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AusGAF 6 - Ricki Lee is awful. Everything else about Australia is AMAZING [Free hugs]

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I'm going to go against the grain and say don't take the job. It doesn't sound like you even want it and one thing I can say for sure is your mental health is far more important than a mind numbing job that makes you miserable.

Put it this way do you think you'd be able to find another job whilst miserable, tired and uninspired. No one is going to hire a desperate sad sack at an interview.

You never know what's around the corner, coming out from uni I refused to take a job selling raffle tickets in shopping centres and waited for the right opportunity. Meanwhile my friend took a job doing telemarketing for fitness first which he hated and eventually quit.

Flash forward a few years and he ended up scarred by the experience and never wanted to work in the marketing field again and now works in scaffolding.

Rather long moral of the story is go with your gut and if it doesn't feel right it probably isn't


Did everyone asking for Dark Souls on PC simply ask for it on PC, or did they ask for it on PC with higher resolution textures, improved framerate, modding options?

And if everyone asking for it on PC don't go ahead and buy it now on PC, publishers are going to wonder why they should bother.

They asked for the latter, but I presume that Namco mainly saw that there was a market out there for a PC port and probably measured that the gains from all the extras might not be worth it, etc
And if everyone asking for it on PC don't go ahead and buy it now on PC, publishers are going to wonder why they should bother.
I'm not going to keeping buy shit ports of console games just so they can continue to produce shit ports of console games. That is just repeating the cycle and we will keep getting fucked in the arse so they can make an easy profit rather than make the effort (well, sometimes it isn't even an effort! If PC gamers in their spare time can mod the game so it unlocks the FPS and resolution then why the fuck can't a company that pays people, that EMPLOYS people to make games full time do it?) to release a game suitable for the platform.

People weren't asking for a lazy port. They were saying, "Oh man this game is awesome, but think of how awesome it would be at a higher resolution and with a higher frame rate than 12 FPS at times? Blight town might actually make sense!"

They don't need to half-arse it.
But were people asking for a better port? All I saw was "oh man, Dark Souls would be awesome on PC because [everything bad with the game] will be fixed", but there never seemed to be a specific request that they improve it.

Couple with the fact that From Software admittedly have no experience with the PC, if this does not do well they'll probably just shy away from it completely.

Sure, no one wants bad ports, but if the game is the same on PC (warts and all), everyone holding off for a PC announcement should definitely buy it.

And besides, you're getting more content on PC! Who cares if the graphics are still a bit crap and the framerate bogs down a little.


As long as it's playable and I can change the resolution I'll probably get it. I love From Software and I've enjoyed games with few graphics options before. If it's DX9 it's not too hard to force AA and triple buffering.

but there never seemed to be a specific request that they improve it.
Untrue, requests for better framerate were super common.

And besides, you're getting more content on PC! Who cares if the graphics are still a bit crap and the framerate bogs down a little.
It's not like the console version was lacking in content. Most people would prefer an optimised port.
But were people asking for a better port? All I saw was "oh man, Dark Souls would be awesome on PC because [everything bad with the game] will be fixed", but there never seemed to be a specific request that they improve it.
Most people wanted a better frame rate. The varying resolutions should be a given since we are dealing with a platform with many, many variations of monitors. Locking it to 720p makes no sense, aside from cutting development time.

If I played Dark Souls on PC I would be using a controller anyway since the gameplay systems feel great on the 360 controller.

The benefit to a PC port would be the usual things that come with being a PC game. If they don't offer any of those things they will find the reviews to pick up on it and they will get lower scores as such. It will be judged against other PC games.


but ever so delicious
PC gamers care because we are entitled asshats with super powerful machines that need to be run at 100% or there is no sale.

Physio killed me this morning, I hate squats. I have no core strength at all, my arms are weak, my legs are terrible. I was shaking a little bit as I was walking to the station, my legs just wanted to rest.

No real progress on my back but they did say it's probably going to take 3 - 4 months. And dammit I can't claim any of my phsyio back, Although dentistry work seems like it could be done. I need to hit a min of $2k or something? I can't see that happening by the end of the financial year D:

The receptionist was an upgrade though, So that was nice.


Seems like every other week I'm reminded to get back into Dark Souls. I got lost in the darkness and poisonessness of Blightown and gave up. I originally gave up on Demon's Souls too, but got back into it after a year and a bit and looooved it. Might be the same deal with Dark Souls.

