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AusGAF 6 - Ricki Lee is awful. Everything else about Australia is AMAZING [Free hugs]

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What the fuck is going on in this thread? You're all a bunch of boring/sad saps. No wonder I take extended absences of leave from this joint.
Staying on Lygon St in North Carlton, shouldn't be too hard to get to Fed Square right?
There should be a tram which runs most of the way there, though I haven't taken public transport in that area for years. Try victrip.com.au

Also, anyone else going to Comic-Con this weekend?
Yep! I think on the Saturday.

Here was me thinking we were a bunch of happy saps.

If anyone cares about the home brew I posted about on Sunday, the airlock went crazy bubbling from the fermentation for the first 48 hours or so, but yesterday morning the temperature had fallen to 12c or less, which is under the recommended 15-24c for the yeast I'm using. Since it's been particularly cold, I've been having trouble maintaining a consistent temperature and instead use a heating pad to warm it up in the evenings and mornings. I've wrapped it in some blankets to keep it cosy, but it's still been fluctuating from 16-22c roughly. I really wanted to sit it on 18c. Warmer temperatures will result in esters, which are yeasty or banana flavour which I wasn't aiming for. Since it's my first brew I don't really care as long as it's drinkable! I expect to start taking gravity readings on Sunday to see how much of the sugar has turned to alcohol. My estimate was for a 3.5-4.5% ABV.


So, I was bored in iOS today:
Yeah, this is the thing.

And they seem confused as fuck about what "front-line" services are.

Focused counselling for female and indigenous prisoners got booted. A police beat at Burleigh got booted.
It's like fresh at UQU all over again (their policies seem to consist of 'less services, more chain stores on campus, and more parties whoooo').

Is there any way we can get a Senate back? I have a limited understanding of qld political stuff.
I am in Melbourne.

Staying on Lygon St in North Carlton, shouldn't be too hard to get to Fed Square right?

Also, anyone else going to Comic-Con this weekend?
Lygon st?!?? :O jealous!!! I hope you're eating lots of amazing Italian.
I think I'm going to comic con on Saturday.
To be honest, I was entirely delighted with the refecs circa 2002.

In fact, fuck it, that was a golden age of UQ food.
I guess I'll spare telling you what grade I was in then, but I'm sure it must have been amazing. It can't have been worse/ more expensive than it is now :p

V My being a tourist is starting to show through. -_-


Thanks :)

I'm self studying Japanese now during holidays. Need to revise stuff because I plan to pick up Japanese again next year in uni after taking a huge break from it.

Midonnay is like the master of self study, he's posted some really useful links in the learning japanese thread so check them out too!
Thanks :)

I'm self studying Japanese now during holidays. Need to revise stuff because I plan to pick up Japanese again next year in uni after taking a huge break from it.
I wish I was better at self studying. Maybe I need some tips from midonnay. I really need to brush up on kanji, but I don't know where to start, get overwhelmed and then.. don't start.
:( sorry

I dont mind the rice dishes they have now, even if they are of questionable quality. Also the sushi :eek:


I always ate the same thing at uni - roasted eggplant, cucumber and sundried tomatoes plus something else I forgot in a toasted focaccia. Sometimes the occasional chicken nuggets and chips, they were pretty good.

when do you know what you got for jps? lol


BTW here is another really good link for ANY language learner ...even obscure ones like Persian, Somalian and Uzbek (probably more suited to immediate level and above though).....

(I didn't post it in the Japanese thread because it's probably not legal to access unless your school subscribes to it but the login details have been around for years and can easily be found through googling)




Scola is a non-profit Cable access organisation which takes foreign programs (mainly news) and retransmit it with transcripts and translations. They are often used by language learning institutions because they don't have to worry about breaching copyright.

They have so much content on there on so many different languages that it boggles the mind @_@. I'm slowly working through them in my spare time.


The section called Insta-class......and for japanese, there are around 300 downloadable files of snippets of video news with transcripts and translations with more added every month.


I wish I was better at self studying. Maybe I need some tips from midonnay. I really need to brush up on kanji, but I don't know where to start, get overwhelmed and then.. don't start.

There was about a 5 year gap of no learning at all between my first stint at Uni and starting self-study so I've gone though quite a few different battles at tackling Kanji.

1) totally ignoring Kanji and just learning vocabulary by hiragana and picking up the odd chinese character here and there.

Result - works fine for the first 500 to 1000 words but then you hit the problems of homophones and different words having the same pronunciation.

2) Trying to master each kanji totally ie: learning every On and Kun reading at the same time as Writing and Vocabulary. Basically writing kanji over and over again.

Result - works fine for maybe about the first 500 kanji but then you get past all the low hanging fruit and similar looking kanji really mess with your memory.

3) Kanji in context - basically just learning kanji compounds and other words as they come in sentences rather than worrying about total mastery.

Result - Works for some words but others didn't really seem to stick very well.....again similar looking kanji mess with your memory.

4) Mneumonics - using the Reviewing the Kanji website and Heisig keywords. Basically an advanced version of using radicals and creating little wordgames/stories to help remember how to write them.

Result - works really well for basically any chinese character no matter the complexity. Furthermore learning new characters actually reinforces the kanji you have already learnt because they are often made up of similar components. The stories help keep each character distinct from each other in your memory.

