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AusGAF 5/5 - Everything's Amazing and Nobody's Happy, a rental at best


Jintor thread am cry

Probably no-one cares because it's unconfirmed and it's just the publishers themselves, with no dev teams (and thus no games) being directly affected. The knock-on effect will probably make itself known with the Feb 2nd quarterly earnings call though.


I will answer these questions.

Steam ID?

360 Gamertag?

PS3 thingy?


Thoughts on SOAP?
SOPA is a bad bill that threatened the freedom of the internet, so I go for against.

Sexiest Bond: Pierce Brosnan or Sir Sean "The Rock" Connery?
Daniel Craig.

Would you buy a Crackdown 3?
No, because Crackdown 2 was bad.

Thoughts on Viva Pinata Party Pinatas?
Any pinatas that party around me get a good whacking.

iOS gamer or Android user?
iOS, because my iPhones are free.

How do you feel about DRM and always on DRM?
I feel DRM rarely works against piracy but it's something publishers have to implement. The best form of DRM is Steam with the way they make their service so attractive to join and buy games on. My internet is always on so I'm indifferent to always on DRM.

Is Warhammer 40k Space Marine a horrible Gears of War knockoff?

Do you Kooka with Country Cookies?
Never had any.

UGG boots. Do you speak it?
Nope. I only wear slippers and sneakers.

Red Rock Deli chips are the best chips.
Grain Waves are better, followed by Kettle and Red Rock Deli in a tie.

Picking up a Vita or have a 3DS?
Have 3DS, regret buying it for full price. Want Vita, maybe i'll buy it for full price.

D&D or Board Games or IRL Role Playing or Furry or Capcom fan?
No, no, no, sometimes, kinda.

Sexy: Karen Gillan? Ricki Lee? Missy Higgins?
Karen Gillan is the hottest woman in the world. I would even bang the old version of Amy Pond from that one episode last season of Doctor Who. She is the hottest character to ever appear in the series, closely followed by David Tennant. When she leaves the show I expect the quality to suffer as I no longer have this woman to look at.

Have you picked up a copy of the highly acclaimed 3rd album by Enter Shikari called A Flash Flood Of Colour yet?
Nope. Unfortunately my rigorous consumption of Korean Starcraft 2 tournaments have put me into a K-pop mood which I find myself unable to break out of yet.

Join AusGAF real mug with mug club! People are doing Avatars with the first letter of your username, just in case you are wondering what is up with all the letters looking at you.
I see.

Tony Abbott: Best budgie smuggler or just saggy smarmy arsehole?
He's an arsehole.

Jalapeño man?

I am not a man made out of bacon but I do like to eat bacon.

Interest in alcohol? Scotch and Cider?
No, I drink like once every few months. I am a clean man.

Do you plays the Halos or Duties?
I play the halos single player and the duties multiplayer.


Is Warhammer 40k Space Marine a horrible Gears of War knockoff?

It's so much fucken better than that. Apart from the borked PR, the asshole community management, the sentry turret sections, the fucked server situation, the co-op and MP emphasis, general LOLTHQ.
It's so much fucken better than that. Apart from the borked PR, the asshole community management, the sentry turret sections, the fucked server situation, the co-op and MP emphasis, general LOLTHQ.

Agreed. I played space marine and gears 3 pretty much back to back. I was fully expecting space marine to pale in comparison, but it really didn't. The melee and the lack of cover really differentiated them.

Hears was definitely a more polished, better game, but space marine was awesome


Agreed. I played space marine and gears 3 pretty much back to back. I was fully expecting space marine to pale in comparison, but it really didn't. The melee and the lack of cover really differentiated them.

Hears was definitely a more polished, better game, but space marine was awesome

I was the opposite and this isn't to say either game is bad. I played through Space Marine and couldn't swallow gears so soon after (i tried)

I am now playing through gears though
Just noticed a boatload of decay around one of my back molars. Was meant to go in and get a cleanup of decay from a lot of my teeth last June. Never got around to it. Dang it.

That's kinda why I may be quick to react or misinterpret something. I've just lost a very dear family member and I'm between a rock and a hard place at the moment and I'm very stressed. I'm sure it's all very funny.
That sucks man. If family don't stick together and do the right thing I have no time for them. My Uncle has been a real dick for a long time and after my Poppa died he even sold the land they lived on out from underneath her. Thankfully the farmers who bought the land told her she was perfectly fine to stay there as long as need be but it is pretty painful for your son to take all your families money and effectively put you out on the street. If they don't want to support you or your grandmother it is best to put them out of your mind.

I know a few people who have cared for their parents and they all agree they would never change it for the world. They all now have jobs and the experience hasn't made it harder for them, most employers would look at it as a huge positive because of the strength required to be a carer for someone.

