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AusGAF 6 - Ricki Lee is awful. Everything else about Australia is AMAZING [Free hugs]

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I've never seen anyone give a crap about that or much of anything in Sydney. I was in a relatively quiet carriage and ripped a massive fart and no one said anything.


the embarassment of that in a quiet carriage would have been enough for them lol


I drove 720km today.

I've done similar distances twice. Once in a luxury car, once in a van. I was surprised at the huge difference in comfort between the two. One of them I got out after the trip and felt like I needed a new arse, it was so sore, the other I got out like nothing happened.



where is boob


I can see a bunch of people who would want to use the quiet carriage being the type that fear radio waves. That could explain their disdain when they see any sort of electronic device...


Reds must have thrown buckets over money over Will Genia. Probably worth it.

Also, wanted: suave and risk free way to tell someone you are crazy about them.
Big shout out to my lovely lady who is braving the cold to get this old alcoholic some coke to mix with his shitty, shitty scotch! You are my favourite enabler!

So glad end of the month is here, worked late until 6pm to make sure we weren't going to end up with an angry phone call from head office tomorrow morning, even after going in on the weekend for a few hours as well. Really hope our manager can get into gear and shake up our people into being more efficient. Country living is a bit too comfortable for some. Might be big changes happening at the Geelong office on Friday which will hopefully lead to opportunities.

Little guy refuses to have a bath now, as soon as it hits 6pm it is nothing but "sh-oww-wah" non stop. Makes it easier to brush his teeth at least! Can't believe it has been 19 months now, went through another growth spurt so now nothing is out of his reach. The fridge is now his maniacal domain to the dismay of his mother who has to chase him around the house with packages of babybell cheese before he devours the wax whole. His hair is pretty much the same as mine right now, which is sad for him since it is only another 23 years since he is in the same boat, nice and thick at the front but thin and crispy moving either side.

Hay guise. That track I lost my shit over when I heard it a few months back has finally been released. You should all buy it.
I don't wanna be that guy but, it sucks man. It just isn't that good. Not even worth pirating.
I lie, I liked it even when I was sober. I actually love the original version even more than the Aril remix (which funnily enough appears before the original when you google search). Beautiful and minimalist to accentuate the peaks of emotion, which Aril captured perfectly on his remix, which few people are capable of these days. Would love to see Telefon Tel Aviv do some work with both artists, could be magical.

Also the War on File Sharing certainly has hurt my ability to quickly and easily grab music for free that might twinkle my interest but has not increased my spending one bit. If I love it I buy it, if I come across less music I therefore will buy less music. Can't wait for Operation Scorched UseNet and the resulting implications once it hits.

It raises the question though... why aren't iTunes songs at parity with the US like app store items? Ridiculous that we're still charged $1.69 when the US gets songs for 99c and our dollar is worth more than theirs.
I would hope it is part of the inquiry into why we pay more for digital items when the price shouldn't be such a huge difference. The big issue is that people can get around it by using a US credit card or account, which just shows how fundamentally fucking flawed the idea is. If people can easily bypass the situation then it is basically all about exploiting people who DON'T know how to get around it. Exploiting stupid people is not the way this world should operate.

I'd say a better solution would be to have a trained paramedic on each train - perhaps some of the funds going to the 'safety officers' could go towards that.
That seems like a cost effective idea. Hippie.

Hey Ausgaf I'm back from America.

Had a crazy good time. Met a spaceship, went to PAX East and met Ken Levine, Jeff Green and Jeff Gerstmann. Played Borderlands 2 and lots of cool indie games and met some great friendly video game fans. Saw DC, Boston, NYC, San Francisco. Alcatraz was amazing.
I hope you get polio. Also what did Ken smell like? Did he promise to give me System Shock 3 no matter the price to his sanity and solvency? He must have read one of my emails by now.

Opposition Leader Tony Abbott has all but ruled out backing Clive Palmer as a candidate.

he has a brain!
More that he is worried that Palmer will take his spot as opposition leader with his current gusto at rocketing towards power. ESPECIALLY if the Titanic II becomes the filming ground for Love Boat 2012: Phat Industrialist Lovin' featuring Axel Whitehead as the Skipper.

Jint, you know of Yuko Shimizu (not Hello Kitty lady) ?
On a similar but completely unrelated note Kitty Flanagan is doing her Hello Kitty tour in May and is coming to our fair city, really looking forward to seeing her again as he show at the comedy festival in Melbourne 3 or 4 years ago was a non-stop belly laugh. $35 is a bit steeper than I expected though.

probably old news but on a random check of the "my channels" tab on PS3 i discovered SBS On Demand has been added. And with that I can happily never watch free-to-air again.
PS3 really is random with removing and adding to the TV section. I swear SBS used to be in there 4 or 5 years ago.

i backed the larry remake :|
So did I. Because it looks AWESOME. They are adding more jokes and more inventory on inventory action! Which is the best part of adventure games. Also if they meet the next reach goal they will add a new lady that may (probably not) have been cut from the original game! The main thing is that they seem chuffed at the interest in the game and are incredibly invested in the IP, which is why I really want to raise my backing to a Tshirt level (especially since the Tshirt is awesome!). I would love it if everyone would help back it as it would be amazing to see ALL the old LSL titles get a MI style remake. The original games were ahead of their time and never got the respect they deserved because of the focus on the 'sexy' stuff.

