So many awesome running jokes and godlike character development.
Commander Kook. Ace JiHyo. Unfortunate GwangSoo. Cowardly Big Nose Hyung. Scheming kid HaHa.
lol he's my favourite. every time he speaks and gets cut off and just stands there sadly
So many awesome running jokes and godlike character development.
Commander Kook. Ace JiHyo. Unfortunate GwangSoo. Cowardly Big Nose Hyung. Scheming kid HaHa.
Just give them a good kick when you go out there. Works everytime!Rain has stopped. I should probably go out and fetch the bins but it's a. too cold, and b. they're probably filled with water and I don't really feel like dealing with it now.
3 days of getting shit faced at a festival. I'm fucked now, so tired. Flew home drunk and bombed as soon as I hit the seat. Good times though.
My resume now looks so much cooler than my resume in 2010 and it's not just because I learned to format things properly in the last two years!
how to sustain a living in the film industry.
Damn I'm jealous. I want to go out drinking ;.; instead I am stuck at home studying for exams.
Speaking of which, I have somehow been roped into helping my boyfriend write an assignment about how to sustain a living in the film industry. Cue the 'I have no idea what I'm doing" dog jpg.
EDIT: Thanks rep.
Buys his clothes out of the discount bin and cons his girlfriend into doing his assignments? Legend.
how to sustain a living in the film industry
Buys his clothes out of the discount bin and cons his girlfriend into doing his assignments? Legend.
What Running Man does lack is the greatest love story ever told, Kookri. From Family Outing.
Hoping that Hyori comes on Running Man when she does her comeback.
Tom and Jerry? Haven't fired it up yet, so I don't get the referenceEnjoy it. What do you think of Tom & Jerry?
I don't want to disparage your opinion on what is undoubtedly a fine SSD (a coworker has one) but the Sandisk Extreme is exactly the same price and benches quite a bit (though noticably? No idea) better than the M4. Sandforce 2, too (which is supposed to be orright?).![]()
FIVEOFFTHIRTY - $5 off when you spend $30 at LOGS. You can even pick up a Crucial m4 128GB SSD for $130, they don't have the bigger capacity drives sadly.
Shan: tell him to go on about providing internal procedural videos to companies (training videos / health and safety) and so on, most companies videos go back to the 1980's. it's not too hard to picket them to hire you to update their videos.
edit: thats for the getting a ground foot, once you've done that you have experience.
the bitch is most places dont count uni stuff as experience
Why do we call him Boyfriend!?! anyway
Damn I'm jealous. I want to go out drinking ;.; instead I am stuck at home studying for exams.
Speaking of which, I have somehow been roped into helping my boyfriend write an assignment about how to sustain a living in the film industry. Cue the 'I have no idea what I'm doing" dog jpg.
EDIT: Thanks rep.
Shan: tell him to go on about providing internal procedural videos to companies (training videos / health and safety) and so on, most companies videos go back to the 1980's. it's not too hard to picket them to hire you to update their videos.
edit: thats for the getting a ground foot, once you've done that you have experience.
the bitch is most places dont count uni stuff as experience
edit: WWDC keynote at 3am. We might see the iphone 5. Probably not
but we WILL see IOS6.
Shaneus, your avatar makes me really want a Pomeranian. :s
You've got some experience holy?
He's just completing his final year at film school, but I hear that's more important for networking than anything else.
Shaneus, your avatar makes me really want a Pomeranian. :s
lol The Oddboxx was a terrible release. Luckily we superior PSN+ people got Stranger Wrath on PSN for FREE! Take that Shaneus!Oh, and have you been keeping tabs at all on the update for Stranger's Wrath on PC? IT'S STILL NOT FUCKING OUT YET. STILL.
Woeful practice on those guys. I actually bought Wrath on good faith that it wasn't more than a few months away (at the time). It's now, what... a year and a half later? And on ATI cards it's pretty much (literally, mind you) unplayable. Let alone looking like their initial images of what the upgrade would look like.
