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AusGAF 6 - Ricki Lee is awful. Everything else about Australia is AMAZING [Free hugs]

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THE WORDS! They'll drift away without the _!
It was an air swing and a stumble. As much as that was a dicey penalty, Perth didn't deserve their goal either. Brisbane clearly the better team on the night, Perth better than expected only in that Roar weren't running rampant the whole game.

Yeah, I do agree that he took an air swing and fell on further looks. He did milk it, and it was a terrible call.
Agreed that Roar were the better team also. Still.. terrible way to win it.
Had it happened in the middle of the game, it would be a talking point but no where near as controversial. I do agree that his celebration and pandering to the ref was gross. Bottom line: Perth played greatly but take away two shit goals and you're still left with Brisbanes 1 goal.
Pfft, ive been arguing with economics asses about that for years >.<

Money isnt the only motivator. And its sad cause they generally use it to justify their exhorbitant fees in banking and business. (Because they only enter it with a love for money, not for the work that they do)

The problem is that so much of modern economic theory is essentially... that. Used to justify super wages and golden parachutes, cutting taxes, cutting welfare.... you name it.

Its so sad.

The system is beholden to people with no morality but the drive for wealth. And in the end, wealth begins to pool around them, and get sucked from society at large.

And whats worst of all is that its the tax payers and average people that suffer. We got rid of tariffs. Yay! Free markets! Now we have to pay companies all over the world to build offices and plants here, we have to give them concessions and tax breaks and near 0% annual tax bills. The state went from being served to being the servant of these huge corporations and these utterly idiotic hive minded simpletons who are stuck so far up ayn rands ass they actually read all of Atlas Shrugged and pronounce Ayn properly. AND THOUGHT IT WAS INSIGHTFUL.

Economics has gone from a part of life to life itself. The state has to be structered to serve this economic mythical deity who is as skittish as a wild boar, lest he wander off and we lose his golden turd pile. Instead of economics simply being an enabler, something to be controlled just like any other process that is man made, it has become what life itself, government, everything is centered around.

Oh god im ranting >_<

Also fuck the 'big 4' banks who have us all by the balls and twist at will. nationalise them! Rhubarb rhubarb rhubarb!

This kinda stuff makes me so mad. I really REALLY dislike the current economic system =/


It was an air swing and a stumble. As much as that was a dicey penalty, Perth didn't deserve their goal either. Brisbane clearly the better team on the night, Perth better than expected only in that Roar weren't running rampant the whole game.

only the most one eyed supporter thinks thats a penalty. I'm a referee myself, semi professional and it was a fucking joke

berischa needs to go for 10 weeks. What a fuckwit. FFA need to make clear, diving will be punished. Especially given the impact on the GF.

Also, air swing = no contact = NO FUCKING PENALTY

edit: Sportsbet is refunding perth glory bets due to the farce


and Berischa was offside


lulz, fuck the aleague


But how can they punish the player when the ump made the call and effectively decided the grand final. They can't come out now and go "Oh you're getting suspended because of diving, even though you were awarded the free kick."


THE WORDS! They'll drift away without the _!
Refs would get it wrong less if people didn't dive.

They also managed to award MoTM to the wrong person due to an "administrative error". Hyundai LOL League.
Technology! What would we do without her! While the fiancée was getting ready for our friends wedding I ran out to get some kind of thing to go in her hair. Using the miracle of phone cameras and transmission of data over radio-waves and magic I was able to make it as if she was in the store at the same time as being in our hotel room! Science! Protecting men from getting yelled at by their spouses since 1212!

Also this breakfast was a crime against fucking humanity.


Ordered bacon and eggs, in a dazed post-drinking state I said poached eggs even though I usually have fried. The menu AND the invoice said 'POACHED EGGS'. EGGS. PLURAL. This is retribution for entering a holy place yesterday I bet.

That little egg the size of a 50c piece cost me $10! The slab of bacon was only $2.50. :/
Plus the egg was shit, tasted like it had been cooked in olive oil and had vinegar come within 20cm of it at some point. Just pissy because everyone else got great meals, the exact same meal for the exact same price, but for fried eggs, even came with toast! And 2 eggs! The place is usually my favourite spot in Geelong but since my mates stopped managing the joint it hasn't seemed the same.

