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AusGAF 3.0 - Double the price, region locked and refused classification


Worthintendo said:
I really wish I could get into dried fruit as would make getting through the day alot better, getting sick of just eating Almonds. Maybe I should give dried banana a try and see how that all goes.

I like handheld video games. Do you like handheld video games?

Dried banana is too hard – it’s like putting poker chips in the middle of your chosen food item. I used to have muesli with banana chips, and it was just too much hardness in contrast to the rest of the cereal.

Current F&N mix is definitely suffering for its depauperate walnut content.

Choc said:
hl ep3 to clearly have hats

Also, we do have some firm stats on Portal 2 downloads: https://twitter.com/GLaDOS_2/status/60204989196406784
jambo said:
4 weeks is a while, maybe wait a few more days then contact someone.
Oh yeah, not in panic mode yet, just wondered if other AusGAF were looking at big waits lately.

Kritz said:
How many working days has it been? Usually it takes them 12-14.

15 working days today.

I've had other stuff delivered from Ozgameshop that was ordered after this one though which is what makes it slightly concerning.


At work, an IT technician told me that he wouldn’t get a 3DS just yet because he’d heard from a mate that a 3DS ‘XL’ was announced and was real and everything and that he’d wait for that.

Had to bite my tongue and not reveal my inner nerd and the fact that I used to be a Nintendo-only games writer so I just simply nodded in bewilderment ‘Oh really, they’ve announced it already huh?’ and let him live the rest of his life in ignorance because I’m just too decent a person.
Bernbaum said:

I like handheld video games. Do you like handheld video games?
You like handheld games too? OMG we should like start a club or something.

Sucks about Banana Chips, I really wish I could get into sultanas and raisins but I just can't for some reason. I'm soo over boring and bland almonds as my daytime snack food. Why can't all food taste as awesome as chocolate.

Maybe I'll just go with pistachio nuts, may not be as healthy as almonds but the time and effort needed to open them means I won't be going through them too quickly.

All this Portal talk reminds me I need to get around to finishing the first Portal one of these days.





lady stuck in flood waters who drowned in toowoomba told off by 000 operator for driving in floods

um it was a flash flood no one saw coming, and even so the 000 operator should just get on with the job.

Donna rice's call to 000 - while trapped in Toowomba's CBD moments before she was swept away to her death with her son, Jordan - took 28 rings until the call was answered.
She was told off by the officer who took the call despite, her desperate pleas for help.
"Why did you drive through flooded waters?" he yelled at Ms Rice.
The audio from the 000 call was played to the Queenland Floods Commission of Inquiry today.
The officer told Ms Rice to spell her name several times, before she requested a tow truck which he said to her "you ring the tow truck company yourself."


Fuck you all for being able to play Portal 2 earlier than me. Who wants to be my co-op buddy on Friday evening or maybe Saturday? I'll only play with you if you haven't played it either. I don't want you weekday-playing fuckers ruining the puzzles.

Also, fuck Valve for giving the complete Valve pack to golden potato people. We're the biggest fucking nerds, we already own all your games including Portal 2!

As long as they don't remove the golden potato from my profile..


Gazunta said:
You know it's going to be announced the day after this year's Christmas sales finish anyway.
Y’know what? I think the shell design of the 3DS is woefully uninspired. It is too much like a DS; looks like a mish-mash of several cumbersome separate components; the start/select/home buttons feel cheap and intangible; and I think they chucked the stylus housing on the back simply because they felt it should be in another spot just for the hell of it. It is inelegant and lacks sleekness.

I think the decidedly un-revolutionary design was intentional.

Somewhere at Nintendo, there is a design that was worked on during the hardware development of the 3DS. It’s smooth, refined and practical. Someone likely said, y’know what, that looks too dramatically different from the DSi, lets shelve it for now, get the base technology out there, and then we’ll just use this design for the updated revision. I imagine the design will conform to the same aesthetic of the Wii2 somehow, in much the same way that the GBA/GBASP looked nifty plugged into a Gamecube, and how the Wii and DSLite complemented each other.
DualShadow said:
Oh good, I thought it was just me.
Thank god I'm not alone.

I tried playing it but I dunno just wasn't getting into it for some reason.

That said I really did enjoy the 2D flash version that was doing the rounds awhile back
Worthintendo said:
Thank god I'm not alone.

I tried playing it but I dunno just wasn't getting into it for some reason.

That said I really did enjoy the 2D flash version that was doing the rounds awhile back

Oh I played it for a while but I can't remember if I either got "stuck" or just finished my gaming session for the day, and for some unknown reason I haven't gone back to finish it.

