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AusGAF 3.0 - Double the price, region locked and refused classification


reptilescorpio said:
With Paul Verhoeven? Awesome, I always enjoy it when he gets more time on Triple J Like when he took over breakfasts from Tom & Alex this week. Has great taste in music, anyone who plays The Naked & Famous followed by Dead Letter Circus is alright in my book. Hopefully they avoid the childish acting that drew me away from Good Game. Please no memes.
Didn't know anything about the guy.

Good Game is unwatchable. A 30 minute weekly gaming show that tries to do everything is incompatible with the news cycle and release schedule of games.


reptilescorpio said:
I would if Geelong had a comic book store. There is one on Brunswick Street in Melb that I enjoyed but it is way too far to go.
Comics 'r' Us has closed? I seem to remember there was a shop next to the adult shop on Ryrie. That's going back a while, though.


Bernbaum said:
Quick question: I have no interest in 3G. Is the Wi-fi only model ad-supported? That sounds like such an obnoxious intrusion of something I consider to be a personal experience - reading a book.
You can't get the ad supported model in Australia unfortunately. It didn't sound too instrusive, only being on the screensaver and at the bottom of the home page, never appearing while reading. I wanted one, but alas. I will probably get the wi-fi only too.


That awesome 70s style Portal 2 poster is going to be purchasable as a poster on the Valve store! http://tristanreidford.blogspot.com/2011/05/portal2-70s-style-movie-poster.html
Shaneus said:
Comics 'r' Us has closed? I seem to remember there was a shop next to the adult shop on Ryrie. That's going back a while, though.
Pretty sure it became a collectible crap store with Warhammer and Yugioh stuff? I remember having a quick look in there a few years ago and came out empty handed which certainly doesn't happen if comics are around. Not even sure if they a still up and running, Popculture should have taken most of their business by now.

Bernbaum said:
Good Game is unwatchable. A 30 minute weekly gaming show that tries to do everything is incompatible with the news cycle and release schedule of games.
An Australian video game program really should spend as much time as possible in Australian video game studios doing interviews and just basically trying to raise awareness of what is going on in the industry. Plus it would be really interesting viewing. You would expect most companies would love to get involved. My mate did an interview with Firemint for his economic website and he said they were really happy to chat to him as the more they get their name out the better.

Fredescu said:
That awesome 70s style Portal 2 poster is going to be purchasable as a poster on the Valve store! http://tristanreidford.blogspot.com/2011/05/portal2-70s-style-movie-poster.html
Love it. I bet Kritz is annoyed he has to make another order too. The movie posters work incredibly well for videogames.



but ever so delicious
Goto harbor town for clothes shopping.

First store I enter? Toy world

Awww yea

Mario chess set, $100? This is meant to be an outlet store!
I'm outta here.
legend166 said:
Anyone know if we are getting the two free PS3 games like Europe?
We don't have access to PSN just like everyone else so if we don't get the free games there will be a LOT of complaints. We got the free game when XBL was down a few years ago too.
commanderdeek said:
Bahaha I won vks's FF6! I'm assuming it's a genuine copy, right?
If it's a fake, it's an especially lavish one.

Waiting for my food to arrive at the Maroochydore Pig n Whistle and notice that nobody's bidding on the old GB Zelda games :(


viciouskillersquirrel said:
If it's a fake, it's an especially lavish one.

Waiting for my food to arrive at the Maroochydore Pig n Whistle and notice that nobody's bidding on the old GB Zelda games :(
You got a pretty great price for RH though.

Edit: Just made the payment by paypal. The description on my statement will be "paypal *VICIOUSKILL" lol


but ever so delicious
I learnt today that an open inspection for an apartment whose pictures really do look created in a 3D application means come down and listen to some guy crap on about how awesome it will be while you look at floorplans on a wall.

I honestly thought it would be that but I did have a little bit of faith it might have been a legit room.

I also have sore as fuck feet, I really need to suck it up and fork over some money for a real pair of shoes.

The slow journey home begins now :(
evlcookie said:
I also have sore as fuck feet, I really need to suck it up and fork over some money for a real pair of shoes.
Nope, $20 pair of Grosbys from Big W. Feet feel fantastic, can't believe I had been paying $120 for a pair of shoes every 12 months. Parents brought back some cheap fancy nice suit wearing shoes from Malaysia that look boss and cost like $8 each. Just gotta look around and try some good shoes out.