Don't be worried. I've been allowed to pass through God's house twice this year without any ill effects. I fear God has had to lower His standards somewhat, lately.
Went well! No burning, no indigestion. Was a lovely ceremony and very emotional. Glad it went well for them as they have had their issues over the years but it was very obvious how they truly feel.
While waiting for the bride they played songs on her iPhone. One of which was Special Two by Missy Higgins.
Another case of people listening to the melody and reading the title rather than actually listening to the lyrics :)

So Diablo 3, that's a game thing.
I'm only hyped because my mate who just got married is going to be away until the day before release so he has asked me to build a PC for him! Looking forward to trying to ratchet down the prices even though he doesn't give a shit if I even spend $2000.

Aw man, I had no idea! I've just bought a different brand of cider to try, too!
I enjoyed it too! Really cheap and tastes pretty good compared to the big dogs. Shits all over 5 Seeds and Strongbow.

Fuck yes, I love MSY after building my last PC but they shouldn't be able to weasel out on warranties.

Love me some Plex, use it to stream videos to the TouchPad and it runs like a dream. Totally worth the $5 or so I spent on it.

Haven't looked into the other media stuff though, would be awesome to stream music to the TouchPad to play while I do cleaning around the house.


fucking zavvi
Strangest thing is that Shinobi should be £9.95 and IT should be the one with a month delay....

In any case Child of Eden (360) is cheaper at LOGS anyway! $22.50. It was also only $14 a week ago but I thought everyone had already jumped on it a few months back when it was under $20 again.

welp, looks like the game plan is to win it with points

west coast 11 behinds in a row
lol one of our mates at the wedding is a mad West Coast supporter who has had to put up with our shit for years now. He was having a terrible time of it, even the groom made a joke about them during his speech.

At least you got the win in the end!

LOGS* 4 lyf

*see Reptile? I'm doing the LOGS thing, even though I have no idea what the "L" represents. Totes got your back, bro.
Lord OzGameShop! I used a ye olde englishe motif for one of the earlier bargain posts and it stuck for me.

i passed my stone and FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK it hurt
seriously guys, drink 2 litres of water a day. You do not want to go through what i did.
Fuck man, at least it is done now! Hope like hell you are recovering okay.

Also I drink like 4L a day but I am a savory man. Hopefully I will be okay now that I am exercising more.

Also, because I hate myself, the new Red Rock Deli corn chips ARE FUCKING AMAZEBALLZ!


Seriously, all this for only $10! You'd be crazy to turn this opportunity down. I wouldn't be pimping this so hard if I didn't think it was worth it, I've never been let down by a single Evil Hat product and I own a number of them (see here). Jump on this amazing book deal here before it's too late.
Damn good deal and I am really looking forward to digging into them. Love the absurdist take on the genre and after smashing through Danger 5 again this week it is perfect timing. Really enjoyed the sample chapters.

Reading the Valve Handbook. Oh lord. Cool but ultimately depressing.
Had to be leaking intentionally to drum up more applicants. Some of the reaction to it has been hilarious on Twitter.

This reminds me that I should figure out why youtube gets choppy for me during full screen high res videos.
Might be a HTML5 issue? I had a lot of problems with Chrome and YouTube until I jumped into the HTML5 beta and waited it out until a new build of Chrome seemed to have fixed the original issue.

A-league gf on this afternoon, I should go grab some beer maybe. But currently introducing my son to Unleashed.
Jet Li or Sonic? The little guy loved watching me play Colours!

New Legend of Zelda announced for the 3DS.
The sun rises and the sun sets. Every Nintendo console will have at least one AAA Mario title and one Zelda title, at the very least. So sayeth the lord.

I like the mobile gaf more than normal desktop gaf. Insta-embed vids FTW
I would love to see the desktop gaf incorporate the nifty extension stuff, can't live without Highlighter!

the a-league is in a video game that sells over 20 million copies a year :p
How many people who buy that game actually play and give a shit about the A-League mode and buy it BECAUSE of that mode?

edit: Sportsbet is refunding perth glory bets due to the farce


and Berischa was offside
LOL at both. What a fuck up all round. Terrible for the word of mouth about the sport.

iddqd because I am a weak bastard.
So I have my thesis due in 8 weeks. Any tips for staying motivated ausgaf?

Think of all the time spent at uni that would be a waste if you don't finish your thesis which you have been 'working' on for the past 12-18 months.

Also disconnect your internet, telephone and tell your girlfriend she looks fat in that dress. Those 8 weeks are now effectively 2 usual years of productivity.
Reptile the poached eggs tasted like vinegar because that's what lazy people do to make them.