The team that created Leisure Suit Larry 1 has been reassembled to create a 2012 "Reloaded" version. Al Lowe, Josh Mandel, Sabine Duvall, and Leslie Balfour have teamed up with Replay Games to form what we call "The Dream Team" of adventure games. We'll be making Leisure Suit Larry 1-7 and keeping you guys informed every step of the way. If this game is successful then we can bring you guys the rest of the Leisure Suit Larry games (and maybe even Leisure Suit Larry 4: The Case Of The Missing Floppies)!
OK, had a LONG ASS talk with the programmers and this is what we're able to give you guys with the $500k Kickstarter pledge. Ready? 1) PC 2) Mac 3) iPad 4) Android tablets. Once we surpass our $500k Kickstarter goal we can talk about additional rooms, more girls, Larry getting in to more trouble, and yes, even a version for you hardcore Linux users out there!!
LSL1 on my TouchPad will be the plan.

It truly is a very good time to be an adventure game fan...
Without a doubt. This year has been spodgeworthy already with a Double Fine Adventure, Wasteland 2, Shadow Run Returns and the LSL1 remake. They have drawn more of my attention these last few months than any big name release, I have pretty much ignored publisher PR just from enjoying the direct updates on Kickstarter from the developers which have been so heartfelt.

Use totally silent iPad in Quiet Carriage.

Get death-stared.
Only because they are planning on mugging you and swapping the tablet at Cash Converters for a pair of earmuffs so they cna't hear YOUR INSUFFERABLE BREATHING OVER AND OVER AND OVER SERIOUSLY MAN, HAVE YOU NOT HEARD OF NASAL SPRAY?

There are quiet carriages?:eek:
In cities I think they are a stupid idea, worry more about overcrowding than pandering to the stupid requests of people who are taking the cheapest route to work rather than the most comfortable.

Even more annoyingly, I was trying to study on the bus this morning and there was some guy standing up next to me. He had his ipod in his pocket, and was tapping away on it about 20cm from my head.
That seems like a terrible place to try and study.

I didn't even realise the other week that they had changed the positioning of the quiet carriage to the middle one.
The rear of the train is he best idea since it is likely to attract the least amount of people desperately trying to get on the train, the middle would HAVE to be the epicentre of demand for a train.

she is looking fuckin amazing on the voice

Also Megan Washington you pleebs.

Also, wanted: suave and risk free way to tell someone you are crazy about them.
Ladies love it when you be a man and be honest with them. Basically get to the point in a conversation situation where she is of the opinion that you are an okay person and then be honest and ask if she wants to grab some food sometime.

Works a hell of a lot better than weeks and weeks of being nice and hoping she suddenly thinks you are the perfect mate and jumps your bones.


His hair is pretty much the same as mine right now, which is sad for him since it is only another 23 years since he is in the same boat, nice and thick at the front but thin and crispy moving either side.

Baldness genes cannot be passed from father to son. Since the mother is the carrier of that gene, you need to look at your fiance's father's head. If he has a nice head of hair, you can feel better about the future of your son's hair.
Baldness genes cannot be passed from father to son. Since the mother is the carrier of that gene, you need to look at your fiance's father's head. If he has a nice head of hair, you can feel better about the future of your son's hair.


Also strangely enough my mothers father had a full head of luscious hair into his 30's while my fathers side is baldddddddddddding hardcore aside from one uncle who has only just started to recede at the age of 50


Also strangely enough my mothers father had a full head of luscious hair into his 30's while my fathers side is baldddddddddddding hardcore aside from one uncle who has only just started to recede at the age of 50

Well it seems what I said earlier is old-hat (1916 to be exact) and false. Not surprising since genetic research has come a long way, and new information was discovered in 2005.

It seems that the gene which causes it can be contributed by mother or father, or both. Strangely enough, you can have this gene and still not go bald. The gene that causes baldness isn't recessive or dominant, so you can't say for certain what will happen. Whether or not the gene is present from either one parent or both parents just increases the chances of baldness occurring.

So basically, who the hell knows what's going to happen. That's what I've gathered from reading this article, which you can check out if you're interested.


Max Payne 2 is... different.

I am playing it straight after 1 and I am really not sure I like a) the control changes (probably just because I got so used to the first) and b) the fact the game is a LOT easier. You are almost a bullet sponge compared to the first one.

Other than that, I remember little of this game, yay for old age!


YESSSSSS EAT IT Barnes daughter! This show's alright.

Salazar said:
Who knows what unholy powers you have.

Edit: Maybe not that impressed. I am not an imaginative or unpredictable man. And it would be worryingly easy to internet-detect, in fact.

Well I'd just be basing it on my idea of what your tastes are, which is based on the pics/names of woman you've posted over the years. She's probably older than you and not korean.
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