Playing Tales of Graces F now, or whenever I get the chance to. Really recommend it to anyone here that likes jrpgs. Battle system is pretty awesome.
$2K for dental work?!? Are you on a dental plan? I pay ~$200 a year and I usually pay $50 a visit, although it has been ages since I have been.

I need money. Can anyone tell me how to make some quick money please?


I forgot what I was up to in Dark Souls but I managed to get through what most people consider the annoying bits like Blighttown and the annoying bridge archers. I think I stopped because Uncharted or Battlefield or something else came out.


but ever so delicious
$2K for dental work?!? Are you on a dental plan? I pay ~$200 a year and I usually pay $50 a visit, although it has been ages since I have been.

I need money. Can anyone tell me how to make some quick money please?

What's a dental plan? I don't have one of those. It's 2k in total for medical expensives. If I managed to get a doctor to sign me off on seeing a physio then I could add that to the total.

Dentist work for me is like $200 per filling / removal going by the quote I got last week. Going to cost me like $1400 or so for everything patched up and removed.

Physio is $80 a visit and since I need to go at least once a week, That's probably going to cost me like $1300 when all is said and done. I need to go twice a week for a month or so then it drops down to once a week for 3ish months.

I could have totally claimed a bunch of this back. If I actually get any of the dental work done before tax time.
Lisa needs braces?

Dental plan!?!?

$2K for dental work?!? Are you on a dental plan? I pay ~$200 a year and I usually pay $50 a visit, although it has been ages since I have been.

I need money. Can anyone tell me how to make some quick money please?

Even with insurance dental costs can be insane. I think getting my wisdom teeth out was $2,500ish.

uummmm.... go to the casino, sell your body (for sex, your sperm, plasma etc), sell a bunch of stuff (ebay/ garage sales), don't do or buy anything fun for ages and horde your money (best solution?), do some freelance work in something, take a second job.
Holy shite, I just saw a car nearly get swept off a bridge...

Our local bridge(s) that are used to get to our property are really flooded (so I'm stuck in and my fiancee is stuck out) and some 4WD tried to cross. It started sliding against the far side of the bridge with only a wooden sleeper stopping the car from going over, luckily he made it.
Damn. I think he said it's just a needle for me and yank em out. I sure as hell hope it doesn't cost $2700!

I will just tie them to a door and go nuts. Cheaper.

Do you know if they're impacted?

Edit: I sent a GAFfer I've never heard of before $12 to buy me Rage, he hasn't responded in over an hour, should I be worried :)


It's just raining heavily.
Holy shite, I just saw a car nearly get swept off a bridge...

Our local bridge(s) that are used to get to our property are really flooded (so I'm stuck in and my fiancee is stuck out) and some 4WD tried to cross. It started sliding against the far side of the bridge with only a wooden sleeper stopping the car from going over, luckily he made it.

You're in Matcham hey?
How long you been stuck in/out for? Still?


I want a tag give me a tag
Hey boardgame gaf, wheres a good website to buy boardgames for? I'm trying to think if a present for my step dads 40th


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Yes. At least give it a shot, could turn out to be a great job with great people. It may even lead to a better job for you through networking. Plus more money means more chances to get out and do things, which ALSO could lead to chasing down a new job.
You should take the job. Always. I'll bite my tongue on everything else I want to say.
If you need short term cash do it but only do it short term.

If you're someone whose mind needs stimulation, a factory job is probably going to make you kill yourself.
Take it from a long time unemployed Uni bum with no money. Any job you can get is better than having no job at all.
Before going to Uni I worked at various factories...I understand completely about your reservations. I don't think people understand how mentally draining/soul crushing it can be to stand in one spot for 10 hours with no interaction, whilst being sleep deprived...It can really fuck up your mind.

Good luck mate, I know I couldn't go back to that, I did it for 3 fuckin years...
See, this is what I think. You'd be amazed how many of my fellow uni friends start complaining about working soon after they manage to nab a job though. "Ugh, my boss sucks. I think I'll just quit". BUT YOU HAVE MONEY AND ARE GETTING MORE EXPERIENCE. One friend quit working after a couple of months and was already struggling to live, another quit his (a cushy currency exchange job making a buttload of money for sitting in a chair) after two weeks so he could go on centerlink because it was less effort. He's one of those guys who plans to move overseas and not pay back his hecs fees =/
Don't take 24/7 manual shift work if you don't already have goals you're working towards. Start an education of some sort, Uni, TAFE, self study. Go for entry level stuff in related fields and just keep peppering your resume out there, but if it's looking bad, go back to teleresearch while studying. It might be mind numbing, but it's easier if you're working towards something, and it's easier to get another job when you already have one. That'd be my advice.
I'm going to go against the grain and say don't take the job. It doesn't sound like you even want it and one thing I can say for sure is your mental health is far more important than a mind numbing job that makes you miserable.