Also look into DLNA to stream music to your devices.


oh wow, peter slipper steps aside as speaker..... Labor loses a vote....

it may be early election if Andrew Wilkie decides to pull the trigger :O

edit: oh nope..... peter slipper can't vote at all.... so it would be a tie :/


oh wow, peter slipper steps aside as speaker..... Labor loses a vote....

it may be early election if Andrew Wilkie decides to pull the trigger :O

edit: oh nope..... peter slipper can't vote at all.... so it would be a tie :/

As the Labor deputy Speaker is taking the role in the meantime, I believe the Coalition is obligated to provide her a pair.

But yeah, even if Abbott refuses to pair, it's a tie and the Speaker casts the deciding vote in the case of a tie, so they still have control without Wilkie.


As I don't read video game news sites, I missed this little gem. Written by one of the blokes from Shut Up & Sit Down, I had no idea he used to be part of the Rock, Paper Shotgun crew.

Board Games Are Better Than Video Games In So Many Ways

The article is a lot more elegant and thoughtful than the title leads you to believe. It's not the original title of the article, but the click-bait one that Kotaku used. Please don't let this dissuade you from reading it.

Even if you don't play board games or give a shit about them in the slightest, it's worth a read (you may even find a good reason to give them a try), you might see what the fuss is about, and why their popularity seems to be increasing. I'm not sure if Kotaku just nicked it from him and credited him on the story, but if you enjoyed the read and/or are interested in reading some more, it continues on his blog here.

On his blog he goes on to talk about games such as:

Quintin Smith said:
The Resistance.


You&#8217;re sat at a table. The lights are low. Around you are a half dozen of your friends, sipping from beer bottles and eyeing one another nervously.

More than half of you are legitimate members of The Resistance, seeking to undermine the government. The rest are double agents reporting back to that government. The &#8220;game&#8221; simulates the part of this story where you all meet to argue about which of you can be trusted to go on missions; which of you form the team that plants the bomb or kidnaps the official. The missions themselves are just the members of that team placing a card facedown, either sabotaging the mission or not. These cards are then shuffled and dealt face up, revealing the results of that mission.

You flip the cards&#8230; a pass, a pass, a pass and there it is- a sabotage card. At least one member of that team is a spy. But who? Cue frenzied accusations, nervous allegiances, and the leadership of your cell slipping clockwise around the group like a sweaty minute hand.

Which is a fancy way of saying The Resistance is just a game of talking.

Which is exactly why it&#8217;s important.

Never mind the fact that The Resistance is a beautiful game. Let&#8217;s glaze over the big things, like the fact that the spies know who one another are and must work together to sway suspicions away from their allies and towards the innocent, and also the little things like the rapid exchange of glances when two spies get sent on a mission together (which of them submits the sabotage card? they can&#8217;t both do it, or their spy ring will be rumbled).

The Resistance and games like it are important because video games cannot yet challenge our personal charisma, leadership and duplicity. They can&#8217;t challenge us socially. Hell, they&#8217;ve barely scratched the surface of bluffing. And to state the obvious, to ignore such a vast part of human existence is at best a crying shame.

We&#8217;re blindsided by what video games can do with such fierce regularity that we often forget what they can&#8217;t do. Like talking.

This is just one of the gems you're missing out on if you haven't at least dabbled in the hobby. One of the points he makes is that it's not just the games themselves that are great, but the experience of playing them with your friends, an experience that video games cannot replace or substitute.
As I don't read video game news sites, I missed this little gem. Written by one of the blokes from Shut Up & Sit Down, I had no idea he used to be part of the Rock, Paper Shotgun crew.

Board Games Are Better Than Video Games In So Many Ways

The article is a lot more elegant and thoughtful than the title leads you to believe. It's not the original title of the article, but the click-bait one that Kotaku used. Please don't let this dissuade you from reading it.
Quinn has always been one of my favourite writers since I read the Planetside piece and was instantly in love with the game despite never touching it. He did boardgame articles on RPS too that we entertaining enough for me to get through, most of his work there was great. The Minecraft series substituted for me playing it.


Write a thesis on motivation first.

true wisdom.

Think of all the time spent at uni that would be a waste if you don't finish your thesis which you have been 'working' on for the past 12-18 months.

