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AusGAF 6 - Ricki Lee is awful. Everything else about Australia is AMAZING [Free hugs]

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I was given this advice by court assistants who had been there for years. I got picked wearing shorts, joggers and sporting long hair. No one batted an eyelid.

I can't think of a single case where dressing up and presenting intelligence would be of worth to a barrister.

It varies from case to case. For starters, lawyers only have three challenges each; secondly, I can see a complex defence with a lot of varying facts that might require a jury to pay attention.

You were on a twelve-month case? I think mine was like a week long... what was yours on? o_O


Jury duty could be fun. Never been picked though.

Only reason I wouldnt want to go is if it was a particularly unsavoury crime and had lots of visual evidence.
That was a great movie. It really had the perfect mix of sad moments, funny moments, heartwarming moments. Ausgaf - if you haven't already seen it, go and do so.

QLD Gaf -Check out this Anti-Cambell Newman ad. So bad.

wow that is messed up. they should be a 10 yo on the internet not running campaigns for politicians.

Fuck me. I just went into the garage and found my new kitten playing with a funnel web spider. I tried to get him away, but he picked it up in his mouth and walked off with it. He ended up dropping it and now i have it trapped in a container.

Cats are supposedly immune to their bites, but i'm still worried he'll get sick or something.
not the poor kitty. immune to spider-bites sounds cool though.


It varies from case to case. For starters, lawyers only have three challenges each; secondly, I can see a complex defence with a lot of varying facts that might require a jury to pay attention.

You were on a twelve-month case? I think mine was like a week long... what was yours on? o_O

In my case, each accused was given 6 challenges. There were 5 accused, so there were 30 challenges in total.

My case was on conspiracy to commit a terrorist act. It required more attention and patience than most people have. The library we ended up with was the biggest mass of paper I have ever seen.

With the above in mind, I was still picked in my casual clothes and long hair.

How do you take a leak on jury duty? I guess you can't just get up and walk out then come back.

Seriously, you pass a note to the foreman, he passes it to the court assistant who passes it to the judges assistant (I've forgotten the proper names for these), who passes it to the judge. The judge will grant a short break 5-10 mins after which court will resume.
So Katter has a half-gay half-brother.

And Newman said this:

Mr Newman maintained his party would repeal recently enacted civil union laws but would not put a timeframe on the move and would not say if a repeal would work retrospectively to make existing civil unions null and void.


linky link

Seems he personally supports gay marriage but the rest of the LNP doesn't.


So Katter has a half-gay half-brother.

And Newman said this:


linky link

Seems he personally supports gay marriage but the rest of the LNP doesn't.

he wont win ashgrove and then when LNP put someone else in people in QLD will go fucking insane and demand another election (because 99% of australians do not get the political system we have)


Brisbane Times comment section:
So it is 'gutter politics' to tell the truth? What an interesting notion. Everything in the Katter advertisements if factually correct. Those who are upset by the advertisement are showing that they do not want the public to be mindful of the truth, which is that Campbell Newman, the Labor Party and other have sold their souls to the sodomites in the hope that they will receive the pink vote.
It's funny how you're allowed to say "rednecks" and criticise the Australian Christian Lobby. But those in the majority can't call homosexuals "faggots" and criticse their lobby groups. Just shows you how our governments pander to minorities
What the reaction to this shows is that the supporters of the homosexual cause are terrified that the public might be made more aware of the homosexual agenda. They want this matter to slip in under the radar, because they know that the vast majority of Australians believe that marriage should be between a man and a woman, not people of the same sex.
Can someone pass the gay agenda on to me? I've been looking for it all this time and can't seem to find it. From the same person who provided that second stunning insight:
I am a pot smoker and I can gurantee you, that I'm am discriminated against more than homosexuals. Also, I bet there are more pot smokers in AUstralia than homosexuals.
Where's my rights?
:lol :lol


When I got called for jury duty, I actually wanted to do it, especially when they said on the day that the expected trial length had been shortened to 3 weeks (was expected to be 12 weeks in the original letter). However, after sitting around in the preparation room and watching the mildly patronising video of what to do during duty, they said the case that was meant to be done in my room couldn't begin and we could all go home.

I was a bit disappointed, as it meant I wasn't able to even get a chance to be selected, but I did get to have a bit of a schadenfreude-driven giggle at the people that were trying their hardest to get out of it while they were doing name call :p. They'd all be coming back in a few weeks even though they'd have actually gotten out of it by shutting up.

I did it last year, I got picked on the first day and was in a trial that went for 3 days. Luckily I didn't picked on my second and last trial as it would have gone for up to 3 months. I say luckily as there are not many times when I would rather be at work, but this was certainly one of them.


