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AusGAF 6 - Ricki Lee is awful. Everything else about Australia is AMAZING [Free hugs]

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Holy shit! Which year was it? The year we went for RATM my best mate was in the pit with us at around 5pm and didn't want to leave and get locked out of the pit so he pissed in a bottle and threw it over his shoulder as far and high as he could LOL.
Good times. RATM was awesome.
LOL. hahahaha, nah, I saw this happen this year during the Jezabels set. Pretty sure the guy was camping out for the hilltop hoods or something...
it's not weird. Well it is but its not. Girls ALWAYS want what they can't have.

you will notice that guys in relationships attract 10x the females a single guy does, its because the girl wants what she can't have.

Also, if you keep it mean you keep em keen so to speak. Of course there is a point where tha tstops and you can take it to far but if you give the girl the impression @ the start of the relationship that its no skin off your nose if it does not work, then she for some reason will fall crazily for you

its ridiculous but its how it works.

Women love confident men. No need to be a dick and get mean though. Aloof works fine.


Also, if you keep it mean you keep em keen so to speak. Of course there is a point where tha tstops and you can take it to far but if you give the girl the impression @ the start of the relationship that its no skin off your nose if it does not work, then she for some reason will fall crazily for you
I think it's more that some guys will put the woman way up on the pedestal early on which unless she's some crazy narcissist is just going to weird her out. Some people accept the advice better as you've worded it though Choc.


A) Let's not generalise and claim that all girls go nuts when you treat them mean. Plenty will just think you're a fuckwad.

B) "If you give the girl the impression @ the start of the relationship that its no skin off your nose if it does not work, then she for some reason will fall crazily for you."
That's because it indicates both that you have confidence and are not a needy bitch.


but ever so delicious
Any astraweb users around, thoughts?

No major issues here. Sometimes, rarely though, you get a broken file but with par2s it's usually not a major issue repairing it.

I know some people suggest getting a data block from another usenet joint just as a backup incase astra is missing a file or two.


Women love confident men. No need to be a dick and get mean though. Aloof works fine.

A) Let's not generalise and claim that all girls go nuts when you treat them mean. Plenty will just think you're a fuckwad.

B) "If you give the girl the impression @ the start of the relationship that its no skin off your nose if it does not work, then she for some reason will fall crazily for you."
That's because it indicates both that you have confidence and are not a needy bitch.

I prescribe to these both.... confidence has certainly goes a loooong way. Working for me at the moment.... I think.

not being a needy bitch is important :D


I think it's more that some guys will put the woman way up on the pedestal early on which unless she's some crazy narcissist is just going to weird her out. Some people accept the advice better as you've worded it though Choc.

Yep choc strikes again. Fred and Rep is what i meant really

i didnt mean be an arsehole to her (although that is exactly why you find the hottest babes with the most fuckwit blokes, seriously)
As everyone else has said that sucks leg. But we've all been there. Well I have at least. I chased one girl for months, had one chance early but missed it and fell straight into the friend zone. It's shit.

That said I'm glad we're friends, the reason I wanted to be with her in the first place was because she was so rad. And now I have a different, also fucking awesome, girlfriend. Chin up bro.
Yep choc strikes again. Fred and Rep is what i meant really

i didnt mean be an arsehole to her (although that is exactly why you find the hottest babes with the most fuckwit blokes, seriously)
Because they have had their own confidence destroyed by others which sucks. A lot of women out there that have been brainwashed into thinking they are less than they actually are.

Power is a fucked up thing and makes the world go round


And you know you done fucked up when Andrew Bolt is on the right side of the debate (although he is still only for civil unions):


Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
I don't understand the "friend-zone" as a concept. It seems like such a cop-out, to me. Now, granted, I'm gay, so I'm only a spectator in these needlessly over-complicated girl-age scenarios.

It seems to me like, assuming you're one goal in life isn't "MUST BE IN RELATIONSHIP" (and you're therefore not pinning all your hopes and dreams on one person and becoming completely infatuated with them), that a friendship in this supposed "friend-zone" can survive the question "so, hey, look, if you're interested, do you want to grab dinner/go see a movie, just us?". If the answer is "yes", profit. If it's no, and this is important, it's not like you can't play it off as a "hey, that's cool. I think you're a great friend, let's keep it at that." And, hey, worst case scenario nothing even happens. Best-case scenario, you've performed some Inception-level shit and it eventually leads somewhere.