Also disconnect your internet, telephone and tell your girlfriend she looks fat in that dress. Those 8 weeks are now effectively 2 usual years of productivity.

I downloaded an extension for chrome to block all my usual sites (fb, feeds, gaf, etc) except at certain times. Even though I know I can just disable it, it seems to be working wonders for my productivity!

Too right about cramming years of work into 8 weeks though. I'm gonna have a strong-resilience to caffeine by the end of this.


THE girlfriend of a man charged over the Kings Cross joyride that led police to shoot a 14-year-old has warned of an uprising among young Aborigines.

Her partner, Matthew Dalton, 24, was the oldest of six males in a stolen car that allegedly ran over a 29-year-old woman and struck a pedestrian in Kings Cross on Saturday morning.
The group was allegedly attempting to flee after two officers recognised them on Bayswater Road about 4am.

In a bid to halt the car, police opened fire, hitting the 14-year-old male driver in the chest and arm, and a passenger, Troy Taylor, 18, in the neck. Mr Dalton, from Mount Druitt, had allegedly consumed more than 20 alcoholic drinks and claimed he did not know the age of the car's driver. Mr Dalton appeared in Parramatta Bail Court yesterday charged with being in a stolen car and was refused bail.

Tell you what. Don't get blind drunk, steal cars, and run over people.
Tell you what. Don't get blind drunk, steal cars, and run over people.

The only Aboriginals who will riot are the shit ones who want to ruin everything for everyone anyway. You tend to get shot at when you start running over people.

At least it is a break from the constant gang related shootings over the last week.

Great time to be a police officer! <_>


Quinn has always been one of my favourite writers since I read the Planetside piece and was instantly in love with the game despite never touching it. He did boardgame articles on RPS too that we entertaining enough for me to get through, most of his work there was great. The Minecraft series substituted for me playing it.

Reading some of his stuff, I had no idea how good he was. I just read and watched his awesome antics and great reviews on Shut Up & Sit Down. That, combined with some new friends I made, really got me into board gaming. I realised at once that I had found what I had been looking for all along. I had spent countless amounts of money on video games, consoles, and PC gaming hardware looking for that something.

The closest I got was World of Warcraft. I can heard the groans now, and believe me, I'm groaning along with you. Whilst I spent many years playing that poor excuse for a game, I came to realise that it wasn't really the game that I enjoyed playing, but the fact that I was doing it with other people. People that I liked (a rare thing in that game). The interaction was the thing that I was sorely craving.

Board gaming (and PnP RPGs) cranks that all the way up for me and hits all the right buttons. It's like teleportation back to my childhood where I knew exactly what I wanted to have fun. Get some friends around and play a game together, it can be a board game, cops and robbers, anything. It didn't take much then and it really doesn't now; I can say to my friends "wanna play XX?" and the answer is usually "sure", and then we have a blast doing exactly that.

I'm going to try later in the week to put out one last call for interest an online RPG session. I'll try when the forum is a little more active. For anyone reading this now, I'm not pushing for a long campaign that requires a lot of commitment, just the odd game here and there, short self-contained stories (aka one-shots). Hopefully that's a little more accommodating to peoples schedules and won't burn anyone out. I'd just like to share what I find fun with those who maybe don't get to do this often, or at all (as well as getting some practice being a GM, so I can plan some better games).

I know none of this is what you were expecting when you replied to my post, it just sort of came out and I felt like sharing.


As I don't read video game news sites, I missed this little gem. Written by one of the blokes from Shut Up & Sit Down, I had no idea he used to be part of the Rock, Paper Shotgun crew.

Board Games Are Better Than Video Games In So Many Ways

The article is a lot more elegant and thoughtful than the title leads you to believe. It's not the original title of the article, but the click-bait one that Kotaku used. Please don't let this dissuade you from reading it.

Even if you don't play board games or give a shit about them in the slightest, it's worth a read (you may even find a good reason to give them a try), you might see what the fuss is about, and why their popularity seems to be increasing. I'm not sure if Kotaku just nicked it from him and credited him on the story, but if you enjoyed the read and/or are interested in reading some more, it continues on his blog here.

On his blog he goes on to talk about games such as:

This is just one of the gems you're missing out on if you haven't at least dabbled in the hobby. One of the points he makes is that it's not just the games themselves that are great, but the experience of playing them with your friends, an experience that video games cannot replace or substitute.