Focus on doing what you want to do and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. It is your life to lead the way you want. You sound like a noble bloke and we need more people like you around.

jintor sell me this months PCPP.
It looks colourful and worse comes to worst it would make sensual toiletpaper.

Will we see UFC 3 in Australia? Zero guarantee right now

What about the Vita launch titles? I really don't know
Why wouldn't we? There would be tons of distributors clamouring to take up the business.

Fred, I have spent 4 years in insurance on both the insurer and the broker side, with a minor qualification from The Institute in regards to client privacy, procedures and regulations. I spent 4 years in retail and hold a Certificate III in Retail Operations that JB put me through when I worked there. Neither of them are anything major (maybe qualification was too strong a word?), but in a number of cases should at least get me the opportunity at an interview; no such luck. It probably doesn't help that both these industries are experiencing hard times at the moment.
Keep going, it is a numbers game. Eventually you will hit on someone at the right time and place. If I somehow got a job with no experience you will find one since you have a great background.

You can't change dogs into cats man. Too many genetic mutations to contain the physical structure.

Bit late to real pic january fap? Better late than than never I guess.

Sexy: Karen Gillan? Ricki Lee? Missy Higgins?
Missy all the way. Musically-accomplished women, they are my weakness.

Have you picked up a copy of the highly acclaimed 3rd album by Enter Shikari called A Flash Flood Of Colour yet?
I have! Not of a 'genre' I dip into much these days, as I'm getting all strangely mellow-like, but what this album does, it does well.

Join AusGAF real mug with mug club! People are doing Avatars with the first letter of your username, just in case you are wondering what is up with all the letters looking at you.
So, no mugs with first letters for Feb?
Good man. We should hang out. I'm ignoring the comment about Common Dreads for now.

Also the Mug Letter idea is brilliant! I am looking forward to going back to my fox though sorry.



Steam ID?
360 Gamertag? PS3 thingy?
Something like that.
Thoughts on SOAP?
Trend setter
Sexiest Bond: Pierce Brosnan or Sir Sean "The Rock" Connery?
Fuckin' nope
Would you buy a Crackdown 3?
One crackdown is all I ever needed.
Thoughts on Viva Pinata Party Pinatas?
Shit's kinda fun in an actual party environment. My younger cousins seemed to enjoy it.
iOS gamer or Android user?
One of those.
How do you feel about DRM and always on DRM?
It's awesome as shit.
Is Warhammer 40k Space Marine a horrible Gears of War knockoff?
I turned subtitles off and voice to mute, and played about 2-3 podcasts over the game. That's more interest held than I ever had with Gears of War.
Do you Kooka with Country Cookies?
UGG boots. Do you speak it?
Red Rock Deli chips are the best chips.
Picking up a Vita or have a 3DS?

D&D or Board Games or IRL Role Playing or Furry or Capcom fan?
Sexy: Karen Gillan? Ricki Lee? Missy Higgins?
Have you picked up a copy of the highly acclaimed 3rd album by Enter Shikari called A Flash Flood Of Colour yet?
Join AusGAF real mug with mug club! People are doing Avatars with the first letter of your username, just in case you are wondering what is up with all the letters looking at you.
Tony Abbott: Best budgie smuggler or just saggy smarmy arsehole?

Jalapeño man?
I only eat white people food.
This is white people food.
Interest in alcohol? Scotch and Cider?
Do you plays the Halos or Duties?
More than I'd care to.


yeah you are correct but to negotiate a distribution agreement for THQ titles would take more then the 3 weeks until UFC is out period

Also who knows what the terms of the UFC agreement is


remember, THQ Asia Pacific sponsor UFC down under when they come

this could be a real problem for that event. Doubt it given the popularity they should be able to get another sponsor but wow

its not beyond the realm of possibility the THQ AP sponsorship is part of the game licencing agreement. They can't deliver, they lose the licence due to contract break

(FWIW i believe THQ will lose UFC licence this year and EA will take it) and someone swoops in and gets it


Fuck, we're all doing this now? I was going to do it to be cool and unique, but now I... I dunno. Just gonna do it.

Steam ID?
Shaneus. Or Shaneus2k2. I forget the difference b/w Steam ID and profile ID.

360 Gamertag?

PS3 thingy?
Shaneus2k2? I don't know, never made an effort to remember (or give a shit)

@therealshaneus. Feel free to harass @shaneus, he's a cunt who hardly ever uses his account. Actually, I've just had another look and he's just posting shit from his tumblr. WHY DON'T YOU JUST STICK TO TUMBLR YOU CUNT?

