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AusGAF 5/5 - Everything's Amazing and Nobody's Happy, a rental at best


Just started watching Battlestar Galactica (the newer version). Pretty awesome, but I hate how they have mini-spoilers in the titles for the upcoming episode, what's the deal with that? I'm literally just about to watch it, you don't need to spoil any scenes for me, jeez.


Thanks everyone for the kind words, sentiments, PMs, and some rather humourous posts.

Fingers crossed I can get out of the woods soon, hinging on finding that merciful employer or employment agent. Your tips in this regard have been taken on board, which will hopefully increase my chances.

Fred, I have spent 4 years in insurance on both the insurer and the broker side, with a minor qualification from The Institute in regards to client privacy, procedures and regulations. I spent 4 years in retail and hold a Certificate III in Retail Operations that JB put me through when I worked there. Neither of them are anything major (maybe qualification was too strong a word?), but in a number of cases should at least get me the opportunity at an interview; no such luck. It probably doesn't help that both these industries are experiencing hard times at the moment.


It probably doesn't help that both these industries are experiencing hard times at the moment.
Yeah, they are. My wife works for QBE and half of her department was made redundant while she was on maternity leave. She's the only person doing what a team of six used to do before.

Your story is both sad and uplifting, it seems like your aunt has raised you well and left a positive impact on the person you've grown to be. Who owns the house you currently live in? If it's your grans and likely to be left in a will to the family it sounds like Brian is a prick who will kick you out anyway. Do you have plans for what you would do in that situation.

I admire what you have done / are doing but you also need to look after yourself


Who owns the house you currently live in? If it's your grans and likely to be left in a will to the family it sounds like Brian is a prick who will kick you out anyway. Do you have plans for what you would do in that situation.

I admire what you have done / are doing but you also need to look after yourself

My Gran owns the house and part of it is to be left to Brian in her will. An equal amount is to be left to me I'm told. I was originally to be given less than what she's allocated now, but she recently removed other people as they swooped in literally hours after Robyn's death to lay claim to some of her things (I wish I was joking here).

Brian won't/can't kick me out as things stand at the moment, I don't believe he would have any grounds to do so. At present, the proviso is basically "handle things yourself, or get out".

I think anyone would do what I've done/am doing. People look after you, care for you and love you as a child and adolescent. The time comes when those roles become reversed and it seems only fair. Looking after yourself in that situation is hard as plenty of people are willing to babysit children, but not the elderly. Hopefully once I'm employed again, the rest of it will come.


You'd be surprised how irrational people can be when you find their Achilles Heel. I should know.
I know the secret about your ratings system. You told me while drunk on Saturday. I shall forever hold it above your head until you least expect it.


Also, I've just been on the receiving end of an Underpants Gnomes-esque traceroute:

  1    12 ms     1 ms    <1 ms  xxxxx (Switch X) [10.x.x.x]
  2    <1 ms    <1 ms    <1 ms  xxxxx (Switch X) [168.x.x.x]
  3     *        *        *     Request timed out.
  4   188 ms   201 ms   188 ms  xxxxx (Server) [10.x.x.x]

I have an invite to the Steam app beta as well, but won't be able to gift it until tonight. Unless... I CAN GIFT IT THROUGH TEH APP ITSELF? INSCEPTICON!!!


Danoss no offence mate you're problems are way bigger then this and i feel for you.

and this is NOTHING compared to your issues but i want to talk about it because i think this is shit.

i am pissed off

Today i went to DSE and purchased an item, a clock radio with ipod connectivity because its small and fits our table better


it was on the shelf for $68. Quite good you would think.

So i go to the counter and buy it, lady says i will throw in a warranty for free. I'm like ok, whatever, free is good things

Get back to office, look at receipt

Item scanned up at 49.95

So, what did she do, she added the warranty to the price of the item so it then became 68 again.

I paid what i thought was correct and walked out.

At no time did she tell me

1) the price is 49 not 68

2) the warranty was not 'free' (i would never have said yes because they are the biggest bullshit rip offs ever and money show exposed them)

3) That i was indeed paying for the warranty

Now sorry for mine this comes under misleading and deceptive conduct of a business and thus is illegal.

I have the receipt here clearly showing the different prices.

it also has the name of the person who served me on it

now i could go back to the store complain and easily get a refund. but this does not sort the problem for people in the future

i could write to the manager and say how disgusted i am with their service and that i will not shop there again. Chances are its the managers idea to try this stunt

or third

i could go to a regulatory body and inform them of this misleading and deceptive practice.

I don't know, what would you guys do. Keeping in mind that this problem is ingrained into the business because of the commisions they are paid on warranty extensions (which in itself is a major problem)

so therefore a simple refund probably won't help others
Or, it could be a case where staff cannot discount a warranty so they reduce the shelf price of the item to account for the cost. It's how they do it everywhere else.