'Board Games are better than video games' isn't a particularly valid comparison but he does raise some good points. A key difference is that players care much more about the systems at play and not the presentation. If a game has a fun mechanic, then it doesn't really matter what the card art is like. Seasoned players will be drawn to a game that has a n elegant core set of rules or puts a unique twist on an established system. Although it is nice when the publisher goes the extra mile to include quality art assets. The Days of Wonder games 'Cargo Noire' and 'Small World' have some lively and colourful art assets and the aesthetics are an appealing complement to the game and not the key feature.

The physical component of a board game need not be particularly heavy - it doesn't matter how many dice or cards a game has so long as what is included is essential and makes the game fun and it all just works.

Board gamers are far more tolerable of a weaker game than video gamers. Don't like this game of Munchkin? Not to worry, it'll be over in half an hour and you can move on to the next thing. Looking at BGG, you'll observe a far more realistic spread in the critical assessment of board game quality and not the 7-10 system used by IGN et al.

Of course, there's the social aspect too - as you're not sat on your bum having a solitary experience. Having a good crew can make or break the enjoyment of a game and there are some games that work with a particular arrangement of people that wouldn't be quite so memorable with a different assortment of personalities.

One of the key success stories with the recent surge in board game popularity is that the gamers are perfectly happy going out and dropping $50+ on a boxed version of a game when the mechanically identical digital version can be had on iOS/Android/PC/XBLA for far less. The result of a Carcassonne match will play out exactly the same way with the physical tile set as it would on an iPhone or Xbox Live but there's things to like about both the tangible and digital versions of the game.




Blackberry phones are terrible.

There is a stigma attached to them, that because they are used by businesspeople, that they are the phone of choice for business. That cyclical reasoning could be argued to be a key reason as to why they've survived so long.

The interface is clunky; the sync time between the device and a remote email server is inconsistent; the physical keyboard is (counter-intuitively) slower than a touch screen; it's slower for composing emails; and each device isn't particularly versatile.

A lot of people have one because their employer gave it to them. As expected of a business-enabling device, they are built around emails and calendars and handle both of those functions averagely. As such, we have a bunch of folk carrying around their Blackberry for receiving off-site emails as well as carrying a personal iPhone/Android device for everything else.

RIM have an advertising campaign carrying the moniker 'We need tools, not toys' which says just how much they don't get it. Their product, aimed at professionals, underperforms against the 'toys' at everything its designed to do and the sooner it dies the better. Its survival this far can be attributed to its 'Business device' stigma because that's what RIM sell it as and non-tech savvy managers simply don't know any better.


'Board Games are better than video games' isn't a particularly valid comparison but he does raise some good points.

It's not a valid comparison at all, and sadly it isn't one he actually made in the article. You can thank Kotaku for the inflammatory title that demonstrates that they didn't actually get the article, or just wanted to anger readers into clicking on it. He actually stated:

Quintin Smith said:
In this post I just want to convey to you what's exciting about analog game design itself.

I think he did a perfect job of that. It was a great point that anyone can make a board game, they just need the idea to begin with, everything else is within reach. The same cannot be said for video games, you might have a great idea for one, but there are a number of hurdles to jump over to make it happen and even if you do, the end result may not be what you wanted.

Look at the board game 'Puerto Rico' for example, when you break down the components, it would've been easy to make a crude version of that, there really isn't that much to it. You need something to represent currency, some pictures of buildings, crops, boats, roles, things to represent the individual goods, and the settlers. That's it. You can draw some stuff by hand or on the PC and print it, you can buy some dowels, chop them up and paint them, you can buy some beads or glass pebbles, anything would do.

Essentially the barrier to entry as a creative is low for a wannabe board game designer. The same cannot be said for video games of any sort.

I appreciate that the same is true for the PnP RPG industry. With the advent of print-on-demand services and sites such as DriveThruRPG selling PDFs, anyone who wants to put out an RPG, sourcebook, supplement or whatever has the means to do so.

As both of these hobbies are very niche, I'm glad that they have the chance to get more exposure. It's also good that the up-and-coming greats don't have much standing in their way to get their great ideas seen and/or played by others. I know my gaming shelves would have a lot less on them if this wasn't the case.


Essentially the barrier to entry as a creative is low for a wannabe board game designer. The same cannot be said for video games of any sort.

Absolutely. Some great games are made by just one guy, like Donald X. Vaccarino and David Sirlin for example, with the art assets outsourced.


