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AusGAF 6 - Ricki Lee is awful. Everything else about Australia is AMAZING [Free hugs]

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Choc... Here's a link and a quote of the example I mentioned in my previous post (from the comments):

Antony Green said:
COMMENT: The position of Prime Minister is not mentioned in the Constitution. As with all Ministers, the Prime Minister must be a member of parliament, though up to three months are allowed in which a Minister may not be in Parliament. The Constitution just says Parliament, it does not say either house.

John Gorton was a Senator when he first became Prime Minister following the death of Harold Holt. He resigned from the Senate and contested Holt's lower house seat, which he won and entered the House. So Gorton spent time as a Senator and as a non-member while he was Prime Minister.

The view is that Prime Ministers should only be Senators for short periods and the convention is they should be in the House. There is nothing to enforce that convention, but it would be very unwise of a government to try having a Senate PM for any extended period.

And yeah, you said premiership, but this is the same deal, essentially. As I said earlier, Queensland doesn't have a senate (they abolished it in 1922), but they still have the three month rule to get a seat, I think.


a PM in the senate is hillarious idea

how would you have QT?


this gets rid of the roadblock i thought existed to stop Carr taking the PM on in the future.


doubt it would happen but interesting all the same


I'm trying to figure out if any of these work for a CC background. Thoughts?



OMG@the second one.


a PM in the senate is hillarious idea

how would you have QT?


this gets rid of the roadblock i thought existed to stop Carr taking the PM on in the future.


doubt it would happen but interesting all the same
I believe that's why they have the convention to switch over ASAP, like Gorton did. In the meantime, the senate PM would likely be allowed to sit at the front bench, talk and answer questions, but wouldn't be able to vote (this is just my guess).

And yeah, you'll notice it comes from an article about Carr, of course.

Oh, I also found my other example was not valid. That was in regards to a situation involving an Attorney-General position, which was just left vacant until the delayed election was held.


Shit, just called the jury duty line to make sure it wasn't cancelled for tomorrow, it was :(

I think that means you stay on the roll for the year, so you'll likely get called again in another few weeks or months.

Edit: Actually, looking at the website, I think that qualifies as making yourself available, so you' be off the list for a whole year at least.

Edit 2: Hmm, and another thing I'm seeing on the website definitely implies that you are still on the roll for the year. I guess you'll find out if you get another summons...


Shit I want to say first first, then replies:

Saw an interesting game kiosk ticket thing today at Timezone, with two Fruit Ninja and one Flight Control game(s) arranged in a pyramid-type layout. Very weird to see. Had no idea they were branching out, especially considered that Halfbrick and Firemint are completely different companies. Perhaps it was prior to Firemint being bought by EA?

Future Music Festival was a shitload of fun yesterday. Heard some AMAZING music, namely by Alex Metric (check out his remix of Sabotage for epic epicness, along with Under Control by Freeland), Die Antwoord and of course, Aphex Twin. There were others that were merely "okay", but they were the highlights and definitely worth the ticket price. Great weather for it, too. Shame there were far too many dickheads either throwing up, passing out or just unable to stay upright. Glad I stayed completely sober for the whole thing... it was too nice a day with too many great acts to ruin it to the extent that those had ruined theirs.

Two day week! Thursday begins my Melbourne F1 experience, so fucking pumped. Glad I get to spend it with my brother, too :)

Bought some lawn-type shit today. Big four-pronged fork thing (same size as a shovel, but forky), metal rake, garden broom and lawn seed. More excited about it than I should be.

The katter party ad. What the hell. It isn't anti-gay marriage, its just anti-gay.

Link? I need a good SMH moment today.

Wow. I'm hoping this statement was said just for the hilarity of being 'internet bastard.'

I thought they did a job job of showing 4 different people using drugs and finally succumbing to substance abuse. Each one was a story that doesn't usually get used as the stereotypical drug addict story or end in the typical fashion. Each one had a different reason, each with good intentions at the heart. Drugs are often used for forgetting that past, for not having to deal with the present, for those that can't see a future for themselves or don't like what they see if they can.

