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AusGAF 6 - Ricki Lee is awful. Everything else about Australia is AMAZING [Free hugs]

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Also creepy Shaneus, I had JUST had a look through the Cosplay thread before my shower and thought I was looking at the wrong thread :/
Looking at the cosplay thread right before a shower? You're right. That is creepy.



After much deliberating, I picked up a pair of Sennheiser 558's for £129 (£109 if you count it coming with a £20 giftcard).

Got recommended a few things, and almost almost got some Grado SR60's. However, went with the boring, conventional 558's after spending too much time testing the patience of specialist audio store staff.

Was looking for something for watching TV on my iPad and handheld gaming. They're great for both of those things. They're also awesome for electronic music, pop and light rock. Not so great for punkrock and metal. Very not great.

They're also a living room/bed only set of headphones - no good at all for work or commuting as they leak like hell and everyone can hear how much 90's era disposable pop-punk I still listen to. As such, I'm in the market for some earbuds (again) as I have no idea where the fuck the last pair I bought disappeared to.

Oh man. For that price (I think) you could've gotten some Senny HD-25s. Small, don't leak, great isolation and sound awesome with pretty much anything. I got mine mainly for DJing (90% of DJs seem to use them) but they work well anywhere.


Her too <3<3<3

I took the natural method. Never again.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Had a job network appointment today. As usual I leave feeling miserable. The woman I now deal with is very nice (and attractive to boot), but my attendance just reminds me of how dreadfully unemployed I am, and kicks my brain into third gear of stressful thinking.

They have a job opening tomorrow that they're sending clients to, though I don't think I'll be attending, even though I originally said I would. It's a place nearby, only fifteen minutes walk, but the job itself is just...packing boxes. Packing boxes with cakes and other assorted crap for ten hours a day, five days a week. Shifts are erratic, and can start as early as 2am.

I'm at the stage now where legally, if I'm to rely on government benefits, I should be taking any job I can technically do. But I don't think I can hack this. I left iView (teleresearch) because the monotonous, soulless mechanical work drove me mental (among other things). I hated being there, felt unstimulated and unchallenged, and loathed the gruelling 9-to-5 mechanical bullshit. This would be the same, only even longer shifts, and even more empty, mechanical work.

But it pays well...and I'm unemployed. At what point am I being a choosy begger? Am I wrong to decline something like this, despite it being close by and well paying, simply because of how I predict it will tax me mentally?

Ugh. I need a job. Or something.

EDIT: And to make matters worse, Nintendo added gold nunchucks to Club Nintendo, and I had spent my stars just last week. Goddamnit.


but ever so delicious
Take the job, it's more money than the govt is going to bring you. It also is another job on your resume as you continue the search for whatever job makes you happy. Work there for 3 or 4 months, enjoy the pay, see if there's any hot chicks there and then start looking for new work if it is still sucking the soul out of you.

Any job is better than no job, even if the job sucks. I spent 3 years being a picky fuckwit and If I had worked that time I honestly would have had a mad deposit for a house by now. But instead I'm 28 and still living at home while I continue to save up for a property. Another 3+ years of work could have put me at like $200k in the bank by now. I fucked up and I'm paying the price by being late to the party on life.

If you know what area you want to work in the just keep following job postings as time goes on. It also looks better if your currently working when applying for a job compared to sitting of your ass.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
I appreciate the advice, but finances/savings aren't really a huge concern. I get by quite alright, and am happy to forgo luxuries in favour of peace of mind. Extra money is certainly appealing though, and you're right, getting a job while working with more experience on your resume is much easier.

But it's a mechanical, repetitious job, starting at 2am, working ten hours a day, five days a week. A job requiring less involvement and personal skill than my work at iView, and I quit that after a little over a year of work despite how well it paid due to how mentally exhausted (in a bad way) it left me.

This is the beggars/chooses thing again. I shouldn't be a picky cunt, yet here I am. I dunno. Honestly, I don't really care about the money. I don't want to work a soulless job I loath just so I have money to buy more crap. I did it for over a year and I don't really want to do it again.
Oh and a PS Vita WiFi + 8GB Memory Card + 1 Game (Fifa/ Rayman/ Virtua Tennis) $244 Delivered @ Amazon.de

But it pays well...and I'm unemployed. At what point am I being a choosy begger? Am I wrong to decline something like this, despite it being close by and well paying, simply because of how I predict it will tax me mentally?
Yes. At least give it a shot, could turn out to be a great job with great people. It may even lead to a better job for you through networking. Plus more money means more chances to get out and do things, which ALSO could lead to chasing down a new job.

