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AusGAF 6 - Ricki Lee is awful. Everything else about Australia is AMAZING [Free hugs]

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Fuck politics, tho.

Yup. Its better than sports talk though =/

Kate Jones is really busy. She called in while I was out, apparently, hoping to discuss my bus concerns (They called around weeks ago asking what changes I wanted in the community :p). There's commitment, and then there's being kinda creepy...

I know they're kind of popular amongst AusGAFfers, so I thought I'd highlight that Catch of the Day's deal today is 48 Cadbury Creme Eggs for $19.95+shipping ($26.90 all up for one set).

Schweeeeeet. Literally.


Kate Jones is really busy. She called in while I was out, apparently, hoping to discuss my bus concerns (They called around weeks ago asking what changes I wanted in the community :p). There's commitment, and then there's being kinda creepy...

I would phone the police if Campbell Newman "dropped in".

This is just remarkably grim


I'm sure opening up the land for mining is really going to socially and economically help indigenous folks.


I'm sure opening up the land for mining is really going to socially and economically help indigenous folks.

Assuming that's sarcasm, what WILL economically help indigenous people?
This is why the biggest opponents of Wild Rivers laws are indigenous. Bob Katter has also noted, since Mt Isa is in his electorate, that mining companies employ heaps of indigenous people.

BTW, I think I may have to move to the US for a new job :<


Assuming that's sarcasm, what WILL economically help indigenous people?

It's true enough that there will be some benefit, but it is actually outright embarrassing to pretend that the repeal of these laws is driven at a parliamentary level by anything but sedulous accession to the expansion of mining interests. It's fairly risible for Australian mining companies to propose morally authoritative arguments about the welfare of indigenous folks.

And indigenous support doesn't come close to falling uniformly behind the repeal.

And I'm not subject to a sufficiently sterile view of the world to believe that mining ecologically sensitive land should be near the top of the list of options to help indigenous folks.

I'm not going to be terribly receptive to an argument (not from Noel Pearson, not from anybody) that I am somehow anti-Aboriginal welfare because I think it would be fucking stupid to repeal those laws.


Earlier today, I finished one of the foulest home fix-it jobs I've done so far, and I've cleaned the shit that builds up underneath toilet seats and around S-bend seals. I've also popped the anal glands that occasionally got clogged up in my previous dogs arse (don't look at me like that, you would too if you loved your pet, it's extremely uncomfortable for them to endure). Both of those things are a treat compared to what I did today.

I had a blocked kitchen sink and it was a bit late for caustic soda/drain cleaner to do anything worthwhile. I didn't think it would be much of a problem, so I removed the S-trap from underneath the sink and flushed it out, along with the pipe opening that headed into the ground. There was plenty of crap in there, so that was bound to be the problem. I reattach the S-trap back, but the problem still remained.

I head outside to look at the grease trap and fucking hell, there was a lot of shit in there. There was no odour around until I reached down (with gloved hands) and started to pull all the crap out of there. The smell was indescribable, I was struggling not to puke from the stench; I ended up doing the classic peg-on-the-nose, which showed why it's a classic. I pulled out a good few kilos of old grease, fat, and general sink residue, pulling the remaining amount out with a trusty soup ladle.


Just look at it! Be thankful you couldn't smell it.

Unfortunately that didn't do it, there was a blockage elsewhere. I fed the garden hose back up the pipe heading into the sink, hoping to blast the blockage free with water. I couldn't push the hose past the bend so, no such luck. I had a mate feed me the hose through the kitchen window to feed in from the top end of the pipe to try and blast it free from there. I could feel the hose nudging the blockage, it was solid as. My mate turned the hose on and... Success! A number of litres of water knocked the massive blockage out (not shown above). I'll have to use some caustic soda to make the pipes sparkle and remove any remaining sludge from the pipes.

That's what about 60 years of regular kitchen sink use will do if drain cleaner isn't used regularly. We're lucky it held on for as long as it did. It could've been a lot worse if that blockage didn't clear too. It would've been time to start digging to get the old pipe out and most likely replace the whole thing with a new PVC one. That'd be a couple of hours right there.

So this doesn't happen to you, flush your sink with some drain cleaner once every six months. Doing the above yourself may be nasty as hell, but so is a $200-300 plumbers bill if you don't know what to do. This cost a whopping $8.20 for a replacement S-trap seal kit, and a little bit of time.
Games > Cooking >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Politics > Religion (discussion)

So this doesn't happen to you, flush your sink with some drain cleaner once every six months. Doing the above yourself may be nasty as hell, but so is a $200-300 plumbers bill if you don't know what to do. This cost a whopping $8.20 for a replacement S-trap seal kit, and a little bit of time.
This right here. Stop in at Bunnings and pick up a bottle of drain-o for $10 and dump it in there.

Drains are not fun at all.


p.s. I love intellectual property law.
Everyone that does law seems to love ip for some reason. Sister has been interviewing grads for the past few years and almost all of them say they want to do ip:/ Of course, that's when she grills the shit out of them about why and most of them are clueless lol.


Games > Cooking >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Politics > Religion (discussion)

This right here. Stop in at Bunnings and pick up a bottle of drain-o for $10 and dump it in there.

Drains are not fun at all.