The character that I feel the least sympathy for is Harry. His existence and ultimate end was entirely of his own doing and seemed to drag the rest of the characters with him. The rest of the cast seemed to be making poor decisions based upon misguided good intentions and trying to better themselves and rid their past of demons. I'm not saying that I agree with the actions of the characters but I can understand how they arrived at those decisions.

For reasons that I shan't get into on a forum, my personal experience is that very few people "get what they deserve" when drugs are involved; the punishment for said substance abuse is usually met upon those that love them and those whose lives with which they intersect.

More good people than bad become addicts. They often then become that which you would no longer have sympathy for and would consider 'just punishment.' It's hard to make that separation, though, of what you once knew and that which they have become.
Well said, dude. If fapp is one of the many people who (perhaps through naivety, maybe otherwise) views all drug users as bad people then fair enough, it's not often easy to overcome prejudices like that but the movie's definitely a lot deeper than just having an "everyone got what they deserved" moral. At least from my point-of-view and life experiences, anyway.
I'm lucky enough to not know anyone go down the path from one extreme to the other, but I think that is more luck than anything else and could definitely sympathise with anyone who does.
Actually, I've not seen Requiem since I first tried any illicit substances... perhaps with a less-naive perspective it would become a different movie than what it is in my head as I remember it.
Anyway, just saying that I appreciate your post :)
(fake edit: and follow-up post, too. Perhaps even moreso.)

I would kill to get picked for jury duty.

Hmmm, maybe there's a plan there.....
What's up, bud-dy? Maybe go for some grind-age then wheeze the ju-uice? Spend some time in a Bio Dome?
Well said, dude. If fapp is one of the many people who (perhaps through naivety, maybe otherwise) views all drug users as bad people then fair enough, it's not often easy to overcome prejudices like that but the movie's definitely a lot deeper than just having an "everyone got what they deserved" moral.
I'm lucky enough to not know anyone go down the path from one extreme to the other, but I think that is more luck than anything else and could definitely sympathise with anyone who does.
Actually, I've not seen Requiem since I first tried any illicit substances... perhaps with a less-naive perspective it would become a different movie than what it is in my head as I remember it.
Anyway, just saying that I appreciate your post :)
(fake edit: and follow-up post, too. Perhaps even moreso.)

Luckily, in this particular case Shaneus, it's just the film and the way everyone was portrayed. There is a bit of a disconnect with my feelings towards the characters/film and reality and the real issues they're exploring. Not all drug users are scumbags like Harry, they have genuine problems and try their hardest to overcome them. Although I watched the film when I was 19, and I'm now an older fuck, my attitude towards it still stands. It could be different next time, who knows, perhaps coloured by these interactions and 10 years of life experience.
what the fuck


When I was 16, I was sitting in a parked car with my grandma at around 7am while my mother was in Coles. I turned around to catch a lady squatting in the bushes, leaving nothing to the imagination below the waist. By the way she was dressed, she must have had a big night on the town. She was quite attractive.

Cookie: the 2nd one is perfect. Conversation starter for possible MsCookie.


Ahaha, I saw that on inthemix. Gladly, wasn't anywhere near that sort of thing (though like I said, saw my fair share of people throwing up without any regard to who's around them, along with others being nursed by their friends because they took one too many disco biscuits).

Luckily, in this particular case Shaneus, it's just the film and the way everyone was portrayed. There is a bit of a disconnect with my feelings towards the characters/film and reality and the real issues they're exploring. Not all drug users are scumbags like Harry, they have genuine problems and try their hardest to overcome them. Although I watched the film when I was 19, and I'm now an older fuck, my attitude towards it still stands. It could be different next time, who knows, perhaps coloured by these interactions and 10 years of life experience.
Yeah, like Jase said, it's one of those movies where personal experiences are likely to affect the way you see the movie. No right or wrong opinions, just different ones :) Mind you, though, I probably have the same opinions as yourself on the more full-on addicts and abusers, but the ones who I consider fall in the "grey area" I may be slightly more sympathetic towards.

