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AusGAF 6 - Ricki Lee is awful. Everything else about Australia is AMAZING [Free hugs]

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It's more useful for my own article later...

Not sure why these speeches weren't linked from the Bill itself yesterday. I guess the transcripts mustn't have been completed yet. I wonder if they have like an army of typesetters...

They're normally up a few hours after the session ends. So the morning hansard is up by like 3 normally. That's the case for state parliament at least.


interesting observation from political correspondant in canberra

10.15am: Speaking of the missing Prime Minister, I've been meaning to note for some time how different things are when she's away.

When Ms Gillard isn't in the chamber, the level of aggro tones down significantly.

It's hard to know why this happens, but this phenomenon is fairly consistent. Almost like the Opposition can't summon the will to be furious without the Prime Minister watching them across the dispatch box.

They are just a bit miffed.

Do have Pulsers have thoughts or observations about this?

You can comment below, or get in touch on Twitter.

Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/opinion/polit...9-june-2012-20120619-20kxi.html#ixzz1yCFqNDG3

edit: Did you know that Paul Fletcher MPs favourite game is HOTD Overkill? Now you do thanks to Hansard.

There is some amazing stuff in some of these speeches.
John Birmingham on the decline of Fairfax and media in general http://www.brisbanetimes.com.au/opinion/blogs/blunt-instrument/its-a-changing-media-landscape--and-its-your-fault-20120618-20jt6.html

Edit: That was legitimately awesome.

Simply that although comment threads and letters to the editor bemoan the decline in standards of journalism, and cry out for more quality and care and less bias, most readers are less interested in hard news than they are in complete tosh. (I say that as somebody who makes a good living as the owner of a number of tosh factories). A story about a celebrity wardrobe malfunction, especially if it comes with images, will totally bury an item of reportage about, say, hospital closures, or waterfront industrial action, or a review of defence policy or legislation for plain packaging on cigarettes

100% true. You put sex in a headline and watch it skyrocket to the top of the most read lists
The only thing not selling me on a Surface right now is the rumoured 7" Nexus. 7" seems like such a better size for a tablet but none of the current ones can hold a candle to the 10"s.

But a Windows tablet that is actually good is pretty damn compelling


The only thing not selling me on a Surface right now is the rumoured 7" Nexus. 7" seems like such a better size for a tablet but none of the current ones can hold a candle to the 10"s.

But a Windows tablet that is actually good is pretty damn compelling

Core i5 Ivy Bridge x86 Windows 8 Pro Tablet > Silly little Nexus



This may be the first serious tablet I buy (have a touchpad but just for playing around with). The pro version could be very disruptive in the enterprise (something Apple still don't get) and even the ARM based version for students (office + built in keyboard).


You can tell you have a terrible government when the opposition can have a catchphrase that's an outright lie and no one knows or cares.


I regret that I have to downgrade from a certain to a probable for BrisGAF.

I'm a wreck. I will possibly recover, but at the moment I am in no state for company.


They've already wasted a ton of money mailing all of Australia, and I doubt that many people will send money in.. or I hope so.

don't politicians get an allowance for stationery and postage.... >_<



These funds certainly help pay for all the TV ads and direct mail. But the parties already have a major advantage for their direct-mail campaigns &#8211; the fact that all members of parliament receive a printing entitlement. This year it is $75,000 for each member of the House of Representatives.


Wendy Bacon of UTS on Rhineheart & Fairfax.

Few commentators doubt that Rinehart would use her media power over Fairfax to pursue her views against environmental regulation, wealth redistribution and other causes that interfere with her broader corporate interests. Up until now, war weary and vulnerable Fairfax Journalists have been muted in their response to the Rinehart threat. In a low-key way they have carried reports charting her corporate interests, political views and her unflinching move on the company.

Friends of Fairfax, who campaigned for independent journalism in the 1990s would have been on the front foot in these circumstances but that organisation disappeared from view long ago (perhaps it could be revived). Ian Verrender on Fairfax-owned 2UE this morning did not mention fears of a Rinehart takeover, while senior reporter Michelle Grattan did explain on Radio National this morning that journalists regarded independence as "very, very, very important" and were insisting that Rinehart sign the charter of independence. She, like other Fairfax journalists, expects that Rinehart will try to pursue her own agenda within the company.

While it is critically important to develop alternative models of public interest journalism in Australia, in practice there is no independent online resource that can match even Fairfax’s current investment in reporting. While those outside can warn of the danger, only journalists and their union can protect their independence in practice.

If journalists and the unions want the public to understand what is at stake they need to explain how the charter works and be part of a more broadly based community campaign to support public interest journalism, both in and outside the mainstream media. The interests of journalists are not the same as corporate management.


OK, new AusGAF meeting post trying to cover everything from the last few pages and adding the next SydGAF Board Games event too! While writing it up I realised how potentially crazy it is for me to attend three AusGAF meetups within the same week, but I expect to enjoy it greatly!

Date: Friday, 29th of June
Starting Time: 5PM
Venue: Beer Delux?
Organiser: Holycheck

Confirmed: HolyCheck (6pm), Bananaarnie, shanshan310, shaneus, Aonshix (5:30), Aniseed, Omi, jambo, codswallop, Remz
Probable: evlcookie, Lafiel, Agyar

Date: Tuesday, 3rd of July
Starting Time: 5:30PM
Venue: Grill'd et al. (meet at Central)
Organiser: shanshan310

Confirmed: Kritz, Clipper, shanshan310, Marshmellow, Gazunta, viciouskillersquirrel + waifu, Rlan (6pm)
Probable: Fallbackpants, ClivePwned, CrazedProfessional, Bodyboarder, Salazar

Meet at 5:30pm at Central Station around the corner from the ticketing station (on the ATM side, not the news agents / Maccas side). There is a bench there across from the shoe repair / key cutter place that will sit several people comfortably that's hardly ever crowded. Transport info.

BrisGAF Board Games
Date: Wednesday, 4th of July
Starting Time: 6PM (not confirmed yet)
Venue: Marshmellow's place, Toowong (probably)
Main game/s: Uncharted, Munchkin, Game of Thrones Second Edition (time permitting)
Organiser: Marshmellow

Confirmed: Marshmellow, Clipper, shanshan310
Possible: shanhshan's +1, Marsh's buddies

Plenty of space left here for other BrisGAF attendees.

SydGAF Board Games
Date: Saturday, 7th of July
Starting Time: 10AM to whenever
Venue: Clipper's place, Randwick (details via PM)
Main game/s: Game of Thrones Second Edition, Uncharted
Organiser: Clipper

Confirmed: Clipper, Jintor, Rahk
Probable: Danoss, Choc

There's room for 1 more, so indicate your interest fast if you want in!


but ever so delicious
Is Beer DeLuxe the one at Fed Square?

It's around there and your coming to melb? Fun times.

I think a venue really needs to be locked down for melb, there's 10 essentially confirmed with the possibility of a few more. I'm not too sure if you would need to book something with that many people. Also need foooood!


I want a tag give me a tag
Is Beer DeLuxe the one at Fed Square?

Yeah, it has lots of seats outside, so I figure we should be right as people will be getting there around 5 so we should be sorted.

and it's near the train stations so the out of towners should be ok
I don't think I like the gaming side.
It's around there and your coming to melb? Fun times.

I think a venue really needs to be locked down for melb, there's 10 essentially confirmed with the possibility of a few more. I'm not too sure if you would need to book something with that many people. Also need foooood!

Yes, eats are of great importance!
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