Furthermore, now learning Kanji in context actually works really well because I don't have to worry about characters I don't know and similar looking characters.

It doesn't have to be Heisig.....some people like books by Henshall, Joseph De roo etc.

In short what worked best for me is to keep each task separate from each other.

ie: instead of total mastery of each character, first learn how to write, then learn the readings of the words, then learn how to use it in a sentence.

Trying to do too many things at once just leads to frustration.


Here's a bit of non-progress in mine and Mega's "game". Note: not a game yet.

We've been steadily coding up the grid / movement system for the game. Which is taking a while, on the basis that we only really put in about 2 hours a day on it. Maybe a bit more thinking about what we want to do.

Dundeon - Build 03

Click and drag the mouse around to create a path.

Make the path do literally anything
Make a video game

If cursor moves too fast, path loses track of where it should go.

So, yeah. Whole lot of getting distracted trying to feature complete something, making it look pretty and trying to code in a bunch of use case senarios so it can handle them. Instead of actually making progress. That's my fault, not Mega's. I get too easily distracted on aesthetics when coding. Next build I show off should hopefully have units to move around and do stuff. Maybe. :(

Sounds more like someone trying to have their cake and eat it.

Edit: To all hipster doofuses (or is that doofi?): Is the current trend to have one's pants rolled up? I'm seeing that a lot, lately. Once, there was a time where people were ridiculed for not having well-fitted pants. Is that time behind us? Were we then savages, not understanding the true majesty of the tuck? I need to know, so that I may integrate into society at an acceptable level.
Pants: How do they work?
i caught up on like 30 pages of the thread before the meet tomorrow (today!).
i see no one booked a table. im sure at 4pm there should be a big table free outside but yeah come 5 o clock i really dont know if there will be room on the inside
i also find it amusing that they are streaming the tim thing to right outside the building. that may also make finding room easy or hard. the outside seats only fit like 3 people on each side comfortably anyway.


God, watching the Republicans melt down as Americans suddenly get access to a thing that a shittonne of first-world countries have had for ages is fucking delicious.
Well, it's definitely can't be "common sense".

No, it can't be. That's silly and inconceivable.

My vote is for the secret of coolness: rolled up pants.


I want a tag give me a tag
guys i dunno what time ill get there today. works pretty busy, might even have to not go

will post updates later today


but ever so delicious
guys i dunno what time ill get there today. works pretty busy, might even have to not go

will post updates later today

Doesn't even turn up to his own scheduled event. Scumbag event scheduler!

You need to turn up for a quick drink. Wind down a bit if work is that busy. Perv on some city girls, excellent.
Thanks mid. I'm still not keen on heisig, to be honest. I got through like 700 with uni(many of which ive forgotten the stroke order or meaning of though) and I'd rather not restart unless I have to. It does seem to have worked for you, so If I get desperate I'll give it a go. I was thinking of going the other way, learning vocab before I learn their kanji, for a while. My uni courses won't focus on kanji from here on out.

I have my jeans rolled up as they are a tiny bit too long.

Don't hate me because I'm hip.
I get mine taken up. Mums that can sew ftw.


I have an issue where getting jeans of acceptable length is difficult.

Skinny waist, normal length legs for overall height = bad. :(
Thanks for the suggestion, cods. I may look into that in the future but honestly, it only take 15-30 minutes to take up a pair of pants. If you wait until you have a couple to do you can easily do 3 or 4 pairs in an hour. It's easy-peasy.
Thanks for the suggestion, cods. I may look into that in the future but honestly, it only take 15-30 minutes to take up a pair of pants. If you wait until you have a couple to do you can easily do 3 or 4 pairs in an hour. It's easy-peasy.
I dunno If it'd work for you, but I never have to alter Asian clothes. Again it means buying online though :p
Almost forgot about LA Noire being cheap. Bought it with 11 minutes to spare!

Thanks for the suggestion, cods. I may look into that in the future but honestly, it only take 15-30 minutes to take up a pair of pants. If you wait until you have a couple to do you can easily do 3 or 4 pairs in an hour. It's easy-peasy.
You don't have to worry about that, you can roll them up now. All the kids are doing it.


Thanks mid. I'm still not keen on heisig, to be honest. I got through like 700 with uni(many of which ive forgotten the stroke order or meaning of though) and I'd rather not restart unless I have to. It does seem to have worked for you, so If I get desperate I'll give it a go. I was thinking of going the other way, learning vocab before I learn their kanji, for a while. My uni courses won't focus on kanji from here on out.

Fair enough......but knowing 700 kanji already isn't a bad thing..... you don't have to relearn them. (I pretty much skipped the ones that I already knew well)

You just have to remember the components that make up the kanji which can be used as building blocks to learn other characters (some of them which follow traditional chinese/japanese radicals and some that don't).

Also the heisig book is alittle outdated..... I mainly relied on the Revtk website. (Changed many of the keywords and primitive names because there were too obscure)

Just to give an example of some kanji that went through the churn of learning and forgetting learning and forgetting until I used mnemonics to help tell them apart.

茂 誠 越 臓 歳 域 賊 裁 職 伐 幾 式 我 械

don't get me started on the number of kanji with 糸 in them. (around 90 that I've seen so far)

seriously some masochists those chinese were :/
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