shan: probably wizard but maybe possibly demon hunter. @_@
I'm going to go Barbarian
shan: probably wizard but maybe possibly demon hunter. @_@
If this where I post an animated gif?
inventory, graphics, art direction
I think these things are all just changed just enough to make it new. Some people are crying bloody murder that it doesnt look play and feel like diablo 2.1
Isn't the inventory the same? You still need to make sure shit fits in by the shapes of each item.
Graphics and art direction are to be expected I would have thought for a sequel to a 12 year old game. Plus it's a blurry mess without the mod!
I just find this and gamers to be odd. I'm sure ubi ditched the always online drm for ass creed rev but now that gamers have accepted blizzards cock, I can only assume other developers and ubi included will look at this and be all like, hey online drm is accepted now, let's use it. Only to then get angry outrage by gamers because we are fucking useless in our decisions.
Nope, all items are now just 2squares, except potions / gems / scrolls. potions stack
what the fuck is wrong with your browser's gaf url?
That D3 vs T2 thread is terrible. I swear the worst fanboys are on PC.I'll just play both D3 and T2.
lol awesome. I love obvious trolling like that and Wikipedia.
einsteinwithhistoungueout.jpg would have worked perfectIf this where I post an animated gif?
It is/was also 25% off on Steam if you already owned Alan Wake tooKnow what I love about GOG? This sort of shit.
(Damnit, I have to buy it now, don't I, rs?)
Um, guys. Only just found out that there's 3DFX support for DOSbox (at least, for Carmageddon). Now if someone can find a way for me to play Powerslide in Win7, I'll be in heaven.
Loved Powerslide. They obviously got super lucky publisher-wise first up before the reality of the industry pulled them down. Damn good game, ran well even on my parents POS.Dudes, interview with former Ratbag CEO. It's recent, too!
I loved the fun Sherlock Holmes movies. I've seen tons of version played straight and taken the thriller approach so it was nice to have that universe used in such a fun way. It is the kind of movie that I would go out of my way to see in the cinema for that fancy free experience that I know will leave me walking out with a smile on my face.I didn't enjoy them much anyway. I like RDJ, but unlike a lot of people I don't feel like his witty charm is enough to hold a movie together.
Yeah the SP for me is mediocre, never had much fun with it even though I have spent tons of hours in it. The local MP was always a great social experience because of the interactions rather than the mechanics itself which functioned as a way to create those moments, never as effective as Timesplitters 2 or Goldeneye though. It had a lot of variety but I found us retreading anyway.I don't like playing Halo alone, but it's fucking excellent with friends and my little brother. It's a staple of gaming nights. The modular multiplayer is by far the best; we've made up so many game modes just by fiddling around with the ruleset. I don't like the campaign on its own merits but as a co-op experience it's brilliant.
No Diablo 3 for me.Everyone is buying diablo 3, Feels like i'm missing out on something.
I still do find it strange that places like reddit and gaf can rage about ubisoft online drm, claim to never buy their products because of it and so on. Yet blizzard can do the exact same thing with even more sillyness like the real life auction house and no one bats an eyelid.
Agreed aside from the length, the main issue there was the terrible plotting of the levels and story delivery. Just felt really slapped together. Was a big downer as it was hyped to be the reason to buy a 360, Reach was a better followup especially since ODST was another disappointment for me. More that ODST was a missed opportunity than anything else. Looked graphically inferior by the time I got around to playing it too.halo 3 was overhyped rubbish with terrible level design, d grade story and was too short to boot. Should have been a 800 point xbla release instead.
The unpopular but true opinion. Agreed. They also gather the same kind of religious fervor about their products.They're basically Apple. Take a bunch of old ideas and polish them up for mass consumption.
Gears 1 was a better experience than Gears 3, even with the much much improved mechanics of Gears 3.PS. Glad I'm not at all buying into Diablo 3. By sticking with Torchlight 2 (for now), it almost feels like I'm sticking with Vanquish when everyone else is going for Gears of War 3.
Do we have a list of AusGAF battlenet IDs for Diablo 3?
Point of that was the similie though. T2 is the far less popular but possibly more interesting game, while D3 will be the Gears equivalent.Gears 1 was a better experience than Gears 3, even with the much much improved mechanics of Gears 3.
Vanquish is way out in front, will be another 5 years before people start ripping it off and making the 3rd person action games we deserve.
I'll just play both D3 and T2.
God damn it I'm going to buy this crappy game for casual losers, aren't I?
The only thing that would sway me is if I could get it for under 60, seeing as the game won't be going on sale any time soon.
Nice. Can you add my battletag to it? I'll add everyone on it when the game goes live.
quote for battletag:
Yeah no I don't have time for it really. Too many other games I have to play.
The only thing that would sway me is if I could get it for under 60, seeing as the game won't be going on sale any time soon.
Also EB Games are price matching BigW and Dick Smith.
People were already abusing it so I locked it down, just post in here and I'll add your details to the list.
ozsave UK $54.90
wow hd $54.95
Big W $58 /forum-replies.cfm?t=1911605&p=41#r805
Dick Smith $59.00
KenGamer UK $59
Ozgameshop UK is $59.99 AUD Free Delivery.
Gamewave $59.99 Posted from Sydney Free Delivery.
Digital Version:
ozsave UK $52.99
Gamewave $54.90
KenGamer Aus/EU $55
KenGamer Aus/USA $57
just saw your message in there, what did some one fuck up?
So why are we hiding the tag in the post but then putting them in a publicly viewable spreadsheet?
So why are we hiding the tag in the post but then putting them in a publicly viewable spreadsheet?
I mean, is there any good reason to hide them? Or is Holy just playing games with us?I was just thinking about that :lol
I mean, is there any good reason to hide them? Or is Holy just playing games with us?
...!So why are we hiding the tag in the post but then putting them in a publicly viewable spreadsheet?
Bwahaha so did everybody buy Diablo 3? It's not just me and Check with the game now?
So why are we hiding the tag in the post but then putting them in a publicly viewable spreadsheet?