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AusGAF 6 - Ricki Lee is awful. Everything else about Australia is AMAZING [Free hugs]

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when you've worked on the other side of the fence, its interesting as a game designer to see beta versions early

but i take your point. Even so, if you are backing something financially you should be able to play it early (and have a fucking clue that it won't be the best @ that point)
As long as expectations are managed properly it should be OK, but way too many will expect it to be representative of the final product.

The Kickstarter thing is tough. Is it a pre order, are you a financial backer with the rights that entails, are you a benevolent financier with no say? Each person has a different opinion of course, but for me, I just want to see the developers I love have a chance to make games they're passionate about, that no publisher wants to fund.


Just a general musing which Im not going to get worked up about:

1. Game publishers are bemoaning rising costs
2. As a result, gamers get stuck with DRM, anti-used systems, online passes, on-disc DLC etc
3. Next gen big 'AAAA' games will be looking at budgets in the 10s or 100s of millions of dollars
4. Studio sizes of 500+ will become the norm if production values keep increasing
5. Pressure on price point and included content at first point of sale will increase

What I wonder is, and this is just a simple extension of "do we really need blockbuster games?"

a) Is the press/publisher model of hype + preview + blanket coverage + 10/10 mandate reviews to blame?

b) Is it possible for publishers and media outlets to dial back expectations themselves? ie by conditioning their malleable audience to lower expectations somewhat (for the B-tier games)

I guess its the fact that the industry has dug itself into this hole with the hype cycle going from roughly containable hype in the FF7 days to pre-pre-pre-announcement of announcement trailer G4TV shows discussing the opening of pre-orders for CoD 17 months before the rumoured announcement of the developer.

Short version: If they can't convince the impressionable buyers that the middle of the range is worth buying/trying, then they will only ever be able to sell the very top tier games with ever decreasing margins.

Not a good business model if you ask me.


Choc said Eurogamer were like Edge: tough.

They are not. They can say that both games are worth 10/10 - that is acceptable subjective opinion.

But they can't be both tough and give them 10.


I'm going to use the advice that I've been given on running an RPG, on how to give power to moments or aspects of your game and make them feel special. I think it applies to review scores in most places.

"When you emphasise everything, you emphasise nothing."

Coincidentally it is 25% off on Steam during this week!
Everyone should already own the complete bundle though that was like 90% off during the last Cheevo Hunt Sale

Also Dark Forces 2 Jedi Knight is still the best Star Wars game. Easily. Rogue Leader was awesome too. Also Xwing V Tie Fighter.

When I got Jedi Knight and CMI in the same little patch I thought that Lucasarts could do no wrong! They did no right ever since then!

Vook (if the free Twitter copy arrives)
Rezbit (hold strong man) CONSUMER
Choc (probably already finished it or will wait until 2013 to play)
Steve Perry
Dead Man!

Fine dismissed!
DeathJr 1
Maribrynong council 0
Congrats! It really was a bullshit ticket and the fact you bothered to turn up is enough for them to realise there is no point in pushing the fine. Once they read the reasoning they knew you weren't a dero and there was no reason to spend hundreds and hundreds of dollars trying to get $140ish out of you. I've gotten out of 3 parking tickets just from mailing the council back when I lived in Geelong.

LOL, but yeah, we need a wired one since the kids never turn off the sensor bar and it rips through batteries when it's left on overnight. I think I'll have to get one online and get reimbursed :?
Strangely enough I can't find stock of a wired one anywhere in the usual places here.

yeah, using winamp in this day and age should be a bannable offence

No way, I've got way way way too much music to run it in a library, would just become crippled with indecision and chop and change throughout songs all day and night. Less is more, makes you listen to an album all the way through and discover tracks that you never gave the time of day that can quickly grow to be favourites. All I have to do is right click -> Play in Winamp on a folder and bam, instant music with a low footprint into my canals.

iTunes is a fucking heaving behemoth under the load of my library and every other solution I have tried has been clunky or had a terrible UI or didn't play all my stuff or didn't read ID3 tags properly or was a resource hog. I like drag & drop, I like delivering my musical experience in pieces rather than as a smorgasbord.

Excellent idlethumbscast is out!
Still haven't listened to the other one! Finally downloaded them and watched the Double Fine Doco yesterday so tonight will be one of much Thumbing by me.

Tex Murphy, my favourite adventure game series of all time has just had their Kickstarter project go live. They're doing great already, but if you think you'd like a futuristic noir adventure game with FMV, check it out. This is one of the VERY few game series to do FMV in the right way and its finally coming back.
Link! I'm in for $30 to get the doco and the game. Fuck it will be soooo good to see the cheesy old FMV in action again! So much fun.

