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AusGAF 7 - We hang out IRL now and be social and shit. (Also, Adrian's Revenge)

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So GAF has gotten stupider in the last 6 months, right? It's not just me getting old and cranky, right? Right?

Trust me, Steam Chat came to that same conclusion very recently.


The bot will no longer post any line containing "@", "#" or "bot". Also removed a few words and added a lot more.
So GAF has gotten stupider in the last 6 months, right? It's not just me getting old and cranky, right? Right?
Mods are more lenient of stupid people and trolls than in the past. Open mindedness has been replaced with "I'M RIGHT AND YOU SIR ARE A FUCKWIT".

'gaming' hardware tends to be an excuse for really awful style >.>
The Razer Blackwidow keyboard looks nice! $80 in store at EB at the moment, very tempting.
Just got the wedding photographs back from the wife's friend who took them.


Danoss would have a heart attack.

Hopefully I can salvage a few with some intense photoshopping. Most are too dark, the flash hasn't gone off, the shutter speed is WAY to slow, nothing is framed properly, some are even on an obvious angle. :/

So much for them going into her portfolio!

Thankfully a few of my relatives were taking boatloads of photos so we should have a handful of worthwhile ones in the end.


Just got the wedding photographs back from the wife's friend who took them.

Danoss would have a heart attack.

Hopefully I can salvage a few with some intense photoshopping. Most are too dark, the flash hasn't gone off, the shutter speed is WAY to slow, nothing is framed properly, some are even on an obvious angle. :/

So much for them going into her portfolio!

Was she the official photog? If so, I'm so sorry man.

I'm far from a master at Lightroom/Photoshop, but if I can help with some processing of those images, let me know.
She was the chosen photographer, family friend so we didn't have to pay so I'm not too fused. I can fix/crop a few to make enough to keep. I may hit you up with a few though, seems like anything outside came out like she was taking photos on an old Nokia phone for some reason. I'll see how I go, gotta go into work for some overtime now.

New Super Mario Bros 2 on 3DS for $50 at DSE delivered

That sucks. Always the problem with free.

Nice work dse. How are they with shipping times?
Main issue is people who come into a thread to shit on one party for something unrelated to the discussion and then continuing to shit on even after people ask them to actually contribute something worthwhile to the thread. Mods seem to be ignoring that more and more.

Like in the 'Konami not going to patch Silent Hill Collection on 360' thread one guy kept going on and on and on about how it is all MS fault and how they were fucked and how terrible they are even when people kept trying to bring him back on point about the actual item of news.

I mean fuck, I hate Microsoft as much as the next ex-Sony fanboy but you need to use your head about these things.


Then you get the PC / Console threads which are identical every single time of someone who doesn't know anything about PC gaming going on about "entitlement" and reasons why PC gaming is dead, and the PC guys getting super offensive about anyone questioning anything about the platform.

Or the rather sickly patriotism in the OT of "if it's american it's the best thing ever fuck everyone else". Or just pretty much every thread in gaming having some incredibly stupid comments that turn the entire discussion into a load of crap.

I hate it. I wonder if something awful is any better. (answer: it's probably identical but with worse avatars)


The word "entitlement" is the bane of this forum at the moment. So many people don't even know how to use the damn word properly.


I wonder if something awful is any better. (answer: it's probably identical but with worse avatars)

I think it is better. But I stay out of threads like the ones you mentioned. I browse through the photography and traditional games threads and enjoy my stay.

To contrast the communities I'm familiar with, photography.

On GAF it's "lets talk about gear all the time and post shit photographs whilst masturbating over how awesome we are and shunning anyone who wants to talk about photographic techniques and styles, because fuck that. Don't forget to tell anyone who critiques a photo to shut the fuck up. Put your subject in the middle of every photo because we believe it is the superior framing method. SNAPSHOTS FOREVER BITCHES!"

On SA it's "let's talk about photographic styles, ponder and discuss how we can improve ourselves and share helpful advice, photographs and critique with eachother, whilst shunning gear-heads who think it is the be-all and end-all of photography, because we know that to be untrue for the most part".

A photoGAF member posted a thread on SA about how this new camera was revolutionary. He got laughed out of town and his thread was gassed, and rightfully so. It was hilarious and he had a cry about it on GAF. Seeing the difference between the two makes me really value a good online community.

Edit: I went in to laugh at the PhotoGAF threads and saw Dead Man posting a question in there and getting the usual terrible advice. My condolences.
GAF is good for keeping up to date on gaming news. You can usually get a good discussion going with the usual members, ignoring the idiots who come in.

Everyone has their little community GAF to keep them going (NBAGAF or AusGAF, etc).


The issue I have at the moment is really just the opinion cycle this forum goes through.

Game is announced, people go crazy.
PR marketing campaign, game is now the biggest thing since sliced bread.
Paid open beta or something. A few souls dare to question the quality of the product, but are immediately silenced.
Megathread is created. At this point any comments about the game that aren't entirely positive are considered troll attempts.
Reviews come in. Anything over a 90 on metacritic has obviously been paid off, anything below an 80 is obviously fishing for hits.
Game is released.

