Which you could disable by not allowing characters to move from offline to online ?
I addressed this point in a stealth edit, as I saw it coming.
Which you could disable by not allowing characters to move from offline to online ?
Which is necessary to avoid people switching to single player to dup items and then log back in to sell on the RMAH.
Could they have included an offline, single player, never able to go online mode with a separated stash and all that jazz? Yes. But that mode would need a lot of maintenance on its own, separate to the multiplayer version of the game, and people would complain that they can't show their legitimately blinged out single player guy to their friends if they change their mind about going online later.
Honestly, I think it's the lesser of two evils.
Which is necessary to avoid people switching to single player to dup items and then log back in to sell on the RMAH.
The lesser of two evils is providing something useful? That I do not buy.
I still love the gameplay mechanics of Max Payne 2 and I think they hit on the perfect difficulty curve for the majority of the game (although locking all other difficulties was stupid). I would play an upgraded version day one. But MP3 added cover which means the level design won't be the same either. Which makes it an entirely different game for me.When i first started playing i felt it was a game that time forgot. No real improvement on Mp1 and 2 gameplay and just a strong focus on amazing graphics and animations.
However for some reason i felt compelled to keep playing it. It just felt right. The gunplay is still amazing and whilst bullet time feels a bit been there done that, it works ok. It really is a generic third person shooter when it boils down to it with an amazing polish.
Character model is awesome and the voice acting is as good as ever. The performance of the characters is what makes this game so far.
Yeah I have been screwing around in Unity and it is incredible to use. Also the support is fantastic, had some great back and forth emails already. Which is impressive since it hasn't cost me a cent! I can see it being a huge engine sooner rather than later as more and more indie studios take to it.Make it in Unity and this is a plausible option. A little more browser agnostic, too.
I guess I'm being a bit ambiguous. The 'it' in that final sentence is referring to what they actually did. It's a choice of making and maintaining two different versions of a game that drain resources from each other and force you to choose whether to closet your character off from the world forever; or making a stronger, single game that suits both varieties of play, but enforces a requirement of an Internet connection.
Do you want a better game with the ability to move your character/s between offline and online play at will, but requires an Internet connection, or a game which is not quite as good that you can play offline as well, provided you always play offline?
Well that's the problem. Blizzard obviously want to push their auction house to make even more money. Forcing all players online means even people who prefer soloing can sell those items for real money to diehard multiplayer... players. And if people cheat in the online-only game, it will affect you, because it'll affect the in-game economy.People cheating? As long as it doesn't affect my own game I don't care if people cheat. Surely there is some way to prevent that though that doesn't force people to stay online.
Wasteland 2 is being made in it. What I wouldn't have given for another tier where you can download the game and all its Unity assets.Yeah I have been screwing around in Unity and it is incredible to use. Also the support is fantastic, had some great back and forth emails already. Which is impressive since it hasn't cost me a cent! I can see it being a huge engine sooner rather than later as more and more indie studios take to it.
Why wouldn't it be quite as good? Just because you can't interact with other people and go on raids? Or do you mean DLC down the track?Do you want a better game with the ability to move your character/s between offline and online play at will, but requires an Internet connection, or a game which is not quite as good that you can play offline as well, provided you always play offline?
The main benefits as I can see it are the ability to create unique universe-wide events, enforce patching, but most importantly reduce piracy since most of it's server-side, and for Blizzard to make lots of money from players who just want to buy their way through the game.Why wouldn't it be quite as good? Just because you can't interact with other people and go on raids? Or do you mean DLC down the track?
Why wouldn't it be quite as good? Just because you can't interact with other people and go on raids? Or do you mean DLC down the track?
Because there's a lot of different interaction to be built into the game. The developers will either be split to ensuring changes work on both versions or they will spend extra time on whatever they are doing as it doubles the amount of testing that needs to be done. It's not just a switch they can flip to give you an always offline mode permanently. A single game is going to be better than two similar,but slightly different parallel games.
