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AusGAF 5/5 - Everything's Amazing and Nobody's Happy, a rental at best


I'm in love with PES on Wii. Keeps getting better and better once it clicks.

I hope they keep it up on Wii U. I cant go back to "standard" football games after this.


I'm in love with PES on Wii. Keeps getting better and better once it clicks.

I hope they keep it up on Wii U. I cant go back to "standard" football games after this.

Hates Skyrim without having played it, loves everything Nintendo related and generic sports games

I don't understand you


Hates Skyrim without having played it, loves everything Nintendo related and generic sports games

I don't understand you

indeed. Me either.

Heading home early after a successful work day is great. Beer plus skyrim awaits.

reality is probably cooking and looking after my son :p


Hates Skyrim without having played it, loves everything Nintendo related and generic sports games

I don't understand you


It's quite easy to understand. Played oblivion and fallout 3. Was faced with numerous bugs and crashes, lost all faith in bethesda games and their ability to make something that is relatively stable.

PES isn't generic though. It's a quality football game from Konami, not Nintendo. The series has always been accessible, deep, provides an exciting game where there can be a lot of variety of play (no invincible fifa keepers, for instance). It's been like that since I first touched the series back with ISS Pro '98 on PS1.

Not a difficult concept to grasp I would have thought. Some people have patience with bugs, I do not.

It's quite easy to understand. Played oblivion and fallout 3. Was faced with numerous bugs and crashes, lost all faith in bethesda games and their ability to make something that is relatively stable.

PES isn't generic though. It's a quality football game from Konami, not Nintendo. The series has always been accessible, deep, provides an exciting game where there can be a lot of variety of play (no invincible fifa keepers, for instance). It's been like that since I first touched the series back with ISS Pro '98 on PS1.

Not a difficult concept to grasp I would have thought. Some people have patience with bugs, I do not.

Skyrim does not contain said bugs. Game is beautiful. I fail to see argument about Bethesda hate being relevant to skyrim's game quality. Especially having not even tried it.


Heading home early after a successful work day is great. Beer plus skyrim awaits.

reality is probably cooking and looking after my son :p

At work I'm all like 'yeah, going home to play Skyrim tonight, life is good, ladedahlala'.

Gets home, makes dinner. Watches crap tv with wife. Gets tired. Goes to bed.


Skyrim does not contain said bugs. Game is beautiful. I fail to see argument about Bethesda hate being relevant to skyrim's game quality. Especially having not even tried it.

Are you saying it's free of significant bugs?

I'll say it again: it's not bethesda hate. It's a complete lack of trust in their coding skills.

If I were to buy it, PC is not an option and that leaves two versions. One of which reports say it becomes unplayable with >7MB save files, and the other is still subject to the occasional crash and bug like falling mammoths. Edge mentioned it in their review, numerous accounts on GAF mention stuff like that too.

I'm sure the game is good - people obviously enjoy it. But it's not by any account a stable release, and my caution regarding bethesda releases is entirely reasonable given their history.
Are you saying it's free of significant bugs?

I'll say it again: it's not bethesda hate. It's a complete lack of trust in their coding skills.

If I were to buy it, PC is not an option and that leaves two versions. One of which reports say it becomes unplayable with >7MB save files, and the other is still subject to the occasional crash and bug like falling mammoths. Edge mentioned it in their review, numerous accounts on GAF mention stuff like that too.

I'm sure the game is good - people obviously enjoy it. But it's not by any account a stable release, and my caution regarding bethesda releases is entirely reasonable given their history.

Coming in late to discussion sorry, yes, should have been more specific but PC i safely say is free of significant bugs.

If left with only console then i hear 360 doesn't run that well at times but have not heard of anything game breaking like the save bug on PS3




Skyrim does not contain said bugs. Game is beautiful. I fail to see argument about Bethesda hate being relevant to skyrim's game quality. Especially having not even tried it.