Thanks for the advice guys. I appreciate it. Those with experience doing mind numbing work know what I'm on about. I think, really, I need to work out what I'm doing a bit better before I take a job like this, so like suggested I have something to work towards while the job acts as a temporary buffer.

In this particular case it doesn't really matter though, because I never actually got a call back about the induction :/.


I love our dollar! Or, more specifically, I love how so many other countries are in a currency war to boost their manufacturing sectors, whilst I get to import cheap games and guitars from them.

I just got a Vita + 8 gig memory card + Rayman Origins for ~$245 from amazon.de.
The link's at Ozbargain if anyone else wants it.



Hey boardgame gaf, wheres a good website to buy boardgames for? I'm trying to think if a present for my step dads 40th
I've been using gamesparadise.com.au for stuff I wanted quickly and found them pretty useful. I got the majority of the stuff I wanted via Amazon US, shipped to HopShopGo and then on-shipped to me, though. The saving on the games will generally cover the extra you need to pay in shipping.


So, my cat of 17 years has recently developed some kind of cancerous growth, and its right kidney is failing it. For the past six months he's been slowly degrading, exacerbated by an infection in his lower back caused by fighting one of the neighbour cats. I ended up paying a grand to have him go through surgery, which I'm super thankful gave him another half a year.

For the five months previous to this one, the cat seemed stable. He was happy, managed to kill a rat or two, ate well and was still as affectionate as he'd ever been. Unfortunately, almost instantly, he has stopped eating. It's been a week since this happened, and he is absolutely a shell of his former self. He's become so emaciated, he struggles to stay upright or even go to the bathroom outside.

We took him to the vet on Monday, and he stayed overnight. The vets tried to get a drip into him, to force the cat to absorb some nutrition. However, the vets reported that the cat was too unstable and "his veins collapsed" whenever they tried it (they attempted on his two paws and around his neck, it appears by the shaved fur).

Vet gave us some medicine, which is supposed to make the cat hungry or something. Sure enough after he had it, he at least -tried- to eat. He only had about a mouthful of fresh rabbit meat (we buy all our cat food from the butcher - healthier than buying canned stuff, and cats seem to love it), but at least it was something.

It's been two days since then, and it's hard to tell if he's improved. His breathing sounds absolutely ruined - very loud, deep breaths. This is only for about five minutes, and then he goes back to "normal", so I suspect he also has trouble with his lungs (possibly from the cancer growth?).

Tomorrow we'll have to decide if we're going to put him down. Even with him barely eating, the cat is doing terribly. He's only vaugely responsive to human contact, and has spent the entirety of the past two days laying on his side in a corner of the house. There is a very real possibility that he might freeze to death, as he has absolutely no body fat at all, and the Tasmanian nights are getting that much colder.

It's going to kill me to lose this cat. He's almost as old as me, and I can barely remember a time when he wasn't around. But, I think I have to make the hard decision to put him down. I'm giving him one more day. If he seems uncomfortable, if he seems like he won't recover, I think ethically I have to do this. I was lucky enough to give this thing another half a year of life, and maybe that's all I bought. I'm okay with that, I think.

Unfortunately I also have another, roughly 14-15 year old cat. So in a few years I'll get to relive this terrible fucking decision. And I don't think it will ever be easy. This cat isn't the first animal I've lost. Some ran away after moving, some were hit by cars. But not since I've had this cat, and 15-17 years is a looooong time, especially considering my thought process now compared to when I was 5 years old. It just feels like I'm losing a friend, someone so constant to my life that I can't actually imagine coming home a week from now and not seeing him on the doorstep or sleeping on my jacket.

I just have to know that I'm doing what's best for the cat. And I don't know if emotionally I can handle another week of uncertainty of, am I going to come home from uni or wake up in the morning and just have my cat dead in a corner.

Sorry to dump this on you, AusGAF. Just needed a place to document my thoughts.


I want a tag give me a tag
I've been using gamesparadise.com.au for stuff I wanted quickly and found them pretty useful. I got the majority of the stuff I wanted via Amazon US, shipped to HopShopGo and then on-shipped to me, though. The saving on the games will generally cover the extra you need to pay in shipping.