Games > Cooking >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Dogs arse glands>>>>>>>>> Politics > Religion



Everyone that does law seems to love ip for some reason. Sister has been interviewing grads for the past few years and almost all of them say they want to do ip:/ Of course, that's when she grills the shit out of them about why and most of them are clueless lol.

Where is this? I'll mention your name.


Thankyou Danoss, you have cemented my decision to live in an apartment.

Ah, nothing a bit of drain cleaner can't fix. I'd much prefer living in a house with a bit more maintenance than being crammed in only a wall away from my neighbour.

I don't ever want a dog anymore.

Some breeds are more prone to it than others, you might want to look it up. Vets will do it for you as part of a general checkup or whatever. It only takes a minute or two to do. As elaborated on earlier, try cleaning a drain, it's much worse.

For anyone who shops with Milsims Games, just letting you know that I'm done with those guys. They're slow and their customer service leaves a lot to be desired.

I ordered two games from them on Tuesday last week, Ghost Stories and Wiz-War. Both of them were listed as 'in stock' when I placed the order.

As of today, I had received no notice that my items had shipped, which is an annoyance in itself. I did notice that Ghost Stories changed status to 'backorder' today. I sent them an email asking if that meant they had picked my order or if it's now out of stock and I have to wait for more stock. I received this reply:

Colin from Milsims Games said:
Just getting to those orders due to the overstock sale Dane. Checked your order and the last one sold to an earlier order. Have more due in next weeks shipment from the US


Essentially, I waited a week to discover that they sold a game I ordered to another person. They had no intention of telling me this, had I not asked what was going on. Seriously, fuck those guys. What kind of company treats repeat customers like this? No notification or any advanced warning of stock or order changes, they just sit on their hands. My order sat there for a week and they hadn't even looked at it.

Since my first order I have not received something that's in stock with them in under a week. I understand they're a small shop, but why have an express post option when it's absolutely useless? The last order I had with them, I asked for express post, but they took close to forever to ship it out, so I called them and said change it to the normal cheaper and slower post. The guy said "oh yeah, I'm processing that order now, I'll do that for you". I'd heard that one before and guessed they weren't 'procession that order now' at all. This was proven when another outstanding order I had with them shipped out that day, whilst the order they said they were working on just sat there. It did ship out the next day however, and they sent it express post when I clearly told them not to.

This latest effort from them is the last straw. Repeat customers should be treated with respect and care, not shoved to the bottom of the pile, forgotten about and lied to. It's absolutely disgusting. I've cancelled the above order with them and will never purchase from Milsims ever again.


Ah, nothing a bit of drain cleaner can't fix. I'd much prefer living in a house with a bit more maintenance than being crammed in only a wall away from my neighbour.

Amen to that. I have done the apartment thing before and it can be the pits when you have 4 or more random neighbours and thin walls between you.



but actually I spent the last three days reading about zen, playing Xenoblade Chronicles, and watching ponies

so basically nothing changed

Also IP law is awesome, or at least I hope it will be because I'm studying it next semester. Deek can your sister get me a job :|


Ok, this might sound like me being anal, but if I as a software dev released a product that didn't have a nice seamless import / upgrade path like ME2 doesn't seem to have from ME1, I would lose my fucking job.

Go die in a fire Bioware.


Ok, this might sound like me being anal, but if I as a software dev released a product that didn't have a nice seamless import / upgrade path like ME2 doesn't seem to have from ME1, I would lose my fucking job.

Go die in a fire Bioware.

Difference being, you dont have a core fanbase of ballwashing sycophants like bioware do on their official forums. Bioware can get away with anything, like bethesda these days.


Did you hear Kirby bought a KONY action pack? :p

WTF is a kony?



but actually I spent the last three days reading about zen, playing Xenoblade Chronicles, and watching ponies

so basically nothing changed

Also IP law is awesome, or at least I hope it will be because I'm studying it next semester. Deek can your sister get me a job :|

I hope you've learnt your lesson.

And no she can't

because I don't think she has the power to
WTF is a kony?

Kony Island, the happiest community college in America!

TMZ released video footage of Russell hitting the pavement with his fists, swearing to himself and shouting.

It was claimed that Russell was also caught masturbating in the street.

The CEO of Invisible Children, Ben Keesey, said in a statement: "Jason Russell was unfortunately hospitalised yesterday suffering from exhaustion, dehydration, and malnutrition.
San Diego sounds like a fun place


Difference being, you dont have a core fanbase of ballwashing sycophants like bioware do on their official forums. Bioware can get away with anything, like bethesda these days.

WTF is a kony?

You obviously haven't checked their forums out since the end of ME3 hahah.


Anyone here use linkedin? What do you do on it? Is it useful or do you just create a thing and forget about it?

I think all the people in my team at work have a profile. I've also been getting emails telling me to join every now and then for the past couple of years:/


It's just social networking for jerbs and stuff.

It's the facebook profile you go to when you want to see stuff like "Team Staff Communication Vice-President 2006 June-July" on people's profiles instead of "Got so drunk had to be dragged home in a trolley we stole from a homeless guy"
Anyone here use linkedin? What do you do on it? Is it useful or do you just create a thing and forget about it?

I think all the people in my team at work have a profile. I've also been getting emails telling me to join every now and then for the past couple of years:/

nope. Apparently I have free access on my phone too. Isn't it just telling people you went somewhere?
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