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AusGAF 6 - Ricki Lee is awful. Everything else about Australia is AMAZING [Free hugs]

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I really don't care about video game endings, as I'm usually 4 or 5 years behind in what I play. Trying to avoid spoilers is useless. I can't remember the last game that I got shocked in, due to knowing the endings already or because they offer nothing shocking or surprising.

Having said that, I don't think being dismissive of other people wanting to preserve the ending is the correct attitude.

Otherwise we might as well spoil the ending of most things. Die Hard? Bruce Willis does what he sets out to do. E.T.? Does what he intends to do. Outside of Plot Twist King and World's Best Movie Maker Shamalangadingdon*, the majority of media follows a fairly rote story conclusion formula of "attaining goal."

*I'm being facetious. Do not mistake for opinion.


lol Danoss, maybe going a bit far ;) If people think posting spoilers for a ~5 year old game is not cool, then thats it, I won't do it without tagging, not particularly much skin of my nose.

As for the game itself. I have no idea why it is rated so highly. Some points:
- Combat is TERRIBLE. It is like some mashup of old school pause the game RPG tactical combat thing and 3rd person shooter. By mid game I gave up on pausing and just used the sniper rifle the whole time dodging incoming rockets. Yay?
- Side missions are pointless fetch quests for the most part with a bit of renegade/paragon attached to make you feel like what you are doing is worthwhile. Pass.
- The Mako sections
which are incredibly heavy towards the end of the game!
are boring. There is no feeling of accomplishment using it, nor any challenge.
- The story and what I presume are multiple endings. Mostly pretty predictable based on a couple important choice points.
- The places where you...
have to choose which of your characters has to die, it feels like the game is giving you choices that you will eventually have no 'choice' on in a way, didn't like
- The ending I got made me laugh. Really.

So yeah, I finished it, hoping that the 2nd is better as many people have told me. Because I am really really wanting to buy and play Crusader Kings 2 because of watching some Lets Plays on YouTube.


Oh man, if y'all want to talk about endings, then that Mass Effect 3 ending is the worst thing ever. I wish it was a boring and safe ending like ME1 but nope.


So, at the end of Mass Effect 3
there was a mass effect
? After reading and hearing about it from friends, it really sounds like a shithouse ending. They teased the shit out of fans for many years and then hung a massive shit on their expectations. Essentially it sounds like they
turned the protagonist into the villain.
What a bunch of cunts.

Video games.


Oh man, if y'all want to talk about endings, then that Mass Effect 3 ending is the worst thing ever. I wish it was a boring and safe ending like ME1 but nope.

You know what, I bet I can pick the ending of ME3 and I have only played ME1.

They are ripping Peter F Hamilton hard.


Well, at least its better than that time someone simultaneously spoiled the plot of ever Mario game for me.
"The princess is in another castle" is actually a metaphor for the human condition and the endless quest for the meaning of life. One may think they've almost stumbled across it, but it's never a point you reach until the very end of the "game" (of life).


Thanks Shaneus, I thought I was going to read Mario spoilers, which didn't worry me because I've finished it. Now you go and spoil the game of life for me without alluding to it.

Welcome to my ignore list. :p

Also, I will continue to be flippant about video game storylines until they start to be actually good. I don't expect that to be anytime soon.
You know what, I bet I can pick the ending of ME3 and I have only played ME1.

They are ripping Peter F Hamilton hard.
Great, so he's now spoiling the end of ME3? Why won't you fuckers stop spoiling it for everyone???

You're an ass too, shaneus. I've never had the metaphysical meaning of Mario spoiled; now I have. Ass.

Also, I will continue to be flippant about video game storylines until they start to be actually good. I don't expect that to be anytime soon.
Just one? The majority? All? I ask this because there is a large number of movies, TV shows and books which also have poor storylines; so is it okay to spoil the endings to everything within those media?

Also, which metric are we using for "poor, therefore can be spoiled"? Yours?
Also, I will continue to be flippant about video game storylines until they start to be actually good. I don't expect that to be anytime soon.
I don't think it's at all possible with the medium as it currently stands. To retain pacing and so on you need to remove the interactivity, at which point you may as well just be watching a movie.


I'm sorry Jase, where exactly did I condone spoiling things or indicate that I was planning to do so?