Thoughts on SOAP?
I use SOPA to make me CLEAN-A

Sexiest Bond: Pierce Brosnan or Sir Sean "The Rock" Connery?
I'd have to go with Clive Owen.

Would you buy a Crackdown 3?
No, I'd buy ALL the Crackdown 3s.

Thoughts on Viva Pinata Party Pinatas?
It's awesome fun when playing with the guy who designed it.

iOS gamer or Android user?
iOS. Gamecenter nick: Shaneus2k2. That cunt @Shaneus probably stole Shaneus.

How do you feel about DRM and always on DRM?
We should go back to code wheels and, where necessary, the LSL method of asking the phone numbers of hot EGA ladies.

Is Warhammer 40k Space Marine a horrible Gears of War knockoff?
No idear, dear.

Do you Kooka with Country Cookies?
You fucking know this. I once had to be hospitalised for a Kooka dose. Turns out there is a thing as too many.

UGG boots. Do you speak it?
Speak it? I hardly even know it!

Red Rock Deli chips are the best chips.
Only until you've tried the rosemary and onion Safeway Grain Waves knockoff.

Picking up a Vita or have a 3DS?
SNK handheld, motherfucker. Just put the option in the question already, reptile.

D&D or Board Games or IRL Role Playing or Furry or Capcom fan?
Old AD&Der in the days of SSI and codewheels and Pool of Radiance, but none of the others. Unless wanting to fuck stuffed koalas is a bad thing...

Sexy: Karen Gillan? Ricki Lee? Missy Higgins?
Haven't seem much of her, looks orright. Ricky-Lee pre-weight loss. Missy Higgins with long hair... also, she's a Geelong bird (I think).

Have you picked up a copy of the highly acclaimed 3rd album by Enter Shikari called A Flash Flood Of Colour yet?
Enter... what? Nah, not my scene.

Join AusGAF real mug with mug club! People are doing Avatars with the first letter of your username, just in case you are wondering what is up with all the letters looking at you.
Like I've written before, the RL photo avi thing tends to humanise my posts, which means people are less likely to attack me. Right?

Tony Abbott: Best budgie smuggler or just saggy smarmy arsehole?
Señor Superdouche

Jalapeño man?
and Capsicum Boy!

and Egg Boy.
Okay. That joke doesn't work twice (or even once).
Interest in alcohol? Scotch and Cider?
Coronas. Coffee Patrone. Monteith's Cider during the warmer months.

Do you plays the Halos or Duties?
After many pointless purchases, I've discovered that I'm not cut out for FPSes. They just sit there and do nothing. A certain point will be reached in the game, usually a third through, then I'll find something else to play.



Steam ID?
Caradoc123, I think. I dunno.
360 Gamertag? PS3 thingy?
Nar. Never take them puppies online.
Yar. I only follow tho.
Thoughts on SOAP?
Uh ?
Sexiest Bond: Pierce Brosnan or Sir Sean "The Rock" Connery?
Would you buy a Crackdown 3?
If it was completely different. And even then, give me that Just Cause hotness.
Thoughts on Viva Pinata Party Pinatas?
iOS gamer or Android user?
iOS 4 lyfe.
How do you feel about DRM and always on DRM?
Fuck it.
Is Warhammer 40k Space Marine a horrible Gears of War knockoff?
Gears bores me. Space Marine was a good game.
Do you Kooka with Country Cookies?
I used to.
UGG boots. Do you speak it?
Fuck no.
Red Rock Deli chips are the best chips.
Fuck that.
Picking up a Vita or have a 3DS?
Neither. iPad gets it done.
D&D or Board Games or IRL Role Playing or Furry or Capcom fan?
None of the above.
Sexy: Karen Gillan? Ricki Lee? Missy Higgins?
Gillan is legit hot. Ricki Lee and Higgins: would destroy, but not going to dream about it.
Have you picked up a copy of the highly acclaimed 3rd album by Enter Shikari called A Flash Flood Of Colour yet?
Join AusGAF real mug with mug club! People are doing Avatars with the first letter of your username, just in case you are wondering what is up with all the letters looking at you.
Fuck that.
Tony Abbott: Best budgie smuggler or just saggy smarmy arsehole?
Worst man alive.
Jalapeño man?
Interest in alcohol? Scotch and Cider?
Cider. Deffo cider.
Do you plays the Halos or Duties?
Guys would totally agree if.......

I checked receipt again

Dock 49.95
Warranty 22

So I paid 71.95 for something listed 68

I paid 85 overall as I bought something else so it was not apparent straight away.
That's all well and good to say "I would agree but" and then redefine the basis of your argument but we can only go off of what you tell us. Based upon your changed statement, I agree with you. However, going off of your prior statement, the store was pricing the shelf item to account for the price of the warranty.