Absolutely. Some great games are made by just one guy, like Donald X. Vaccarino and David Sirlin for example, with the art assets outsourced.

Dominion is fantastic, and a regular at our gaming table. I didn't know one guy made it, but now I am even more impressed with it. I can't say I'm familiar with David Sirlin's works, however. After a quick Google, it seems he's got a successful Kickstarter up and running for his newest edition of Puzzle Strike, so good on him. Kickstarter has been a great thing for the tabletop gaming industry/community.

I've been dying to play a couple of games made by Czech designer Vlaada Chvátil. He's quite prolific, but 'Space Alert', 'Galaxy Trucker' and 'Mage Knight' are his more notable games. I currently own Space Alert and am hoping to play it soon, it looks frantic and fun as hell; Galaxy Trucker looks great too, some awesome, silly fun with friends.


Dominion is fantastic, and a regular at our gaming table. I didn't know one guy made it, but now I am even more impressed with it. I can't say I'm familiar with David Sirlin's works, however. After a quick Google, it seems he's got a successful Kickstarter up and running for his newest edition of Puzzle Strike, so good on him. Kickstarter has been a great thing for the tabletop gaming industry/community.

Sirlin's Yomi would be a more diverse purchase than Puzzle Strike. Puzzle Strike is great, but plays like Dominion light. It's a suitable game to play whilst waiting for something else more complicated to be set up.

As for Yomi, it's as close to a card-based version of Street Fighter as you'll get. Looking at the box assets it won't be immediately obvious, but the game is built around choosing 'moves' and predicting what move your opponent will make. Certain moves cancel out or will make your character vulnerable to enemy attacks so there is an element of scissor-paper-rock guess work throughout each bout. The system is a clever approximation of Capcom-style fighting games and employs a similar strategy even though the actual execution of attacks is in card form. Much like fighting games, a level of familiarity for each character's strengths/weaknesses is required to be successful even though the basic rule set is easy to follow.

You'll want to play a fair few games of Yomi to get up to speed for that very reason but the games play quick.


So, has anybody got any input on doing a full SydGAF meetup after a board games night?

SydGAF (and not just board gamers this time), we're thinking of transitioning a board game day into a full SydGAF meetup in the evening. Essentially, there'd be board games at my place until evening, when we'd all catch a bus to the city to meet with others for a meetup like the first SydGAF. We do need to gauge interest on the idea to see if this is feasible and stuff. Hence this post.

The earliest we could do this is on Sunday May 6th, so please indicate your interest of whether you are interested in the board games, meetup or both so we can see if we have enough numbers. Even if you can't make that Sunday, let us know if you'd be interested to do it on another night (it would have to be either a Saturday, Sunday or Public Holiday).

I'm definitely up for doing both events on the 6th, or any other valid day. What say the rest of you?


Rotten a league final. It's not the one they needed, but it is the one they deserved.

result should be declared null, rematch played and ref and linesman sacked, and diving cheats should be suspended.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
And out of nowhere, for no reason, Hammer is finally working again. Back to modding HL2. This time I should finish something.


have people learnt FUCKING NOTHING from the Howard years with this?

PETER HARTCHER Labor would suffer its worst result in the Senate since 1944 if an election were held now, giving Tony Abbott control of the upper house as well as the lower, an analysis shows.


Your proposing we go down exactly the same ill thought out road the poms did 20 years ago. You prattle on about press freedoms and freedom of speech. But setting people aside as special cases which is what prayer rooms do is the first step the stupid poms took. And now if you pass a comment on a blog over their that wouldn&#8217;t raise eyebrows here you risk a prison sentence because muslims their now have special dispensation and protection under wide ranging laws. And this hasn&#8217;t protected them form vilification but made the matter a whole lot worse. Sorry but this is the most stupid column I have ever read of yours.

homer of act (Reply)
Mon 23 Apr 12 (08:05am)

I don&#8217;t see too many chapels at Australian sporting venues. This is just one more step toward the islamification of a western culture.

k1w1 of Brisbane (Reply)
Mon 23 Apr 12 (08:06am)

What tripe Andrew. And then well have to make all outlets Halal certified. And then special areas for Islamic women so they aren&#8217;t at the mercy of prying eyes.

And all the while, canceling of Christmas celebrations, Halal food everywhere. Segregational swimming pools, and I could go on with acts of tolerance.