Excellente, shall have a look when I get home.

If I'm not to bothered on time but would rather spend less, best option?


Excellente, shall have a look when I get home.

If I'm not to bothered on time but would rather spend less, best option?
For spending less, your best bet is almost always to buy from an American distributor and use a place like HopShopGo if the distributor won't ship to Australia.

Do you have a particular product in mind?
So, my cat of 17 years has recently developed some kind of cancerous growth, and its right kidney is failing it. For the past six months he's been slowly degrading, exacerbated by an infection in his lower back caused by fighting one of the neighbour cats. I ended up paying a grand to have him go through surgery, which I'm super thankful gave him another half a year.

For the five months previous to this one, the cat seemed stable. He was happy, managed to kill a rat or two, ate well and was still as affectionate as he'd ever been. Unfortunately, almost instantly, he has stopped eating. It's been a week since this happened, and he is absolutely a shell of his former self. He's become so emaciated, he struggles to stay upright or even go to the bathroom outside.

We took him to the vet on Monday, and he stayed overnight. The vets tried to get a drip into him, to force the cat to absorb some nutrition. However, the vets reported that the cat was too unstable and "his veins collapsed" whenever they tried it (they attempted on his two paws and around his neck, it appears by the shaved fur).

Vet gave us some medicine, which is supposed to make the cat hungry or something. Sure enough after he had it, he at least -tried- to eat. He only had about a mouthful of fresh rabbit meat (we buy all our cat food from the butcher - healthier than buying canned stuff, and cats seem to love it), but at least it was something.

It's been two days since then, and it's hard to tell if he's improved. His breathing sounds absolutely ruined - very loud, deep breaths. This is only for about five minutes, and then he goes back to "normal", so I suspect he also has trouble with his lungs (possibly from the cancer growth?).

Tomorrow we'll have to decide if we're going to put him down. Even with him barely eating, the cat is doing terribly. He's only vaugely responsive to human contact, and has spent the entirety of the past two days laying on his side in a corner of the house. There is a very real possibility that he might freeze to death, as he has absolutely no body fat at all, and the Tasmanian nights are getting that much colder.

It's going to kill me to lose this cat. He's almost as old as me, and I can barely remember a time when he wasn't around. But, I think I have to make the hard decision to put him down. I'm giving him one more day. If he seems uncomfortable, if he seems like he won't recover, I think ethically I have to do this. I was lucky enough to give this thing another half a year of life, and maybe that's all I bought. I'm okay with that, I think.

Unfortunately I also have another, roughly 14-15 year old cat. So in a few years I'll get to relive this terrible fucking decision. And I don't think it will ever be easy. This cat isn't the first animal I've lost. Some ran away after moving, some were hit by cars. But not since I've had this cat, and 15-17 years is a looooong time, especially considering my thought process now compared to when I was 5 years old. It just feels like I'm losing a friend, someone so constant to my life that I can't actually imagine coming home a week from now and not seeing him on the doorstep or sleeping on my jacket.

I just have to know that I'm doing what's best for the cat. And I don't know if emotionally I can handle another week of uncertainty of, am I going to come home from uni or wake up in the morning and just have my cat dead in a corner.

Sorry to dump this on you, AusGAF. Just needed a place to document my thoughts.

I think you're probably making the right decision to have your cat put down. When my rabbit died the thing that still hurts me is that i wasn't there when it happened and i feel terrible for it. If i could do things over again i probably would have put her down earlier and have actually been with her at the end.

Also there is nothing wrong with being really upset about it. Even though it's only a cat you have spent a long time with it. You have probably spent more time with your cat than you will with any other person besides your immediate family.

I wish you the best getting through this as it is a really tough time. Just remember the times you have had together and that you gave your cat a really good and loving life.


Hey boardgame gaf, wheres a good website to buy boardgames for? I'm trying to think if a present for my step dads 40th

I buy mine from Games Empire and Unhalfbricking Games. These places are both great value and are pretty prompt in getting your gear out to you. I can't recommend them enough. Anything particularly special, I'll hit up my FLGS, because they're awesome.

Milsims Games is the absolute worst, do not shop there. I'm totally serious. The last time I bought from them, I waited over a week for an order to be sent to me, then they sold it to someone else instead, putting them out of stock, without telling me. They are absolutely terrible. I will not buy from them if they're the last place on earth with stock. Poor customer service, poor communication and prices and stock-levels are often better elsewhere.