I believe my stance that they're rather shit was quite plain. I have said nothing else regarding it, so I don't know how you're reading any such intentions into it.

I don't think it's at all possible with the medium as it currently stands. To retain pacing and so on you need to remove the interactivity, at which point you may as well just be watching a movie.

Absolutely, another reason why I don't play video games anymore. I will watch tv shows, some movies and read books for my guided tour of a story.

I'll play pen and paper RPGs for my interactive story. As the game is run by an intelligent person, the pacing can be dynamically adjusted depending on what the players are doing or are planning to do. Video games have a long way to go to be as enthralling as this.


Dear Esther's storyline was quite good.

Well, one of them.

... and it was mostly just implied.

... and a bit emotionally manipulative.

... and not really a video game.
Danoss, you have not said it in as many words, true. People have been talking about spoilers and you've taken a "spoiling a video game ending is like spoiling the book 'Spot Goes to the Beach'" response which intimates a lack of respect for spoiling the storylines.

Kicking a puppy is like kicking a ball. Sure, I'm not admitting that I have kicked puppies but it at least indicates my stance towards the issue, which is that it's a fun pasttime that can be done alone, or with a group of people down at the local field or however you enjoy kicking balls. The best part about making that claim is that if someone says "You kick puppies?" I can turn around and say "where exactly did I say that I condone kicking puppies or indicate that I was planning to do so?"


Also, fuck me for going out drinking on a Sunday night with class at 9:30am.

And fuck them for having Steins be cheaper than pints. (And also for not telling us that until we were already a few pints in :p)


I feel like this was an interesting thing that I went to so I might as well talk about it. When I signed up for last night, I didn't really expect much. Just some beer with a few friends, and some friends of friends. What I didn't know was that it was the afterparty for the entire convention. The comity who set it up were there, the dudes who ran all the panels and moderated everyone and made the whole thing happen. As it happens I ended up sitting with them for the early part of the night, and they all seemed like super cool dudes even if I have barely anything in common with their hobby.

Eventually the tables we haphazardly set up got moved around a bit, and I ended up just talking with random dudes. Some I think knew me from university, one or two had seen my terrible reviews so that was cool, and some were just fuckin dudes that liked anime. They booked out the top level of Hotel Soho, which wasn't the greatest pub ever but it did its job.

Evidentially, extremely drunk nerds are pretty amusing to watch. There was a bit of air guitar hero, some dudes got their LARP on, and a fairly in-depth discussion of the various aspects of homosexual cartoon pornography. There was also something called "Gay Chicken", which I did pretty well at apparently.

At some point an augment broke out in some group about Windows 8's metro interface, some really drunk dude started swinging a chair around (possibly the LARPer?), and the entire night ended with everyone singing Bohemian Rhapsody... twice.

Part of me feels bad for thinking that the majority of the convention was garbage after meeting the dudes behind it. And everyone else seemed to enjoy being there and laughing at bad anime jokes and buying Yaoi and watching AMVs of pokemon. I'm sure if it was about video games, I would be just as bad of a person during it as the other bad people enjoying their thing.

5/5 Stars - Kritz.net.

Will go again next year. Have had a serious(ly drunken) discussion about the feasibility of a 2 hour talk about STALKER: Shadow of Chernobyl hosted by myself at the next one. So that's something to think about not doing.

... oh, shit, I still have to go to uni after writing all that. Fuck.


Great, so he's now spoiling the end of ME3? Why won't you fuckers stop spoiling it for everyone???

You're an ass too, shaneus. I've never had the metaphysical meaning of Mario spoiled; now I have. Ass.
I just made it up while writing that post, what would I know?
I am Miyamoto


You really are reading too much into what I have said, Jase. I have not said it in as many words because I have not said it at all, nor hinted at it. When I said "spoiling a video game ending is like spoiling the book 'Spot Goes to the Beach'", you may have noticed there was a sentence after that which elaborated on that sentiment. Read it again.

If you'd finished Mass Effect 3, you'd be able to read my ME3 spoiler tags and further understand my point/joke. Alas, you can't. You seemed to understand what I was saying in your response detailing the ends of movies (with the most linear storylines too), but you lost your way.