Unless its a Upper House seat they cannot just parachute him in

and to be a Premier i believe you need to be in the lower house.

They COULD force a by election in a safe seat.

edit: basically what Anna Blight said has come true. This is making a complete fucking farce of the Queensland political system.

I lol'd at the comment on brisbane times the other day

'if he loses maybe he can still stand outside parliament house pretending he is an opposition leader whilst the real action goes on in the place behind him'

edit: so the 787 can do SYD to LHR non stop

OF COURSE unless Qantas etc put 2 crews on the flight it wont happen (because pilots cannot fly for that long legally) but wow, thats a pretty big thing.

I don't think any airline will go for it though. There isn't enough traffic from SYD to LHR only to justify it. Most airlines pick up a lot of passengers in Asia on the way through.

My last flight to EU was empty until Hong Kong


They won't parachute Newman in somewhere?

Somebody would have to step down and there would need to be a by-election for it to happen. Depending upon the timing of that, they may also need an interim leader to lead until Newman could take their place.

So yes, uproar would be the likely result.

Edit: Beaten... oh well.

Edit 2: Oh and Choc, Queensland only has one house of parliament. Campbell definitely needs a seat to be Premier.


i really want to know why they didnt give Campbell a safe seat

do they really not want him but see him as the best way to victory?

It will be very interesting to see what LNP do if he loses Ashgrove.

or is teh LNP so far up its arse in QLD they think they can win anywhere


i really want to know why they didnt give Campbell a safe seat

do they really not want him but see him as the best way to victory?

It will be very interesting to see what LNP do if he loses Ashgrove.

or is teh LNP so far up its arse in QLD they think they can win anywhere

Yeah, I think they thought it was safe. If nobody in the safer seats is retiring (I don't know if anyone is or not), then it would be very hard to convince them to give up their seat for Newman, so Ashgrove might be the best choice they had.


Yeah fred i have

this is definately what i would have envisioned an xbox 360 of MSFS to be, and on that scale its not bad. It's a shame Microsoft is not letting third parties build for it.

I can see over time it adding a lot, but its definitely NOT a sequel to FSX. I doubt you will ever be flying from Sydney to London in it via Singapore (which ive done in fsx :p) but it has its place

I love flying the heavies (747, A380), so i really hope they do something with this engine and put heavies and longer flights into the game, even as DLC that you pay for.

Overall im very surprised. It's not a simulator at all, its not even trying to be a sim and if you look at it as a console version of MSFS its pretty good. It would be interesting for them to put it in XBLA and offer like a persistant world.

I think the model they have gone for with MS Flight is very good as well. Lots of people buy addons to FSX so having to buy more for flight generally won't phase people at all.

I just hope that ACES is working on a true FSX sequel (i reckon they are), because X-Plane 10 is very good, and MS has always been better than X-Plane.

edit: How the heck is a seat currently held by the ALP with a 7% swing safe? Rocks.in.head. Safe is a seat which hasn't changed hands in 30 years.

edit2: the new carpark at ikea tempe is AMAZING for planespotting. You are so close to the runway (probably the closest you can legally be). 747 took off when i was there, amazing.


Every time I read Joh Bjelke-Petersen's wikipedia entry I'm amazed that something like his government ever existed in this country. After that, I'm shocked Katter gets any play at all.
he wont win ashgrove and then when LNP put someone else in people in QLD will go fucking insane and demand another election (because 99% of australians do not get the political system we have)

I think people are starting to get it after Rudd and now this. At least they should be, it's been shoved in their faces and explained in every media outlet ad nuseum.

They won't parachute Newman in somewhere?

He said on the weekend if he doesn't win Ashgrove he'll leave politics and go back to the private sector. Wait for Lawrence "three times a loser" Springborg to swoop in.

Every time I read Joh Bjelke-Petersen's wikipedia entry I'm amazed that something like his government ever existed in this country. After that, I'm shocked Katter gets any play at all.

Same. And there are still a surprising number of people who remember the Joh era fondly. They mostly seem to be farmers who benefited (thanks gerrymandering), and that's the base Katter seems to be appealing too.


Every time I read Joh Bjelke-Petersen's wikipedia entry I'm amazed that something like his government ever existed in this country. After that, I'm shocked Katter gets any play at all.

QLD and WA have two things in common

1. They are fucking HUGE in terms of land

2. They have a lot of farmers on the land voting as well

most of the other states do not have that combination and that is generally when backwards ideas come to be

City folk seem to be a lot more open to change, whereas country folk (not all), especially those of an old age hate change.

and so any party that advocates keeping things as they are (and sending the state to shit) will get their vote


i really want to know why they didnt give Campbell a safe seat

do they really not want him but see him as the best way to victory?