Some day i will, just like every other game in my backlog.


Big surprise: I still haven't finished Portal, either! Given that pad support for the PC one is supposedly existent, I might have a crack tonight.

As for fruit and nut mixes, the only way to go is almonds, straight-up. Low carbs, high(ish) fiber and energy from good fats. It's nature's superfood!


Hey, if everyone hasn't indulged in frozen Cadbury Creme Eggs by now, you should be shot. It's like chocolate-covered wedding cake icing, but harder and far tastier. I'm planning on stocking up and I've never been a CCE fan before.
legend166 said:
pad? on a valve game? on pc?


Who wants to play co-op in around 50 minutes?

20 minutes till i'm out of here and heading infinitely closer to my PC.

not sure if i'm happy about the hat news.....


Bernbaum said:
Had to bite my tongue and not reveal my inner nerd and the fact that I used to be a Nintendo-only games writer so I just simply nodded in bewilderment ‘Oh really, they’ve announced it already huh?’ and let him live the rest of his life in ignorance because I’m just too decent a person.

You're a stronger man than me. I'd have to be a smart arse.

I've actually called game store clerks on their bullshit after overhearing conversations. Yes. My ego is important to me :(


You did good, Bern.

I can't stand extroverted nerds, to be honest. Especially when they aren't in the company of other nerds.

There was this girl at our training thing last week who came down from Brisbane and she was one of those extroverted nerds. Telling everyone how she loved anime and Sailor Moon. She then got annoyed with me because I told her I watched Dragonball Z as a kid and if I was going to watch it I should at least watch the Japanese version because it's bloody and violent.

That's all well and good, but it was in the company of a bunch of 23-25 year old young professionals.

Us introverted nerds know how to filter ourselves to difference audiences.


legend166 said:
You did good, Bern.

I can't stand extroverted nerds, to be honest. Especially when they aren't in the company of other nerds.

There was this girl at our training thing last week who came down from Brisbane and she was one of those extroverted nerds. Telling everyone how she loved anime and Sailor Moon. She then got annoyed with me because I told her I watched Dragonball Z as a kid and if I was going to watch it I should at least watch the Japanese version because it's bloody and violent.

That's all well and good, but it was in the company of a bunch of 23-25 year old young professionals.

Us introverted nerds know how to filter ourselves to difference audiences.

cautious of internet detective so wont mention company but given you work for said company it wouldnt surprise me if they were all nerds into sailor moon :D
I just smile and say something vapid like "Yeah, video games are fun" whenever someone spouts erroneous information as fact. It's easier than saying I spend way too much time trolling posting on NeoGAF, a video-game message board on the Internet.

In other news I got THREE streetpass hits today! Three. That's like a 150% increase over the total number I'd had in the week or two since launch.


viciouskillersquirrel said:
I just smile and say something vapid like "Yeah, video games are fun" whenever someone spouts erroneous information as fact. It's easier than saying I spend way too much time trolling posting on NeoGAF, a video-game message board on the Internet.

In other news I got THREE streetpass hits today! Three. That's like a 150% increase over the total number I'd had in the week or two since launch.

I went on the hunt for 50 in one day on Saturday for an article. Shit was hectic.


Megadrive said:
Well it's all floyd and zeppelin. So...

That's top songs over the entire time I've been using it.

If you go to 7 days, 3 months, or any of the other settings the list is entirely different.

Whenever I discover a new band I tend to binge on their music. I listen to nothing but their albums and live sets constantly until I move back to listening to all sorts of stuff. With Floyd & Zeppelin I collection thousands of bootlegs, so even though last.fm says I listened to Money a few hundred times, it was probably about 50 different versions from 25 years of tours.

If you look at my recent stuff it's mostly electronica and classical, with random days of rock and prog.
Kritz said:
Oh, that's a fair point.

Hats are absolutely void of merit and actively make everything they surround worse. Portal 2 launches with a store filled with hats. And I find that repulsive.

I don't have time to argue the point, but I am entirely correct.

yes you are. entirely. no doubt about it at all.
Oh god. Why hats why!
I'm fairly against the way this whole micro transaction thing is going. Spend so much money for very little. If they provided some sort of ingame bonus I'd be on board but paying for cosmetics ingame just makes me angry.


Hmmm... So hard to resist the urge to buy local for Portal 2...