Games Paradise, you can buy from them if you want, but from what I have heard they are a truly terribly company. They were originally part of a distribution group that made sure that their shelves were stocked full of goods, whilst other shops that bought from them were left out in the cold. Other stores could be waiting up to 3 months and not have any stock delivered whilst Games Paradise had their shelves full. This has earned them the name Games Parasite. I won't shop there on principle. There are a number of horror stories from people who have attempted to buy from them. Their prices aren't even that good. Shop at your own risk.

As for shopping overseas, I haven't yet found this to be a viable option. The pure size and weight of board games make the postage cost prohibitively expensive, especially from the US, and either nullifying any savings or actually making the purchase more expensive than buying locally.


So, my cat of 17 years has recently developed some kind of cancerous growth, and its right kidney is failing it. For the past six months he's been slowly degrading, exacerbated by an infection in his lower back caused by fighting one of the neighbour cats. I ended up paying a grand to have him go through surgery, which I'm super thankful gave him another half a year.

For the five months previous to this one, the cat seemed stable. He was happy, managed to kill a rat or two, ate well and was still as affectionate as he'd ever been. Unfortunately, almost instantly, he has stopped eating. It's been a week since this happened, and he is absolutely a shell of his former self. He's become so emaciated, he struggles to stay upright or even go to the bathroom outside.

We took him to the vet on Monday, and he stayed overnight. The vets tried to get a drip into him, to force the cat to absorb some nutrition. However, the vets reported that the cat was too unstable and "his veins collapsed" whenever they tried it (they attempted on his two paws and around his neck, it appears by the shaved fur).

Vet gave us some medicine, which is supposed to make the cat hungry or something. Sure enough after he had it, he at least -tried- to eat. He only had about a mouthful of fresh rabbit meat (we buy all our cat food from the butcher - healthier than buying canned stuff, and cats seem to love it), but at least it was something.

It's been two days since then, and it's hard to tell if he's improved. His breathing sounds absolutely ruined - very loud, deep breaths. This is only for about five minutes, and then he goes back to "normal", so I suspect he also has trouble with his lungs (possibly from the cancer growth?).

Tomorrow we'll have to decide if we're going to put him down. Even with him barely eating, the cat is doing terribly. He's only vaugely responsive to human contact, and has spent the entirety of the past two days laying on his side in a corner of the house. There is a very real possibility that he might freeze to death, as he has absolutely no body fat at all, and the Tasmanian nights are getting that much colder.

It's going to kill me to lose this cat. He's almost as old as me, and I can barely remember a time when he wasn't around. But, I think I have to make the hard decision to put him down. I'm giving him one more day. If he seems uncomfortable, if he seems like he won't recover, I think ethically I have to do this. I was lucky enough to give this thing another half a year of life, and maybe that's all I bought. I'm okay with that, I think.

Unfortunately I also have another, roughly 14-15 year old cat. So in a few years I'll get to relive this terrible fucking decision. And I don't think it will ever be easy. This cat isn't the first animal I've lost. Some ran away after moving, some were hit by cars. But not since I've had this cat, and 15-17 years is a looooong time, especially considering my thought process now compared to when I was 5 years old. It just feels like I'm losing a friend, someone so constant to my life that I can't actually imagine coming home a week from now and not seeing him on the doorstep or sleeping on my jacket.

I just have to know that I'm doing what's best for the cat. And I don't know if emotionally I can handle another week of uncertainty of, am I going to come home from uni or wake up in the morning and just have my cat dead in a corner.

Sorry to dump this on you, AusGAF. Just needed a place to document my thoughts.

Really sorry to hear man, always tough losing a loved pet and not an easy decision you have to make tomorrow by any stretch but at the end of the day you have to do what's best for him. At least he lived a long and happy life :(


So, my cat of 17 years has recently developed some kind of cancerous growth, and its right kidney is failing it. For the past six months he's been slowly degrading, exacerbated by an infection in his lower back caused by fighting one of the neighbour cats. I ended up paying a grand to have him go through surgery, which I'm super thankful gave him another half a year.

For the five months previous to this one, the cat seemed stable. He was happy, managed to kill a rat or two, ate well and was still as affectionate as he'd ever been. Unfortunately, almost instantly, he has stopped eating. It's been a week since this happened, and he is absolutely a shell of his former self. He's become so emaciated, he struggles to stay upright or even go to the bathroom outside.