But instead I'm 28 and still living at home while I continue to save up for a property. Another 3+ years of work could have put me at like $200k in the bank by now. I fucked up and I'm paying the price by being late to the party on life.
Don't worry man, no such thing as LTTP on life, especially since you aren't even 30 man. I won't have even EARNED that amount of money in my life by the time I hit 28.


You should take the job. Always. I'll bite my tongue on everything else I want to say.

Also, Amalur is finally on sale, yay. Now I just need to find someone in the UK to gift it to me.

I appreciate the advice, but finances/savings aren't really a huge concern. I get by quite alright, and am happy to forgo luxuries in favour of peace of mind. Extra money is certainly appealing though, and you're right, getting a job while working with more experience on your resume is much easier.

But it's a mechanical, repetitious job, starting at 2am, working ten hours a day, five days a week. A job requiring less involvement and personal skill than my work at iView, and I quit that after a little over a year of work despite how well it paid due to how mentally exhausted (in a bad way) it left me.

This is the beggars/chooses thing again. I shouldn't be a picky cunt, yet here I am. I dunno. Honestly, I don't really care about the money. I don't want to work a soulless job I loath just so I have money to buy more crap. I did it for over a year and I don't really want to do it again.

Before going to Uni I worked at various factories...I understand completely about your reservations. I don't think people understand how mentally draining/soul crushing it can be to stand in one spot for 10 hours with no interaction, whilst being sleep deprived...It can really fuck up your mind.

Good luck mate, I know I couldn't go back to that, I did it for 3 fuckin years...


You were handed a job in your chosen industry upon graduation.

I, uh, what?

I was handed a job? What the heck is that?

Silly me, I thought I went to university, worked hard to get good marks, worked casual jobs and gave up summer holidays to do an internship to get experience applied for a graduate job, and was successful.

But nope, turns out I was handed a job.

This is not to say EatChildren didn't do any of those things, because I don't know much about his situation. But to say I can't offer any advice because I'm employed? What the hell kind of reasoning is that?

Why do you think you've got a monopoly on life experience?

I just received the book from Amazon >< It's pretty good so far! And like Jint said, Nothing to Envy is great too.

Take it from a long time unemployed Uni bum with no money. Any job you can get is better than having no job at all.

See, this is what I think. You'd be amazed how many of my fellow uni friends start complaining about working soon after they manage to nab a job though. "Ugh, my boss sucks. I think I'll just quit". BUT YOU HAVE MONEY AND ARE GETTING MORE EXPERIENCE. One friend quit working after a couple of months and was already struggling to live, another quit his (a cushy currency exchange job making a buttload of money for sitting in a chair) after two weeks so he could go on centerlink because it was less effort. He's one of those guys who plans to move overseas and not pay back his hecs fees =/


but ever so delicious
What would your advice then be fred? Nothing, since it's essentially none of our business? or are there words of wisdom hidden within your criticism of others offering advice.

Ivy Bridge looks like a failboat of a CPU. Intels bulldozer maybe.. Ok not that bad. Hopefully full blown reviews will clear up some of the leaks we are seeing.
Ivy Bridge looks like a failboat of a CPU. Intels bulldozer maybe.. Ok not that bad. Hopefully full blown reviews will clear up some of the leaks we are seeing.
What's wrong with it? Sandy Bridge was the series I, Ivy Bridge is the series II (or Sandy Bridge was the iPhone 4 and Ivy Bridge the 4S, if you'd prefer). The next CPU will probably be the big upgrade.

Most of the bars here are longer than the other bars, it can't be that bad, can it?


What would your advice then be fred? Nothing, since it's essentially none of our business? or are there words of wisdom hidden within your criticism of others offering advice.
Don't take 24/7 manual shift work if you don't already have goals you're working towards. Start an education of some sort, Uni, TAFE, self study. Go for entry level stuff in related fields and just keep peppering your resume out there, but if it's looking bad, go back to teleresearch while studying. It might be mind numbing, but it's easier if you're working towards something, and it's easier to get another job when you already have one. That'd be my advice.

See, this is what I think.
It's different when you're at uni and have a goal you're working towards. It might be shit work, but at least it feels temporary.
Don't take 24/7 manual shift work if you don't already have goals you're working towards. Start an education of some sort, Uni, TAFE, self study. Go for entry level stuff in related fields and just keep peppering your resume out there, but if it's looking bad, go back to teleresearch while studying. It might be mind numbing, but it's easier if you're working towards something, and it's easier to get another job when you already have one. That'd be my advice.