Abbott continues to misrepresent the cost of the NBN to end users. He did so in his budget reply. He's given up caring and is just flat out lying to our faces at this point and it really gets my panties in a twist. I hope the defamation case has legs.
He knows he can win by lying to people. The general voter doesn't care, they just want a reason to justify getting pissy about stuff. If someone can tell them it is okay to want a financial advantage over someone else who probably deserves it more than them they are more than happy to turn a blind eye to truth and reality.

What grinds my fucking gears today was walking through the CBD today and seeing more and more shops closing because of the fucking outrageous rents that fuckwit landowners will charge. Blockbuster closed down quickly, before I even realised they were going and also tonight went to go get a pizza (free with some coupon club thing the fiancée joined up to) from Pinkies and they had shut up shop in the last 48 hours, plastered the windows up with sheets of white A4 paper with a small sign saying they were closed for good. Just on the main street of town heading one block west of the main shopping centre there are now 6 empty stores that were filled when I moved here. Just sitting going to waste, still costing the owners rates and fees while no-one will jump in and start a business there because they want a stupid return on it. Hell, the tiny little office for 4 of us office workers down a back alley on the outer edge of the CBD in the back of 4 sectioned offices costs more than the exorbitant rent I pay for our 3 bedroom house! No wonder no-one wants to start a small business here, how the fuck are they meant to make it profitable? And they want to install MORE parking meters around the outer CBD? To drive more people away to the shopping centres on the edge of town? Fuckwits! You are killing your local business the same that Geelong did! No wonder people shop online! /rantover

I kinda wish journalists would actually call out lies rather than reporting what they say. Frustrating.
They want a spill. They will do whatever it takes to bring in the reader/viewership because that is how they make their money. THESE FUCKERS WANT MONEY NOT GOOD POLICIES THAT HELP AUSTRALIA. Sorry, in rage mode tonight. I blame the people who want to charge $4 for 6 hours of renting a pillow case that goes over a fucking chair.

Man those CD cases look so cool. Wish we could go back to the old PSOne style jewel cases. I do like DVD cases though, everything else can go get out of my collection. Would change over all my PSP/DS games to DVD cases if someone sold the inlays.

Max got 7/10 on eurogamer. 7/10! Thats like a 2!
UK. Eurogamer is a UK organisation. Rockstar Vancouver who did the majority of the work on Max Payne 3 are in Canada.

Zenimax must have thrown at shitload of money at them for the Skyrim 10.
Of course Lionhead were the English darlings of publications in the area before the steady decent into a pile of broken promises and dangled carrots became too sloppy and dense to wade out of with a reviewers head held high to hand out the perfect score for Fable 3.


Because they gave some games 10/10? Don't be silly.

So if Eurogamer give a game with serious issues 10, theyre still tough, but IGN is not because ????

They gave God Hand 3 or so, IIRC.

Hell, I dont think even Edge are that tough anymore. Theyve certainly relaxed their 10 criteria, by their own admission about 4 years ago.
That is one of the worst things to come out of modern news reporting, they just repeat what people say instead of actually investigating the truth of the statements. May as well just call themselves 'Press Release Consolidation Services'.

This isn't a problem it is the problem. Despite widely held belief newspapers etc have always held political slants and views, but a lack of accuracy is the issue.

I'm definitely guilty myself. The standard excuses of lack of time and resources are a major reason why, but also its kind of drilled into you by editors and lecturers. People don't want to read about professors or science. We're told to find out what standard people have to say.

I don't have a problem with advertising what rich, famous mental people say, like say palmer, but that should be tempered with facts.

There are good investigative journalists out there. 4 corners for example, the age has done some good stuff, but nothing like there used to be.


No way, I've got way way way too much music to run it in a library, would just become crippled with indecision and chop and change throughout songs all day and night. Less is more, makes you listen to an album all the way through and discover tracks that you never gave the time of day that can quickly grow to be favourites. All I have to do is right click -> Play in Winamp on a folder and bam, instant music with a low footprint into my canals.

iTunes is a fucking heaving behemoth under the load of my library and every other solution I have tried has been clunky or had a terrible UI or didn't play all my stuff or didn't read ID3 tags properly or was a resource hog. I like drag & drop, I like delivering my musical experience in pieces rather than as a smorgasbord.

I agree with your music consumption habits as I do the same.

I didn't read the full post you referred to or the context of it, but it's possible that Foobar2000 was being referred to. A very minimalist, but powerful music player that I'm sure will suit your listening habit as it suits mine. Fuck iTunes forever. Give Foobar a go, it's fantastic.


So if Eurogamer give a game with serious issues 10, theyre still tough, but IGN is not because ????
I don't think those games had serious issues. Obviously the PS3 version of Skyrim did, but it's an editorial issue if they didn't later point that out. Not seeing the "serious issues" with 360/PC Skyrim and Fable 2.