Since you're not understanding me, I'll explain myself. I'm not condoning the spoiling of things, but in the instance of the worst storytelling medium of video games, it's pretty easy to pick up or guess what happens because it is so bloody obvious and predictable, like a children's book. That's what I was saying, what I wrote down in my post. No hidden meanings. Nothing.

A shame that the world's worst analogy came out of it, one that shows the true inner-workings of your mind Jase. Remind me not to ask you to look after any of my pets.
I'm sorry Danoss, where exactly did I blame you for spoiling something or indicate that I was planning to do so?

I believe my stance that people that spoil endings is rather shit was quite plain. I have said nothing else regarding it, so I don't know how you're reading any such intentions into it.
I blame myself for trying getting into the conversation in the first place.

Where exactly did I say that I condone kicking puppies or indicate that I was planning to do so?

I believe my stance that it is possible to kick puppies is quite plain. I have said nothing else regarding it, so I don't know how you're reading any such intentions into it.


I blame myself for trying getting into the conversation in the first place.

That's alright, I blame you too. The funny thing is that you questioned my stance on spoilers right after I spoiler tagged things regarding ME3. Somehow I still felt the need to justify myself. I have no idea why I bothered.
We need a humourous image relating to relentless negativity that is a thread timeout of sorts.

I don't have one of those so here's a kitten:


I don't know why this is being seen as an argument of sorts. I made a joke, said video game storylines are shithouse and it got all serious. The person who objected was the same person who said that it was useless avoiding spoilers because he was so far behind the curve (they also mentioned that no ending surprised or shocked them, in a way agreeing with my original sentiment).
So turns out drinking 10 beers while playing Cricket for the first time in 10 years leaves every muscle in your body in agony even 2 days later. Thankfully even the guys who play every weekend are complaining about it too so it isn't just my lazy ass. Also I have a blood blister on my finger I need to pop at some point today, don't miss those.

me1 ending.
Best of all, this is one possible ending. They are all obviously similar but there are enough possibilities that I actually don't mind this ending. It brings the game to a satisfying enough conclusion while still leaving it open since it has been stated to be a trilogy from the outset.

I haven't finished yet ;.;

Oh well :p
The ending doesn't matter that much anyway, since it is the first in a series of games.

To give you an idea of the view I had:

(I have a higher-res one on my phone I think, but that's one I uploaded on the day and should be a good enough indicator of your field-of-view)
Damn man great spot. People who want a seat on the straight confuse me, much more likely to see more of the cars on the turns where it all slows down.

I'm actually quite pissed about that Mass Effect 3 spoiler. I haven't had time to start the game, yet.

Thankfully, I know the game has multiple endings and that was only one of them, so I think I'll be OK. But it is definitely not OK to be posting unmarked spoilers this close to release of a game, especially ending spoilers.
That was Mass Effect 1 though?

I will also say that if you haven't played ME1&2 and carried over your decisions you miss out on a lot of the enjoyment in ME3. Since I am playing the PC version of ME3 after playing the others on 360 it has been really jarring and irritating at the decisions from the first game that have been taken out of my hands.

The first game is where the bulk of the decisions happen and the major consequences in ME2 are
at the last mission deciding upon who to do what and if they will survive or not
. ME1 has the decisions spread out pretty nicely and I will say they handled those consequences much better in ME3 than in the middle game, it would feel like a much more dynamic game if you carried through your Shepard.

Also lets not talk about the ME2 ending.

Oh well, I will stick to posting about football manager and games no one cares about ;p

Apologies to all.
Nope, you need to play ME2 now!

And to Danoss's point, the actual complexity of a story is irrelevant. Some people don't want environments, or mechanics, or even voice actors spoiled for them. It isn't about not being able to predict what's happening in the game, it's to experience something with no knowledge of it at all - or as close enough to.
This is me. I play games for the story and the atmosphere. I wouldn't enjoy games anywhere near as much if I watched those Giant Bomb videos. Print media was great because you allow your own mind to paint the game world into whatever you dreamed so once you sat down with the game it was completely fresh.

Also story for me is more based on going on an adventure, rather than expect Pulitzer prize level writing. ME3 I think has great writing for the most part, ham fisted at points but the environmental writer did a great job.