It will be very interesting to see what LNP do if he loses Ashgrove.

or is teh LNP so far up its arse in QLD they think they can win anywhere

Nobody wanted to leave their seat, AND Campbell wanted a seat that he had a history in so there wouldn't bemedia attacks over him being out of touch with the locals.

This left two options: Brisbane Central and Ashgrove. They thought Brisbane would be more easily lost due to attack ads over rates and the bike hire scheme.


Nobody wanted to leave their seat, AND Campbell wanted a seat that he had a history in so there wouldn't bemedia attacks over him being out of touch with the locals.

This left two options: Brisbane Central and Ashgrove. They thought Brisbane would be more easily lost due to attack ads over rates and the bike hire scheme.

since when do politicians give a fuck what the constituents think


all im reading being outside of the state that the whole thing is a fucking mess, and if he loses QLD could have a crisis on its hands politically and constitutionally or something

im also reading that the worm is very quickly turning on Campbell newman. not the LNP but newman

so just like federal

like the party, fuck the leader, seems the be the attitude


all im reading being outside of the state that the whole thing is a fucking mess, and if he loses QLD could have a crisis on its hands politically and constitutionally or something

im also reading that the worm is very quickly turning on Campbell newman. not the LNP but newman

so just like federal

like the party, fuck the leader, seems the be the attitude

There's one quite major group who thinks the polls are wrong: punters.

07:30 | Ashgrove
Liberal/National Party 1.46
Labor Party 2.20
Any Other 101.00
Pay on the candidate who is officially declared the winner of the nominated electorate by the Qld electoral commission. Singles only.


It's times like this I'm glad our head of state is not a political figure. I don't think I could bear to see a presidential style campaign for another position in this country.


There's one quite major group who thinks the polls are wrong: punters.

07:30 | Ashgrove
Liberal/National Party 1.46
Labor Party 2.20
Any Other 101.00
Pay on the candidate who is officially declared the winner of the nominated electorate by the Qld electoral commission. Singles only.


but your an LNP fanboy so ... :)

im sure the QLD media has found this out so...

has any leader ever won to take the premiership in Australia without holding a current seat?
im also reading that the worm is very quickly turning on Campbell newman. not the LNP but newman

so just like federal

like the party, fuck the leader, seems the be the attitude

It's more like Ashgrove has turned on him. In most seats he'd win handily, but Jones is a strong local MP and seeing she's been able to concentrate on the electorate and he's had to campaign across the state she's taken the upper hand.

The irony is that he's the reason they're in position to win, and it looks like they will be governing without him.


Doesnt have to be a monarchy, but functionally it's nice to have a representative of the country who has earnt respect by doing something outside of politics. (I'm referring to the governor general here, not the queen even though formally she is HoS).

It's the kind of position where you could install someone like a Fred Hollows or David Attenborough or one of those guys from Curiosity and know they are there because of their hard work and near universal respect.



but your an LNP fanboy so ... :)

im sure the QLD media has found this out so...

has any leader ever won to take the premiership in Australia without holding a current seat?

I'm not an LNP fanboy, just an ABBEFK (try and figure out what that means :) )


Or Haydos amirite

So long as the position doesnt solely become the realm of sports stars or retired generals or archbishops....

Actually, given our updated list of living natural treasures, maybe its an even better thing that we have the Queen. I'd much rather have a future king charles than the terrifying prospect of president reinhart, packer or palmer
We'd probably wind up with president murdoch


Doesnt have to be a monarchy, but functionally it's nice to have a representative of the country who has earnt respect by doing something outside of politics. (I'm referring to the governor general here, not the queen even though formally she is HoS).
It doesn't have to be, but maintaining a monarchy is the easiest way to keep it that way. If it was a republic with presidential selection rather than by popular vote, and the only way to change it to popular vote would be another referendum, I guess that would be ok too.


It doesn't have to be, but maintaining a monarchy is the easiest way to keep it that way. If it was a republic with presidential selection rather than by popular vote, and the only way to change it to popular vote would be another referendum, I guess that would be ok too.

that was Howards model



but your an LNP fanboy so ... :)

im sure the QLD media has found this out so...

has any leader ever won to take the premiership in Australia without holding a current seat?

Antony Green has touched on that point recently in his blog, I believe. If I remember correctly, there was one guy who was PM with only a senate position for a short while, but as soon as he was chosen as PM, somebody stood aside to let him contest a House of Reps seat in a by-election which he easily won.

I might also be remembering another blog he did where there was a guy that didn't have any type of seat as the election for his seat was delayed by a few weeks, but I'm hazy... I'll go and have another look.


but ever so delicious
I'm trying to figure out if any of these work for a CC background. Thoughts?


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