Still dunno what I will do re: surcharge

I have no issue with them aside from the fact it is illegal. I know you will argue they are not but the accc says in nsw they are
If I were at work I might be able to find the actual Trade Practices law but seeing as I only have google to aid me while at home, here is the law as it stands: Article on ABC. A quick summary for all those that don't care enough to click:

Under an amendment to the Trade Practices Act last year, eateries were banned from charging weekend or public holiday surcharges and were required to supply a separate menu if they wished to charge extra during busy periods.

As I said previously, if the cafe or restaurant had the surcharge price of each item on the menu - and not listed as a *10% surcharge on Public Holidays - then they are conforming with the current laws.

If the laws have changed further to that, they have not made it to my desk at work. Also, it a national change to the Trade Practices Act 1974 where they have added a section, which is 53c, I think, which deals with component pricing. This sections deals with businesses supplying cumulative pricing for all items, which includes all taxes and surchages.

Edit: Actually, I've just found the news item on the ACCC website -->clicky<--

For the lazy:
"Restaurants and cafés are free to set surcharges, but they must provide consumers with a prominent single total price for goods and services, where they are able to be quantified at that time. This can be as simple as a separate menu or price column for the surcharge days.

I know it's fun to stir crazy old choc, but at least he gives a shit.
I love it when people give a shit. As long as the stance they are taking is an accurate one. I'm now all in favour of choc's rage about his free warranty that has cost him extra. His original stance was, while understandably confused about if he'd been ripped off, was actually just from a luck of understanding of how retail price their items.



Welcome, You may bask in this post. Maybe print it out and hang it up on a wall framed somewhere..

On a more serious note, that was an amusing Monday afternoon read :D thanks

From which part of AUS do you hail sir?

Sloppily, I missed this earlier. Thank you kindly, Marshmellow!

I join the ranks of those in delightful (and today, incredibly windy) Melbourne.

Say, what's this? I've arrived home to a Steam group invitation! That is great, thanks folks. Gratefully accepted.

If any fellow users need some flotsam to litter the lower rungs of their Steam leaderboards, I'm easy and I'm yours.


Steam ID?

360 Gamertag?

PS3 thingy?


Thoughts on SOAP?
Mmmm Soap

Sexiest Bond: Pierce Brosnan or Sir Sean "The Rock" Connery?
Danial Craig- as I yelled out in the movie theatre when Royal or Quantem came out- I can't remember "I'd go gay for him". :/

Would you buy a Crackdown 3?

Thoughts on Viva Pinata Party Pinatas?

iOS gamer or Android user?
God no- WP7 user.

How do you feel about DRM and always on DRM?
DRM is evil. Unless it is steam.

Is Warhammer 40k Space Marine a horrible Gears of War knockoff?
They both suck.

Do you Kooka with Country Cookies?
Mmmm cookies.

UGG boots. Do you speak it?

Red Rock Deli chips are the best chips.
Fuck yeah.

Picking up a Vita or have a 3DS?
3DS. Even then NO GAMES!!!!

D&D or Board Games or IRL Role Playing or Furry or Capcom fan?

Sexy: Karen Gillan? Ricki Lee? Missy Higgins?
Meh. They are all average women.

Have you picked up a copy of the highly acclaimed 3rd album by Enter Shikari called A Flash Flood Of Colour yet?

The who and the what?
Join AusGAF real mug with mug club! People are doing Avatars with the first letter of your username, just in case you are wondering what is up with all the letters looking at you.

Already in.

Tony Abbott: Best budgie smuggler or just saggy smarmy arsehole?
If I had my way we'd be in Trinest land and our dictator will be el' trinest

Jalapeño man?
The who?

Interest in alcohol? Scotch and Cider?
All of the above. Mmm.

Do you plays the Halos or Duties?
God no. I have taste.


Thanks for showing me surchage info. I actually have zero issue paying a surcharge because i know it costs a lot. I just don't like people breaking laws ;) Clearly they have amended it after the initial fuck up so now its ok.

I don't rage for the sake of it you know. And i am happy to admit when i am wrong

I did consider your the just priced it into the amount but when i look at all the evidence (how the transaction proceeded, the receipt, what it says on the sticker on the shelf, which i will check tommorow just to be sure)

I know sometimes i rage and i seem like a raving lunatic but people getting a fair go is what i am about. People being fucked over pisses me off

Let me tell you if i found out that someone sold a PS3 under the same way (if i am indeed correct), i would be on the phone to head office faster then you can say 'what!' to complain.

I personally believe that Australia is viewed by multinationals as the free ride country where no one complains when they get fucking reamed and happy go lucky people.

