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AusGAF 6 - Ricki Lee is awful. Everything else about Australia is AMAZING [Free hugs]

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Already been playing loads of Bioshock 2! Wouldn't mind having another shot at PayDay at some point though.

Hopefully nothing community-related though, he's far more talented than to be doing that.

Did you also feel that he never really suited the ethos of Irrational? DF seems like a far more appropriate workplace.
Too late! I'm sure he will end up in production anyway since he has a great mind for it. The recent interviews have really shown off how great a game with him at the helm would be.

Also the idiots on the forum want to go with the tshirt that you can't even read the fucking writing on >_<
EDIT: actually they will change the text if (when) it wins. Slightly less annoyed. Would want to see what they propose first though.
oh man, the batman game of the year edition cover...


That can't be real.


oh man, the batman game of the year edition cover...
Yep, terrible. I'm imagining this scenario:

Person 1: "What game are you playing at the moment?"
Person 2: "10 out of 10"
Person 1: "Huh?"
Person 2: "I mean Game of the Year Edition"
Person 1" "..."
Person 2: "I mean..."
Person 1: "Nevermind"


Not sure if it's something I'd stick with, but I could probably try out a game once and see how it goes.

I would like it to be a semi-regular thing, but it's only a one-shot game to begin with. There's no long-term commitment required.

There were quite a number of AusGAFfers playing D&D originally, so much so there was a point where 2 groups were being looked at to cope with the numbers. Now only 2 people out of that group, yourself included, have expressed interest in at least giving one of these games a go. I can only assume it's down to one of three things:
  • The collapse or something else to do with the D&D game left a sour taste in peoples mouths, or
  • The excitement over D&D was just an AusGAF fad because it was something new and different, or
  • The fact that I'm the person running and organising the game
I hope I can allay peoples fears by saying what I have planned is not D&D and is nothing like it. It is something entirely different and relatively easy to play, there's not a long list of combat rules to learn and understand, I'm sure it'll click with players quickly. It's an intro into the world of RPGs that are something all their own. If people enjoy it, there's plenty more of it in my collection to be enjoyed.

If it's me that people don't like or want to play with, well, there's nothing I can do about that.

Sadly, we still don't have full numbers. Someone else in another thread mentioned they'd be interested in playing, depending on the time and day. That would take us up to the minimum numbers required, but they're not known to AusGAF at all (and I don't know them very well at present either, though they seem nice). I wanted to keep this an AusGAF only thing because everyone knows each-other to some extent, which I think will only help the game

If we get the extra persons needed, I've been eyeing off contributing to the Roll20 Kickstarter which gives me closed beta access to a great looking virtual tabletop to use and share with the players. I'm short on cash and it's a tight fit to make it happen at the moment, but I'm willing to outlay the money if the interest is there. I want to do everything I can to make it a success.


I just felt that D&D wasn't a game that worked as well over the Internet, and maybe less interested in playing another now due to that. However, if the game we play is indeed less restrictive as you say, it might make for a more enjoyable experience and be more suitable to playing over the Internet, so I'm willing to give it a shot and maybe continue in future.

If it is something that continues, I think we should consider making it a fortnightly thing at least instead of weekly. I think doing D&D weekly was probably a detriment as it went along, at least for me.


You missed a great thread yesterday
Thank you thank you thank you. I always prefer to see those threads unfold live (like the anagram threads) but thank you anyway! Make sure you post those here (or tweet them, lololz) because I rarely venture outside of my subscribed threads.

Only problem is, they drop the game title completely. How am I supposed to know whose piss they are taking? Just like the anagram threads :(

PS. Avengers was VERY entertaining. I don't think it was as entertaining or well-rounded as the first Iron Man, but still worth your dollars. 3D was not subtle at all but incredibly well implemented and not at all a strain on the eyes. 7/10/5 stars.


I was really hoping that would spin out into something more widespread. It's been ages since we had a good gaming photoshop thread



If you enjoy playing PnP RPGs or it's something that interests/intrigues you, please don't skip over this post.

There was a group of AusGAF members that at one point, were playing D&D together. For some of them, the allure of playing a traditional RPG, or even the name Dungeons & Dragons sounded like an attractive prospect to participate in. Unfortunately, the reality of playing that game is far different from what (I assume) many of them may have envisioned it as being. It is slow and plodding, with many rules that slow the game down, and a design that is restrictive. When a player asks "can I do this?" the answer they want to hear is "yes, and XX happens"; sadly the answers provided for them were "no, you can't". No one wants to hear that, it's not fun and it's not constructive.