Some people immediately turn against the game.
Some are confused at why there was so much hype around an otherwise average game.
Some people genuinely love it and don't give a shit.
Some people will defend the game's flaws and parent company and hardware until their fingers are raw.

A day later, the forum has entered full backlash mode. The game is the worst thing ever created and how could that company release such garbage and ignore their fans. End of days.

A week later, some guy realises the game is actually above average and says he likes it. Fuck that guy, he's wrong.

A month later, people finally agree that the game was alright. A new game is announced. Cycle starts a new.

The game ends up in the top 20 in the game of the year awards thread. Depending on the ranking, people will complain that it was a masterpeice and deserved GOTY, or they'll complain that it was the most offensively shit game all year how did it ever get in the top five.


And that is why I don't follow games before they release. I'll just play them as they come, and keep my thoughts contained to ausgaf.


And that is why I don't follow games before they release. I'll just play them as they come, and keep my thoughts contained to ausgaf.

More people should do this (except most of them can stay the fuck out of AusGAF). The retards get excitied about what a game might be, and have a predetermined vision of what it is before they have laid their hands on it.

It's okay to be excited about something that seems cool. Going full-on spaz mode over it is not the most clever thing to do. Play the game or experience whatever-the-fuck when it comes out and judge it based on that alone. It's like reverse prejudice and then these idiots go ballistic when it's not what their overactive imaginations envisioned when they were jerking off into their sock drawer over seeing some pixels do some rehashed thing.

Relating it to PhotoGAF, some spaz tried to bring out the hype-train over some new piece of gear that may or may not have existed. He became all forlorn when he was told that speculation over what it is or isn't, what it may or may not do, is boring and we can just wait and see if and when it is announced. He got all up in arms saying "but that's what GAF is about!" It sure would be a much better place if it wasn't.

I don't want to read about some nerds wet dream about a video game or a piece of hardware. I couldn't give a shit. Comments are maybe worth reading when something is out and available for the public at-large to experience for themselves. I may be alone in this, and since I'm on GAF, that's certainly likely. There's more to life than alleging ones self with a company/band/brand/service and carrying out online battles in their honour.
I hate it. I wonder if something awful is any better. (answer: it's probably identical but with worse avatars)

It's much better, the 10 dollar fee keeps out all the shitheads and trolls. However as a result, some discussions become elitist but the mods there are on 24/7 ban patrol.

Card Boy

The word "entitlement" is the bane of this forum at the moment. So many people don't even know how to use the damn word properly.

Yep 'entitlement' and 'hyperbole' are the most overused words on these forums at the moment. The Evil Valve/Diablo 3 stuff has made me fucken mad and have made me almost cross the line towards a ban on more than one occasion. Normally i just whinge and whine alot but those two issues have pushed me.
Now, I may not be a scientist or have even done science since Year 9, but what are the negative side effects of eating human flesh? I mean, grab a nice cut of meat and make sure the damn thing is cooked up properly, I'm not talking sushi here. Is there an infection you would get or is just the whole morality thing?

when the seamstress figures out something clever to do with the cuffs.

Unstitch the arms at the top, cut a bit off the sleeves, restitch, end.


Now, I may not be a scientist or have even done science since Year 9, but what are the negative side effects of eating human flesh? I mean, grab a nice cut of meat and make sure the damn thing is cooked up properly, I'm not talking sushi here. Is there an infection you would get or is just the whole morality thing?

*slowly backs away from reptilescorpio*


Now, I may not be a scientist or have even done science since Year 9, but what are the negative side effects of eating human flesh? I mean, grab a nice cut of meat and make sure the damn thing is cooked up properly, I'm not talking sushi here. Is there an infection you would get or is just the whole morality thing?

I... don't... know....

Strangely enough, I'm starting to read a book about zombies. One person in it started eating human flesh before they completely turned, as normal food was making them nauseous.

Please don't be a zombie, rep.
Now, I may not be a scientist or have even done science since Year 9, but what are the negative side effects of eating human flesh? I mean, grab a nice cut of meat and make sure the damn thing is cooked up properly, I'm not talking sushi here. Is there an infection you would get or is just the whole morality thing?
Human flesh? Nothing much. Human brains? Bad.

The reason for this that, simply, nature is trying to tell us that eating each other is bad. If you eat your own kind's brains you potentially contract Creutzfeldt–Jakob's disease. This is basically what happened with mad cow disease; cows were being fed ground up cows.


I've bought far too many clothes.

I will settle for pairing


when the seamstress figures out something clever to do with the cuffs.
Nice, that works too!

Planning on shelling out for a nice casual blazer or two next month. Have gone too long without one.


GAF is fine as a forum honestly. You get a lot of gaming news, and there's lot of sub-communities to participate in that make a large forum like this has a nice community feel.

I mean there's bad stuff here and there, but not enough that is worth complaining about imo.
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