Online passes (EA), fundamentally broken hardware (360, PS3), hacked networks (XBLA, PSN), stolen credit cards and accounts (XBLA, PSN), online DRM (Ubisoft, EA, Sony etc etc), paid for console features removed via firmware updates (Other OS), single player content locked behind online codes (Arkham Asylum), microtransactions (Microsoft, Bethesda), content locked on the disc (Capcpcpom), unfinished and critically flawed bug-filled games (Bethesda, Bioware), publishers stealing purchased content via EULA clauses (EA), people being banned from playing their games for forum posts (EA), Origin (EA), removal of LAN play (Activision Blizzard), kinect (MS), all xbox live content for the xbox 1 being revoked from people who paid for it - making them buy it again before shutting down the service (MS eg PGR2), online multiplayer functionality being removed for forced redundancy to make people buy the new version (Fifa, Madden, NFS, Battlefield), the death of future retro gaming courtesy of authentication servers for single player content being switched off (XBLIG, Asura's Wrath, Kingdoms of Amalur, Batman AC), iOS games being stolen by EA with cheery messages rubbing customers' noses in it (Rock Band), the war on second hand sales and accusations from pubs/devs of customers being "worse than pirates" for buying used (every major publisher bar Valve, Sega, Activision and Nintendo), and the complete information control of review scores by publishers who gain sales by defrauding their customers through outright lies masquerading as critical reviews (Rockstar, Microsoft, Bethesda, EA).
Every one of these practices has been defended to the hilt by Corporate Ballwashers, viral marketers, industry insiders and general industry sycophants.
None of it surprises me any more.