I'm hoping that some of the people who found the idea of playing that game appealing in the first place, perhaps some that have come around on the idea, or maybe someone who is at least the slightest bit curious would be willing to give it another try. This time, the game won't be the well known D&D, but something completely different. There are a multitude of RPGs out there, many different themes and genres and systems, with different styles of play encouraged in each; D&D is just one of these, and honestly, it isn't really that good.

My proposition is this: At least to start with, I would like to run a game for those that want to play an RPG for the first time ever, or maybe they want to get back in the saddle after a long hiatus. This game requires no commitment at all, I will keep it short so that it could be run over one night, with a chance of spilling over to a second night, depending on how things go. If you enjoy it and want to play it again, that's great, if not, there's no hard feelings.

If you're new and feel that you may not be very good, don't be. I'm new to running these games, so I'm in the same boat as you. If you want to learn and have a bit of fun that you haven't experienced before, we can learn and have that fun together. This style of game is all about sharing, teaching and enjoying each-others company. New-comers are especially welcome as they bring fresh ideas and a fresh perspective to the table. It's an easy game to learn. All you need is a microphone, mumble and your imagination.

Two cool AusGAF members have noted themselves as interested in playing, we just need some more to kick things off. I'm hoping this last call for interest will grab the extra players we need to make this happen. Don't be shy, it's easy to learn and fun to play. If it sounds like something you might be interested in trying, please let me know in this thread or via PM and we can organise a night that suits all players.

You know that I'm in.

DnD consisted of myself, Clipper, Aon for a bit, Rahk, Donc, Marshmellow at the end, Jintor at the start, Jambo expressed interest a few times but could never make it, Banana for every single game aaand.. I think that was it.

I'm not sure if DnD just ruined the idea for us or what.

I think Banana could be poked to interest. I doubt Aon wants to come back. Jintor ended up having LIFE occur to him, so probably not much there to poke. There could still be some tension between myself and Clipper, but probably not that much anymore if at all. And the rest are wildcards.

I think our DnD games succeeded in, at the least, getting AusGAf a little more comfortable to mumble. Since then, the whole Dota 2 thing has come off of that style of play.

It's worth another shot, I think. Because I still love the idea of just playing some traditional ass board games / newer tabletop stuff.


Who would have thought an ironing board would make such a good desk.

edit: I'm in love. This will be my primary desk from now on

If you enjoy playing PnP RPGs or it's something that interests/intrigues you, please don't skip over this post.

There was a group of AusGAF members that at one point, were playing D&D together. For some of them, the allure of playing a traditional RPG, or even the name Dungeons & Dragons sounded like an attractive prospect to participate in. Unfortunately, the reality of playing that game is far different from what (I assume) many of them may have envisioned it as being. It is slow and plodding, with many rules that slow the game down, and a design that is restrictive. When a player asks "can I do this?" the answer they want to hear is "yes, and XX happens"; sadly the answers provided for them were "no, you can't". No one wants to hear that, it's not fun and it's not constructive.

I'm hoping that some of the people who found the idea of playing that game appealing in the first place, perhaps some that have come around on the idea, or maybe someone who is at least the slightest bit curious would be willing to give it another try. This time, the game won't be the well known D&D, but something completely different. There are a multitude of RPGs out there, many different themes and genres and systems, with different styles of play encouraged in each; D&D is just one of these, and honestly, it isn't really that good.

My proposition is this: At least to start with, I would like to run a game for those that want to play an RPG for the first time ever, or maybe they want to get back in the saddle after a long hiatus. This game requires no commitment at all, I will keep it short so that it could be run over one night, with a chance of spilling over to a second night, depending on how things go. If you enjoy it and want to play it again, that's great, if not, there's no hard feelings.

If you're new and feel that you may not be very good, don't be. I'm new to running these games, so I'm in the same boat as you. If you want to learn and have a bit of fun that you haven't experienced before, we can learn and have that fun together. This style of game is all about sharing, teaching and enjoying each-others company. New-comers are especially welcome as they bring fresh ideas and a fresh perspective to the table. It's an easy game to learn. All you need is a microphone, mumble and your imagination.

Two cool AusGAF members have noted themselves as interested in playing, we just need some more to kick things off. I'm hoping this last call for interest will grab the extra players we need to make this happen. Don't be shy, it's easy to learn and fun to play. If it sounds like something you might be interested in trying, please let me know in this thread or via PM and we can organise a night that suits all players.

I'd be interested just not for the next couple of weeks at least unfortunately. Once my assessment load is somewhat reduced I'd be down for trying it out. As is, I've got a fair amount of assessments due in weeks 8-10 and them I've got a couple of weeks in the open before I have to get ready for exam mode. So ideally somewhere in that time frame but don't wait up for me if you get a group that would prefer to start earlier than later.