We are, but its about time we stand up for shit and that doesn't just go for Australians. That goes for gamers in general

i am sick of people defending stupid decisions game companies make on this forum (gaf not ausgaf)

Whats that saying

People only put up with what they have to.

That is if enough people get angry about something, things change. Look at SOPA in the US. dead in the water now because the internet united.


Sexy: Karen Gillan? Ricki Lee? Missy Higgins?
<snip stuff about other chicks> Missy Higgins with long hair... also, she's a Geelong bird (I think).

Ah yes, I miss her long hair. Good times...

For those keeping score, Missy grew up in suburban Armadale, before boarding at Geelong Grammar.
Decided that rather than play through RoN for the 3567th time I will finally install C&C3 and smash out the story. Loved Tiberian Sun back in the day but never ended up playing another C&C even though I bought C&C3 at launch.
First install, ask for code on back of booklet. For some strange reason there is an EA Sports BIG logo on the back. Why?

Steam ID?

360 Gamertag?

PS3 thingy?
el_rezzo (NIN fans would recognise. Loved Meathead back in the day)

reptilescorpio I just retweet a lot.

Thoughts on SOAP?
Such a rollercoaster ride. From the humble beginnings in that damn trial run to saving the damn world against hipster doofus American dude. A true hero to us all. <SPOILERZ>
So damn awesome he had to die twice! He returned the one true god Price to us and fought to the very end. I SALUTE YOU DEAR SIR

Sexiest Bond: Pierce Brosnan or Sir Sean "The Rock" Connery?
The Rock. So damn manly. Would love to see him in a room with Burt Reynolds.

Would you buy a Crackdown 3?
Indeed, I would even pay $50 for it! More time and more resources would make for a killer title.

Thoughts on Viva Pinata Party Pinatas?
MP code was broken so I couldn't get online :(
SP was very charming for the first 30 minutes and then it because incredibly frustrating and the AI seemed cheap. Very nices touches here and there but pissed me off too much to get very far.

iOS gamer or Android user?
Android is pretty damn amazing. My iTouch has always given me the shits. THE RANDOM SHUFFLE IS HORRIBLE. I can drag and drop music, pictures, whatever with whatever the usb can connect to. So good.

How do you feel about DRM and always on DRM?
Steam is okay. It is to their benefit to not fuck us over. CD Projekt will always get my man tears of joy. Ubisoft will have their games ignored, picked up 2nd hand or picked up for $5.

Is Warhammer 40k Space Marine a horrible Gears of War knockoff?
Gears is HUGELY overrated. The second coming of Halo. I wanted to love my 360 for more than just Oblivion which I could have had running modded to high hell on my PC. It was a nice way to show off HDMI gaming on a Plasma. Not much more than that. 2nd really hit home for me how mediocre the gameplay/story/art was. 3rd looks to have improved the art but story took a dive deeper through shittowne.

Do you Kooka with Country Cookies?
Cherry Ripe ones are to die for. Much love for my friend from Donald who used to bring hundreds of offcuts a week to residences for us. I got big (also 4 litres of VCoke a day).

UGG boots. Do you speak it?
Nope, yoshi knock off slippers I got from the Geelong Computer Dodgy Markets for $10.

Red Rock Deli chips are the best chips.
No question. Nothing compares. 2. U.
Sweet Chili, Honey Mustard and S&V are my vices.

Picking up a Vita or have a 3DS?
Revision city for me. 2nd stick for 3DS and bigger battery for Vita. Actually I will probably grab a Vita to keep me company on the honeymoon since Whiskers has been blowing his load about it. I do like me some Uncharted/Lumines/Wipeout/Ridge Racer.

D&D or Board Games or IRL Role Playing or Furry or Capcom fan?
Nope to all. Aside from Sonic cosplay...

Sexy: Karen Gillan? Ricki Lee? Missy Higgins?
The last 2. Missy the most. Love the indie songwriters with short hair and cute all over. She hasn't aged a day since she hit Triple J.

Have you picked up a copy of the highly acclaimed 3rd album by Enter Shikari called A Flash Flood Of Colour yet?
Yes I have! Just watched the brilliant documentary with it tonight. Very impressive. I do wish that they touched on more of the Zeitgeist solutions than just pointing at problems again. The electro punk influences work a lot better the third time around too, Rou has gained a strong understanding of keeping everything timed together. Highly enjoyable. 5/5 and probably AOTY already. Arguing With Thermometers is very fun and made me watch Anchorman again. Hopefully I can make it to their show at Billboards in a month. Warm Smiles is probably my favourite track off it. Although the quiet moment of Stalemate is incredibly nice, like chilling out on a self sustaining farm watching the sun set with a cold beer and cat in your lap.

