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AusGAF 6 - Ricki Lee is awful. Everything else about Australia is AMAZING [Free hugs]

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but ever so delicious
The two times I've met her have been at church events, but going on a 'church date' is pretty much the weirdest thing ever, hahaha.

I'll see if I get the balls to do it. This could very well be a train girl situation.

Church is awesome since it's both what you are interested in. It's a starting point. Unless you want to catch up for lunch and sit there being all nervous umming and erring claiming you like frogs for no reason at all.

It's also not entirely about the church date. Church ends at what, 10, 11? Then if it goes well you head out for lunch and end the date at 2 or so. Unless it's going super well then you can continue it or claim you need to do something and call her later on.

Of course, In reality a church date with 2 church goers probably isn't going to be that exciting. I doubt there's much time to talk in between whatever goes on in church with all the reading and singing, unless you have a deep manly singing voice, then a lunch or dinner date is probably your safest bet.

There's no harm in asking, Especially since;
a) she isn't a girl you see often so there's no real need to be embarrassed and like, oh shit there she is, if she says no.
b) it's facebook, So you have the false sense of being someone anon and hopefully she wont tell anyone that tee-hee that legend guy totally asked me out. It will just be between you and her in a private setting.
c) you've wanted a lady forever, so type out the message and when you get nervous about pressing the send button, read something that will pump you up then randomly hit that button and panic. It's the only way to do it.

Good luck. Go get your waifu!


cookie, thanks for the advice, but I'm willing to say no to a church date, hahaha.

The only thing is she lives pretty far away. Like, an hour. But I think I'll go for it. Early next week.


but ever so delicious
cookie, thanks for the advice, but I'm willing to say no to a church date, hahaha.

The only thing is she lives pretty far away. Like, an hour. But I think I'll go for it. Early next week.

Haha, I know. Church is just a silly laughable date idea. A bit of fun.

Yea just send her a message about a date and see how she goes. You should be fine, Even if she says no at least you got over the hurdle of asking someone out on a date. Then you can ask all the girls.


cookie, thanks for the advice, but I'm willing to say no to a church date, hahaha.

The only thing is she lives pretty far away. Like, an hour. But I think I'll go for it. Early next week.

Good luck Legend. I myself have a date with a seemingly sweet girl Saturday.


Having steam on a tablet is pretty awesome though :)
Lots of smaller games that generally work well. Analomy warzone earth, mechaniarium… etc...


We don't know why he keeps buying PAL, either.
Ratchet and Clank HD collection confirmed for 17th May, so far away.

Might buy it... heard good things (like today on Twitter).


Only if they put every panel out as a podcast. Until then, suck it, I need my game design fix.

Oh this I'll cosign. I just hate how GDC is being reported on as if it's a media event with exclusive reveals (!) and shocking industry people saying shocking things (!!). It's meant to be industry folks talking shop and showing each other how they do their stuff for mutual benefit.


Feeling the man love from Shaneus today.
In a good mood! Awesome weather (probably playing the largest part), Friday, long weekend, two day working week coming up, grand prix, Future Music Festival on Sunday, two awesome live gigs in the space of a week, a third tonight, Windpad, new Archer... that's about it, I think! Only downside is I haven't been going to bed as early as I should have been, meaning I've been getting very little sleep on top of the nights where I actually have an excuse for going to bed late.

Also, everyone needs to watch the most recent New Girl available on the internets. It's poignant and funny, really quite heartwarming and awesome. If you're sitting on the fence about the show, watch it. It'll get you watching the rest of them.

How you upgrade the ram >.<? Also... I want to upgrade the ssd too...
Take off four rubber feet. Unscrew screws from these holes. Unscrew screws. Unscrew screws around power supply connector. Separate back of device, leave it face down as the guts are on the screen side (be careful, there's one or two buttons that could easily be lost). Blammo, you're done.


In a good mood! Awesome weather (probably playing the largest part), Friday, long weekend, two day working week coming up, grand prix, Future Music Festival on Sunday, two awesome live gigs in the space of a week, a third tonight, Windpad, new Archer... that's about it, I think! Only downside is I haven't been going to bed as early as I should have been, meaning I've been getting very little sleep on top of the nights where I actually have an excuse for going to bed late.

Also, everyone needs to watch the most recent New Girl available on the internets. It's poignant and funny, really quite heartwarming and awesome. If you're sitting on the fence about the show, watch it. It'll get you watching the rest of them.

Take off four rubber feet. Unscrew screws from these holes. Unscrew screws. Unscrew screws around power supply connector. Separate back of device, leave it face down as the guts are on the screen side (be careful, there's one or two buttons that could easily be lost). Blammo, you're done.
What kind of ram does it use >.> Regular notebook ddr2? Also does it have a free slot of do you need a 4gb stick?
Wait you can upgrade Windpads? Motherfucker. Now I want one. Especially if 8 is as good on it as you guys are suggesting. I wish I was better at decisions, I've decided to buy about 5 different brands in the last week.


What kind of ram does it use >.> Regular notebook ddr2? Also does it have a free slot of do you need a 4gb stick?
No idea off the top of my head, Google would be your friend though. Just notebook RAM, but not sure exactly what type. Whatever I pulled out of my dead Thinkpad.