I think the friend-zone is basically a prerequisite. I don't understand zero to dating as a concept. Meeting someone with the express pretense of "I'm looking for someone to spend a significant portion of my life with in the long term, and fuck in the short-term". It just seems like such a shakey, unstable foundation for any relationship.

I don't even know why I typed this. I've been meaning to get it off my chest, it isn't even related directly to any experiences mentioned in this thread.


Rez i completely agree. The friend zone is a cop out.

YOU KNOW YOURSELF if someone is a friend.

There is a girl at work who i get on with like a house on fire and we both know and agree that had we not been attached it probably would have worked. We are like best buds now.

But there are other girls who are my friends who i know i just couldn't go out with. Just personality etc you know what you like.

The friendzone is a cop out. I'm not saying don't be friends, but don't expect friendship to not be awkward afterwards.

and heres the thing, if you want a girl subconsiscuosly and you remain friends with them it will affect you. You will always think wow you know if only i do this or tha tor the other she'll like me.

She won't most likely (not always but most likely). Girls generally don't change like that except hollywood

case in point

my mate was infatuated with a girl at school for 4 years, they went out for a bit and it didn't work, but they remained friends and was still infatuated with her.

TWO WEEKS, LITERALLY TWO WEEKS after she got married and he got 'over' her or realised it wasn't going to happen, he walked into a club and met the girl of his fucking dreams who he is engaged to.



I think the friend-zone is basically a prerequisite. I don't understand zero to dating as a concept. Meeting someone with the express pretense of "I'm looking for someone to spend a significant portion of my life with in the long term, and fuck in the short-term". It just seems like such a shakey, unstable foundation for any relationship.

Pretty much my opinion on things.


I don't understand the "friend-zone" as a concept. It seems like such a cop-out, to me. Now, granted, I'm gay, so I'm only a spectator in these needlessly over-complicated girl-age scenarios.

It seems to me like, assuming you're one goal in life isn't "MUST BE IN RELATIONSHIP" (and you're therefore not pinning all your hopes and dreams on one person and becoming completely infatuated with them), that a friendship in this supposed "friend-zone" can survive the question "so, hey, look, if you're interested, do you want to grab dinner/go see a movie, just us?". If the answer is "yes", profit. If it's no, and this is important, it's not like you can't play it off as a "hey, that's cool. I think you're a great friend, let's keep it at that." And, hey, worst case scenario nothing even happens. Best-case scenario, you've performed some Inception-level shit and it eventually leads somewhere.

I think the friend-zone is basically a prerequisite. I don't understand zero to dating as a concept. Meeting someone with the express pretense of "I'm looking for someone to spend a significant portion of my life with in the long term, and fuck in the short-term". It just seems like such a shakey, unstable foundation for any relationship.

I don't even know why I typed this. I've been meaning to get it off my chest, it isn't even related directly to any experiences mentioned in this thread.

The 'friend zone' is really just a synonym for unrequited feelings. When people talk about the 'friend zone' they're not talking about the step BEFORE the questions of dating and taking it further and whatever are asked. It's when that's sorta happened and one party is clear they 'just want to be friends.'


also both knowing you are on a date adds ridiculous amounts of stress

if over time you grow as friends and get to know each other then date, it can be better



And you know you done fucked up when Andrew Bolt is on the right side of the debate (although he is still only for civil unions):


It is a bizarre sensation to agree with Andrew Bolt. His readers aren't so lucky:
What have we here..More terms like homophobia..medieval bigot..stuck in the 50’s..not moving on with the times...and a long list of abuse against those who believe between what is right and wrong..what nature has ordained with all its dysfunctions, which makes up life in general.
As a fan of AB, and one who agrees with him on most points.,I believe in this area he is wrong.
Whether it be due to his associations,which include homosexuals, or his genuine belief that, that which I term as dysfunctional,should be heralded as a norm.,What is it that AB cannot understand that this homosexuality issue is mainly pushed by lesbians..who’s aim is not about equality, but the destruction of our Christian Patriarchal society..and the male homosexuals just go along with the ride as it provides “benefits” to them.
“Or are sexism and racism just words created by activists as well?”