Join AusGAF real mug with mug club! People are doing Avatars with the first letter of your username, just in case you are wondering what is up with all the letters looking at you.
Mugs with letters is a cool idea.

Tony Abbott: Best budgie smuggler or just saggy smarmy arsehole?
It is incredibly shameful that this moron was almost running the show. Gillard has her problems but at least she isn't a functional retard.

Jalapeño man?
Just adds that extra pep that makes a meal so much better. Also Chicken Salt.

My father-in-law has a piggery so, um, yes.

Interest in alcohol? Scotch and Cider?
Nah. Actually yes. To everything but ginger beer and red wine.

Do you plays the Halos or Duties?
Never got into Halos. I think I liked the first one just so I could have a reason to beg for an Xbox. Timesplitters 2 was better. I did enjoy Reach though. 3 came out on Brownload Medal night so we had a big drink up and 3 of us waited out the front of EBGames at midnight while I quietly knocked back another half a bottle of scotch. Soo much fun. Even in my drunken state late into the morning I could tell it was a shit game, SP speaking.
Whereas I love the Duty. SP only of course. Loved the first 2, great experiences. Relic of the past now with the respawning enemies that are so irritating. 4 was a huge step up to giving us and really enjoyable cinematic experience. Story was so Hollywood blockbuster but so satisfying. Very much a focus testing game, for the better. MW2 was pretty average, middle child of the litter. MW3. SO GOOD. Sledgehammer knocked it out of the park, incredible fun. Everything was improved beyond expectations. I had a few issues with some directions the story took but overall it was a much more enjoyable experience. Final mission was a bit spamey though.

tl;dr - I like boobs, bacon and booze. Also music and games.
But mainly boobs.
And bacon.

Oh, Hobart Mercury :(

(Sorry if old)
Doing a great job to not make us look like a bunch of racists media guys! Class act.

Interest in alcohol? Scotch and Cider?
I was into scotch and cider while you were getting your friend's brother to buy you a six pack of UDLs because you didn't like the taste of alcohol but did like peer pressure.
Pfft! When we were kids everyone was into Smirnoff Blacks. Went down so easy but came back up so fast!

I'm assuming that the costume and colours DLC aren't included, since this is CAPCOM we're talking about.

Jill and Shuma have to be purchased as DLC as well.


Ah yes, I miss her long hair. Good times...

For those keeping score, Missy grew up in suburban Armadale, before boarding at Geelong Grammar.
Best friends? Best friends.

I actually read that on her Wiki before posting, but I just wanted to shoehorn in the fact that she had something to do with Geelong. Just like Dennis Walter and Daryl Somers.

Edit: You can't answer your own questions, reptile. You... you just can't.

Picking up a Vita or have a 3DS?
SNK handheld, motherfucker. Just put the option in the question already, reptile.
I did add it! It was edited out along the way by someone though! Which is why I laughed earlier in the day when I noticed it had been dropped from the questionnaire.

Heartfelt words
I know you only have the best intentions in your heart, it's just that you go from 0 to 5000 immediately and makes your stance a little bit off-putting. Where most people might make a post that says "I think I just paid for a surcharge. Are they allowed to do this? I'm going to take a look and see what I can find out" your posts - and I'm only talking from my perspective, here - come across as "i got charged a surcharge this is fucked they changed the laws i'm going to the accc these arsholes keep on getting away with it."

To be honest, I'm probably a bit harsh towards those sorts of posts, from everyone, not just yourself. As part of my jobs, I've had to deal with high level complaints resolutions and I've encountered (and this list of attributes does not apply to you) a lot of belligerent, uninformed, overly angry, knee-jerk reactionary arseholes. Some of them write emails scarily close to your posts :(

So, I apologise if I reply to some of your posts in a less-than-friendly fashion. I like that your looking out for the consumer and that you're willing to speak up when you believe that you've been wronged. It's the manner in which they are conveyed that sometimes gets to me. :)



I did add it! It was edited out along the way by someone though! Which is why I laughed earlier in the day when I noticed it had been dropped from the questionnaire.

Someone must've just picked up the older ones. You should've just spoken to Evillore and made him edit all posts with the questions in it to have the new option.

PS. Missy with short hair IS cute, but not gorgeous or beautiful. That's reserved (mostly) for longer-haired maidens.


I know you only have the best intentions in your heart, it's just that you go from 0 to 5000 immediately and makes your stance a little bit off-putting. Where most people might make a post that says "I think I just paid for a surcharge. Are they allowed to do this? I'm going to take a look and see what I can find out" your posts - and I'm only talking from my perspective, here - come across as "i got charged a surcharge this is fucked they changed the laws i'm going to the accc these arsholes keep on getting away with it."

