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AusGAF 3.0 - Double the price, region locked and refused classification

reptilescorpio said:
Lots. I'm in the Swamp at the moment and I'm hoping I can get this assignment banged out quickly today so I can focus on putting about 30 hours into TW1 to get that end of game save. Need more free time. :(

Aon said:
You could go from chapter 3 to the end in 15 hours, for sure. If you can find 15 hours of course ><

Thanks, I probably could find 15 hours somewhere but I've already finished it once, I think I would rather not try to cram it in. I think I'll just youtube the closing cinematic to refresh my memory for TW2.

Aon said:
I wonder if the GOG Witcher will have all the language packs in it? I'd kinda like to play this one through in German like I did the first game.

According to the GOG TW2 product page:

Text and full audio support: English, French, German. Text only: Italian, Spanish. You can set audio and text independently.

By comparison, The Witcher 1 page has:

Text and full audio support: English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Czech, Russian, Hungarian, Polish. Text only: Traditional Chinese. You can set audio and text languages independently.

Speaking of TW1, I caved and bought it for $5 on GOG (for the PDF artbook etc). I think I own 3 copies of the game now :/

EDIT: Beaten like a red headed stepchild


PSN is back, apparently in both US and Australia (although some other places aren't yet). I'm installing the 3.61 update right now.

Edit: Hmm, still can't sign in after update. I guess only the system update is live and not the Sign In features yet.
BanShunsaku said:
Speaking of TW1, I caved and bought it for $5 on GOG (for the PDF artbook etc). I think I own 3 copies of the game now :/
I'm resisting the temptation to grab it too, all the extra little goodies that GOG put with the games really make it worth buying from them rather than Steam. Also $5 is like $4.50 AUD.... so that sounds like enough justification for me!


Sunday lulz from the Australian.


THE University of Melbourne should sack an academic for giving evidence in defence of a man who threw his daughter to her death off a bridge, a Liberal senator has told parliament.


SIXTY Minutes star reporter Liam Bartlett and his crew have left Christmas Island after a calamitous 48 hours that sparked a police investigation and ended in the current affairs flagship's prized drone spy camera crashing offshore from the same cliffs where 50 asylum-seekers died last December.

There were claims of tabloid TV tricks after guards claimed a baby had been wire-tapped by the program and Bartlett conceded that he did not declare his profession while trying to get into the island's main detention centre.

There were also howls of laughter from locals after a producer sought "nothing less than four stars" when making accommodation inquiries at the tourist bureau.
Salazar said:
Lulz indeed, remember reading about this in the Herald Sun last week. Not sure why a senator would jump on the uni like this. The dude is a psychiatrist, they never agree on anything and they work in a field of medicine that is basically specialised guesswork. In his opinion the dude was mental, 3 other guys didn't agree. Democracy.


McGauran's Wikipedia page is a sad collection of stunts.

The man is a loser, operating in a strong tradition of Liberal senatorial dimwittery.
Clipper said:
PSN is back, apparently in both US and Australia (although some other places aren't yet). I'm installing the 3.61 update right now.

Edit: Hmm, still can't sign in after update. I guess only the system update is live and not the Sign In features yet.
I'm getting network errors when trying to update my PS3 firmware, tried a few times now. Anyone else having the same issue?


Yeah my first update attempt failed at about 25%, second attempt is currently up to 31% so fingers crossed.

edit - Second attempt completed and installed ok. Still can't sign back into PSN though, says it's down for maintenance.


Fusebox said:
Yeah my first update attempt failed at about 25%, second attempt is currently up to 31% so fingers crossed.

edit - Second attempt completed and installed ok. Still can't sign back into PSN though, says it's down for maintenance.
I just did the manual download to USB. Updated fine but still can't log in :/


What's with me and getting delayed hangovers? Last Wednesday it took until the afternoon of the day after to kick in. Today it was lunchtime two days after before my head started hurting. Or maybe it's not hangovers and I'm just tired.
Jintor said:
What's with me and getting delayed hangovers? Last Wednesday it took until the afternoon of the day after to kick in. Today it was lunchtime two days after before my head started hurting. Or maybe it's not hangovers and I'm just tired.
I think I may have had a real hangover twice in my life. I get lack-of-sleep-headaches. Horrible, constant headache. Unlike something like a hangover, it won't go away with water, or eating, or anything like that. The only cure is sleep.
Planet_JASE said:
I think I may have had a real hangover twice in my life. I get lack-of-sleep-headaches. Horrible, constant headache. Unlike something like a hangover, it won't go away with water, or eating, or anything like that. The only cure is sleep.
How much sleep do you need a week?

Also yes drinking a pint of water before bed and keeping really hydrated the next day is the best way to avoid a hangover.
reptilescorpio said:
How much sleep do you need a week?