Salazar said:
Stopped myself buying a 3DS this morning. Only barely. It was like sliding off a cliff.
Just remind yourself that unless you plan on playing another 100 hours of SSFIV there is no point in buying a 3DS yet.
I hate being a gamer in Australia right now.

I wish I had have just not gotten so into getting games cheaper from overseas, but my 'acceptable price' radar is way down and when I see games in stores (crap games) on sale for $40 or $50 I think "what a rip off".

New games being $100 - $120? That shit has GOT TO STOP.

What made me post this?

Well, I have a copy of Deus Ex pre-ordered at GAME and it's $89 for the Augmented Edition, but the same version has just appeared on Steam for $53.

$36 is a really big difference and it just shits me. I like physical copies of games, but I'm impatient and when a new game comes out I can't handle waiting WEEKS for it to arrive from ozgameshop or Zavvi and the express shipping from Amazon is expensive as hell.


In the end I'll end up buying the Aussie version in store because it's in my hands sooner... though I'm more and more leaning towards DD copies of games however they STILL jack the price of these up... Steam prices of things being $89 and such is just ABSURD and I refuse to pay it. The distributors are just trying to do EVERYTHING they can to rip us aussies off as much as they can... something's gotta give soon enough, I really want to spread the word not to buy in Australia a local prices, it just makes no sense....

I find this to be my primary source of frustration an anxiety, and rather than enjoying the hype build up heading towards the release of a game, I'm stressing out about which version I'm going to buy, where I'm going to buy it from, how cheap I can get it (and I have too because there are so many games to buy ever dollar counts otherwise my wallet is going to end up feeling extremely light after a while - I mean it is already without having to pay twice as much for games).

There must be something that we can do about it? But alas... I fear that nothing WILL happy about it as long as consumers keep buying (and they will because the majority is clueless).

I wonder if there is the ability to make a claim against certain steam prices to the ACCC. The price jack up for no reason other than because it's 'Australia' seems totally unfair to the consumer and the ACCC usually love jumping on things like that.

I'm going to give them a call next week :)
ColonialRaptor said:
I wonder if there is the ability to make a claim against certain steam prices to the ACCC. The price jack up for no reason other than because it's 'Australia' seems totally unfair to the consumer and the ACCC usually love jumping on things like that
They have to charge a certain amount to retain parity with the billion dollar retail industry. Videogame sales add a lot to the economy so pushing retail out of the market isn't in the governments best interest. It is mainly because the industry has to be re-focused/re-structured kind of how bookstores are going out of business because they are forced to buy stock in the country rather than from overseas where it is a lot cheaper.

Also the extra money you save by not buying Day One retail at $100 compared to in a few months time from OzGameShop for $35 should be more than enough to remind you why it is okay to wait. I went from buying every game day one from ebgames regardless of when I would touch the game to rarely stepping foot inside.


Yes Rez, it really is. The sooner you're able to accept that having something the instant it is released is no real advantage, the happier you'll be (and the more your wallet will love you).

There is a much smaller difference between "OMG, I HAVE TO WAIT A FEW WEEKS" and "oh, I only have to wait a few weeks" than you realise. The games aren't going anywhere and you aren't gaining anything at all by having most games early. The only instance where it may matter is in a MP game.

I'm reading a book now that was released 2 years ago, I bought it a while after release and it sat on my shelf for some time after that before I picked it up. I am at no distinct disadvantage to those who have read it months or years before me. Games are no different, as much as some of the gaming community would have you believe otherwise. The upside is that the savings on games are significantly greater, enabling your money to stretch further and buy/enjoy more games than immediate purchases at a considerably higher price would allow.

Next I will be reading A Game of Thrones, like many others in this thread. I bought it cheaper and well after release, yet will enjoy it all the same and will miss nothing.


I read Game of Thrones in about 3 days.

Out of all the games I've bought in the last 2 years, probably 5-10% were retail. And even then, they were games on clearance (Disaster and Klonoa for $40 total).