It's different when you're at uni and have a goal you're working towards. It might be shit work, but at least it feels temporary.

Yeah, I agree there. I guess the pressure to get a job at uni isn't as strong though. I can not have one and still be okay, since I still live at home. Not as easy for some people.
I don't know if taking a shitty job might end up looking like a blemish on your resume, if that's something you need to consider. Going back to uni/tafe sounds like a good idea, if its possible.
I don't know if taking a shitty job might end up looking like a blemish on your resume, if that's something you need to consider. Going back to uni/tafe sounds like a good idea, if its possible.
Once you've worked a few jobs, you don't have to put every job you've ever worked on your resume, only the recent and relevant ones. I've seen 25 page resumes with unrelated work histories going back into the 80s.
Once you've worked a few jobs, you don't have to put every job you've ever worked on your resume, only the recent and relevant ones. I've seen 25 page resumes with unrelated work histories going back into the 80s.

Leaving gaps doesn't make it look like you were unemployed?
At the same time though shan, a lot of employers will just toss resumes that are just too big. 2-3 maaaaybe 4 is probably the best bet.

I am learning things! Not that it matters yet, I only have red rooster and some freelancing to put in my work history anyway :p But someday, I hope...


Leaving gaps doesn't make it look like you were unemployed?
I've checked a few resumes and done a few interviews over the last few weeks and I didn't even think to check for gaps. All I cared about were the jobs relevant to the position, which was usually only the last one or two jobs. I didn't want to read through all the crap, just the first page or two.
Leaving gaps doesn't make it look like you were unemployed?
Short gaps don't bother me if I think the rest of the resume looks sound. You can always call an applicant if you want more information, or get them in and ask about it. I have interviewed people with gaps in their work history and the reasons given (whether true or fiction) have always been reasonable.

If you want to include all your work history and there's a lot, just put one line with the dates and title unless the position is relevant, recent, or stands out for some reason.


but ever so delicious
There's no point putting down you worked at maccas if you're going for an accountant job. Unless for some reason you were a boss manager and you're going for a managerial position.

Just make them relevant to the job you're going for, If you can.

I hate making resumes along with silly business attire interviews.

Also cods, This ivy bridge thread - http://neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=470536

Still have to wait for proper retail reviews until we jump up and down about how good or bad it is.


but ever so delicious
Also, hahaha at dark souls PC. We did want it across, But not a straight up fucking port.

Dammit namco, Why do you suck.
PS Vita WiFi + 8GB Memory Card + 1 Game (Fifa/ Rayman/ Virtua Tennis) $244 Delivered @ Amazon.de

You really shouldn't classify defiling yourself as exercise, rep. That's cheating..
Hey, if it burns calories it is exercise my friend.

Man this stuff is soooo fucked. Can't believe we just let the country fall to shit until they start to irritate us more.

Taking physically and mentally draining shift work often leaves you in a worse position than before to find the kind of job/career you want.
Won't know until he starts the job though. If it is shit, leave after a week. Easy. Just tell them it isn't for you. I've done it in the past.

Leaving gaps doesn't make it look like you were unemployed?
Nah most places don't care, they just want to tick all the important boxes and then get you in for an interview to see if you are what they are looking for.


Also, hahaha at dark souls PC. We did want it across, But not a straight up fucking port.

Dammit namco, Why do you suck.

Zavvi or someone has the PS3 version on sale. Maybe I should just by that. :(

Also, did Reptile just get choc'd by himself? :p
Did everyone asking for Dark Souls on PC simply ask for it on PC, or did they ask for it on PC with higher resolution textures, improved framerate, modding options?

And if everyone asking for it on PC don't go ahead and buy it now on PC, publishers are going to wonder why they should bother.


I want a tag give me a tag
Hey guys, I'm putting together some finances for me and my mate whos moving over here in 10 days.

If i whip up a document that details how much he will owe me, and list when I want certain bits paid, and have him respond to it via email to agree to all the costs and terms. is that good?

i dont expect him not to pay at all, im just being sensible to cover my bases here.

because to make it easier I'm just paying all the bills and rent myself, and having him give me money whilst we're still at my tiny place, then when we find a new place we'll re assess all the bills (insurance, electricity, internet) and obviously the rent.
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