Also yes drinking a pint of water before bed and keeping really hydrated the next day is the best way to avoid a hangover.
I don't actually need that much sleep. I usually get away with 6-7 hours a night but it's a very delicate tipping point. If I only get 5 or under or have a few nights of 5-6 hours I just get horrible headaches for most of the day. Like today, for example; I didn't drink last night, shit, I didn't even go out but I only managed 5 1/2 hours of sleep so I have a headache.
Planet_JASE said:
I don't actually need that much sleep. I usually get away with 6-7 hours a night but it's a very delicate tipping point. If I only get 5 or under or have a few nights of 5-6 hours I just get horrible headaches for most of the day. Like today, for example; I didn't drink last night, shit, I didn't even go out but I only managed 5 1/2 hours of sleep so I have a headache.
Ah that sucks. My body is still used to the uni schedule of some days get 8 hours sleep, other days don't sleep at all. If I got headaches and stuff from not sleeping enough I'm not sure how I would cope with a baby, only really makes me tired and coffee helps since I rarely drink it outside of work. If I spend too much time staring at a computer screen reading (gaming is fine) I can get eye-strain headaches, usually needs to be something like 10 hours though. Alcohol helps all problems though!
reptilescorpio said:
Ah that sucks. My body is still used to the uni schedule of some days get 8 hours sleep, other days don't sleep at all. If I got headaches and stuff from not sleeping enough I'm not sure how I would cope with a baby, only really makes me tired and coffee helps since I rarely drink it outside of work. If I spend too much time staring at a computer screen reading (gaming is fine) I can get eye-strain headaches, usually needs to be something like 10 hours though. Alcohol helps all problems though!
It sucks more because I used to require even less sleep. I used to be able to go to sleep at 2:00-3:00am, get up at 7:00 and not go to sleep until 2:00 or 3:00 the next morning without any issue. Time, however, is my enemy, and I'm not as young and able to do this as much anymore.
Planet_JASE said:
It sucks more because I used to require even less sleep. I used to be able to go to sleep at 2:00-3:00am, get up at 7:00 and not go to sleep until 2:00 or 3:00 the next morning without any issue. Time, however, is my enemy, and I'm not as young and able to do this as much anymore.
Stop trying to scare me :(
I'll never grow old! So... how about those rainbow suspenders, huh? Pretty cool way to keep your pants up, eh? I see these kids now with "Jive" printed on their shirts. Pftt... Now, I can teach you how you're supposed to say "jive". You jive turkey. See? You got to sass it. Quit jivin' me, turkey. You got to sass it. A "turkey" is a bad person.
reptilescorpio said:
Stop trying to scare me :(
I'll never grow old! So... how about those rainbow suspenders, huh? Pretty cool way to keep your pants up, eh? I see these kids now with "Jive" printed on their shirts. Pftt... Now, I can teach you how you're supposed to say "jive". You jive turkey. See? You got to sass it. Quit jivin' me, turkey. You got to sass it. A "turkey" is a bad person.
Never grow old?


It's all happens so gradually you don't actually realise it.


FW 3.61 downloaded and installed, waiting for service to be reactivated in Australia.


Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
just finished watching The Wire this morning.

I needed to go for a drive afterwards. Hard not to be totally obsessed with it at this point.
Rez said:
just finished watching The Wire this morning.

I needed to go for a drive afterwards. Hard not to be totally obsessed with it at this point.
After all the talking that was happening a week ago, I finally broke down and watched the final season. Quite easily my favourite thing that I've seen on television (at least in the drama genre).

It's the program that's affected me the most and a show that I will not hesitate in recommending. It's also the only show that, if you don't like it, the problem is with you, not the show. It could be that the show isn't your cup of tea, or perhaps you don't like programs that tear you up emotionally, but I don't think (on the whole) you can fault the quality of the show's acting, plots or characters.

There's so much I could say about the show and may at some point.


Rez said:
just finished watching The Wire this morning.

I needed to go for a drive afterwards. Hard not to be totally obsessed with it at this point.
The whole show, or just one more series?

And you're right in your sentiments - it's quite so much a show you watch as it is one that you absorb.

Dead Man

Tntnnbltn said:
FW 3.61 downloaded and installed, waiting for service to be reactivated in Australia.


I'm just going to stay offline for a couple more days, I've been much more productive without PSN access.
Dead Man said:
I'm just going to stay offline for a couple more days, I've been much more productive without PSN access.
I am soooooo on the cusp of finishing this assignment but going over and checking my PS3 every 10 minutes to see if it is up is starting to really mess with my head. Just want it to be back up and all my games available again. Also keep thinking about how I need to finish my TW1 play-through asap. /gaming addict problems
/procrastination problems more like it


Rez said:
just finished watching The Wire this morning.

I needed to go for a drive afterwards. Hard not to be totally obsessed with it at this point.
It's definitely one of those experiences where immediately afterwards you want to tell everyone else to watch it so you can just talk about how good it is.