Also I didn't say IGN was "not tough" just that two review scores aren't enough to say whether they are or not. Same position with Eurogamer.


So if Eurogamer give a game with serious issues 10, theyre still tough, but IGN is not because ????

They gave God Hand 3 or so, IIRC.

Hell, I dont think even Edge are that tough anymore. Theyve certainly relaxed their 10 criteria, by their own admission about 4 years ago.
Since when do review scores matter to you Vince?

Because something something you disagree?



The lag in Diablo 3's pretty annoying at times :(

iTunes is a fucking heaving behemoth under the load of my library and every other solution I have tried has been clunky or had a terrible UI or didn't play all my stuff or didn't read ID3 tags properly or was a resource hog. I like drag & drop, I like delivering my musical experience in pieces rather than as a smorgasbord.
which is why you use Foobar2000 instead!
"When you emphasise everything, you emphasise nothing."
Hell yes. Great quote.
Why isn't Creep just that awesome riff all the way through? Because it wouldn't have the same punch to it.

Hell, I dont think even Edge are that tough anymore. Theyve certainly relaxed their 10 criteria, by their own admission about 4 years ago.
They gave Skyrim a flat 9 across all platforms, including PS3. I made the mistake of reading their Max Payne 3 review just now, last bit of hype gone.

EDGE said:
It’s the latter that blends most intriguingly with the new focus on cover, the period of near-invulnerability the so-called ‘shootdodge’ conveys allowing for last-second dives for shelter. At times, the two systems are at odds, given that cluttered environments filled with waist-high walls aren’t ideal to dive across. At others, they blend well, such as when Payne transitions from kneeling behind a wall to leaping over it, twin pistols in hand, or when he just happens to find himself in a slum filled with cover spots each spaced exactly one dive’s length apart. You’re at the mercy of level design, in other words, having to work out from the lie of the land which tactic you should lean most heavily upon.
I really really really hate illogical level design in a game that is going for a realistic feel for the story. They are trying to sell the game on the new, amazing chapter of the Max Payne saga but if I walk into a room and see how you can perfectly dive to cover ALL THE WAY TO THE EXIT WITHOUT GETTING SHOT then I lose that immersion and remember I am just playing a systematic game, Max is not a dynamic being he is a tool to be led through each perfectly arranged piece of furniture until you are in a one shot kill spot and then on to the next. Max is not meant to be perfect, he is meant to be sloppy he is meant to be getting old he is meant to be a damaged unique little flower existing in a fucked up world through sheer willpower and blind luck more than anything. This does not please me.

IA very minimalist, but powerful music player that I'm sure will suit your listening habit as it suits mine. Fuck iTunes forever. Give Foobar a go, it's fantastic.
which is why you use Foobar2000 instead!
I have tried it several times over the years but don't particularly like the UI and don't like the implementation of the Library. It is MUCH better than other alternatives though but WinAmp is a lot less invasive to my UI experience using much less screen space to do the same work for me since I don't like the Library setup.

I actually think the next Windows Media Player will probably do the job for me if they take the current UI of WinAmp and integrate it with the Metro style slide tabs thingy that they do, kind of like a mobile app swipe to the library from the small Now Playing UI. Basically hold click anywhere in the playlist and drag the mouse right to left to shift to the Library in that same UI window. Would be sexy sexy.


Since when do review scores matter to you Vince?

Because something something you disagree?


Its nice to reduce an argument to facetious non sequiturs, but I guess youre just too busy playing Diablo to make a genuine comment.

I don't think those games had serious issues. Obviously the PS3 version of Skyrim did, but it's an editorial issue if they didn't later point that out. Not seeing the "serious issues" with 360/PC Skyrim and Fable 2.

Also I didn't say IGN was "not tough" just that two review scores aren't enough to say whether they are or not. Same position with Eurogamer.

As rep posted, Edge gave the PS3 version 9/10 as well (and it got 10 on Eurogamer too, even with the massive bug investigation). Fable 2 was just more overhyped anaemic Moly-no content.

What I'm getting at is that the 'tough' credentials Eurogamer seems to have is undeserved and in general, I don't often see their perception in the wider context as actually being anything approaching Edge. They are well known and regarded (much like Gamespot, Gameinformer, IGN), but tough is not the word I would think of first when it comes to Eurogamer.


Japanese speaking people, is ぼくは きのうに へやのなかに でした a legit phrase or am I on the wrong track?


I have tried it several times over the years but don't particularly like the UI and don't like the implementation of the Library. It is MUCH better than other alternatives though but WinAmp is a lot less invasive to my UI experience using much less screen space to do the same work for me since I don't like the Library setup.