Skyrim still is buggy as shit in certain areas but it's so infrequent, especially compared to Oblivion and F3, that I generally don't give too much of a shit. Also there's a Thanksgiving patch in the works already (DIGITAL DISTRIBUTION VINCE) and modders are going to make it insanely good

(Vince is totally right with his attitude though because what I can put up with might not be what he can put up with. Actually for a while there it was treading dangerously close to 'fuck this shit', but then I sat around in the world for a few more hours and it became awesome again.)


Coming in late to discussion sorry, yes, should have been more specific but PC i safely say is free of significant bugs.

If left with only console then i hear 360 doesn't run that well at times but have not heard of anything game breaking like the save bug on PS3

Game breaking save bug was the ps3 version from what I read.

Were I a PC gamer, I'd probably consider getting it once it had been bedded down and modded to fix most issues in a few years. But a console version of a game that does have the history the series does (eg bethesda never patched major problems on fo3 on ps3) is a no go for me I'm afraid. Plenty of other good games that can keep me busy.


Skyrim does not contain said bugs. Game is beautiful. I fail to see argument about Bethesda hate being relevant to skyrim's game quality. Especially having not even tried it.

You fail to see that a companies last two products being buggy doesn't make some consumers worried about buying their new one?


No... really?!


Coming in late to discussion sorry, yes, should have been more specific but PC i safely say is free of significant bugs.

If left with only console then i hear 360 doesn't run that well at times but have not heard of anything game breaking like the save bug on PS3

Wait....... several (i.e. a fair amount) are having to manually edit .ini files to be able to complete quests in the game.

And that doesn't constitute buggy to you?
Ok so im posting out halos today to roosters

anyway lets set some ground rules on this community bundle of games we will hopefully have

1. You have to post impressions of the game in ausgaf :) Even if its like a paragraph

2. The discs in the community pile will be promo NFR's. I know that means lots of you won't be able to contribute at first, if ever but it stops the situation where someone gives up something they paid a lot of money for losing it if that happens. Just think its better. It puts pressure on those who get NFR discs to offer them i know but i think its better way.

3. Postage is paid for by teh person posting it.

4. Once you have finished the game you pass it on to the next person who wants the game :)

Current list of games

-Forza 4 (X3n this is on the way, it got delayed sorry about that)
-Uncharted 3 (currently with Legend166)
-Rayman Origins (when i finish it, it will get added)


Hope you all think this is a good idea :)
Good idea. I'd be keen on Rayman.


It pains me but I'll throw my NFR copy of Rayman Origins on the pile as well. Probably won't be done with it until the weekend though.


Wait....... several (i.e. a fair amount) are having to manually edit .ini files to be able to complete quests in the game.

And that doesn't constitute buggy to you?

Playing devil's advocate, I'd say the key word is "significant". What constitutes a significant bug is subjective. Mr Mallow obviously has a higher tolerance level for bugs than I do. Which is fine.

Personally, I like to have characters in my games that feature texture maps for their faces, as well as associated geometry. I also am a fan of horses that remain at ground level, but not below. I also get irritated at games that fail to boot, save, or continue running until I'm done with them for the session. Some people consider an in-game BSOD to be a minor annoyance. I don't have any patience for that. Some will say that is extreme, but I am one who tends to have little patience with computers in general. I dont appreciate reliability issues leaking into my entertainment time.
You fail to see that a companies last two products being buggy doesn't make some consumers worried about buying their new one?


No... really?!

Sorry probably didn't write that out very well, typing in between working. =_=

Personally tried oblivion, hated it, i also hate fallout with a passion. Despite what they are i disregard those 2 games' influences. I went into skyrim expecting morrowind all over again and i am happy. I have have few to no problems and that is good.

Vince i mean to say i had heard nothing apart from the game breaking ps3 bug that i found out about on sunday.

as far as other people go, i do understand that there would be a lot of doubt based on past games, but at the same time should you not give every game a fair go?

For instance i loved morrowind and went into oblivion with some expectations and was thoroughly dissapointed while other people loved it, but i had a fresh view for skyrim


Vince i mean to say i had heard nothing apart from the game breaking ps3 bug that i found out about on sunday.

Understood. I thought that was what you meant.

as far as other people go, i do understand that there would be a lot of doubt based on past games, but at the same time should you not give every game a fair go?