Dead Man

reptilescorpio said:
I am soooooo on the cusp of finishing this assignment but going over and checking my PS3 every 10 minutes to see if it is up is starting to really mess with my head. Just want it to be back up and all my games available again. Also keep thinking about how I need to finish my TW1 play-through asap. /gaming addict problems
/procrastination problems more like it
I can relate to that, but for once I find myself not checking obsessively!


reptilescorpio said:
I am soooooo on the cusp of finishing this assignment but going over and checking my PS3 every 10 minutes to see if it is up is starting to really mess with my head. Just want it to be back up and all my games available again. Also keep thinking about how I need to finish my TW1 play-through asap. /gaming addict problems
/procrastination problems more like it

Eh, I have until next weekend, possibly next Monday, before my PC is up and running.

The waiting burns.
Salazar said:
Eh, I have until next weekend, possibly next Monday, before my PC is up and running. The waiting burns.
What are you waiting on? Now that my last assignment is almost out of the way I am thinking about my PC build again, well, thinking about how to make the money I need for it at least. I'm sure the PC stores in Geelong are getting annoyed at me asking every few days how much a bunch of components are.
Salazar said:
By which time I will have acquired a decent stack of cheap old games to run on it.
I highly recommend GTA4, Mafia 2, Crysis 2, TW2, ME2, NFS: Hot Pursuit, Metro 2033 and STALKER Call Of Pripyat to showcase the improved graphics of a new PC. You already picked up Anno so maybe grab Settlers 7 too, great games. Playing Portal 2 on PC will be a great experience too if you have a nice big monitor and good speakers. Looking forward to picking up a nice set of headphones for my new PC once I get the money together.

Oh and Just Cause 2 is soooo much better on the PC. Skybox!


So, the whole of North America now has PSN now. Could Australia be next? Seriously, I doubt it. They'll probably go and do the whole of Europe first :(.

Dead Man

Clipper said:
So, the whole of North America now has PSN now. Could Australia be next? Seriously, I doubt it. They'll probably go and do the whole of Europe first :(.
Then Asia, then South America, then Africa, then Antarctica, then Australia. Maybe.
So I'm finding it difficult to care about Bioshock 2. I'm guessing I'm probably 40% or so of the way through (
I'm looking for the three Little Sisters to help a guy open security
). Should I bother continuing all the way through? Is there anything interesting or different that pops up further on in the game?


BanShunsaku said:
Just watched Love & Other Drugs... not as bad as I was expecting. Ask me anything about Anne Hathaway's boobs.
Just started watching... any movie that starts with Spin Doctors is A-OK with me.


codswallop said:
So I'm finding it difficult to care about Bioshock 2. I'm guessing I'm probably 40% or so of the way through (
I'm looking for the three Little Sisters to help a guy open security
). Should I bother continuing all the way through? Is there anything interesting or different that pops up further on in the game?

Eh, if you're not really enthralled by it now it's unlikely you'll ever really be. My philosophy - if you're not enjoying it for what it is, don't bother.

Anyway, girl-age stuff: GLAKJRKLGAM<NCPJIWPOEANB*)H(JLMSN<NT-stab through my heart. The end.
codswallop said:
So I'm finding it difficult to care about Bioshock 2. Should I bother continuing all the way through? Is there anything interesting or different that pops up further on in the game?
If it is too painful to enjoy stop. I really enjoyed the final level but you probably won't. Try and find someone who has the Minervas Den DLC though as I thought it was better than Bioshock 2 itself.

Jintor said:
Anyway, girl-age stuff: GLAKJRKLGAM<NCPJIWPOEANB*)H(JLMSN<NT-stab through my heart. The end.
My advice: buy some nice juicy steaks with some marinade along with wedges. Get some nice scotch. Cook up the food, drink the scotch and stream some super sexy porn. Or Archer. One or the other. Also Kate Upton.

BanShunsaku said:
Just watched Love & Other Drugs... not as bad as I was expecting. Ask me anything about Anne Hathaway's boobs.
Can I have them?
Yeah, I'll probably put it down and come back to it later. I've been enjoying the game but not finding any compelling reason to continue. The shooting and plasmid mechanic is enjoyable but not enthralling.

One to revisit in quieter times.


Speaking of the Wire and other television shows:

I saw an add for 'Offspring' (not the masturbating one choc keeps going on about). I've never seen the show in my life. The ad was the main character standing on a balcony (similar to the one Avon and Stringer were on when they had the talk) and she says something like "I thought coming to Baltimore would give me the freedom and happiness I needed."

Now, considering 95% of my knowledge of Baltimore comes from The Wire, I was like "You wanted freedom and happiness, so you went to Baltimore?!"

Omar should have killed her.


I want a tag give me a tag
legend166 said:
Speaking of the Wire and other television shows:

I saw an add for 'Offspring' (not the masturbating one choc keeps going on about). I've never seen the show in my life. The ad was the main character standing on a balcony (similar to the one Avon and Stringer were on when they had the talk) and she says something like "I thought coming to Baltimore would give me the freedom and happiness I needed."

Now, considering 95% of my knowledge of Baltimore comes from The Wire, I was like "You wanted freedom and happiness, so you went to Baltimore?!"

Omar should have killed her.

lol'd at this.

now to bring you down to the level:

Yo string, Where wallace at?
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