They most certainly are. You need to study a bit of history. Racism and sexism are words that didn’t exist 100 years ago. Why is that? Were there no racists or sexists? Or has there been a concerted campaign to de-legitimise certain points of view by inventing slurs for people who hold those views. I don’t think people 100 years ago were any less moral than they are today, do you?

I’ll give you a clue; it’s got to do with the creators of communism.
The second time I've done this today, but comment sections really are uniquely alarming places.

I don't understand the "friend-zone" as a concept. It seems like such a cop-out, to me. Now, granted, I'm gay, so I'm only a spectator in these needlessly over-complicated girl-age scenarios.
Something something bastard something something.
Friend zone makes no sense yet seems to exist exactly as we say. Been there with a few girls and it never led anywhere other than just being a friend. Main problem with that is if you are hanging out with someone of the opposite sex all the time then it is much less likely that someone who would want to give a relationship a shot with you will step up because of the closed off situation with you and the friend zone chick.

A good life partner is someone who is you best friend but also wants to spend ALL their time with you, not just the good times. You need to both want to be there for each other and share life together. Which includes intimacy.
I'm with you Rez. Seems weird to date someone without getting to know them first. They should grow naturally. Do people really date other people for the sake of being seen as someone with a date? The friendzone to me seems like a silly concept made up by "nice guys" to justify/ complain about why they haven't got a girlfriend. When I befriend people I see it as a positive. If being friends with someone to you means being in horrible limbo, or being "lead on" by some girl who is not interested in you sexually, I think you're doing friendship wrong.

it's not weird. Well it is but its not. Girls ALWAYS want what they can't have.

you will notice that guys in relationships attract 10x the females a single guy does, its because the girl wants what she can't have.

Also, if you keep it mean you keep em keen so to speak. Of course there is a point where tha tstops and you can take it to far but if you give the girl the impression @ the start of the relationship that its no skin off your nose if it does not work, then she for some reason will fall crazily for you

its ridiculous but its how it works.

I don't know about the first part =/

But I guess the second part is true, for guys as well. You get too needy at the beginning you scare them away.

As a side note, some Korean guy started talking to me at the bank, and ended up asking to add me on facebook. That's confidence yo.


You know what kind of sucks? Not liking anyone. There is literally no one I know currently who I want to have a relationship with.

And friendzone definitely exists. It's just a way to say a girl doesn't reciprocate romantic feelings. That kind of sucks if you like someone as more than friends but they don't. Some guys get hung up about it, others don't.
Legend summed up friend zone well. It is the time AFTER you are friends with someone and you announce your undying love for them and they avert their eyes and rub their neck and say "yeahhhhhhh I think we should just be friends, k?". As in your future with that person has been put in the forever friend zone. Mainly applys when the other person continues to lightly flirt to keep the rejected party interested.


possibly not you shan or maybe you haven't realised it yet :)


ever since i got married, the female interaction and 'attention' in terms of chatting and getting along with females has been crazy. I regularly get asked to do things with my female friends now and even their friends.

its because the brick wall girls tend to put up when first talking to a guy completely disappears. It's kinda ashame

There's a pretty easy way to suss a girl out somewhat. If she realises you seem interested and she isn't she will drop the 'my boyfriend line' even if she doesn't have one. Works every time!

edit: Before we get called sexists, i've friend zoned a girl before. It works both ways. If there is zero attraction you cannot help it can you?