I just felt that D&D wasn't a game that worked as well over the Internet, and maybe less interested in playing another now due to that. However, if the game we play is indeed less restrictive as you say, it might make for a more enjoyable experience and be more suitable to playing over the Internet, so I'm willing to give it a shot and maybe continue in future.

If it is something that continues, I think we should consider making it a fortnightly thing at least instead of weekly. I think doing D&D weekly was probably a detriment as it went along, at least for me.

I'm glad you're willing to give it another shot. D&D is most peoples first experience with RPGs and I think that is to the detriment of everybody. With the tools available for it, GMs have it a little bit easier when organising encounters, but that's all it is, combat, and more combat. There's not much in the way of presenting the world to players and letting them interact with it. Honestly, it doesn't play much better in person than it does online, besides sitting near the people you're playing with.

I wouldn't dare make it a weekly thing, don't worry about that. I currently play RPGs with my friends fortnightly, anything more is asking a bit too much of people. I think fortnightly is perfect, and if people wanted to game at regular intervals, I'd be all for that. Otherwise, I'm happy to get a game ready, let everyone know when it's prepared, then sort our a time that suits all involved. It's a bit more work organising and such, but it'll work fine if not everyone can commit to a regular time.

You know that I'm in.

DnD consisted of myself, Clipper, Aon for a bit, Rahk, Donc, Marshmellow at the end, Jintor at the start, Jambo expressed interest a few times but could never make it, Banana for every single game aaand.. I think that was it.

I'm not sure if DnD just ruined the idea for us or what.

I think Banana could be poked to interest. I doubt Aon wants to come back. Jintor ended up having LIFE occur to him, so probably not much there to poke. There could still be some tension between myself and Clipper, but probably not that much anymore if at all. And the rest are wildcards.

I think our DnD games succeeded in, at the least, getting AusGAf a little more comfortable to mumble. Since then, the whole Dota 2 thing has come off of that style of play.

It's worth another shot, I think. Because I still love the idea of just playing some traditional ass board games / newer tabletop stuff.

Awesome, I saw some hints that you'd be interested at some point, but I wasn't 100% sure if you were ready to jump in just yet.

At the moment, the interested parties are Codswallop, Clipper, Rahk, Donc, and you. That's enough to get a game started. I don't want to bring anyone in who has a history of not being able to attend, particularly at the last minute. It's not fair on everyone else, especially if a multi-session game happens and it leaves the other players hanging. I'm not picking on anyone, but I'm sure everyone would agree.

As for yourself and Clipper, since you'll both be on the same side of the fence, I'm sure things will be fine. Rules lawyering is something I won't tolerate. I understand that with board games, there's a balance to be kept and that's what the rules are for, but RPGs don't fit this category. RPGs are meant to be fun and they tell a story in a collaborative way, if any rules get in the way of fun, they'll be ignored, tweaked, or changed to suit the experience. I'm new to being a GM anyway, so I'm likely to be forgetful or unclear on some rules anyway, so it'll be just whatever fits at the time if required.

I'm hoping players will be able to bear with my newness as a GM, things will only get better. Once I'm able to get in a rhythm, can see what you guys like and how you play, get some feedback, I can improve my basic skills. I think it'll be fine.

I'd be interested just not for the next couple of weeks at least unfortunately. Once my assessment load is somewhat reduced I'd be down for trying it out. As is, I've got a fair amount of assessments due in weeks 8-10 and them I've got a couple of weeks in the open before I have to get ready for exam mode. So ideally somewhere in that time frame but don't wait up for me if you get a group that would prefer to start earlier than later.

Noted. I've still got some reading to do on one of the systems I'm considering running, so it'll be a bit before I'm ready to go.

I'm planning on just running some one-shot scenarios to begin with anyway, so if you miss out you can just join in on the next one (hopefully there is a next one). As it'll be entirely new, you won't have missed anything at all. I think it might take me a bit before I'm able to pull off running a campaign of any length.

Okay so, would everyone be up for the first round on saturday?


Velociraptors vs. Triceratops
Stegosaurus vs. T-Rex.

If you want a better team name you can discuss it in mumble during the game.

teams said:

Marshymallow the reluctant carry.
Jintor, who knows Dark secrets in his Soul(s).
Shan Shan, whose boyfriend?!!?!?!?!
Fogz, who leapt through time.