Wait you can upgrade Windpads? Motherfucker. Now I want one. Especially if 8 is as good on it as you guys are suggesting. I wish I was better at decisions, I've decided to buy about 5 different brands in the last week.
It's a PC. Of course storage can be upgraded! Mind you, the only upgrades you can do are storage (or anything that would fit into an mPCIE/mSATA socket) and RAM.
Just want to say a big FUCK YOU YOU CUNTY CUNTS to GE Creditline and their fucking hopeless cunts of an Indian callcentre who gave me shitty advice and cost me more money than I am happy with.

Paying off an engagement ring and decided to pay a lump sum off the loan, call their "call centre" and am greeted by a thick accent apparently in sunny Melbourne. Told him that I wanted to pay half of it off in one go so I don't have to bother making monthly payments, he says it is a great idea and to do that.

Fast forward 3 months to when I finally get a letter in the mail saying I have been charged $25 a month overdue fees PLUS 30% interest on those overdue fees! I call up and another call centre monkey (not a slur on his ethnicity, a slur on his profession and modicum of care towards the customer) who proceeds to tell me off for doing so and that I must be lying because no-one would ever tell me that. I told him to go fuck this shit and to close my account and I would transfer the money to end the loan.

The balls to charge me interest on overdue fees I didn't even know I had! Fucking cunts. Apparently they count as 'cash advances' which is also fucking bullshit considering the loan was 24 months interest free.

Will be mailing an angry letter to GE on Tuesday.
Why is any image I upload of my new avatar not maintain the transparency aaaaaaaaaaar. PNG doesn't work, GIF doesn't work (wtf?)..

I'm stuck on a linux box at the moment but can someone like, take this image:
which looks lovely and PNG transparency rocks etc etc and make it work somehow with GAF's stupid uploader, maintaining the transparency?

If I upload, the entire background becomes white, as seen on my avatar currently.


edit: oh i just realised why. I think it's too big so GAF had to resize. derp.
edit2: yay looks nice now. 100px in width is seriously too small. 120 would be way better. but what ya gunna do.
Oh this I'll cosign. I just hate how GDC is being reported on as if it's a media event with exclusive reveals (!) and shocking industry people saying shocking things (!!). It's meant to be industry folks talking shop and showing each other how they do their stuff for mutual benefit.

I heard someone today saying GDC was full of tossers.
wait, that was me
Have to go to the tasting for our Wedding reception, arseholes originally said it would be free but now are charging us $70. Another nice chunk of money out of the wallet this week after finally saving up some money towards the wedding :(

Also mates bucks night next weekend is getting more and more expensive, tempted to say fuck it and pull out but it would be incredibly rude.

What did he say? Blocked at work :(
RPS is blocked at work!?! Madness! Strange choice by the IT guys too, we have Facebook and Youtube blocked but most other things are open.

If you want to head up into the hills which is a bit more family friendly you have things like the street markets in stirling on sunday morning, or you could head to hahndorf the old german settled town which is a huge tourist area that has lots of nice food and food stores
So much fun in Hahndorf haven't been in years. My boss stayed at a cabin place up there though at said it was awful, hadn't changed the sheets and the cabin was on a lean and just everything was awful. He agreed with me that the village itself is awesome though which was nice to know my childhood memories weren't false.

Feeling the man love from Shaneus today.

Might be home alone tonight, question is, shall I get some beer/cider, if so, what sort!

Tough questions from Omi.
Magners was/is $4 a bottle at Aldi! Also they have Monteiths Sparkling Ale for $3 a bottle! Insanely cheap

The two times I've met her have been at church events, but going on a 'church date' is pretty much the weirdest thing ever, hahaha.
See if she wants to grab some lunch after church next time or go see a movie or check out a book store.

Oh this I'll cosign. I just hate how GDC is being reported on as if it's a media event with exclusive reveals (!) and shocking industry people saying shocking things (!!). It's meant to be industry folks talking shop and showing each other how they do their stuff for mutual benefit.
Would LOVE video from all the panels, GDC is so much more interesting to me than e3, kind of like Gamasutra but in fleshy form.

Time for serrels to do an expose on the complete professional failings of schreir on us kotaku.
GAF already did all the work, just add a link to it. Although calling out a fellow journalist isn't the best professional move to make.


Not that I'm pointing at anyone specifically, but the complete lack of oversight or professional conduct amongst games journalists at large is why they have the low degree of respect they do. The clickbait blogsites including eurogamer, kotaku and increasingly edge are doing little research, sensationalising rumours and regurgitate press releases.

The problem lies in the fact they only get info from publishers after signing ndas. That in itself sets off alarm bells. We saw it this generation with no one going after rrod, ea stealing games, skyrim not working at all and the incessant claims about these great western games.

The industry is 90% worthless sycophants. The only ones of merit are the few who write buyers guides independently. Like retro gamer. The only professional mag or site that deserve any respect.


Am I the only one a bit disgusted at the amount of excusing-by-way-cultural-relativism that's occurred after Liam Jurrah allegedly chopped a dude in the head with a machete and seriously injuring him?


