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AusGAF 5/5 - Everything's Amazing and Nobody's Happy, a rental at best


I've watched 3 episodes of American Horror Story now and it's kinda a train wreck, yet I'm intrigued to see where it goes....


Aww, eggplant parma is fantastic. If the eggplant hasn't been properly treated eg. de-bittered (covering it in salt and leaving it for about 30 mins before rinsing the salt off) it won't be nice at all. Once it's done, you crumb it and then add the parmigiana sauce and cheese.

The best parma is the chicken schnitzel with some eggplant on top of that, then add the parmigiana sauce and cheese. Total goodness.

I've watched 3 episodes of American Horror Story now and it's kinda a train wreck, yet I'm intrigued to see where it goes....

It's a Ryan Murphy show, it can only be a train wreck.


Can't determine whether my Skyrim performance has suddenly gotten substantially worse or it was always dropping these frames and I just didn't notice until know.


No-one else other than legend has PES on wii do they?

People play their Wii's?

Played skyrim for about an hour tonight and found quite a few ui design and interface issues I don't like. Not that they are wrong. Just when you spend our going to spend endless hours in them in an rpg, you really need them to be cleanand easy to use.

1) why when a container is empty can't I press e/r to close it like when I take all the items. Annoying.

2) Mouse acceleration is very weird in this game, need to find the option to either turn it off our tweak it.

3) the console designed dial thing you get after pressing tab is fucking stupid on pc, just show all my shit with tabs please. And with hover tooltips.

4) I shall add to this later.
Washing the taste of eggplant out now with a sweet chilli twister and the saltiest, tastiest chips I have ever had from KFC, life's good man. Until my next heart attack.

Parents/Carers meeting at day care was great, good reminder of how fucking shit our current state government is. No idea how kindergartens out here are going to survive, they are even worse of than the day care centres. Their $16,000 of government funding was pulled just like most day care centres in the state. Thankfully the grannies at the Uniting church donated the profits from their funeral catering service to replace the shade sail that was getting worn out. All the effort and love they show towards all the children, especially everyone who donates their time on top of the registered carers they have to have on staff makes it a little heartbreaking to hear what they have to go through to keep the thing going.

Edited in a superior comparison between the Blue and Brown Cherry.
If I were to buy one, it would be the Filco Majestouch 2,
Thanks for that! Certainly like the sound of the Brown and that keyboard is going on my wishlist. Will be the final part of my new PC setup.

PS. Love that you say "tea". I almost always try and correct myself and instead say "dinner" but I was raised as a tea boy. I should go back to it.
I stopped correcting myself once I got over caring about what people think a few years back. I enjoy the way I think and speak so no way in hell I am manipulating my behaviour for anyone. I think the tea thing comes from either spending the first 7 years of my life in Adelaide or the fact that my Mum had the TV on ABC most of my youth. Kindled my love of British TV.

Can't determine whether my Skyrim performance has suddenly gotten substantially worse or it was always dropping these frames and I just didn't notice until know.
Probably just zoned it out but now that Vince has hung a lantern on it you won't be able to get it out of your mind


I stopped correcting myself once I got over caring about what people think a few years back. I enjoy the way I think and speak so no way in hell I am manipulating my behaviour for anyone. I think the tea thing comes from either spending the first 7 years of my life in Adelaide or the fact that my Mum had the TV on ABC most of my youth. Kindled my love of British TV.
Like your style, kiddo. I think I'll subscribe to your newsletter.



I own one of these:


It makes a decent, though not completely fulfilling cup of espresso, and can also shit out an alright cafe latte. I'm reasonably happy with it, but as my coffee snobbery grows, I think I want to expand. I don't actually have the money to do so, but I can dream a little, can't I?

I think, more importantly, I should get a good grinder and some higher quality beans than what I'm used to. Does AusGAF have any coffee people? I'd love to know what's a decent grinder to have and to see everyone's coffee methods.

I do like my espressos, and I don't know if I'd be willing to sacrifice them for a different style of machine / device, but I do hear the aeropress is a decent little thing for a nice cup of coffee. Anyone here use it?

Also, I'm wondering if reptile is using coffee euphemistically.

You know, want to come up for... "coffee".

Now, he can take care of all his "coffee" needs whenever he feels like it.

The poor kid. When reptile told him he'd be working for tips...
Night-time gaf is best gaf


Just saw In Time. Pretty shitty but eh it was pretty and shiz. Movie tickets are such a rip-off these days.

and can also shit out an alright cafe latte.

I liked this part.

I can't afford/be bothered to make good coffee. I appreciate it though and prefer espressos.


Brother bought PES '08 when it came out. He loved it. I tried it out and found it more enjoyable than normal FIFA, but I can never get into sport games

How are you finding Xenoblade?

Xenoblade is good but I'm only very early into it. ie running around outside the first town collecting orbs and getting attacked by bats. Was going to pop it in today for my first decent go but recovery from nightshift takes its toll on me and all I had patience for was PES today.

People play their Wii's?



I usually find a lot of teenagers working in coffee places don't really know how to make a good latte.

I've also seen a few funny looks when I order a long black. Part of me wants to believe they think I'm taking about penis, because I really hope the concept of hot water + espresso isn't too hard to get around.