We took him to the vet on Monday, and he stayed overnight. The vets tried to get a drip into him, to force the cat to absorb some nutrition. However, the vets reported that the cat was too unstable and "his veins collapsed" whenever they tried it (they attempted on his two paws and around his neck, it appears by the shaved fur).

Vet gave us some medicine, which is supposed to make the cat hungry or something. Sure enough after he had it, he at least -tried- to eat. He only had about a mouthful of fresh rabbit meat (we buy all our cat food from the butcher - healthier than buying canned stuff, and cats seem to love it), but at least it was something.

It's been two days since then, and it's hard to tell if he's improved. His breathing sounds absolutely ruined - very loud, deep breaths. This is only for about five minutes, and then he goes back to "normal", so I suspect he also has trouble with his lungs (possibly from the cancer growth?).

Tomorrow we'll have to decide if we're going to put him down. Even with him barely eating, the cat is doing terribly. He's only vaugely responsive to human contact, and has spent the entirety of the past two days laying on his side in a corner of the house. There is a very real possibility that he might freeze to death, as he has absolutely no body fat at all, and the Tasmanian nights are getting that much colder.

It's going to kill me to lose this cat. He's almost as old as me, and I can barely remember a time when he wasn't around. But, I think I have to make the hard decision to put him down. I'm giving him one more day. If he seems uncomfortable, if he seems like he won't recover, I think ethically I have to do this. I was lucky enough to give this thing another half a year of life, and maybe that's all I bought. I'm okay with that, I think.

Unfortunately I also have another, roughly 14-15 year old cat. So in a few years I'll get to relive this terrible fucking decision. And I don't think it will ever be easy. This cat isn't the first animal I've lost. Some ran away after moving, some were hit by cars. But not since I've had this cat, and 15-17 years is a looooong time, especially considering my thought process now compared to when I was 5 years old. It just feels like I'm losing a friend, someone so constant to my life that I can't actually imagine coming home a week from now and not seeing him on the doorstep or sleeping on my jacket.

I just have to know that I'm doing what's best for the cat. And I don't know if emotionally I can handle another week of uncertainty of, am I going to come home from uni or wake up in the morning and just have my cat dead in a corner.

Sorry to dump this on you, AusGAF. Just needed a place to document my thoughts.

That's really tough Kritz, also having grown up with pets I know what it feels like. It really is like losing a friend. Don't worry about being upset, it's only normal.

Unfortunately it seems that cats in particular don't go easily, we have had cats that have had to be put down due to failing kidneys. It's so sad and it really sucks seeing them like that, but I suppose that's the hard part of getting so many amazing years with them.

Reminds me that my dog is getting really old and is struggling to walk. :'(


I just have to know that I'm doing what's best for the cat. And I don't know if emotionally I can handle another week of uncertainty of, am I going to come home from uni or wake up in the morning and just have my cat dead in a corner.

Sorry to dump this on you, AusGAF. Just needed a place to document my thoughts.

Losing a pet is a terrible and distressing thing, it's like losing a part of yourself, like losing a human family member that you love dearly. These decisions are never easy, even if you have to make them a few times.

Watching your pet suffer is just as bad. I think that once your pets are in this state, they know what's coming and they're preparing for it. I like to think that if they were able to talk, they'd tell you that it's okay to put them down because it's going to happen soon anyway. As sad as it is likely to make both of you to lose each-other, in the end it's for the best so there is no suffering.

Watching your animal, or family member pass away in front of your eyes is not a pleasant experience, I can attest to that first hand. But the suffering beforehand with the inevitable end is worse. They suffer and struggle for everything they want to do before the end and it's so hard to watch because it's long and drawn-out.

You would be doing the right thing for your pet and for yourself to take him to the vet. It's not going to be nice, but it will be quick and painless for him, and then you can begin the mourning process, knowing you did the right thing by him. Whatever you do, don't go to the vets alone, bring a close friend or family member that you feel completely comfortable with (and can drive), because it'll be difficult for you to drive home.

I'm tearing up a little just thinking about my last dog that passed away. I loved her dearly and we had so much fun. She only had a short life of 6 years, ending with a weak heart, but dammit if it wasn't great until the end. I'll never forget her and no dog will ever be able to replace her. I didn't have to put her down, but if it was that or watch her suffer, it wouldn't even be a question.

I hope that helps to some degree, and I'm sorry to hear about your impending loss.
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