia does have a rather racist element. So I guess they have that correct.


Choc said:
i think the bigger issue is that QANTAS an aussie icon encouraged it

It shouldn't even be an issue, just like the Hey Hey skit shouldn't have been blown out to massive proportions like it was.

Had a Hanimex clone of an RCA Studio 2 this first around 1980-81-ish. My parents bought it to shut us up but we only played it in short bursts because it was so awful. We would have had a few early Game and Watches back then too. We spent a lot of money in arcade machines instead. And Las Vegas and Playtime/Time Zone (the name kept changing back and forth) and Grundies.

We finally got something to play at home at Christmas 82. An Atari 400 computer with a tape deck, Space Invaders cartridge and Asteroids. But no controllers (same ones as 2600) since they weren't bundled so we had to wait a few days to get joysticks. Got an Atari 800 two years later. The 800 had more ram, a proper keyboard and two cartridge slots. Both had 4 controller ports.


Then over the following 30 years Sega Master System/ Megadrive/ Gameboy/ SNES/PC/ N64/ Dreamcast/ PSOne/ GBA/ PS2/ Xbox/ Gamecube/ DS/ Mac/ 360/ Wii/ PS3/ iPhone/ iPad.

The only system we had in the house I never played was the Amiga. I used it for art and music and later word processing but never games. Everything after Gameboy was mine and not "family."

Had a fair few Game and Watches, plus knock-offs. I remember I had a watch you could play Pac Man on in 1983. That was pretty cool.
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