Rahk, he is phone
Wonzo the scholar.
HolyCheck the Earthshaking Leather Gracket.


legend166, unmuted.
Aonshix Karst the Third, Prophet of the Dead.
Hamchan, the silent killer


Evl Cookie
Rezbit, #1 fan of Channel 10s Offspring
Doncamatic - didnt sign up but doesnt get a choice


As for yourself and Clipper, since you'll both be on the same side of the fence, I'm sure things will be fine. Rules lawyering is something I won't tolerate. I understand that with board games, there's a balance to be kept and that's what the rules are for, but RPGs don't fit this category. RPGs are meant to be fun and they tell a story in a collaborative way, if any rules get in the way of fun, they'll be ignored, tweaked, or changed to suit the experience. I'm new to being a GM anyway, so I'm likely to be forgetful or unclear on some rules anyway, so it'll be just whatever fits at the time if required.

I think that's probably it. When Aon was DMing, I was having a pretty great time. When Clipper DMed, even, I was still enjoying myself. But when I DMed I kinda felt like, I wasn't putting my foot down enough with decisions. But also my two DM campaigns were mostly rubbish.

But as long as I no longer hold any authority, besides my character's agency, I think this will be a pretty relieving experience.


So I'm playing ocarina of time. Its like half life 2 for me: I've started it several times but never gotten past a few areas.

Last year I finally knocked over hl2. This year, ocarina will finally be done.

Tonight I discovered what masks are for and that you can get fireballs! Never did that before.

Also, why are there cows in volcano caves?

buch 'o crap dissing d&d

im in but if its anything less than amazing you should stop talking shit about things.

edit: i go about half way down reading before my interest in the rest of your words already dropped to 0 so when its worked out someone pm me on steam.


The Walking Dead game is cool. It has zombies, bashing zombies heads with hammers, and some guy just said something about his buddy Breckon.
The Walking Dead game is cool. It has zombies, bashing zombies heads with hammers, and some guy just said something about his buddy Breckon.

I was just about to say that I played the demo and it was AWESOME. Blows away the other Telltale games easily. I really only ever enjoyed the last 2 seasons of Sam & Max and hated ToMI and BttF but man, I really wish I had the money to buy Walking Dead :(

Just works perfectly, the writing is fantastic, the controls and UI is awesome and the art style really looks great.


I'm only about 20 minutes or so in and I already want to go back and replay to see how differently things can pan out. I wonder if it's pulling a Deus Ex and convincing me that the story is branching out in totally different directions based on my choices while actually being surprisingly linear, but I don't think that's the case.


Oh god it's so cold tonight!

Randomly bought Super Stardust on vita because I wanted something quick to play. It's really good, exactly the game I want for mindless on the go fun. Fogz and OneMoreQuestion's scores are really high:O
I'm only about 20 minutes or so in and I already want to go back and replay to see how differently things can pan out. I wonder if it's pulling a Deus Ex and convincing me that the story is branching out in totally different directions based on my choices while actually being surprisingly linear, but I don't think that's the case.

I get the impression they will have more effect later in the series, kind of like in The Witcher 1/2. Most of the stuff seems linear, mostly just shaping the received dialogue into what kind of a protagonist you want to project. Which is still very, very awesome! Best writing in a Telltale game easily, some of the best I have played all year actually. My hatred of Telltale has melted away with their cool island song!


I was just about to say that I played the demo and it was AWESOME. Blows away the other Telltale games easily. I really only ever enjoyed the last 2 seasons of Sam & Max and hated ToMI and BttF but man, I really wish I had the money to buy Walking Dead :(

Just works perfectly, the writing is fantastic, the controls and UI is awesome and the art style really looks great.
Are you serious? Damnit man, I might just buy it. Especially if it's episodic and doesn't require a massive commitment.

Is it (now or has it ever been) on sale or something? I might jump in just for shits and giggles. Also, maybe because I guess there's an iOS port perhaps.
So cold I am wearing my thick new Kangol hoodie along with a beanie. Too cheap to buy a heater for the office yo!

Is it (now or has it ever been) on sale or something? I might jump in just for shits and giggles. Also, maybe because I guess there's an iOS port perhaps.
Just came out today/yesterday. Think it is 20% off on the Telltale site or on Steam. I thought the iOS/console ports were usually meant to be inferior to the PC versions to be honest but I haven't tried many.

We were co-leads on Poker Night at the Inventory, Sean wrote and I directed episode 3 of Tales of Monkey Island, we were on the Puzzle Agent 1 and 2 story team together, and were co-leads on a game which got canceled before it was even in production. This is our first full series as co-leads though.
So I am pretty damn impressed with their first series together, the ToMI episode they did was the better one too.

It also uses the Alpha Protocol dialogue system most of the time which is great as I always wanted more games to crib it.

Also I think Gary Whitta is writing the second4th episode, he is a consultant on the whole series.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
Walking Dead (The Game(tm)) is very, very good. I highly recommend playing it.
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