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AusGAF 6 - Ricki Lee is awful. Everything else about Australia is AMAZING [Free hugs]

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(and repost for new page... my brother *may* be in, so I'll need either another one or two peeps other than jambo)
Edit: My brother's in. So, one more taker? It's $60/4, however much that is. $17.50 I think.



Just to add my US 2.06 cents. Avengers is the best superhero movie i've ever seen. Whedon is a god. Etc.

Also disproves the notion that superhero/action films don't need good scripts, plots or decent actors or directors.

Pitch perfect awesomeness. Hulk redeemed, too.

Also- i've no interest in DOTA style games at all. Im still on the fence about diabo 3.

Max payne, on the other hand...

I enjoyed it a lot. Really good fun, pretty much non-stop action. I thought it was going to suck but was very pleasantly surprised. Pretty impressive they managed to make it all "work."


Just to add my US 2.06 cents. Avengers is the best superhero movie i've ever seen. Whedon is a god. Etc.

Also disproves the notion that superhero/action films don't need good scripts, plots or decent actors or directors.

Pitch perfect awesomeness. Hulk redeemed, too.

THAT scene with the Hulk near the end was just... perfection.

It actually felt like I was watching a giant comic book, which is a feeling I have yet to experience yet with a superhero movie. The sheer scale of the whole thing was amazing.

They borrowed quite a lot from The Ultimates, which made me very, very happy!

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
for a second I was wondering how Fred and Cookie managed to follow me on Twitter, then I realised I probably followed them, making me the creepy stalker. Watch out.


We don't know why he keeps buying PAL, either.
I'd care for DOTA2 if I knew how to play it, or had the patience to learn how to play it and not get distracted by games I'm good at. And I'd care about Diablo III if I wasn't still licking the wounds caused by the art direction.

Fanbases can be real asshats sometimes.

Yeah, we need some more Nintendo non fantasy games!

Oh wait.

Or I could continue to play Uncharted Golden Abyss, RAGE and Rayman Origins. None of them on a Nintendo platform!

Kid Icarus is a very serious politico-drama yo

Fuck I can't even play Kid Icarus.
THAT scene with the Hulk near the end was just... perfection.

It actually felt like I was watching a giant comic book, which is a feeling I have yet to experience yet with a superhero movie. The sheer scale of the whole thing was amazing.

They borrowed quite a lot from The Ultimates, which made me very, very happy!

..................spoiler-happy bastards, just go see the damn film........................................ ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

It also makes me angry I wasted 2 hours on Green Lantern. But Thor, Captain America an Iron Man were also good. This is ON A WHOLE OTHER LEVEL!


It sucks, but I don't think it's as easy as that. Usually people are only going to intervene if they have the numbers, which would be unusual.

Read up on the Bystander Effect: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bystander_effect

A piece of useful advice from knowing about that is, if you're ever in trouble in a crowded area, you're much more likely to get help if you single out an individual and point to them and ask them for help than you are just shouting for help from anyone.

I'll see how it works next time I get mugged on a train :( [/terriblejoke]

I'm already paranoid enough on public transport late at night...


but ever so delicious
I'll see how it works next time I get mugged on a train :( [/terriblejoke]

I'm already paranoid enough on public transport late at night...

Just shave your head, have a look on your face of about to kill someone and don't smile.

Works for me!


THAT scene with the Hulk near the end was just... perfection.

It actually felt like I was watching a giant comic book, which is a feeling I have yet to experience yet with a superhero movie. The sheer scale of the whole thing was amazing.

They borrowed quite a lot from The Ultimates, which made me very, very happy!

"Puny god!" :D

Cap telling Hulk to smash


So Avengers is good eh. Might go see it thus week then, and it wasn't on my radar til now.

Also, looking at vita lineup makes me glad I held off from buying 8 weeks back.



This has filtered out to all of the Chinese students I know days ago, they all know about this. Kevin Rudd has even responded about it on his Weibo account (he had one?), he was prompted over it.


Is this going to get ugly like the Indian student attacks a couple years back, or is it a one off incident?