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
the other obvious thing that almost definitely leads to some of my confusion here is that the amount of completely platonic relationships I have with people of the gender I'm attracted to is probably SIGNIFICANTLY higher than the amount of platonic relationships your standard straight guy has with women in any given time period. I'm so desensitized to it. It takes not only an interest from me, but also the definite expression of interest in return before even the teensiest bit of complete infatuation creeps in.

possibly not you shan or maybe you haven't realised it yet :)


ever since i got married, the female interaction and 'attention' in terms of chatting and getting along with females has been crazy. I regularly get asked to do things with my female friends now and even their friends.

its because the brick wall girls tend to put up when first talking to a guy completely disappears. It's kinda ashame

There's a pretty easy way to suss a girl out somewhat. If she realises you seem interested and she isn't she will drop the 'my boyfriend line' even if she doesn't have one. Works every time!

edit: Before we get called sexists, i've friend zoned a girl before. It works both ways. If there is zero attraction you cannot help it can you?
you may be misinterpreting this. I can't speak for all women, but, anecdotally, all the females in my life love have male relationships in their lives that are sexually defused. If you have a ring on your finger, for many that's as good as saying "I'm gay". You're off-the-market, you're not going to try and hit on them, you can safely be a friend.


but ever so delicious
I don't think anyone actually goes from zero to dating unless you both feel some sort of amazing connection.

You go out on a few dates and hang out for a little while, If the feeling is still there then it becomes dating.

Friend zone is when you meet someone without the implicit idea of asking them straight out on a date. After a small period of time you realise you get along like a house on fire and that's when it becomes in your mind that it could be more than friends. However if the other person isn't giving you that feeling back then you're in the friend zone buddy.


the other obvious thing that almost definitely leads to some of my confusion here is that the amount of completely platonic relationships I have with people of the gender I'm attracted to is probably SIGNIFICANTLY higher than the amount of platonic relationships your standard straight guy has with women in any given time period. I'm so desensitized to it. It takes not only an interest from me, but also the definite expression of interest in return before even the teensiest bit of complete infatuation creeps in.

you may be misinterpreting this. I can't speak for all women, but, anecdotally, all the females in my life love have male relationships in their lives that are sexually defused. If you have a ring on your finger, for many that's as good as saying "I'm gay". You're off-the-market, you're not going to try and hit on them, you can safely be a friend.

No doubt. What im saying is that without that, females put up MASSIVE brick walls that you need to break down. We've all had it done to us ;)

Rez, on your points about platonic relationships, (and please don't take this the wrong way)

1) Do you think its possibly because you can't assume a guy is gay? and so you need to dig a bit to see what the go is?

2) Guys tend to assume girls are not gay and so assume they want a man. That's possibly why guys can just jump into asking a girl out?

I imagine with being gay, that can be more difficult? (unless you are at a group or location where you know everyone is gay)?

edit: also fwiw, a friend who is a girl told me about the 'want what they can't have' scenario. Apparently its pretty common amongst females. So it wasn't me just going on a tangent.


I don't think anyone actually goes from zero to dating unless you both feel some sort of amazing connection.

You go out on a few dates and hang out for a little while, If the feeling is still there then it becomes dating.

Friend zone is when you meet someone without the implicit idea of asking them straight out on a date. After a small period of time you realise you get along like a house on fire and that's when it becomes in your mind that it could be more than friends. However if the other person isn't giving you that feeling back then you're in the friend zone buddy.

no thats when it becomes a relationship which is exclusive

you can date many girls @ once (i dont mean 'cheating' i mean dating). So Fri you might see one girl, on the weekend another

until you get to the relationship factor there is no exclusivity (and that works both sides, my wife dated other guys in the early times when we dated). I had zero issue with it because i figured if she wanted me, it was going to happen.
And friendzone definitely exists. It's just a way to say a girl doesn't reciprocate romantic feelings. That kind of sucks if you like someone as more than friends but they don't. Some guys get hung up about it, others don't.

It doesn't feel like people use it that way. In fact, quite often there is an insinuated blame on the part of the girl. "She friendzoned me" etc.

possibly not you shan or maybe you haven't realised it yet :)

hm... I guess because knowing that a man is taken is really a sign that I should back off a bit I hadn't thought about it being a turn on or anything.

Actually reading what rez has posted:

you may be misinterpreting this. I can't speak for all women, but, anecdotally, all the females in my life love have male relationships in their lives that are sexually defused. If you have a ring on your finger, for many that's as good as saying "I'm gay". You're off-the-market, you're not going to try and hit on them, you can safely be a friend.

