Now for my bitchy post of the day. Thanks milsims for posting out my boardgame order. Pity you only sent the expansion not the base game and I have to wait some unknown amount of time for the main game to come back into stock.
Annoying. You would think they would be smart enough to realise that wouldn't be great for me and might ask me if I want to alter my order. :-/
Yep, fuck those guys. It's such a shame that they're the only retailer here that stocks some games I want. As much as I would rather buy from somewhere else, that would be overseas and that'd make it considerably more expensive.
What the hell is a dram
Good advice by the by! Never heard about letting it air before.
My scotch history is buying a bottle of Johnnie Walker Black and Glenmorangie OG.
I drank both neat w/o water but I can't really taste individual flavours yet.
As a poor uni student I'm not buying any regularly. :/
I loved the little taste of some Islay malt I had. mmm smoky
A 'dram' is Gaelic for 'drink'. So if you're pouring a dram of whisky, you're just pouring an amount of whisky to drink. There is no set amount, nor does it apply specifically to whisky. It's just a cool thing to say, I think.
Peaty and smoky scotches are very nice indeed. I like to drink Scotch of that type in wintertime, I don't know if that's just me; something about it just makes me lean towards the warming and punchy flavours in that climate. One that I do like no matter the time of year is 'Talisker'; it really is a very fine whisky.
Good to hear! I've also added a couple of other accounts to the list which may be contentious (Gamespot, Kotaku, OzGameshop, Vooksdotnet). Again, I'll remove them if that's the consensus.
Maybe I'm a stick-in-the-mud, but I would prefer the AusGAF list to have AusGAF members on it only. I think that if anyone wants to follow any additional gaming accounts, they can do so at their leisure.
Awesome job on the bot by the way, love your work man! Graphs and charts are always cool too.