Because that line mentioned earlier about the students having money makes it sound pretty bad.

I'd hate to see more attacks follow.


Now be honest guys, how many of you would get up and try and take on that group knowing you could be stabbed very easily?


Yep, my Chinese house mate told me. I would have never know if it wasn't for that. All 6 were arrested and charged for what happened. I didn't have the heart to tell my Chinese friends that because they are under 18, not much will happen.

Also, apparently Chinese netizens do not have very kind words to say about us over this. :(

Now be honest guys, how many of you would get up and try and take on that group knowing you could be stabbed very easily?

Dunno if they had a knife, but
one of the girls in the group of six pulled her used tampon out and stuck it down one of the chinese students mouth.

This does not look good for us.
I hope this doesn't reflect poorly on Australia :( Our tourism/ education industry is already suffering, and racist dipshits beating up Indian and Chinese students really hasn't been helping. They have no idea how much of an impact this is going to have..

EDIT: I think I'm going to throw up.

Just shave your head, have a look on your face of about to kill someone and don't smile.

Works for me!

Taking note of this. I really don't wanna get mugged.


SMH paints it nicer, but I don't really want to delve into meibo at the best of times.

I think Rudd's early intervention might limit the scope of this fallout, but it's definitely feeding the larger picture of Australia = Racist that pops up around the 'net for a lot of the imported international student countries. I'm pretty sure this was a one-off, but a one-off in this connected world casts implications over the entire country.


If people want to use what at this point is an isolated incident to paint an entire country, they're probably too dumb to fill out the form at customs so we shouldn't be worried about this affecting tourism or immigration.


If people want to use what at this point is an isolated incident to paint an entire country, they're probably too dumb to fill out the form at customs so we shouldn't be worried about this effecting tourism or immigration.
....so, air of superiority instead?

Also, I think Australia can be quite racist in my experiences. Openly so.
No more than any other country, and certainly a lot less so than the Japanese and Koreans. The shit they say about each other and the Chinese, and its all broadcast on tv as well... Saying a country is "quite racist" doesn't mean much. Sure we have bad eggs, all countries do. I'm very ashamed of our bad eggs, they paint us all in a bad light. But they don't make up a majority at all.

If people want to use what at this point is an isolated incident to paint an entire country, they're probably too dumb to fill out the form at customs so we shouldn't be worried about this effecting tourism or immigration.

Its not really an isolated incident though, since there were a couple of attacks on Indian students and stuff and that had a pretty negative impact. If people hear this about Australia on the news, and little else, they are going to think ill of the country. Unfortunately I don't know what can be done about it.


If people want to use what at this point is an isolated incident to paint an entire country, they're probably too dumb to fill out the form at customs so we shouldn't be worried about this effecting tourism or immigration.

Umm, you should be worried about it, since people will read sensational stories about it in not insignificant numbers.

Its an ugly attack and an isolated one, sure. But people notice them. I'm reactionary too: I would never set foot in Bali for one, and I've never touched any kind of drug before. Nor do I want rabies from wild dogs or risk getting caught in all sorts of shut.

And i can fill out customs forms well enough.
Edit: nor can I type on a smartphone either, it would seem. The soup still burns.


Seven just aired an interview with the guy. Looked pretty bad, poor guy. They connected it with the Indian attacks and a tasering earlier in the year (like in terms of international outlook).

The student in Beijing they interviewed was from my school, lol.

Now be honest guys, how many of you would get up and try and take on that group knowing you could be stabbed very easily?

I've been thinking about this since I heard of it. :|

I don't have any answers for you


They were not the only one attacked by the group, other passengers were targeted as well who were not Chinese. While I don't like Kevin Rudd, he is the best man to sort out this mess.
Was interested in a CBD Mos Burger, but didn't want it bad enough.

Have you tried any of them yet? If not, gogogogogogogogogogogo. They have tatami floors upstairs, so even if you aren't interested in the burgers, go for the neat layout!

underlying racism in Australia is huge.