To be honest, I'm probably a bit harsh towards those sorts of posts, from everyone, not just yourself. As part of my jobs, I've had to deal with high level complaints resolutions and I've encountered (and this list of attributes does not apply to you) a lot of belligerent, uninformed, overly angry, knee-jerk reactionary arseholes. Some of them write emails scarily close to your posts :(

So, I apologise if I reply to some of your posts in a less-than-friendly fashion. I like that your looking out for the consumer and that you're willing to speak up when you believe that you've been wronged. It's the manner in which they are conveyed that sometimes gets to me. :)
Your wrong Shaneus.

So why does wmplayer.exe and WMPSideShowGadget.exe keep popping up in Processes when I kill them? It actually eats up a fair bit of my system capability eventually.


No i do fly off the handle

i'll try not to do that from now on, its a very bad habit :(

I agree with all your points.

Perhaps if i come in with an exploratory question (has anyone had this? do you agree this is f'd?

it might come across better

i do tend to calm down later and rationalise things (the surcharge a good example) so maybe i'll try and come in with a 2500 not 5000 rating ;)

The fact this is a forum doesn't help in some ways

I would never go to 5000 in an email right away. I would be rational etc


Jintor i am sure you can relate, well maybe

when you have to be so tough on grammar outside of this forum, its nice to not worry so much :|

rez: you have to admit i've calmed down a tad


etc :)


Oh man I just finished season 1 of Downton Abbey and loved it. What a great show. If you want to watch a show about snooty rich people then this show is for you. TV is so awesome right now.


Jintor i am sure you can relate, well maybe

when you have to be so tough on grammar outside of this forum, its nice to not worry so much :|

Good grammar in posts is totally internalised at this point. Chat format is the only format I really just completely forget about it in. And even then your = you're is the worst thing in the world.


Good grammar in posts is totally internalised at this point. Chat format is the only format I really just completely forget about it in. And even then your = you're is the worst thing in the world.

yeah it's hard to disagree with that


Oh, Hobart Mercury :(


(Sorry if old)

I hope that isn't fucking true, shameful. I really hate some parts of my home state. Sending it around local contacts to see if its true.

Also, stuff.

Steam ID? Omikron (tt_omi)
360 Gamertag? PS3 thingy? I have a Nintendo friends code.
Twitterer? 0mikr0n (mind the zeros)
Thoughts on SOAP? Everyday, natural ingredients only. Tah.
Sexiest Bond: Pierce Brosnan or Sir Sean "The Rock" Connery? Connery.
Would you buy a Crackdown 3? Thoughts on Viva Pinata Party Pinatas? Pass. When they coming to PC?
iOS gamer or Android user? Droid. I dream of sheep.
How do you feel about DRM and always on DRM? Not my favourite thing, but if it must be so, happy as long as it doesn't hinder my play experience in anyway.
Is Warhammer 40k Space Marine a horrible Gears of War knockoff? NFI, I like real games.
Do you Kooka with Country Cookies? Meh. Scotch Fingers. Chocolate on special occasions.
UGG boots. Do you speak it? Bare feet.
Red Rock Deli chips are the best chips. No, grain waves.
Picking up a Vita or have a 3DS? OR SNK THINGY? Nein.
D&D or Board Games or IRL Role Playing or Furry or Capcom fan? Board games. Even to the point of playing online versions.
Sexy: Karen Gillan? Ricki Lee? Missy Higgins? Gillan out of those.
Have you picked up a copy of the highly acclaimed 3rd album by Enter Shikari called A Flash Flood Of Colour yet? Only $20 at your local JB HiFi or available with FREE postage online! I refuse to listen to your shameless plugs anymore.
Join AusGAF real mug with mug club! People are doing Avatars with the first letter of your username, just in case you are wondering what is up with all the letters looking at you. Done. Need an update now I am almost sans hair.
Tony Abbott: Best budgie smuggler or just saggy smarmy arsehole? Less spoken of our next prime minister the better, I am already getting chills.
Jalapeño man? BACON MAN? Together?
Interest in alcohol? Scotch and Cider? Still can't fully get into scotch, but will sample just about anything. Beer, Cider, Red wine and a Gin depressive for the most part.
Do you plays the Halos or Duties? I think my thoughts are known on this and I do not wish to troll tonight. :p


alright ausgaf lets have a serious discussion

NSW is considering legislation to make it law that if you have visible tatoos anywhere on your body you cannot join the police force

and those with tattoos in the force may be forced to have them removed.

I am guessing this is going to run foul of discrimination laws but you never know. They think that having police with tatoos degrades the force (people have complained apparently...., probably retirees with nothing better to do) and want it out

Now i am on their side with one aspect, that is the facial tribal tattoo. I think that particularly is a bit over the top for the police force but arm tattoos leg tattoos etc why not?