So yeah, I finished it, hoping that the 2nd is better as many people have told me. Because I am really really wanting to buy and play Crusader Kings 2 because of watching some Lets Plays on YouTube.
ME2 combat is MUCH better. Up there with Gears in regards to third person combat. Make sure to have a biotic with you as using magic is much more fun than just a straight cover shooter.

The Mako is gone and looting is taken right back. If you are hoping to power through it quickly and just take in the story you will enjoy ME2. The focus was on character interaction and in that regard they succeeded.

Also, I will continue to be flippant about video game storylines until they start to be actually good. I don't expect that to be anytime soon.
As much as I hate it for being a missed opportunity you should check out Alan Wake. Play it on easy to breeze through the mundane and repetitive combat and enjoy the storyline. The execution is sloppy and annoying at times but the overarching storyline written by Lake is pretty damn good.

Max Payne 2 was perfect though, just the right amount of cliche and troupes to still let the smart writing and great plot shine through.

Also Curse of Monkey Island.

It's ok JASE, I doubt most of the fuckers in this thread actually read books. :p
Pffft, you aren't even in the AusGAF book club so close that pie hole!


A bear walks into a bar and asks the bartender for a martini and... .... Vodka

The keep asks, why the long pause?

The bear answers, "oh these? I was born with them!"

To everyone's amazement, that joke wasn't good even in a crowd of drunken anime nerds. Shocking, I know.


Damn man great spot. People who want a seat on the straight confuse me, much more likely to see more of the cars on the turns where it all slows down.
I tend to get incredibly anal and paranoid when buying allocated tickets *anywhere*, so the days of worry and deliberation about where to get a seat certainly paid off. Only thing I'd change would be to get a seat a few rows further back in the premium section for sun and rain cover. Other than that, it really did feel like the best spot to be. I doubt there's anywhere else you can see things like two corners AND pit entry w/ the straight.

Currently refreshing the GP.au page for when tickets go on sale next year.


mE3 spoiler

the probelm with OMI's ME1 spoilers is that its kinda close to one of the ME3 endings......


I tend to get incredibly anal and paranoid when buying allocated tickets *anywhere*, so the days of worry and deliberation about where to get a seat certainly paid off. Only thing I'd change would be to get a seat a few rows further back in the premium section for sun and rain cover. Other than that, it really did feel like the best spot to be. I doubt there's anywhere else you can see things like two corners AND pit entry w/ the straight.

Currently refreshing the GP.au page for when tickets go on sale next year.

They won't touch that site for about six months now, they don't know when to sell tix until the dates are decided and that isn't usually until about September they set the calendar


Hmmm, spoilers. Controversial subject.

I like to go into games fresh, without any preconceptions about what they are going to be like aside from the basic premise. It's nice to be surprised. In that respect, I agree with kritz (for probably the first time ever).

I also agree with Planet Jase:

I really don't care about video game endings, as I'm usually 4 or 5 years behind in what I play. Trying to avoid spoilers is useless. I can't remember the last game that I got shocked in, due to knowing the endings already or because they offer nothing shocking or surprising.

Having said that, I don't think being dismissive of other people wanting to preserve the ending is the correct attitude.

Videogame stories are 99% pish. They go nowhere significant, do nothing interesting and all they do is scratch the inner right-wing itch we all have a la the tv series 24.

I haven't played more than 10 hours of Mass Effect. Ive only played the first Gears of War. Ive only played CoD2 and half of MW2. I've played all of the Halo series and I can say this with quite some certainty:

They all seem to be going on the same narrative path and I bet my balls they all pretty much end with the same old shit: alpha male saves america/the world/galaxy/universe, suffers some immense personal loss along the way and ends with a perfunctory reflection on a mission well done. You might get a sombre or melancholy tone at the end, emphasised by a musical note that says *shed manly tear here*.

You cannot spoil those stories - they have already been spoilt by the writers themselves.

What I consider to be spoilers:
* Showing off major setpieces in trailer footage (scarab battles, level walkthroughs, outlining the objective clearly - ie get 120 stars and then you get to collect another 120 but harder!)
* Showing all the playable characters in a story driven game where they play differently to the main character
* Describing the scenario

I dont think game stories are good - I cant name a genuinely good one that stands on its own. But I can name a number of good scenarios that lack enough information to let me fill in the gaps and from that "a good story" emerges. Some examples include:

* Rez - detailing some kind of alternate world to Neuromancer, the evolution of AI and as per Asimov, considering robots as good rather than pathos.
* Zelda - it's a fable with simplistic stories and lots of atmosphere
* Chrono Trigger - it's silly, encourages exploration and tells the story through the landscape changing over time
* Resident Evil 4 - it knows its a stupid story and makes this clear from the start.