There are different setups for Foobar, you can have it simple, just like WinAmp, or you can have it more complex with the library, playlist, lyrics and whatnot.

I don't like it cluttered, I just like it simple. I don't like the Library feature at all, and wouldn't use it even if I did. I just navigate my music folders and drag and drop as necessary.

I wanted it to look a little nicer as the default UI was a little plain. I just grabbed a skin and was good to go. Here's what mine looks like now, I wouldn't want it any other way.



if GTA V uses the same engine as MP3, we are in for one incredible fucking game in terms of animations and looks*

*this does not mean MP3 is a good game, i am 50/50 at the moment (probably 1/3 through)


Japanese speaking people, is ぼくは きのうに へやのなかに でした a legit phrase or am I on the wrong track?

1) you don't need "ni" for kinou

2) There are two "existence" verbs to remember. ie: I was in the room or there was a dog in the room etc.

aru and iru.

Iru is the one used for living(breathing) things so replace deshita with that.

the "no naka " is redundant too

so ぼくは きのう へや に いました I guess (but you could probably add more info about what you were doing? )
Can anyone spot what it was about this Tex Murphy backer tier that had my finger hovering over my mouse button?

Invitation to the "Project Fedora" premiere party. * Opportunity of one of these two options: Have a walk-on role in Game (Domestic Airfare Provided) OR Participate in a Murder Mystery game hosted by Tex Murphy (Chris Jones) (Domestic Airfare Provided). * Official Tex Murphy Trench coat! * Upgraded to Executive Producer in credits. * Previous Reward Tiers included. * Add $20 for international Shipments.


Thanks. How would you make いました into past tense? (i.e. 'was [existing in]'?)... wait, is it already past tense? Doh.


Its nice to reduce an argument to facetious non sequiturs, but I guess youre just too busy playing Diablo to make a genuine comment.

Might be because you are just disagreeing with a score because somehow you think it doesn't deserve it?

It is just one guys opinion. Thats it. If you don't like it, you don't like it.


Thanks. How would you make いました into past tense? (i.e. 'was [existing in]'?)

its already the past tense

いる is the base

いました (formal) and いた (informal)

are the past tense forms.
Kotaku article said:
"Don't trade your equipped shield with the Templar," wrote Diablo III player Laurelin. "The game boots you out, and you can't log back until Blizzard notices and fixes this issue."
Nice playtesting Blizzard.

The Dream Machine is out! Buy it you heathens!

Pretty similar to my WinAmp setup. Loads in an instant and uses barely any resources. A slide Library would make me happy.

if GTA V uses the same engine as MP3, we are in for one incredible fucking game in terms of animations and looks*)
The original Max Payne games had physics well ahead of its time too. Max Payne 2 still looks pretty great to play.

Can anyone spot what it was about this Tex Murphy backer tier that had my finger hovering over my mouse button?

Invitation to the "Project Fedora" premiere party. * Opportunity of one of these two options: Have a walk-on role in Game (Domestic Airfare Provided) OR Participate in a Murder Mystery game hosted by Tex Murphy (Chris Jones) (Domestic Airfare Provided). * Official Tex Murphy Trench coat! * Upgraded to Executive Producer in credits. * Previous Reward Tiers included. * Add $20 for international Shipments.
I didn't read the full post you referred to or the context of it, but it's possible that Foobar2000 was being referred to. A very minimalist, but powerful music player that I'm sure will suit your listening habit as it suits mine. Fuck iTunes forever. Give Foobar a go, it's fantastic.

Great music player, capable of ultra high quality output, infinitely customisable. Been using for a few years now.



Fine by me. But only if you watch this:

Europe Timelapse

Wonder how many people died >.>; Its sad but Europes current peace is the end result of all these wars, they mostly 'settled' thier disputes and ethnic boundaries. Africa kinda didnt get that chance. Not that I think they should all start fighting, but Europe is only stable because of all the blood that has been spilt. Sadly its better in the long run when the borders are drenched by blood than drawn by diplomats.



Thank you.

edit: finished watching. Very, very disturbing. Never knew they did tests off NW WA. I thought Maralinga was the only place in Aus.

Wonder how many people died >.>; Its sad but Europes current peace is the end result of all these wars, they mostly 'settled' thier disputes and ethnic boundaries. Africa kinda didnt get that chance. Not that I think they should all start fighting, but Europe is only stable because of all the blood that has been spilt. Sadly its better in the long run when the borders are drenched by blood than drawn by diplomats.

WWI tally was of the order of 100 million from faded high school memory. WWII around double that.

I guess if you added it up since 1000AD it would be mind boggling. But WW1/2 were the clear "high watermark" as far as death by war goes.
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