It is, isn't it?!? And it's in Melbourne, which makes it cooler.Salazar said:Fighting stream is fascinating.
It is, isn't it?!? And it's in Melbourne, which makes it cooler.Salazar said:Fighting stream is fascinating.
Dying in Zelda is a fact of life. Even the tough guys die in it.Rezbit said:Okay I died in OoT. Should I feel like a dunce?
I don't think I've ever seen the game over screen in any Zelda game post-Majora's Mask.trinest said:Dying in Zelda is a fact of life. Even the tough guys die in it.
Congrats Mr. Mod! Nice to see you slumming down here in AusGAF! Also the whole supply chain/parellel importing thing could get very interesting in the coming months. Will Nintendo withhold stock? Will retailers push harder? Will the Wii U be at the EBGames Expo? Also Game Traders were selling UK stock so they will be fine. I've bought several games from EB that have just had Australian stickers stuck over the top of Euro ratings.EatChildren said:So is there anywhere that isn't selling Ocarina of Time now? GameTraders are going to get in so much shit.
Welcome another Kirby! Nice to see another MelbGAFfer. Also import a Vita from Amazon for like $250AUD. PC gamers are very welcome here. Post your Steam ID and jump into the AusGAF group for some SteamChat shenanigans.Kerrby said:Hello guys, new here. Just got approved after a year and a half in the moderation queue.
From Melbourne, love my games, love my sport. Mostly a PC gamer now after rarely playing my PS3. Extremely excited for the PS Vita, probably my most anticipated console ever.
reptilescorpio said:Also Game Traders were selling UK stock so they will be fine. I've bought several games from EB that have just had Australian stickers stuck over the top of Euro ratings.
reptilescorpio said:Welcome another Kirby! Nice to see another MelbGAFfer. Also import a Vita from Amazon for like $250AUD. PC gamers are very welcome here. Post your Steam ID and jump into the AusGAF group for some SteamChat shenanigans.
Kerrby said:Hello guys, new here. Just got approved after a year and a half in the moderation queue.
Everyone but JB Online- which is where my preorder is.EatChildren said:So is there anywhere that isn't selling Ocarina of Time now? GameTraders are going to get in so much shit.
As a consumer who has had to put up with their shit for so many years I would love for them to come around to the idea but it will all come back to how much they value our market. I know that there would be plenty of people at the other offices who probably want Australia to get same day release as UK/USA but something has been blocking it for a long time now. Hopefully NoA can convince the other territories that it will be worth it to go day-and-date. I'm not getting my hopes up. I feel it is more likely they get told to punish Game Traders and quietly screw over EB if they get the chance, not to a big degree but enough so that EB understands that Nintendo still hold power.EatChildren said:If anything I hope this gives Nintendo Australia a kick up the arse about late releases.
Lies. Especially in Ocarina of Time, unless it's death by chickens.trinest said:Dying in Zelda is a fact of life. Even the tough guys die in it.
I don't think NoA has any influence over anything about this, they've got NOTHING to do with Australia. If headquarters in Japan want it that way, that's the way it'll be. So much of their thinking is stuck in the past. I hope for more such shenanigans in the future because I don't think one incident will change much.reptilescorpio said:As a consumer who has had to put up with their shit for so many years I would love for them to come around to the idea but it will all come back to how much they value our market. I know that there would be plenty of people at the other offices who probably want Australia to get same day release as UK/USA but something has been blocking it for a long time now. Hopefully NoA can convince the other territories that it will be worth it to go day-and-date. I'm not getting my hopes up. I feel it is more likely they get told to punish Game Traders and quietly screw over EB if they get the chance, not to a big degree but enough so that EB understands that Nintendo still hold power.
The problem is though, we have always essencially been a repackaged version of either the USA version (since they removed the region free from 3DS not anymore) or the European version. We hardly ever get AUS versions of items. Essencially- there shouldn't be any delay at all. There is no reason.reptilescorpio said:As a consumer who has had to put up with their shit for so many years I would love for them to come around to the idea but it will all come back to how much they value our market. I know that there would be plenty of people at the other offices who probably want Australia to get same day release as UK/USA but something has been blocking it for a long time now. Hopefully NoA can convince the other territories that it will be worth it to go day-and-date. I'm not getting my hopes up. I feel it is more likely they get told to punish Game Traders and quietly screw over EB if they get the chance, not to a big degree but enough so that EB understands that Nintendo still hold power.