Just have to keep reminding myself I'm getting it for $60 cheaper or so...
Marshmellow said:
Oh god. Why hats why!
I'm fairly against the way this whole micro transaction thing is going. Spend so much money for very little. If they provided some sort of ingame bonus I'd be on board but paying for cosmetics ingame just makes me angry.

thats it exactly. paying for such little is what i dont like about it and whats more is that people do it so much that now its acceptable and seems to be the way everything is going. i dont want to live in a world where i eventually have to pay through the teeth for every single little bit of content. "unlock the next level only $5." on 6 hour games is ridiculous.
Marshmellow said:
Oh god. Why hats why!
I'm fairly against the way this whole micro transaction thing is going. Spend so much money for very little. If they provided some sort of ingame bonus I'd be on board but paying for cosmetics ingame just makes me angry.
Tycho from Penny Arcade made a good point a while back. That he considers avatar-type items as a way of tipping* the developer for their good work. I'm cheap and don't agree with microtransactions, but it's an interesting way of looking at it.

*One could also argue that buying the game in the first place is a good way to thank the developer for their good work...
Kritz said:
Oh, that's a fair point.

Hats are absolutely void of merit and actively make everything they surround worse. Portal 2 launches with a store filled with hats. And I find that repulsive.

I don't have time to argue the point, but I am entirely correct.
Is this making fun of people who hate hats or is this your opinion? Haven't actually read the reasoning for why hats are bad so it would be cool to hear the details.

-Deadpool- said:
I've had other stuff delivered from Ozgameshop that was ordered after this one though which is what makes it slightly concerning.
I had this happen with 2 orders from Zavvi and the day I sent them an email about it, the game turned up. I'm pretty sure they ask to give it 30 days after which contact them and they will probably send out another copy (or track down who forgot to send you one).

Bernbaum said:
At work, an IT technician told me that he wouldn’t get a 3DS just yet because he’d heard from a mate that a 3DS ‘XL’ was announced and was real and everything and that he’d wait for that..
I hear this a fair bit actually. Just what happens when revisions are announced a bit too often for the outer level consumer. The core consumers love the revisions Nintendo have done because they are actually worthwhile but grandma over there just worries that her bitchin' new DS is going to be outdated too fast.

Choc said:
lady stuck in flood waters who drowned in toowoomba told off by 000 operator for driving in floods
000 operators put up with a lot of shit and it is an incredibly stressful job. That said this doesn't make them look very good, certainly didn't give her enough of a go.

Rahk said:
Also, fuck Valve for giving the complete Valve pack to golden potato people. We're the biggest fucking nerds, we already own all your games including Portal 2!
Yup, makes me glad I didn't put in the time to grab them all. If anything they should have promised to gift them the next big Valve release in a few months time ;)
codswallop said:
Tycho from Penny Arcade made a good point a while back. That he considers avatar-type items as a way of tipping* the developer for their good work. I'm cheap and don't agree with microtransactions, but it's an interesting way of looking at it.

*One could also argue that buying the game in the first place is a good way to thank the developer for their good work...
Fking phone didnt post my message. 2nd time lucky.

I like the fact that TF2 u actually pay some money to the creators of the hats I believe.
I don't like that I pay $120 for 6 hours of gameplay.
I am fine with tychos thoughts as long as the games original price is like 20-40 bucks.
BananaArnie said:
thats it exactly. paying for such little is what i dont like about it and whats more is that people do it so much that now its acceptable and seems to be the way everything is going. i dont want to live in a world where i eventually have to pay through the teeth for every single little bit of content. "unlock the next level only $5." on 6 hour games is ridiculous.
Hats by Valve? In Team Fortress 2? Which came in a pack with Portal? and Half Life 2? and Episode 1? and Episode 2? All for the regular price of a game? They dared to start selling cheap, cosmetic hats that you don't actually have to buy to keep playing the game? The game they had been supporting with free content for how many years now?

Think back to a game way back in 2006. A great big RPG. They then allowed you to buy armour for your horse. It was stupid but unnecessary. They then created a massive expansion pack. It was great and easily worth the money. Other companies, such as Capcom, have come along and abused the DLC system but does that mean everybody should be torn to shreds for including some kinds of extra content system in their game? If it was already on the disc I would be much more willing to wag my finger at them. If it is on the disc I will be able to agree with you a little. Hopefully it isn't. Hopefully Valve continue to do the right thing by the consumer. Hey at least Portal 2 is $45 compared to most $80 PC titles, also that whole singleplayer plus separate co-op campaign thing seems nice. Would be nice to see other developers do the same.