Am I the only one a bit disgusted at the amount of excusing-by-way-cultural-relativism that's occurred after Liam Jurrah allegedly chopped a dude in the head with a machete and seriously injuring him?

Explain. I've heard nothing on the story, but machetes are not cool.
Am I the only one a bit disgusted at the amount of excusing-by-way-cultural-relativism that's occurred after Liam Jurrah allegedly chopped a dude in the head with a machete and seriously injuring him?

Jurrah returned to the Northern Territory a week ago and is believed to have been caught up in a family dispute that divided the community of Yuendumu, 300 kilometres north-west of Alice Springs, after the murder of a family friend in September, 2010.
Interesting story.

Jurrah, who faces charges of unlawfully cause serious harm and armed with an offensive weapon at night, appeared in Alice Springs Law Courts this morning was been bailed on a $3000 surety .

He faces up to 14 years' jail on the former charge and a $54,800 fine or two years imprisonment on the latter.
Won't get off lightly I would expect.



Let me get this straight. The cultural relativism relates to him being a footballer yes? Because the last five years have taught me that rape, drug abuse, hit and run, driving a murderer away from a crime scene, assault and corruption are never your fault if you can kick a ball around for money.
woah.....he donked someone with a machete?

sounds like he won't be back in melbourne anytime soon.....

He already is...

Support from club

Melbourne chief executive Cameron Schwab said this morning that the Demons would stand by Jurrah.

Schwab said the issues facing Jurrah were "complex and challenging'', and are believed to involve a clan war between indigenous peoples in his tribal community.

He admitted the Demons were "learning as we go'' about how best to help Jurrah and the unique problems he faced.

"We will try and assist and support Liam as much as we can during this period, understanding that we are dealing with incredibly complex, emotional and difficult issues,'' Schwab said.

'' ... Clearly he is often torn by the various responsibilities he does have as an elder within his community and obviously the responsibilities that come with being an elite athlete in an AFL football club.

"This is literally an issue which has split his family and split his community and he's having to deal with that with the maturity ... of an elder in his community.''

Jurrah had been on leave from the club, given time off because his partner Shijara's sister died suddenly in her sleep last week at the age of 25.

"He communicated with the club fully. We understood exactly where he was at. Obviously the news (of him being charged) yesterday came as a great shock,'' Schwab said.

"Like you guys (the media) we've spent the last 24 hours trying to piece together what happened.''

Schwab said it was too early to speculate on what Jurrah's football future might hold.

"First thing is we sit down with him and see where his head-space is at,'' Schwab said.

"He's obviously gone through a very traumatic situation and we'll need to find out exactly where he sits."

Asked whether the club had any fears for Jurrah&#8217;s safety when he left, Schwab said: "There is always those fears. When he does go home it is always some nervousness but also out of great respect that he does have great responsibilities within his community and in his family."

Adrian Anderson, general manager of football operations at the AFL, said it was clearly a very serious matter which involves some complex and challenging cultural dynamics.

&#8220;This is a difficult and traumatic situation for everyone involved. Melbourne Football Club has kept the AFL informed and we will continue to liaise with the club as more details emerge,&#8221; Mr Anderson said.


Let me get this straight. The cultural relativism relates to him being a footballer yes? Because the last five years have taught me that rape, drug abuse, hit and run, driving a murderer away from a crime scene, assault and corruption are never your fault if you can kick a ball around for money.

Uh, no?

It relates to him being an Aboriginal Elder.


So, for those of you not using the Twitters, myself and 3 others were fired today. The target figures weren't hit and so the low people on the totem pole that aren't in a position to contribute in a way that is meaningful to them were let go.

We've been invited to return and work our last day on Monday, which I will because I need the money. They knew this was coming and left it until the last minute, because they're cunts. The people who weren't fired were in a position to reel in the big fish needed to hit the targets. One of them is a lazy fucking bitch who only turns up and works when she feels like it, which isn't often; the other knows the right person, but seems to actually do stuff, he's actually alright.

Seriously, myself and 2 others have been sick as dogs and still come in and work. This other fucking cunt of a woman rocks up when she feels like it, calls in a "personal" day when the pressure is on to reach our target, whilst the rest of us slog it out. Even when she makes a vague attempt at work, she's too fucking thick to understand what's in front of her. Fuck this cunt, I'm going to blame my loss of a job on her. Now she gets to stay on, get paid to fuck around and accomplish nothing. I'm inclined to dob the bitch in tomorrow, because the people who should know better clearly can't see it, or are distracted by her tits or something.

Yes, it's clearly a cunt of a place that has no respect for anyone, but it paid my bills.

Even if you don't care about the rant above (Especially Choc), please read this bit: Also, the person I work with, who is cool as hell, put something on layby today. She, like myself and the other now jobless person, thought the job might last a little longer than it has. The layby deposit is marked as "non-refundable", is this legal? I thought non-refundable deposits weren't allowed any more. If any one knows anything about this, please advise. I haven't found any fair trading documents to support this, but I thought they'd be out there if I'm right.

Edit: Boo, 2nd last post from the bottom of the page. I hope people see this.
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