And tell me Andrew, how many Muslims do you see praying in the Multi-denominational prayer room at The Womens ? .... None, they&#8217;ve taken over the room next to it.

Dont be dumb. It&#8217;s marketed as multi-denominational, but we know whs been pushing it and who will use it.

And finally, it&#8217;s the footy. Won&#8217;t someone just say it .... It&#8217;s the footy, for gods sake,if you can&#8217;t pay for 3 hrs, you&#8217;re in the wrong country.

Matthew of Melbourne (Reply)
Mon 23 Apr 12 (08:08am)

No Andrew, they should pray at home or in their Mosque&#8217;s.
It&#8217;s their religion, not ours.
They are in our country.
If it dosn&#8217;t suit them, then they should go to a country where they can pray all day.
I&#8217;m sick to death of the Muslim&#8217;s demanding we change our ways.
I&#8217;m fed up with it.

Rilivon (Reply)
Mon 23 Apr 12 (08:15am)

So it will be alright to erect a statue of the Goddess Athena in the prayer room? At least she was the Goddess of Knowledge, Light and Learning. As the Pallas Muse Athena radiated knowledge by shaking her spear and because of this and her helmet of knowledge she was the original Shake Spear.

However could Satanists please pick a dark corner, and Druids take their mistletoe away with them when they leave.

Malcolm of Hampton Park (Reply)
Mon 23 Apr 12 (08:21am)

On the other hand...

Very eloquently argued Andrew.

Your logic is so well presented here I have changed my initial knee jerk reaction of agreeing with Kennett to agreeing with you.

Once again you show why your blog remains the absolute &#8216;must read&#8217; for the day.

Free minds & free markets of Mansfield QLD (Reply)
Mon 23 Apr 12 (08:25am)

HHMmm, I was unsure what to think of all this, but on reading your point, and understanding it. I now know.

Good point!

Nick of Western Port (Reply)
Mon 23 Apr 12 (08:25am)

And on the best hand...

The way Collingwood are going this year, they are going to need more than one prayer room.

FOEHN of Good Old Collingwood Forever (Reply)
Mon 23 Apr 12 (08:39am)

Conclusion: Licencing test to use comments features on news websites is required.


Been meaning to post this for a while, but finally getting around to it to today... while I was banned, actually took a small trip home to Tas. It was short, but pretty good. Onto pics and stuff.

Apparently you shouldn't take photos on the tarmac at an airport ;)

Mum went all out on our first night there foodwise...so good.

Chasing animals is fun.

If anyone goes to Hobart, you MUST go visit MONA. This is the first trip down that we actually managed to get there and its fantastic. It is confronting and disturbing at times, but its well, well worth the effort.

Interactive Suicide Machine

Falling Bird

And, more food pics, just because.


Wow at some of the comments, maybe that was Bolt's intention. Though I wouldn't give his intellect that much credit.

His writing and posting is interesting. I have been watching it off and on to try and work him out. Basically it appears to me that he throws out links and hints to what he thinks a lot of the time with the hope his followers pick it up and run with it. Which invariably does happen and this article is just one of many you can view it on.


I want a tag give me a tag
Hey guys, anyone here who can translate from English to Japanese well?

it would be translating a press conference or two to Japanese.

boss will pay, happy for you to name a price if you think its something you can do.. pm me and i'll pm you with the stuff to have a look at :D



Only just over 24 hours to go on the Dinocalypse Trilogy Kickstarter. It has reached the goals required to include seven ebooks for the low, low price of $10. This sort of deal can't be beaten. If you've got an ebook reader, this is your last chance to jump on it for some pulpy fun including (some names are placeholder only):
  • Dinocalypse Now by Chuck Wendig
  • Beyond Dinocalypse by Chuck Wendig
  • Dinocalypse Forever by Chuck Wendig
  • Benjamin Hu novel by Brian Clevinger
  • Amelia Stone novel by C. E. Murphy
  • King Khan by Harry Connolly
  • Khan of Mars by Stephen Blackmoore
Seriously, all this for only $10! You'd be crazy to turn this opportunity down. I wouldn't be pimping this so hard if I didn't think it was worth it, I've never been let down by a single Evil Hat product and I own a number of them (see here). Jump on this amazing book deal here before it's too late.
Fine, I dropped $10 since I'm a sucker for Kickstarter. No idea if it's something I will enjoy, but we'll see.

I think it ends in a couple hours of anyone else is interested.
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