didn't you get 12 free games if you had ps+? >_>
Goldrusher said:These are all coming for free:
inFamous 2
LittleBigPlanet 2
Saints Row 2
Ratchet & Clank: All 4 One
Just Cause 2
Warhammer 40,000 Space Marine
Virtua Fighter 5
Sideway: New York
Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light
And a couple more.
But when? All at once tomorrow? Or one a month?
No show?lol Vita
lol PSN+
No dice. No love for the Vita. All the publishers this year have treated the awesome projects like they were the bottom of the barrel. Just fucking terrible. We know that there will be a AssCree and a COD game. That is about it.No show?
The conference was pretty unremarkable, but PSN+ remains a fantastic offer.
Wait you guys still listen to him? Yet to learn I see.choc as usual was full of shit
Glad I didn't buy one. It's likely I will though, when the price falls (at this rate, I'm guessing... by my birthday. This year. In August.) for Wipeout and Lumines. That'd be it though.No dice. No love for the Vita. All the publishers this year have treated the awesome projects like they were the bottom of the barrel. Just fucking terrible. We know that there will be a AssCree and a COD game. That is about it.
Also 12 old games which a lot of people who own a PS3 would already have. That is if it comes to the AUS PSN sooner rather than later.
Just nothing of note aside from the cool looking Storybook thing. Last of Us is still awesome but everyone knows that, stop wasting time with putting it into conferences and use that time and money to make it come out sooner!
God of War Co-op looks fun but, again, isn't out for another year! This year just sucks for releases.
Best of the GIF thread
Fuck y'all work innernet connections.
No probs. Biggest deal was probably that there were no real gif-worthy moments. Not necessarily worth watching (trailer for Horizon + a brief playthrough on SpikeTV are on Youtube) but maybe okay to have on in the background or something.
Sony and MS conferences were Nintendo '08 levels of terrible judging by the thread titles on the front page.
I feel really bad for Vita owners.
jumping in quickly, i dunno 12 games for psn plus doesn't sound to bad to me, sheesh arnie what did you expect!
back laters
I think everyone was expecting this year to be the ps4/x720 reveals...... and anything else is just a shit sandwich >_>
I think everyone was expecting this year to be the ps4/x720 reveals...... and anything else is just a shit sandwich >_>
Sony's was worse than I expected. They need to ditch the trend of their live demos running for ages. Baffled at the lack of Vita news.
A fucking PC game too!So the most interesting thing I have seen by a fucking mile is that Ubisoft game Watch Dogs.
A fucking Ubisoft game.
Nothing was terrible. Just medicore. Just run of the mill, going through the motions. Just not worth the razzle dazzle going on outside of the centre. Just a weirdly targeted PR effort. More about reinforcing images and making sure people continue to remember about some game that will be out next year maybe.Sony and MS conferences were Nintendo '08 levels of terrible judging by the thread titles on the front page.
I feel really bad for Vita owners.
They have been moving towards dropping the bullshit DRM lately and retroactively disabled it on a few titles.Also I cant get excited for ubi games cause they are ubi games and they treat pc players like thieves.
Pics or it didn't happen cobber.Yo Rep, that shirt arrived. Looks good. Stick it, u nong.
They have been moving towards dropping the bullshit DRM lately and retroactively disabled it on a few titles.
Yup. Though Halo 4 looked better than I'd thought, and I was genuinely blown away by the Smartglass thing (esp. navigation through the menus and Wii-U pad usage) along with IE (at least we know it won't be as bad as the Wii or PS3 implementation) but yeah, that was about it. I'm just glad they didn't make complete arses of themselves.Yep, that's what I'm doing. Seems really lack lustre. No megatons, no crazy antics, just... meh.
Can barely read the topics on the main forum, so many burnt people always expecting too much. Likely we will see alot of vita games when the show actually starts
Good thing it will be $35 on PC just like most titles thankfully, makes up for the usual 1 month wait.Also, dolllllars to donuts there is an 'unexpected delay' for the PC version cause they want to spend more time making it better. FOR EVERY PC GAME THAT IS ALSO ON CONSOLES I CAN SET MY WATCH BY IT WAIT AND SEE!
The jk rolling thing is a big win for them, but I think it would of been better suited for there Europe conference they have.. Maybe we will see more stuff then? Can't remember when that is, but as a vita owner I have been enjoying the games I have and looking forward to what they currently have scheduled but they need more transparencyI don't think it's "expecting too much" to think they might try and spotlight their floundering new system a little instead of focusing on some goofy AR book thing for twenty minutes.
as a vita owner I have been enjoying the games I have and looking forward to what they currently have scheduled but they need more transparency
Really? You don't think they might consider their new system relevant enough for their presentation?Likely we will see alot of vita games when the show actually starts
If only there was a giant, heavily covered press conference where they could outline the path going forward...
Ahhhhh I busted my ass to get two reviews in just before deadline so I can work on my research papers properly and I come into work and they've been cut :|