I usually find a lot of teenagers working in coffee places don't really know how to make a good latte.

I've also seen a few funny looks when I order a long black. Part of me wants to believe they think I'm taking about penis, because I really hope the concept of hot water + espresso isn't too hard to get around.



Awesome coffee.



Awesome coffee.

maaan but I'm never in salamanca :(

the place next to hudsons in liverpool street does alright coffee, though. Conversely, there's a little asian shop in the alleyway close to that where, while he was making me a black coffee, asked me if I wanted sugar.

:( is your coffee really that bad I need sugar? *sip*
.. yeah I'll take some sugar, thanks.


maaan but I'm never in salamanca :(

the place next to hudsons in liverpool street does alright coffee, though. Conversely, there's a little asian shop in the alleyway close to that where, while he was making me a black coffee, asked me if I wanted sugar.

:( is your coffee really that bad I need sugar? *sip*
.. yeah I'll take some sugar, thanks.

The one in liverpool st, is that opposite fletcher jones, and near where tandy used to be? If so, A+.
Clark is the worst thing to happen to Aus Cricket since himself. Thats right, he takes top 2 worst spots!
Clarke can be useless at times but Johnson is my most hated. Just comes across as such an arsehole and spends 95% of his time bowling shit and then confusing the batsmen with the odd good ball and they forget how they are meant to bat against something other than country league balls.


To be fair it was a fucking cracking delivery. And yes Johnson has to go. How about putting an in-form player in? Like Ben Cutting? Bleh, would never happen.

Dead Man

Clarke can be useless at times but Johnson is my most hated. Just comes across as such an arsehole and spends 95% of his time bowling shit and then confusing the batsmen with the odd good ball and they forget how they are meant to bat against something other than country league balls.

Mitchell is bull tits, but at least he has not damaged the sport. Clark is a fucking ongoing crime against the game.


Hey, so I'm gonna post this here as it may be relevant to some. Shit, might even start a thread about it... but I care about you guys more (and value your opinions more, too).

Actually, fuck it. Not going to go into too much depth (unless prodded) but if you have shit posture, get headaches or have heaps of tense muscles, you should check out this treatment I had as a part of treatment/therapy for my ADHD.

It basically involves this special technique to put the very top (C1) vertebrae back in place where it sits under your skull and a lot of nerves and ligaments and shit go through it, controlling blood flow to your brain. The problem is called "atlas subluxation", basically meaning a dislocation of one's atlas (top-most) vertebrae. Heaps of people have this problem (likely caused at birth, also possibly brought on by significant trauma of the area) but are unaware of how it could be affecting them. From what I've researched (and partially experienced... I had the fix done on Friday) there are arseloads of benefits. To break it down:
* Straight back. No weird curves except for what are supposed to be there.
* Full range of neck motion. Think you can turn your neck pretty far? Chances are it can rotate further. I was pretty fucking surprised as I was doing headchecks driving back from the treatment. Felt like the girl from The Exorcist.
* Straight shoulders/posture. I always had one shoulder that was slightly higher than the other, and when walking I always felt the need to try and balance it out but could never quite get it right. Since getting treatment, my body actually feels like it's almost symmetrical and I don't need to fidget to feel comfortable. I can also lie on my bed flat and not feel all squirmy.
* Thinking clearer/no headaches. Having a screwy atlas thing can apparently affect blood flow to certain parts of the brain. After I got the treatment, I definitely felt a shitload smarter and could think clearer than before. My ADHD symptoms, while still there, were noticeably (not significantly) less annoying than before.
* Taller. You'll feel tall and you'll walk more confidently because your spine is straight. And we all know that bitches love tall guys.

Here's what a subluxated atlas looks like:

And here's basically the knock-on affect it can have, at least on some parts of the body:

Obviously, not all benefits will be immediate, as one's body will take time to adjust to "normal" after having to accommodate for a wonky atlas for so long. I can feel that some muscles along my right-hand side are more tense than others and need to be stretched, as that's what they've had to be like to support my off-balance body. But I definitely felt an immediate benefit once the treatment was done.

The treatment basically involved this little vibrating machine thing sonically sending soft pulses through to my atlas to nudge it back into place. It only has to be done once (just like with anything dislocated, once it's back in, it's back in) and isn't at all painful or even noticeable that it's been done... you just feel the benefits of it afterwards.

I'm happy to answer any questions either here or via PM, or you could just watch this video from a fairly cute, milfy-type Aussie on her experience with the treatment and the after-effects. Just wanted to share some info for folks who might be able to benefit from something as mind-fuckingly awesome as this treatment :)

Fuck, I did go into a fair bit of detail. Whatever. Look into it more. Or not. I don't care. But it'll be the last time I ever help any of you fuckers out :p

Edit: Follow-up video from that cute girl/mum, five months after treatment.



I enjoyed the hell out of that unexpectedly sexy youtube Shaneus. One internet thumbs up for her and her lip sucking.
That... um... wasn't the intention. Glad you got your jollies though. I mean, she's no barista dude, so I suppose that's a good thing.

Anyway, in all seriousness, people should get that shit done. It's beyond ridiculous the improvements I've seen so far. Even been in a better mood, too. And thinking clearer.

In case you didn't catch it, I also put a second vid in there. You know. For educational purposes.

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