I don't want to disparage your opinion on what is undoubtedly a fine SSD (a coworker has one) but the Sandisk Extreme is exactly the same price and benches quite a bit (though noticably? No idea) better than the M4. Sandforce 2, too (which is supposed to be orright?).
is gaf that much of a drug lulz?
i just found a thread where someone wanted a ban so they could focus on exams
is gaf that much of a drug lulz?
failed dreams
You should. They're awesome. But I only have it there because of the Tokyo Jungle game, as well as my best friend and his g/f being two-time Pomeranian owners.Shaneus, your avatar makes me really want a Pomeranian. :s
Oh, I'm running one now. It's awesome. But the only comparison I could draw is with my old OCZ Vertex 2 (which was only SATA2). It's way, way better. But I'm tempted to hook it up and raid my two 1.5tb 5400rpm discs, just to use it as a buffer like I mentioned earlier. If you're familiar with the Seagate Momentus XL (basically a drive with a gig or so SSD cache) it's exactly the same. But it's automatically set up in the BIOS and Windows recognises it as a single drive (so it's essentially invisible).lol The Oddboxx was a terrible release. Luckily we superior PSN+ people got Stranger Wrath on PSN for FREE! Take that Shaneus!
Oh nice! I remember you mentioning it a while back but could never Google up anything worthwhile on it but PCCG have it on special sale at the moment. Cheaper than the m4 and with the same Read speed and a much faster Write speed! The m4 was updated last year from around 415MB to 500MB Read but those Write times are fantastic. Only major concern for me is stability, I went with Crucial because they (and Intel) had a history of having more reliable drives than OCZ and the others. Haven't been able to dig up much about the Sandisk though.
So buy one and let me know how it is!
i just found a thread where someone wanted a ban so they could focus on exams
is gaf that much of a drug lulz?
Any guitarists here?
I'm thinking of getting a guitar, but I'm in a difficult situation. I'm right handed in all things I do, but when I pick up a guitar, I pick it up like a left-handed guitarist would (pick in the left hand with the right hand on the fret board). It's the only way that feels comfortable and comes across as completely natural to me.
Googling online, I couldn't find an example of a right hander playing left handed. It's normally left handers playing left handed. Should I buy a right handed guitar and force myself to learn right handed or should I just go with whatever feels more natural, accepting the disadvantages (limited guitar options)?
iOS6 major feature? Maps.
What did you expect? They're trying to get rid of everything Google related on their device.iOS6 major feature? Maps.
Yeah I've been using that feature heavily on my phone, it's great.ALSO sms to ignore phone call. Currently my favourite thing on my phone at the moment. No more angry parents/partners!
Normally I am all in favour of local MP, but for this game having online MP also seems like a no brainer.THE FUCK! Pikmin 3 won't have online MP only local! I live in the middle of nowhere Mr. Potatomoto! Trying to play it with my son would be a comical affair! I need to play it with my buddies who I played Pikmin 1&2 with in college who now have jobs and families and lives and shit and as such don't live in my goddamned room any more!
THE FUCK! Pikmin 3 won't have online MP only local! I live in the middle of nowhere Mr. Potatomoto! Trying to play it with my son would be a comical affair! I need to play it with my buddies who I played Pikmin 1&2 with in college who now have jobs and families and lives and shit and as such don't live in my goddamned room any more!
Normally I am all in favour of local MP, but for this game having online MP also seems like a no brainer.
Well that sucks. All my dreams of Pikmin 3 multiplexer leagues gone out the window. Nintendo will never understand online gaming I think.
Oh, I didn't expect anything. Other than something that justifies a OS major version upgrade I guess.
iOS has been showing it's age for a good while now. I can't believe it's still a static icon based design.
I don't know what they could do to actually make it interesting.
Open a window!allow dynamic icons so that i dont need to open an app to see the fucking temperature is a start?
Why would iOS change exactly? I always thought it looked rubbish, but people are used to it, so why change when you've got a customer base comfortable with something.
We're talking about the OS here. I expect the new Xbox will have whatever interface Windows has at the time. New Xboxes and Playstations need to have that 'newness' feeling in order to get the early adopters in. Apple don't want to risk alienating their existing, massive, loyal customer base and don't give a shit about the early adopters because they'll buy it regardless.why make a new xbox? why make a new playstation? shit why make a new wii u?
Google release tons of half-arsed things and never update them. Apple release far fewer things that are polished to a mirror finish.i am every day discovering new things i can do with Android, that just make things EASY.