This is more the feeling I get. Can't speak for all women though. Plus I don't know any married guys who are also my friends =/


edit: also fwiw, a friend who is a girl told me about the 'want what they can't have' scenario. Apparently its pretty common amongst females. So it wasn't me just going on a tangent.

No excuses necessary choc, we all know you like going on tangents anyway :)


It doesn't feel like people use it that way. In fact, quite often there is an insinuated blame on the part of the girl. "She friendzoned me" etc.

Insinuated blame? It is what it is, if you get "friendzoned" that's just what happens...

For me anyway it's never been a bad thing, I'm happy to be friends with anyone but you try and move on.


We don't know why he keeps buying PAL, either.
When a girl puts you in the friend zone you say 'Oh ok, thanks' and move on.

Happened to me, then the bitch tried to get back with me after I got my girlfriend.



Keep claim quiet: Barnaby Joyce

The court documents also show that senior high-profile Nationals Senator Barnaby Joyce allegedly attempted to convince the three Rinehart children to keep their claim out of the public eye, while Liberal MP Alby Schultz entreated them to drop their claim altogether.
Their statements of claim say that Senator Joyce emailed Hope on September 11, 2011, saying that "newspapers and lawyers get people to say nasty things" and "stated that 'before it really gets out of hand, I would try to get it back in house and out of public view'".
A week later, on September 19, Mr Schultz and his wife emailed Hope saying they had read with "much sadness" of the litigation against her mother, calling it a "horrific step" and asking her to consider dropping "this expensive and embarrassing legal action".

Barnaby and Alby. Top blokes.


We don't know why he keeps buying PAL, either.
and in one foul swoop, vook proves my points

Seriously, she rang me up the day after I changed my relationship status on Facebook and was like 'So what's happening, I've got this and this and this'. She even proclaimed she had a new double bed instead of a single.... o-0

A month before 'I'm not sure if I want a BF, I just want to be friends'.
What the crap. Some girls man *shaking my head*

Insinuated blame? It is what it is, if you get "friendzoned" that's just what happens...

For me anyway it's never been a bad thing, I'm happy to be friends with anyone but you try and move on.

Eeeh, just as an anecdotal point, a few days ago I was talking to a friend about another good friend of mine, and he said "man, you friendzoned that guy so bad. You're so cruel", when this guy had never ever tried to hit on me or ask me out, and I have considered him one of my best friends for a long time. To hear someone say that I had done something cruel by being his friend felt really wrong. Getting friendzoned (a negative thing) tends to imply that someone committed a negative act towards you, which often isn't really the case.


you may be misinterpreting this. I can't speak for all women, but, anecdotally, all the females in my life love have male relationships in their lives that are sexually defused. If you have a ring on your finger, for many that's as good as saying "I'm gay". You're off-the-market, you're not going to try and hit on them, you can safely be a friend.

Not completely. I was out friday night and overheard some trashy girl asking a guy, excitedly, if he was gay (incidentally, he isn't) and if so she was claiming him and they'd go shopping together and it'd be great. Apart from making me want to throw myself off a tall structure, it proves that in some cases the gay-male-as-accessory thing really isn't just a horrifying joke.

I'm posting this here and not the gay thread because this thread doesn't make me cringe.


You mean a pitchfork? <_>
I don't need anyone to tell me how to feel about a particular musician or audio album! I can make my own decisions!
For some reason I thought pitchforks were different... like, only three-pronged. Anyway, turns out my dirt is CRAZY clay-like and one of the prongs is bent about 45 degrees away from where it should be anyway. Only spent $10 on it so it's not a big deal. Found some awesome roots and lifted a crazy amount of dirt. But yeah, thick and clumpy as fuck.[/quote]

Also I hope you get a blister after all the fun you had yesterday.
Well, as long as you don't hate me for that going to that festival AND seeing Aril Brikha live AND Aphex Twin/New Order at sideshows in the space of a little over a week, I can handle it. FWIW I did get a tiny bit burnt, but only on my left arm and I think it's gone now anyway.