I'd be tempted to watch it again, but I remember it scaring (and scarring, and depressing) the fuck out of me and thankfully, I haven't been in a mood to watch a movie as depressing as that for a while and TBH, don't want to be. Especially for the sake of an internet discussion ;)

But anyway, enough of this rabble. Moral is, everyone has opinions. Hooray freedom!
I have it as a tshirt!

The top one says, I've made a huge mistake and the bottom one is you as a consumer as the cookie and the bank as cookie monster!

Something like that.
Just get a still of this

saw a guy do basically the same thing at big day out, cept he was pissing. Gross.
Holy shit! Which year was it? The year we went for RATM my best mate was in the pit with us at around 5pm and didn't want to leave and get locked out of the pit so he pissed in a bottle and threw it over his shoulder as far and high as he could LOL.
Good times. RATM was awesome.

today i got a crazy japanese game sent to me called yakuza dead souls
Is it awesome? It looks awesome! Still haven't finished Yakuza 3. Or opened Yakuza 4.


homeland spoilers (entire season)

so ive seen the end of it. Anyone get the feeling this was a show designed to wrap in 1 season but then it became mega popular so they changed it?


That zombie spin off yakuza game looks terrible.

I am sooo tired of that series. I hope they take their time with 5 and deliver what they're promising.


Is that you to the side of the 2nd photo?

You look so enthralled by the action!

sorry if that's not you, asians all look the same etc.


homeland spoilers (entire season)

so ive seen the end of it. Anyone get the feeling this was a show designed to wrap in 1 season but then it became mega popular so they changed it?

Early on I did have the impression it might be a one season show, but I doubt it was ever planned to just be one. I don't think they would have had enough time to wrap everything up without changing things significantly throughout the whole season, even if they did end it another way. I was hoping it would be a single season as there aren't enough shows that wrap up neatly. I think these days networks expect more than a single season.
Ahhh spent my heedy labour day in my pj's playing Mass Effect 3 after saying I wouldn't touch it today and get some housework done. Lunch eventually woke me up enough to get to it. The little guy spent his time eating sultanas on his couch appreciating the fact that it wasn't just him and Mum today. Usually full of beans so his behaviour today is a sign that he is going through another growth spurt and is low on energy.


Went for a family walk down around the bay in the lovely sunshine, walked around 10km before stopping at our favourite cafe/restaurant thingy for some fancy fruit juices and chips to keep the little guy functioning. Today was the first day he had tomato sauce so it was a bit of a mindblowing experience for him. He now knows the feeling of having something awesome and then putting something even AWESOMER on top just because we can.


Made up home made tomato sauce to go with some battered frankfurters for a small finger food dinner which was great fun and a nice relaxing way to end the long weekend. Work tomorrow (and for the rest of the week) will be shithouse because of the lost productivity but it was a nice reprieve after an intense run since New Years.

Bought some lawn-type shit today. Big four-pronged fork thing (same size as a shovel, but forky), metal rake, garden broom and lawn seed. More excited about it than I should be.
You mean a pitchfork? <_>

Also I hope you get a blister after all the fun you had yesterday.

Is that you to the side of the 2nd photo?

You look so enthralled by the action!

sorry if that's not you, asians all look the same etc.
I thought you guys met up at uni all the time?
That sucks Legend. Ah well, she is not for you. Onto the next one! No point in keeping trying to start something if she doesn't feel that way about you, would just waste every bodies time.

Sometimes girls like it when you're mean to them. It's so weird.
Will only end badly as the girl is in a bad mindset to allow that kind of behaviour. Wouldn't recommend it under any circumstance if you want to be in a relationship.


Sometimes girls like it when you're mean to them. It's so weird.

it's not weird. Well it is but its not. Girls ALWAYS want what they can't have.

you will notice that guys in relationships attract 10x the females a single guy does, its because the girl wants what she can't have.

Also, if you keep it mean you keep em keen so to speak. Of course there is a point where tha tstops and you can take it to far but if you give the girl the impression @ the start of the relationship that its no skin off your nose if it does not work, then she for some reason will fall crazily for you

its ridiculous but its how it works.
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