The main benefits as I can see it are the ability to create unique universe-wide events, enforce patching, but most importantly reduce piracy since most of it's server-side, and for Blizzard to make lots of money from players who just want to buy their way through the game.
Is Max Payne 3 difficult like all the previous games? I pretty much quick saved every corner in the first one.
No, it's not. To me it's an action-oriented version of WoW with instancing, smaller groups and less customisation.So it really isn't a single player game then. The reasoning is for post launch content. Which shifts it more into MMO territory than I was expecting to be honest.
No, it's not. To me it's an action-oriented version of WoW with instancing, smaller groups and less customisation.
"Single player" in Diablo 3 is really a solo instance of the multiplayer game. There isn't any "single player" mode.
There are different setups for Foobar, you can have it simple, just like WinAmp, or you can have it more complex with the library, playlist, lyrics and whatnot.
I don't like it cluttered, I just like it simple. I don't like the Library feature at all, and wouldn't use it even if I did. I just navigate my music folders and drag and drop as necessary.
I wanted it to look a little nicer as the default UI was a little plain. I just grabbed a skin and was good to go. Here's what mine looks like now, I wouldn't want it any other way.
haha courier mail is fucked
broke a major journalistic law
My Grandma just asked me what error 37 was o____o L
They were talking about it on the radio.
Or if it's cheap enough that it doesn't trigger any of my warning thresholds
Or if I'm convinced that everywhere I go there will soon be spoilerz. (ME3) (I got it cheap though so it worked out alright)
So I got my first traffic infringement ever. Apparently, parking in front of a fire hydrant is illegal in Canada. We don't have them at home, which makes me wonder how it is we put out fires in Australia.
I actually like all that except the custscene stuff.Max Payne 3 where do i begin. This is quite possibly the most jekyll and hyde game in a long long time. When i first started playing i felt it was a game that time forgot. No real improvement on Mp1 and 2 gameplay and just a strong focus on amazing graphics and animations.
However for some reason i felt compelled to keep playing it. It just felt right. The gunplay is still amazing and whilst bullet time feels a bit been there done that, it works ok. I just finished Act 1 and its building up to something.
However I can't shake the feeling that Rockstar could have done more. It really is a generic third person shooter when it boils down to it with an amazing polish. There are a lot of times where the game feels like its playing itself. The kojima syndrome where you see an extended cut scene of action that could have actually been gameplay. and in Max Payne that seems really weird.
Character model is awesome and the voice acting is as good as ever. The performance of the characters is what makes this game so far. But overall I really did expect more from Rockstar in terms of an evolution of the series.
however if this is the engine GTA V is using and the character model, that game just became HYYYYYYYYYYYYYPE
Truth Bomb about Australian Retailers
So I got my first traffic infringement ever. Apparently, parking in front of a fire hydrant is illegal in Canada. We don't have them at home, which makes me wonder how it is we put out fires in Australia.
worry not!I still havent been spoiled on me3 like a boss! and i wont be able to play it for at least anotehr month
So Diablo 3 is as janky for SP as people feared when the design was announced? And they are making the SP experience worse to try to prevent duping? Who could have thought that might have happened?
I actually like all that except the custscene stuff.
Quoting two chocposts? But yeah, spot on write up.
Yeah it is, but long term SP clearly wont be an issue like it is today.
and i went and played D2 again recently... will be glad with the changes this always online brings.
.i can haz guest pass?
You promised it to me!Will PM you choc when I pick up my copy.
You promised it to me!
Unless you want to play during server maintence, or when you are offline, or if you want to enjoy a lag free experience.
I love that Blizz did the same trick they did with wow though, <250ms is 'green' latency... They changed it during wow when they realised Aussie users would always be in the red.
Its also great that this crap 'which make it better for the consumer', which involves the cost of servers and what nots being online constantly, doesnt involve a single server being put in Australia... for any of their games.... ever. Hell even EA isnt that stingy.