Compared to other countries? Not really. I guess I just hang around decent people. I see it, sure, but not at the levels you're suggesting.


Meanwhile, in London...

Lots of countries have racist fuckwits. You should hear what some people in the UK have to say about Polish people, or what some people in Rome have to say about Nigerians. It's not pleasant.

It's a worldwide problem that will never be stamped out.
Now be honest guys, how many of you would get up and try and take on that group knowing you could be stabbed very easily?

I have before and I probably would again minus the stabbing part. It's never really ended well for me but it's kind of hard coded in me to try and help.


chinese guy bashed on a train?


A japanese man got his throat slit at Perth's Wellington street bus station by a junkie a few years back.....

but there wasn't the hysteria that followed the Indian and (maybe soon to be) chinese incidents.


We don't know why he keeps buying PAL, either.
Every weekend a old person, drunk or drugged up kid, student, child, women, man, cat, dog gets beaten up.


was a chef according to google >_>


A homeless 23-year-old who claims he was delusional and paranoid when he stabbed to death a complete stranger, was a "dangerous man" who was possibly lying to get himself out of trouble, a prosecutor told a Perth jury yesterday.

Prosecutor Jan Whitbread yesterday argued during her closing submissions in the murder trial of Patrick McMahon that the accused man had not been completely deprived of his ability to understand, control or know that what he was doing was wrong when he stabbed Japanese born chef Junichi Uchiyama, 32, twice in the neck and running off


Huh, didn't hear about the mugging thing until now:eek:

shanshan310 said:
No more than any other country, and certainly a lot less so than the Japanese and Koreans. The shit they say about each other and the Chinese, and its all broadcast on tv as well
Yeah, like how the japanese basically blame all crime on foreign chinese lol.
Awesome article on Free Radical.

Pixeljunk 4am beta testing!

Slipper was innocent with the taxi stuff? What is the likelihood that the rest of what Ashby said is false? What is this onus to prove innocence stuff, I thought it was innocent until proven?

Also not looking good for the Ford factory in Geelong, will affect a lot of families I know back there.

I'm the only person on AusGAF who doesn't give a crap about DOTA2 right. Also Diablo III.
Also me.

Ah man that sucks. Really need to re-educate these stupid kids.


A piece of useful advice from knowing about that is, if you're ever in trouble in a crowded area, you're much more likely to get help if you single out an individual and point to them and ask them for help than you are just shouting for help from anyone.
Also why I prefer meetings one on one, much easier to negotiate into a result I am happiest with. Also why group meetings are such a bludge unless they are going to put everyone in the firing squad.

Been back to hospital and got the all clear :)
Congrats! Celebrate with a nice big pack of Red Rock Deli chips! Or why not 2 for $6 at your local Safeway distribution centre! Also included in the deal is the new Red Rock Deli corn chips!

So good that even your colon will thank you for the taste sensation!

Edit: My brother's in. So, one more taker? It's $60/4, however much that is. $17.50 I think.
:/ Half of $60 is $30. Half of $30 is $15.

Sniper Elite demo is pretty poor.



I don't vote in those things, but maybe I will this year in spite.
Democracy, Ho!

No more than any other country, and certainly a lot less so than the Japanese and Koreans.
I agree, racism is rampant here but not on the same level as a lot of other countries. It isn't usually so aggressive or destructive. Hearing my boss talk about Vanuatu and how his wife who is of that origin was treated over there because each district hate each other with a passion is pretty heartbreaking. I can understand why they would want to bring up their kids here, one incident in Australia that was a driveby light sledge is much better than death threats and getting run over in the street.

Every weekend a old person, drunk or drugged up kid, student, child, women, man, cat, dog gets beaten up.
The public housing grapevine has certainly opened my eyes a lot to just how messed up society can continue to chug along with.

Only full university fee paying residents get outrage and hysteria.
They don't pay $15,000 a semester for nothing!

EDIT: These

are divine deek! Everyone I have given a taste have agreed they are incredible.


Ooooohh someone was telling me about those new RRD chips but I couldn't find any:( Need to look harder for them on the weekend!
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