It really is your own fault.
Danoss said:
Yes Rez, it really is. The sooner you're able to accept that having something the instant it is released is no real advantage, the happier you'll be (and the more your wallet will love you).

There is a much smaller difference between "OMG, I HAVE TO WAIT A FEW WEEKS" and "oh, I only have to wait a few weeks" than you realise. The games aren't going anywhere and you aren't gaining anything at all by having most games early. The only instance where it may matter is in a MP game.

Once I started using steam to a greater degree this attitude came naturally. For the price of a game that I would have bought at release I'm able to get a handful of year old games. It's part not caring about games media/hype cycle and part being frugal, but I've stopped caring about that Day 1 perch.jpg, except for Portal 2. Because I'm so used to picking up games a year or two after release, the idea of waiting a week or two and getting a game for $32 instead of $90-110 seems like a steal, even more so with steamworks titles. And this attitude I have isn't going to change until the day retail in Australia starts importing games from the UK and consequently pricing more competitively at brick and mortar.

Unrelated but, seems like we have a fair few picking up Brink, should have a game night for it at some point.

Jintor said:
My acceptable price barrier has dropped to somewhere around $40 or so. I still care about Day One purchasing, but only for very few games - Portal 2 is the only one I gave a shit about, and that was almost entirely because of the fear of spoilers.

Yeah, that was the same reason that I pre-ordered it on Steam. Thankfully most video games I don't care enough about to have to worry about spoilers. Of course with Portal it had the same air around it that the later Harry Potter books did, where I worried that people would maliciously spoil it.

Edit: Yay name change went through.


My acceptable price barrier has dropped to somewhere around $40 or so. I still care about Day One purchasing, but only for very few games - Portal 2 is the only one I gave a shit about, and that was almost entirely because of the fear of spoilers.


On the topic of ASOIAF, anyone know where to buy the older US editions of A Storm of Swords and A Feast for Crows? It seems that most online book stores are getting newer editions of the books with a massive HBO banner across the top of them which I do not want.


but ever so delicious
legend166 said:
I read Game of Thrones in about 3 days..

You read fast. I'm only at about page 60, I get through about 20 every day on my way to work.

Should take me nearly 2 months i guess :D


Bernbaum said:

Very good chance I'll drop an order for one next week. Sounds to me like Amazon want to get as many of these things into people's hands as possible. The $150 or so the thing will cost seems damn reasonable, especially considering I have a perfectly iPad fine and getting a Kindle would essentially provide nought but the luxury of convenience.
Ahh, but the iPad does not have an Eink screen. Reading on the iPad is a little annoying. I've read one full book on it but that's enough for me. The kindle is great so far, a really pleasant reading experience. The test will be if I'm still reading on it in a few months time, so far, so good though.


commanderdeek said:
On the topic of ASOIAF, anyone know where to buy the older US editions of A Storm of Swords and A Feast for Crows? It seems that most online book stores are getting newer editions of the books with a massive HBO banner across the top of them which I do not want.
Damn, it looks like it's quite tough to find what you're after. Even if the picture on the site shows the old version, you may still be get the newer version (I have been caught out like that before). This problem will be compounded by the release of the TV show urging people to eat through the old stock before the new was released. You may have to visit a brick and mortar store to get what you want, which is most likely less than desirable.

Even though I have a Kindle, I went ahead and bought the 4 book boxed set for $20 from Amazon here.


eInk doesn't actually stress my eyes. (except while browsing Gaf, for some reason). So that's great.

Anyway, immediately after I fix my buying threshold at $40 I notice Deus Ex HR for preorder for $54. Tempting.


mandiller said:
Ahh, but the iPad does not have an Eink screen. Reading on the iPad is a little annoying. I've read one full book on it but that's enough for me. The kindle is great so far, a really pleasant reading experience. The test will be if I'm still reading on it in a few months time, so far, so good though.
Yes, eInk is the Kindle's main selling point - ahead of the catalogue.

I've been reading French children's books on the Kindle app on my iPad, and multitasking against the very excellent Collins French-English dictionary. It's less than elegant, and the modern electronics consumer whore in me will have the ability to have the dictionary active on the iPad whilst reading on the Kindle.