For instance i loved morrowind and went into oblivion with some expectations and was thoroughly dissapointed while other people loved it, but i had a fresh view for skyrim

I think for me the key thing is time. In principle every game should be given a fair go. But with limited time, and being spoilt for choice - it is a luxury to be picky and in practice, I can discriminate based on past poor performances. In pretty much every genre these days there are competing and competent alternatives to all big name games.

I'm confident I'll get more out of Xenoblade than I ever would out of Skyrim, and far less irritation from game crashes, for instance.




For what it's worth I've been playing for 140 hours without a game breaking bug, sure there are some minor ones but they don't hurt the experience for me at all.

I like to have characters in my games that feature texture maps for their faces, as well as associated geometry. I also am a fan of horses that remain at ground level, but not below. I also get irritated at games that fail to boot, save, or continue running until I'm done with them for the session. Some people consider an in-game BSOD to be a minor annoyance

Never experienced any of these problems, also BSOD = Your problem not the game.


Never experienced any of these problems, also BSOD = Your problem not the game.

When oblivion and fallout 3 are the only games that have given me the kinds of bugs and hard crashes that they did (ps3 an 360), it makes it hard for me to consider it to be a problem with the systems.


When oblivion and fallout 3 are the only games that have given me the kinds of bugs and hard crashes that they did (ps3 an 360), it makes it hard for me to consider it to be a problem with the systems.

Huh? BSOD = Blue Screen of Death, which only happens on PCs. Why are you mentioning that for consoles?


I will be honest and it sounds to me like you are just making shit up to fit your argument.

Nup. I had a RSOD on my launch 360 mid game. Crackdown I think. I had fallout 3 characters load with no face textures. And several lockups for no explicable reason. With oblivion/fo3.

Believe what you want though. Ive got no reason to lie about it though.



A: Pharmacy guild does deal with Pfizer after blackmores deal gets shot down.
B: Pharmacy guild does deal with weight loss company http://www.theage.com.au/national/weightloss-gene-test-in-the-spotlight-20111026-1mk8e.html
C: Pharmacies get 11 billion dollars of government monies >.>

The Government is giving community pharmacies $11 billion to help them dispense medicines, provide programs and maintain their community service obligations. http://www.abc.net.au/news/2011-11-21/pharmacists-threaten-to-leave-guild/3684536

I used to be against woolies and co getting pharmacies in their stories, now, fuck em, they are just asses, may as well give it to the commercial pros if they are gonna sell out to every tom douche and barry.
Would love to play Rayman Origins if someone has a 360 copy so the gf and I can game it up together.

Great article from Serrels as always, keep up the good work mate!

Had Parmagna for tea. Fuck yes I said. Then it arrived out of the oven. What the hell? EGGPLANT? Where my chicky whicky at? This is an outrage! Gave it a shot anyway. Got 4 bites down before the bile shot up in my throat too high for me to continue. Can't do pickles or gerkin either.

Hell yes, thank you EB. Love the street breaks.
They almost make me want to shop at EB!

When I worked for EB one of the Aussie bosses said EB accounts for something like 40% of Nintendo's product.
Pretty understandable going by the amount of mothers/fathers wandering in and sheepishly trying to get something for their kid. Also Nintendo stuff is for kids. ;)

The reverse is, how much of EB's business is Nintendo product? if they're selling that much, probably massive also.
The big business for EB has been second hand games for quite a while now. As long as people keep trading in that copy of MW3 for $30 and they resell it to some moron for $99 they will continue not giving a shit what publishers think of street date breaks.

Sixty-Eight Dollars :\
Somewhere is selling for $49, JB or Big W maybe?

Thanks. Now the search starts for a cheap 3ds.
$190 at Dick Smith on Wednesday.

why? worldwide launches.... (thats what i think anyway)
I agree, after all, I bought UC3 at launch because I just wanted to get into the damn thing. If It was another week until we got it over here I would be much more comfortable importing it and waiting the extra week since we ALREADY have to wait. Same happened with Arkham City on the PC, then the bastards kept pushing back the PC date.