So jealous.
It was pretty awesome. See my previous posts for most of my impressions. Die Antwoord were probably the biggest surprise of the day for going (in my mind) from novelty act to surprisingly talented artists. Alex Metric was also awesome. Local talent was surprisingly absent from the proceedings, with very few decent looking birds there. Perhaps they've all matured and stopped doing this festival thing :(

it's not weird. Well it is but its not. Girls ALWAYS want what they can't have.

you will notice that guys in relationships attract 10x the females a single guy does, its because the girl wants what she can't have.

Also, if you keep it mean you keep em keen so to speak. Of course there is a point where tha tstops and you can take it to far but if you give the girl the impression @ the start of the relationship that its no skin off your nose if it does not work, then she for some reason will fall crazily for you

its ridiculous but its how it works.
Girls can't have me because I never go out and socialise*. I don't see them swarming all over me when I DO leave the house :(

This is false. I socialise like a motherfucker. But they still don't swarm all over me :(

You go out on a few dates and hang out for a little while, If the feeling is still there then it becomes dating.

Eeeh, just as an anecdotal point, a few days ago I was talking to a friend about another good friend of mine, and he said "man, you friendzoned that guy so bad. You're so cruel", when this guy had never ever tried to hit on me or ask me out, and I have considered him one of my best friends for a long time. To hear someone say that I had done something cruel by being his friend felt really wrong. Getting friendzoned (a negative thing) tends to imply that someone committed a negative act towards you, which often isn't really the case.
Yeah, that's fairly shit. I think genuine friendzoning is when a girl knocks a guy back but is still flirty to the point of indicating interest, thereby keeping any lingering feelings in the guy's head from becoming extinguished and the friendship continuing on as normal. Basically like a security blanket. Sounds like the guy was completely misinterpreting your behaviour as interest, but being friendzoned usually means being knocked back (from dating, not friendship). In this case, just sounds like the guy was trying to talk up his efforts with you to his mate to try and make it sound like he'd not just done nothing.


^ real friendship


Eeeh, just as an anecdotal point, a few days ago I was talking to a friend about another good friend of mine, and he said "man, you friendzoned that guy so bad. You're so cruel", when this guy had never ever tried to hit on me or ask me out, and I have considered him one of my best friends for a long time. To hear someone say that I had done something cruel by being his friend felt really wrong. Getting friendzoned (a negative thing) tends to imply that someone committed a negative act towards you, which often isn't really the case.

A fair point :)

Distinction smersninction. Dating or going out or testing the waters. All that matters is the moment if exclusively being a couple.



So this afternoon I tried to get back into Mass Effect after putting it down for like 2 years.

To cut it short, I still don't like it that much, the mishmash of game styles just... doesn't sit well with me.


On a whim, I decided to check the list of NBN rollout sites on the NBN Co. website, and discovered something unexpected:


Can't wait for the day I can ditch ~7Mbit/384Kbit ADSL for 100Mbit/40Mbit FTTH.

For some stupid reason Tamworth is Wireless NBN.

People in Durka are bitching about it and trying to get them to change it to fiber.

Which would be good for the town.
So this afternoon I tried to get back into Mass Effect after putting it down for like 2 years.

To cut it short, I still don't like it that much, the mishmash of game styles just... doesn't sit well with me.
You just don't like elevators or poorly designed mars rovers.



but ever so delicious
what the fuck?


dating, is dating. Relationship is bf gf


if you are 'dating' someone you are not in a relationship with them

What? A relationship is dating. There is no difference between the two. What the fuck did you do with your wife before you were married?

Hi this is <wife name>
Oh how long have you two been dating for?
7 months so far.

How many times did you get asked that question In your relationship? A shitload I imagine. Others could have asked how long you have been in a relationship for. It's the same damn thing.

The protocols and practices of dating, and the terms used to describe it, vary considerably from country to country. The most common sense is two people trying out a relationship and exploring whether they're compatible by going out together in public as a couple, and who may or may not yet be having sexual relations, and this period of courtship is sometimes seen as a precursor to engagement or marriage.[1][2]


You just don't like elevators or poorly designed mars rovers.


Those I can kinda accept as they are interlude bits, but the shooting sections are just awful and the vacant empty feeling you get in the buildings and such is just off putting.

It is just not a very good game.

IMO. :p
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