Choc said:
cautious of internet detective so wont mention company but given you work for said company it wouldnt surprise me if they were all nerds into sailor moon :D

I'm pretty sure everyone knows who I work for. But no, they don't watch Sailor Moon :p
Marshmellow said:
Something like KZ3. If a game like that sold dlc or extras after paying 120 for only 6 hours everything after should be free
Killzone 3? The campaign itself is like 6 hours. The DLC is for MP maps. You would be paying $120 for like 60 hours, that is if you play MP. Otherwise you wouldn't bother buying the maps. I agree that MP maps should be free but COD has proven they can charge $15 for 3 maps because people find that it is worth the money since that $15 will get them another 30 hours of MP fun.

Or do you mean you spent $120 on Killzone 3 by itself? Most places it was around $80 at launch, you can import it for around $45.

Fred said:
Like the time Kritz paid $120 for Fable 3 and raged about how much it sucked but refused to take it back
Coincidently I was looking at the limited edition on PlayAsia, currently $33 but it was less than that as Deal of the Week. Want to play a lite RPG but really shouldn't add another game to the backlog (especially since I have Sacred 2 sitting there un-opened).


I can understand buying local if it's a console game and you have to get into the multiplayer on day 1 to keep up with the curve, but in that case it's not 6 hours gameplay. If you're paying $120 for a short single player game, and then complaining about paying full Australian prices, you get little sympathy. Like the time Kritz paid $120 for Fable 3 and raged about how much it sucked but refused to take it back.
Awesome, spoiler free, review of Portal 2 over at RPS.
The biggest dilemma in front of me now is how to tell you why Portal 2 is quite so magnificent, without robbing you of any of the surprises I received when playing. And the frustration is, you won’t understand why I can’t tell you things until you’ve played it for yourself.
Not sure how much longer I can hold out. Damn you hype!
Fredescu said:
I can understand buying local if it's a console game and you have to get into the multiplayer on day 1 to keep up with the curve, but in that case it's not 6 hours gameplay. If you're paying $120 for a short single player game, and then complaining about paying full Australian prices, you get little sympathy. Like the time Kritz paid $120 for Fable 3 and raged about how much it sucked but refused to take it back.

Im aware there will be little sympathy crying over local prices and yes that was the case i think it was 119 at EB or something.
CoD is just the start of it, thats rediculous, Halo is just as bad 1200 microshit points for 4 maps or something when you have already paid for the game, then rebought it twice for the same multiplayer with the new campaign and THEN have to pay for maps aswell otherwise u get locked out of new content/gametypes.

Dont get me wrong, i love halo. But its like, well i enjoyed the campaign and now ill return to enjoying the same multiplayer but i hope your enjoying my 400 or so dollars bungie.

So, whats stopping other people from doing the same thing, as u said CoD $15 for 3 maps. nothing is stopping them.
Marshmellow said:
Im aware there will be little sympathy crying over local prices and yes that was the case i think it was 119 at EB or something.
CoD is just the start of it, thats rediculous, Halo is just as bad 1200 microshit points for 4 maps or something when you have already paid for the game, then rebought it twice for the same multiplayer with the new campaign and THEN have to pay for maps aswell otherwise u get locked out of new content/gametypes.

Dont get me wrong, i love halo. But its like, well i enjoyed the campaign and now ill return to enjoying the same multiplayer but i hope your enjoying my 400 or so dollars bungie.

So, whats stopping other people from doing the same thing, as u said CoD $15 for 3 maps. nothing is stopping them.
As long as the value as there I don't have a problem. Otherwise I will vote with my wallet. Were the Halo 2 map packs on the original Xbox free or did they cost money too? Not sure. I would like to see a community approach, like Valve with the hat store. A bunch of community designers made $39,000 in 2 weeks. UT3 also had free community map packs. Hell, a lot of developers are made up of people who started out designing maps and mods. The value is there in the map packs so I understand why they can charge for them, it would be nice if they gave them out for free.

Dead Man

Clipper said:
Hmmm... So hard to resist the urge to buy local for Portal 2...

Just have to keep reminding myself I'm getting it for $60 cheaper or so...
Same. So very hard.

Marshmellow said:
Oh god. Why hats why!
I'm fairly against the way this whole micro transaction thing is going. Spend so much money for very little. If they provided some sort of ingame bonus I'd be on board but paying for cosmetics ingame just makes me angry.
I'd be much more upset if they provided an ingame bonus. Buying better stats is a shit system, that too many companies seem to try to implement in various ways.
Fredescu said:
Like the time Kritz paid $120 for Fable 3 and raged about how much it sucked but refused to take it back.
oh kritz. you so silly.
there is like all of the portals ever going on in the steam chat.
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