If you're going to write to a regulatory body just add it to your Surcharge complaint letter. How's that going, by the way?
Choc, I've had the same thing happen at JB. You wouldn't have got the thing for $49 if you'd said no to the warranty, so I don't see any issue here.


Choc, I've had the same thing happen at JB.

I'd do that when I worked there. If a customer was going to buy something outright with no request of a discount and there was enough room to squeeze a warranty in the product margin, I'd do it. It made my figures look better and my commission was higher.

If this was me at JB and it was marked $68, you'd have it for $68 with a warranty or $68 without a warranty. One benefits both you and me, the other does not. Also, the rule is never discount the warranty, always the main item.

If however, a price drop slipped through to $49.95, that's a different story. Neither I, nor any other member of my department would pretend we didn't see it. We would inform you of the good news, apologise, give you the lower price and investigate and execute the price change immediately.


Guys would totally agree if.......

I checked receipt again

Dock 49.95
Warranty 22

So I paid 71.95 for something listed 68

I paid 85 overall as I bought something else so it was not apparent straight away.

Still dunno what I will do re: surcharge

I have no issue with them aside from the fact it is illegal. I know you will argue they are not but the accc says in nsw they are
Yeah, they are. My wife works for QBE and half of her department was made redundant while she was on maternity leave. She's the only person doing what a team of six used to do before.
Fuck QBE, seriously. These are the guys that promised my wife a permanent position when her contract finished, then two weeks later sent her an email to tell her the contract wasn't being renewed and the person sending it hid in a meeting for the rest of the afternoon. Same story, team of about 15, now down to three.

Also if anyone still needs a Steam Mobile invite let me know.


With both MCV Pacific and KotakuAU publishing the THQ AU and Japan rumours, I'm going to go ahead and make a thread in Gaming about it.


Righto, at the risk of exposing myself to much snark and tittering by all-too-obviously missing many AusGAF memes and in-jokes, here goes:

Steam ID?

360 Gamertag?
oipic (almost exclusively a
PC gamer these days, though)

PS3 thingy?

muttergrumble (rarely if ever post, more a passive consumer of tweets for news etc)

Thoughts on SOAP?
Chandrika Ayurvedic - awesome stuff, if perhaps a little too lathery? Romp through bars of this stuff at an alarming rate.

Sexiest Bond: Pierce Brosnan or Sir Sean "The Rock" Connery?
Connery. Love Brosnan, born to play Bond etc, but it's more of a mate-like love, not so much a sex thing.

Would you buy a Crackdown 3?
Not even vaguely interested (...unless ported to PC)

Thoughts on Viva Pinata Party Pinatas?
Sorely pales in comparison to the original, which was a charming piece of work, and deceptively deep.

iOS gamer or Android user?
Locked-down corporate Blackberry user, I'm afraid. The boffins haven't disabled Texas Hold 'Em yet, bless them.

How do you feel about DRM and always on DRM?
While I admire the GOG/CD Projekt model, DRM is a sadly necessary evil in most cases; always-on variants are over-the-top and counter-productive, however. Hang on, where does Steam fit? I love Steam, it's a game in itself.

Is Warhammer 40k Space Marine a horrible Gears of War knockoff?
Not particularly qualified to answer, but...nah, don't think so.

Do you Kooka with Country Cookies?
As often as I can! Raspberry, thanks.

UGG boots. Do you speak it?
Heavens no.

Red Rock Deli chips are the best chips.
Arguable. Just discovered Grain Waves, they're delectable.

Picking up a Vita or have a 3DS?
No Sir, I have no hankering for such mobile gaming bits and bobs.

D&D or Board Games or IRL Role Playing or Furry or Capcom fan?
Board games rock, just need more buds to play them with.

Sexy: Karen Gillan? Ricki Lee? Missy Higgins?
Missy all the way. Musically-accomplished women, they are my weakness.

Have you picked up a copy of the highly acclaimed 3rd album by Enter Shikari called A Flash Flood Of Colour yet?
I have! Not of a 'genre' I dip into much these days, as I'm getting all strangely mellow-like, but what this album does, it does well. So much better than Common Dreads, which was tiresome and forgettable.

Join AusGAF real mug with mug club! People are doing Avatars with the first letter of your username, just in case you are wondering what is up with all the letters looking at you.
So, no mugs with first letters for Feb?

Tony Abbott: Best budgie smuggler or just saggy smarmy arsehole?
Looks good for his age, admittedly, but clearly the latter. I have no time for ANY of the current crop of Australian politicians. Except Tanya Plibersek. Don't let me down, Tanya.

Jalapeño man?
Not so much - I know my limitations.

You mean some folks don't eat bacon? Madness. It's a tasty accompaniment to so many dishes, and when push comes to shove, often a dish in its own right.

Interest in alcohol? Scotch and Cider?
Had a messy Southern Comfort 'incident' as a young lad, haven't been near anything similar since. Beer, wine, gin, vodka, cider every now and then, though, they all have their place and time.