Maybe they could, but did you see the games that came out last week? It might just be a strategic release where their two games are the two big games this week. More prominence, and only a short delay.
Probably lead to less sales as people blow their wad on the dozen or so great games that have come out in the last month after not being able to hold back with all the street date breaks.

Exactly. Also, Nintendo probably has a higher proportion of christmas buyers.
The long tail on Nintendo software sales leads me to think that they don't care too much about having stilted releases around the world since they make up so much of their sales over the long term rather than the success of the game being make or break in the first week like a lot of AAA games.

Just finished the single player of MW3 and loved it. It held together better than UC3 and is probably the best COD campaign since 4. How they managed that with such a fractured development i dont know but they did a rally good job there. I may take a break from single player games for a few days before starting Zelda.
I like your jib cut, even if that jacket is much too warm for the weather at the moment, which leads me to conclusively believe that you are a gang banger. Drop the hate and love your fellow man, man.

A hex upon your mobile phone.
Careful dude! There are people out on the roads that I care about.

I own the Razer BlackWidow Ultimate version (as my room is quite dark, the non-Ultimate is sans-backlighting) and it's fantastic. Once you own a mechanical keyboard, you won't go back.
So brown switches seem like the best option, how quiet are they? Also any recommendations for one that would be comfortable and looks pleasant enough for the whole family?

Were I a PC gamer, I'd probably consider getting it once it had been bedded down and modded to fix most issues in a few years.
Yup, GOTY edition or maybe even pick up the vanilla release if I am bored in a month or two if it has a decent price drop and the community has cleaned most of the problems up.


I want a tag give me a tag
Hating something without experiencing it is pathetic.

It's why I've watched 3 seasons of Two and a Half Men.

The show is fucking crap.

Dead Man



So brown switches seem like the best option, how quiet are they? Also any recommendations for one that would be comfortable and looks pleasant enough for the whole family?

Edited in a superior comparison between the Blue and Brown Cherry. Not a massive difference, but it is there. The strike on a blue is much sharper in sound, but the difference in the actuation deadzone will be what makes the difference for you, with the Brown being superior for gaming while still keeping the awesome tactile feel when typing.


If I were to buy one, it would be the Filco Majestouch 2, found here. That is the brown as you require.

If you like a wrist rest, they do one also. It seems to be discounted if you buy it at the same time as a keyboard.

These keyboards may be cheaper elswhere, but this seems to be the best place I have found locally.


Had Parmagna for tea. Fuck yes I said. Then it arrived out of the oven. What the hell? EGGPLANT? Where my chicky whicky at? This is an outrage! Gave it a shot anyway. Got 4 bites down before the bile shot up in my throat too high for me to continue. Can't do pickles or gerkin either.
Wait... eggplant instead of chicken? What the fuck, dude?

PS. Love that you say "tea". I almost always try and correct myself and instead say "dinner" but I was raised as a tea boy. I should go back to it.

Hating something without experiencing it is pathetic.

It's why I've watched 3 seasons of Two and a Half Men.

The show is fucking crap.
You don't need to watch three seasons of it to know it's crap. I experienced it when it was shown about 20 times a week on Go/Nine (ie. before I got cable internet) and it was fucking woeful. Do yourself a favour and check out a decent comedy in a similar vein... Happy Endings. Like HIMYM, but not stale and no laugh track.


I want a tag give me a tag
Wait... eggplant instead of chicken? What the fuck, dude?

PS. Love that you say "tea". I almost always try and correct myself and instead say "dinner" but I was raised as a tea boy. I should go back to it.

You don't need to watch three seasons of it to know it's crap. I experienced it when it was shown about 20 times a week on Go/Nine (ie. before I got cable internet) and it was fucking woeful. Do yourself a favour and check out a decent comedy in a similar vein... Happy Endings. Like HIMYM, but not stale and no laugh track.

Oh I know! But just off my having seen snippets on nine, whenever i'd get into arguments people would be all you dont know what you're talking about you don't even watch it.

Now I can be their victor.
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