General rule on spoilers:
I try to be vague when discussing a plot point in a book. ie compare certain characters to others in a book others might know. Last week I compared (ASoIAF character)
to a character in Asimov's Foundation series. If you know the Asimov character, you know what I'm talking about. If you dont, all you know is that there is a character called ............. who by my account has a similar role in ASOIAF, but you dont know what that role is. And mentioning his name is trivial since he is named in the first book.

Of course, if someone complains then its best to "STFU" and apologise.


So annoying that iTunes won't give me the option to download a delta update for my iPhone, instead it just starts downloading the full 789MB 5.1 firmware.

The delta update is only 177MB...
Choc! Get a team started on a Fantavision sequel please. Would be a million seller with the current touch focused market. Would complement the Vita perfectly.

So any word on whether GAME UK's trouble will have influence over Australian GAME? I want some bomba sales.

Considering GAME here had already taken a big hit over the last few years, with no stores in Geelong any more, I wouldn't expect them to be doing too well even if they were franchises out enough that the UK closure wouldn't hurt them too bad. Their bomba sale 2 years back was awesome, so many $7 games.

Card Boy

Considering GAME here had already taken a big hit over the last few years, with no stores in Geelong any more, I wouldn't expect them to be doing too well even if they were franchises out enough that the UK closure wouldn't hurt them too bad. Their bomba sale 2 years back was awesome, so many $7 games.

I want another bomba sale though. I remember picking up all these games for like 5 bucks. I'm spewing i let go a Splitfish V2 for 10bucks back then.



Looks pretty cool. Not sure what the pricing was for Melbourne, but the Canadian stuff is 55 euro for the entire race weekend. That sounds pretty fucking decent to me.

Considering GAME here had already taken a big hit over the last few years, with no stores in Geelong any more, I wouldn't expect them to be doing too well even if they were franchises out enough that the UK closure wouldn't hurt them too bad. Their bomba sale 2 years back was awesome, so many $7 games.

Shit son, game over. Geelong! The entire board should just commit suicide.
My point was that they have been closing stores, rather than opening them. That is usually a sign that they aren't doing too good. I may be going crazy though, I never did get that major in economics.

Darksiders 2 CE is only $108 at ebgames for PC ... that's not a bad price?!


Damn good local price for what you get.


Mask looks great and that Art Book looks weighty. Nice to see THQ trying to DLC their way out of problems too. EB also had the awesome The Witcher 2 CE for only $150 here so every now and then they do a great deal.

Base game is $42 at LOGS if people aren't interested in the extras and don't want to download from Steam.


We aren't very observant today are we? :p

7 posts up from my 'spoiler'.

Because you used 'uno' with a lower case 'u', I actually applied that to the word 'ending' and thought you meant one of the endings in Mass Effect 3!

Plus, I read one comment last night and the other this morning... Plenty of time to forget details.


My point was that they have been closing stores, rather than opening them. That is usually a sign that they aren't doing too good. I may be going crazy though, I never did get that major in economics.

Damn good local price for what you get.


Mask looks great and that Art Book looks weighty. Nice to see THQ trying to DLC their way out of problems too. EB also had the awesome The Witcher 2 CE for only $150 here so every now and then they do a great deal.

Base game is $42 at LOGS if people aren't interested in the extras and don't want to download from Steam.

Not to single out THQ here because the game actually looks pretty good (I'll grab it on Wii U most likely) ... but that "Collectors Edition" resembles every other CE that every. single. game.released these days gets.

A5-sized 30 page art book with glossy cover and nothing interesting? Check
Statue/replica weapon/statue? Check
Downloadable content unlock keys? Check
Digital soundtrack download? Check

The only thing missing is a $20 premium price, which is the only reason I'll forgive THQ in this case. Unless the standard version is $89 in which case they are naughty CE bandwagoners.

These CEs are so predictable.
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