But Volvagia can take three hearts off you with one hit! And I thought I could spam attack!hirokazu said:Lies. Especially in Ocarina of Time, unless it's death by chickens.
Kerrby said:Do I just jump in AusGAF chat? It's a bit daunting.
End of the night? The night is still on its only 9. Let's get this party started.evlcookie said:Yes. It should be quietish at the moment, sorta gets that way towards the end of the night.
trinest said:End of the night? The night is still on its only 9. Let's get this party started.
Yeah, just jump in. Don't worry, we're a friendly bunch.Kerrby said:Do I just jump in AusGAF chat? It's a bit daunting.
Kerrby said:I should be out clubbing now. Another Saturday night cancelled.
Go out anyway! Be that guy.Kerrby said:I should be out clubbing now. Another Saturday night cancelled.
CrazedProfessional said:Fuck TF2 is buggy, also Hi Kritz.
trinest said:Essentially, there shouldn't be any delay at all. There is no reason.
Yeah this is exactly how I feel. If they think we are worth the effort they will stop with the stupid delay, otherwise nothing will change.hirokazu said:If headquarters in Japan want it that way, that's the way it'll be. So much of their thinking is stuck in the past. I hope for more such shenanigans in the future because I don't think one incident will change much.
I don't think a person exists who would want to go clubbing rather than that. Which reminds me, new Futurama is out and I really should sit down and watch it.Gazunta said:Writing comics about sexually perverted chocolate bars and old video games while hosting a cat on your lap and watching Simpsons > clubbing
Kritz said:Did we play tonight?
Sorry, my memory's kinda shitty. I have no idea the context of that greeting. :<
I don't know, I remember Ocarina of Time being piss easy. Everything's got a pattern, once you work it out its very difficult to die.Rezbit said:But Volvagia can take three hearts off you with one hit! And I thought I could spam attack!
I still think it was. Still enjoyed it a bit anyway. Could've been worse, could have been how to How To Lose Friends & Alienate People.reptilescorpio said:So watching Run Fatboy Run for the first time. What the hell! The advertising when it was in the cinemas was horrid, made me think it was a b-grade rom-com so Simon Pegg could make some quick cash.
I recall not minding RFR and being surprised at some of the cameos/guests in it. Pegg really needs to pick his roles carefully, though. Maybe he's just suited to stuff directed by Edgar Wright.reptilescorpio said:So watching Run Fatboy Run for the first time. What the hell! The advertising when it was in the cinemas was horrid, made me think it was a b-grade rom-com so Simon Pegg could make some quick cash. Turns out it is actually a pretty funny movie. Even has Dylan Moran and a funny Indian guy. And Ross directed it? Huh. Also Down Periscope was the 5 shittiest minutes of movie I have ever seen. Turdburglers.
Shaneus said:Fake edit: Fuck, forgot about Futurama. Haven't seen a thread crop up in OT about it... is GAF slacking?
IMPOSTER!!Kerrby said:Hello guys, new here. Just got approved after a year and a half in the moderation queue.
We need pics man!legend166 said:Back home.
Shaneus said:PS. Down Periscope was totally worth it for Lauren Holly in a tight naval uniform.
I saw the first 5 minutes that Rob Schneider was in and wanted to vomit. Maybe it got better after the start. I put up with it longer than Transformers at least, fuck that is a shitty movie. Has anyone made a youtube version with just the bots?bodyboarder said:And it's an awesome movie to boot.
reptilescorpio said:I saw the first 5 minutes that Rob Schneider was in and wanted to vomit. Maybe it got better after the start. I put up with it longer than Transformers at least, fuck that is a shitty movie. Has anyone made a youtube version with just the bots?
Well I went out and got drunk, lol u nerdsAdventureRacing said:Playing games and chatting on steam < clubbing.
I completely forgot that a mate of mine was having a house warming last night. All I did was play some Infamous until I got too irritated with the eventually sloppy controls/geometry and channel surfed until going to bed while the gf was playing Facebook games. Does this mean I am old now?jambo said:Well I went out and got drunk, lol u nerds