Do you plays the Halos or Duties?
Too old for these twitch gaming shenanigans - my best days are long gone, much to my frustration. More leisurely pursuits, please.

tl;dr - I'm a lurker by nature, and don't have much of interest to say...but you're a fine bunch to lurk with. Hold me to your warm collective bosom, AusGAF.
Righto, at the risk of exposing myself to much snark and tittering by all-too-obviously missing many AusGAF memes and in-jokes, here goes:

Steam ID?


Welcome, You may bask in this post. Maybe print it out and hang it up on a wall framed somewhere..

On a more serious note, that was an amusing Monday afternoon read :D thanks

From which part of AUS do you hail sir?


It is quite the hand for fapping.
Hah, it even looks like the guy is saying "All the better to fap you with!" in a creepy voice.

Which reminds me of this in a way:



Hah, it even looks like the guy is saying "All the better to fap you with!" in a creepy voice.

Which reminds me of this in a way:


Haha, I can totally see that! Plus that gif is pretty great.

I forgot about the letter avatar thing, so mine is updated now. It's a cuter interpretation of a Deep One from the Cthulhu Mythos.

Dead Man

Bit late to real pic january fap? Better late than than never I guess.
Or, it could be a case where staff cannot discount a warranty so they reduce the shelf price of the item to account for the cost. It's how they do it everywhere else.

If you're going to write to a regulatory body just add it to your Surcharge complaint letter. How's that going, by the way?

I know it's fun to stir crazy old choc, but at least he gives a shit.

I like this oipic creature.

Indeed, seems a fine addition to the ranks.


I'd do that when I worked there. If a customer was going to buy something outright with no request of a discount and there was enough room to squeeze a warranty in the product margin, I'd do it. It made my figures look better and my commission was higher.

I got a $1 two-year warranty on my PS3 when I got it at DSE, the clerk just was like "Listen, it makes my quota look awesome and you're paying like a buck more, okay?" and I was like "Alright, sweet"


I got a $1 two-year warranty on my PS3 when I got it at DSE, the clerk just was like "Listen, it makes my quota look awesome and you're paying like a buck more, okay?" and I was like "Alright, sweet"

Retail needs more people like him. That's cool.
If someone here has a local copy of Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom for PS3, could you please tell me the code on the side? It should start with BLES-xxxxx, I'm trying to figure out if a UK copy will be compatible with Aussie DLC. Thanks!

Dead Man

If someone here has a local copy of Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom for PS3, could you please tell me the code on the side? It should start with BLES-xxxxx, I'm trying to figure out if a UK copy will be compatible with Aussie DLC. Thanks!

Can't help, but damn I hate that about PS3 games. Region free, then fuck you in the arse with the DLC.


I still have a Steam app invite, too.

You know, I'm going to keep my avatar as it is. If it humanises my posts and helps people realise that I have feelings too, they may go easy on me.

And that's when I attack.


Hi guys I'm new here. Please be nice, I don't like it when people yell at each other due to deep seated childhood issues.

Steam ID?
I prefer it poach ID.

360 Gamertag?
agyar too

PS3 thingy?
Blu-ray Disc


Thoughts on SOAP?
I hate Obama for trying to ban it.

Sexiest Bond: Pierce Brosnan or Sir Sean "The Rock" Connery?
There is only one Bond.

Would you buy a Crackdown 3?

Thoughts on Viva Pinata Party Pinatas?

iOS gamer or Android user?
I play Carcassonne on my iPhone. Find me by asking Bernbaum for my Game Centre ID.

How do you feel about DRM and always on DRM?
If PC gaming is so great, why don't you marry it?

Is Warhammer 40k Space Marine a horrible Gears of War knockoff?
Who cares.

Do you Kooka with Country Cookies?
Overrated, plus biscuits are for fatties.

UGG boots. Do you speak it?
Sure, why not.

Red Rock Deli chips are the best chips.
Grain Waves aren't chips.

Picking up a Vita or have a 3DS?
No but I will be buying one of the new Uncharted: Portable devices.

D&D or Board Games or IRL Role Playing or Furry or Capcom fan?
No, Yes, No, Yes, Yes.

Sexy: Karen Gillan? Ricki Lee? Missy Higgins?
Ricki Lee

Have you picked up a copy of the highly acclaimed 3rd album by Enter Shikari called A Flash Flood Of Colour yet?
Nobody cares about your indie whatever.

Join AusGAF real mug with mug club!

Tony Abbott: Best budgie smuggler or just saggy smarmy arsehole?

Jalapeño man?
What did you say about my peño?


Interest in alcohol? Scotch and Cider?
I was into scotch and cider while you were getting your friend's brother to buy you a six pack of UDLs because you didn't like the taste of alcohol but did like peer pressure.

Do you plays the Halos or Duties?
Gears 3 and Battlefield 3 when I have a reasonable connection again.
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