Yup, I'm sold. Will order during the working week.
I still buy a few "must have" games day one locally though I have also pre-ordered from the likes of Zavvi to get the lower price locked in and prevent myself from buying locally day one at full price. For the big games (COD and the like), I know the price isn't going to vary much so I may as well get it early since I'm already anticipating it.

Other important day one games are ones where the multiplayer community is likely to move on quickly. But only if I'm anticipating that too.

For most games though, I'll wait as I know the price will drop after a few weeks. Games like Prince of Persia 2008 dropped $30 locally a week after release as it didn't sell very well. Discounts are usually good for the cheap stores too.

Serrels already did an article explaining prices last year. Ahh, here it is. It was only touched on in that article, but most of the big guys (e.g. Nintendo) have local arms which have to meet their own sales and target profits, and the only way to do that is to sell games at their current prices; it's not like they're the Australian division of a global company, they're treated as a completely different company.

Totally unrelated, has anyone ever tried a pair of Vivo Barefoot shoes? I'm looking at buying a pair of casual shoes with these sorts of soles but really want good looking 'barefoot' but ultimately want a pair of business shoes for the office if they work out (though most of the Vivo Barefoot and Terra Plana ones don't look that businessy -- why can't they just make a pair of Oxfords with those soles?).


I've been considering a Kindle as well, but I have so many books to read already without buying a new device and then rebuying all the books for it.


Totally forgot about The Incredible's recent Blu Ray release and was enthralled to see it sitting on JB's shelves for $20. They didn't have any triple format packs that I could see so I just grabbed the single-disc release.

Gonna go make stir fry with my market veggie haul and watch the crap out of it. I say it's the Pixar film I hold dearest - let's see how time has treated those memories.


Speaking about money.....

Does anyone but the Labor and Liberal party actually really care that much about bringing back the surplus right now >_<? No economists seem to think its even desirable at this point....


If I download something like DLC on a US live account, will it be available on all accounts on my 360? Like when MK characters are released, an I download them from the US marketplace;ace then play them on my regular aus account?


I want a tag give me a tag
markot said:
Speaking about money.....

Does anyone but the Labor and Liberal party actually really care that much about bringing back the surplus right now >_<? No economists seem to think its even desirable at this point....

are you talking about where they gave free $$$$?

even if you're not I hated it

most of my friends got it twice for being uni students who earn money and earning under or over a certain amount

i got $0 and i was a poor unistudent without a job :(


reptilescorpio said:

It's annoying to admit (out of principle, Valve treats us well except for bloody price-fixing and regional differences, but that's not their fault), but Steamworks has really become a make-or-break thing with me. I hate buying anything without integrated Steam capability
Jintor said:
It's annoying to admit (out of principle, Valve treats us well except for bloody price-fixing and regional differences, but that's not their fault), but Steamworks has really become a make-or-break thing with me. I hate buying anything without integrated Steam capability
If it is Steamworks doesn't that mean the retail copy has to run through steam too? So buying it retail will still add it to your steam account?

Edit: Plus the regular edition is $42 on steam anyway after conversion.


Darklord said:
If I download something like DLC on a US live account, will it be available on all accounts on my 360? Like when MK characters are released, an I download them from the US marketplace;ace then play them on my regular aus account?
I believe so, yes. You could do it with Rock Band songs.
Bernbaum said:
Totally forgot about The Incredible's recent Blu Ray release and was enthralled to see it sitting on JB's shelves for $20. They didn't have any triple format packs that I could see so I just grabbed the single-disc release.

Gonna go make stir fry with my market veggie haul and watch the crap out of it. I say it's the Pixar film I hold dearest - let's see how time has treated those memories.
Bern I love your taste in Pixar. The Incredibles is their best movie to date. I watch out nearly monthly or more.

HolyCheck, I earned zero and was under Centrelink as a jobseeker and didn't get any money from Rudd. Very annoying.


I want a tag give me a tag
Megadrive said:
Bern I love your taste in Pixar. The Incredibles is their best movie to date. I watch out nearly monthly or more.

HolyCheck, I earned zero and was under Centrelink as a jobseeker and didn't get any money from Rudd. Very annoying.

Thats a bit shit, I atleast wasn't even looking for work
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