Personally I would like to think my police look like terry tough bastards when dealing with crooks than pansies that the crooks can walk all over and know they can.

Tattoos in many ways can be intimidating to people, but if its the police intimidating people is that such a problem. Fine balance between managing peace and going over the top of course, but its not just the tattoos that cause police to do violent, over the top acts. See the cricket bashing for a nice example of one where no tattoos are present.

Completely dismissing a competent trainee because they choose to have a tattoo (and remembering with some people this is a very personal thing such as remembering someone, or its part of their culture such as the Maori in NZ) is ridiculous in my opinion.

Face tats no, other tats who cares. Get over it ffs

I'd rather have a force with tatoos than no force at all.
Let it never be said that I don't blindly follow trends and do what everyone else is doing. If anyone is planning to jump off a bridge session just let me know when and where and I'll jump with you.

Steam ID?
Planet_JASE <-- Feel free to add me. I have very few friends. In real life, too.

360 Gamertag?
PlanetJASE <-- Feel free to add me. I have very few friends. In real life, too.

PS3 thingy?
Planet_JASE <-- Feel free to add me. I have very few friends. In real life, too.


Thoughts on SOAP?
Even though it made Time magazine's "100 Best TV Shows of All-TIME" list, I have yet to see it.

Sexiest Bond: Pierce Brosnan or Sir Sean "The Rock" Connery?
Blah. No interest in movie Bond.

Would you buy a Crackdown 3?
Sure. I buy all of the video games. ALL OF THEM!

Thoughts on Viva Pinata Party Pinatas?
I don't think it was as good as Viva Pinata Party Animals. /internetnerd

iOS gamer or Android user?
I would use Androids if they all looked like Darryl Hannah. Oh yes I would.
Yes, yes, she was a replicant. My jokes don't work if you require me to use correct terms and facts. Fuck you.

How do you feel about DRM and always on DRM?
The master race wouldn't have to put up with shit like that, would they? Nooooooooo...

Is Warhammer 40k Space Marine a horrible Gears of War knockoff?
Yes, I can't believe that upstart universe ripped off Gears of War so blatantly. I guess that's what happens when you spend three games building up a believable, consistent, well written narrative.

Do you Kooka with Country Cookies?
I cookie not of any kind. If I were to eat a biscuit -- biscuit! -- it could be a Mint Slice. Nummy.

UGG boots. Do you speak it?
Yes, but very ba-a-a-a-a-a-a-adly.

I'm sorry.

Red Rock Deli chips are the best chips.
You are entitled to your opinion. I don't know what you have against the flesh in your mouth, though. Those things cut you up like razorblades.

Picking up a Vita or have a 3DS? OR SNK THINGY?
I have a 3DS and if I knew how to find my friend code I would tell you what it is. I would be tempted by a Vita if I found a pile of money that paid off my house and left me with $400. I may wait a few months, though. Word on the internet is that it bombed in Japan, won't be actually released in America and will be given away with free money by Sony. Seriously though, I would be interested, I just can't justify it this year.

D&D or Board Games or IRL Role Playing or Furry or Capcom fan?
I've always wanted to play D&D, I just never had anyone I knew that played it. I've been looking into board games lately and they seem awesome.

Sexy: Karen Gillan? Ricki Lee? Missy Higgins?
They're all out of my league so what's the point?

Have you picked up a copy of the highly acclaimed 3rd album by Enter Shikari called A Flash Flood Of Colour yet? Only $20 at your local JB HiFi or available with FREE postage online!
Who what the fuck?

Join AusGAF real mug with mug club! People are doing Avatars with the first letter of your username, just in case you are wondering what is up with all the letters looking at you.
The former, yes. The latter? No.

Tony Abbott: Best budgie smuggler or just saggy smarmy arsehole?
Can't he be both?

Jalapeño man?
Maybe. In moderation.

Man, woman, I don't care. I'm bacon-curious so I'd eat the hell out of either. It may take me more than one sitting to eat a whole BACON MAN, though.

Interest in alcohol? Scotch and Cider?
Scotch is good. I rarely, rarely drink these days, despite having a fairly kick arse range of Scotch at home.

Do you plays the Halos or Duties?[/QUOTE]
Gah! Me no FPS. My thumbs no work like that.


And even then your = you're is the worst thing in the world.


They should discourage folks from getting dumb or extravagant tattoos, but that sounds absurd.

I thought it was Japan and Korea where tattoos were still widely regarded as criminal insignia.

Journal article written, referenced, printed, sent hard copy in duplicate to New York. Now to wait for months while they decide on it - all the while forbidden from submitting it to other journals, because they don't want to duplicate the labour of reviewing it.
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