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AusGAF 7 - We hang out IRL now and be social and shit. (Also, Adrian's Revenge)

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Labour decides we need more middle class welfare:

Prime Minister Julia Gillard has announced plans to provide the same funding for all school students, regardless of the type of school they attend.


Because kids in schools that look like shanty towns need as much help as kids that go to schools that look like 15th century english estates.

"I believe Government support for a child's education is one of the entitlements of citizenship," Ms Gillard said.

"No matter how rich or poor your parents are, or where you go to school, our nation should provide a basic degree of support to your education, because you are Australian, because you are part of the whole.

"There should be Australian Government support to educate every Australian child, in the poorest and most remote school and at the best-known and best-resourced school.

"That's why our funding model will recognise the diversity and uniqueness of Australian schools and will support the choices parents make about the best school for their child.

1. Most would agree universal access to education is an entitlment.
2. No, rich kids need less help and funds... because they already have their parents paying for it, because kids in poor areas need more funding to meet the same kind of fucking standards.

God this shits me. We are moving furthur and furthur away from teh whole idea of a 'meritocracy' and towards this 'choice' shit that just cements inequalities in society.

When labour abandons labour principles, you can kinda see why voters abandon labour. Tory lite isnt what people want...

Nothing fertalizes the greens more then labour bs.
It's a 2002 Corolla.

Me getting my car serviced is the equivalent of when someone buys their computer from Harvey Norman or something and they pay $3000 for something that should really cost $1000.

I know fuck all about cars, but Corollas are common as hell. The parts shouldn't be hard to get so I can't imagine it would be too expensive. It might be worth checking out a Repco type place to see how much they charge for the parts. If you're not doing it yourself then you'll of course be slugged for labour which is always more than i expect it to be.


Looks like there's a good chance it's Appendicitis, so they're doing key-hole surgery at the moment. If they find anything odd about the Appendix it's coming out. Hated saying bye and good luck to her ='[


Find out how to remove and replace the item yourself, then go to one of those car yards and find a working unit. (Shouldnt be too hard, doubt they suffer much in most crashes and crap) Guess you would need someone with a mechanical background really >.<

Or go to a few places to get quotes.

Kmart tyre and auto tends to be pretty good from my experience, well the one I used was, they even did some work for free for me pretty much ^_^
In the hospital =[ missus is having abdominal pain
Shit hope they sort it out soon mate.

Hey AusMetalGAF, if you haven't seen it, I highly recommend this series Metal Evolution.
Imma download this tonight and watch it rather than do my assignment.

Anyone know anything about cars and how much it should cost to replace a headlight stalk and related fuses?
Headlight stalk: go to the wreckers, will be only a couple of dollars and you can usually see how to pop it out easily on most cars.
Fuses: you can even get some from the servo depending on which ones you need, either way Autopro et al will hook you up for a couple of dollars.

Had the worst sausage roll for lunch. Damn you croissant express, you've made the list.

TWEWY 2 guys. Haven't felt hype for a possible game like this in a long time.
HOLY SHIT. Square I love you so much. First Deus Ex 3. Then Sleeping Dogs. Now TWEWY2? Good times!

Looks like there's a good chance it's Appendicitis, so they're doing key-hole surgery at the moment. If they find anything odd about the Appendix it's coming out. Hated saying bye and good luck to her ='[
I was going to make a joke about having too many tables to refer to but that would just be a dick move. Hope they get her fixed up soon.

Dead Man

Looks like there's a good chance it's Appendicitis, so they're doing key-hole surgery at the moment. If they find anything odd about the Appendix it's coming out. Hated saying bye and good luck to her ='[

Good to get it early if you can, hope she is fine, either way. Good luck.


I drive a 2000 Camry and servicing it is convincing me to buy a new used car (likely another Camry because they are beasts) next year.

I doubt I will ever buy a new car.

Might be LTTP but why did Danoss get banned? On Twitter he's swearing he will never come back again.


I was going to make a joke about having too many tables to refer to but that would just be a dick move. Hope they get her fixed up soon.

When we first found out about the key-hole surgery, she made a joke about DOOM keys and I made a joke about a key unlocking her abdomen and the surgeon pulling out the Appendix Link style.

Dead Man

When we first found out about the key-hole surgery, she made a joke about DOOM keys and I made a joke about a key unlocking her abdomen and the surgeon pulling out the Appendix Link style.

Cutest couple ever. Extra points for old school games.


So Labor in the space of 2 weeks has gone back to the Howard plan of offshore processing and has now decided to increase funding for non government schools.

That is why I don't vote Labor any more. Just Liberals in disguise.
Might be LTTP but why did Danoss get banned? On Twitter he's swearing he will never come back again.
Used the c-word. Got reported.

I also have zero interest in buying a brand new car, used all the way.

So Labor in the space of 2 weeks has gone back to the Howard plan of offshore processing and has now decided to increase funding for non government schools.

That is why I don't vote Labor any more. Just Liberals in disguise.
They are losing in the polls, of course they are going to try and copy the old Liveral policies! Otherwise how will they win?


holy shit tony scott killed himself....

Man on fire is probably my favourite action movie of all

edit: hope she recovers well Jambo.


Well this arrived today after many trials, so huzzah!


I've been messing about with the WoW beta and despite not really playing it for more than a week at a time since 2010, the Pokemon stuff they've added is utterly shameless and utterly perfect.

It is not just 'like' Pokemon, it is literally Pokemon.

You can use your current companion pets and go capture pets of varying rarity that differ by area and even by time of day and weather, you level them up and battle against wild pets and other trainers in turn-based battles. As you do so, your team levels up where they gain increased stats and moves over time. There's hundreds of pets to find, there's rare pets, pets have different 'types' that are weak and strong against others, pets of the same type can have different stats, there's a Pokedex with descriptions of each one, 'elite' trainers, when your pets die you have to take them to a city to get healed, and you can just straight up queue for random battles against real people without actually having to find them yourself.

In every way that matters, it is the Pokemon MMO I always wanted and I hate that it's in World of Warcraft.


Looks like there's a good chance it's Appendicitis, so they're doing key-hole surgery at the moment. If they find anything odd about the Appendix it's coming out. Hated saying bye and good luck to her ='[

And good luck from all of us too!


She's out now =] A bit groggy and sore but all good.

Not actually sure what they did yet. We assume they took the appendix out, most of the surgical team said that would be the likely outcome.

Anyway =] =] =]


Nexus 7 + ankidroid + stylus = ultimate tool for learning japanese

"Chucks NDS to the curb"

Only quibble is that android doesn't have support for Japanese fonts out of the box so you have to root the device or suffer reading simplified Chinese characters instead.


Holy shit, Optus are complete liars. At first I wanted to think they wouldn't actually be actively deceiving me, but now I just don't know any more. I mean, the Social Media Response guy flat out lied and denied that he had failed to tell me crucial information even though I can clearly recall how our first phone conversation went down, and even wrote it down for the record. He just kept claiming that my view of the events was "my opinion" and wasn't what actually happened.

So please heed my warning: Never deal with Optus, ever. If you ever do, make sure you have proof of everything that happens in writing because if you don't, they'll just deny that it ever happened!!!

I'm forced to take this to the TIO now because they've resorted to lying to my face, but it feels like a David and Goliath battle here, so I ask again for any sort of assistance anyone could offer to help me back up my claims, I would really really appreciate it!

I'm sure they're going to argue like they have so far that they don't have anything on their records and therefore, the online offer I saw didn't exist. If I could get any tangible evidence of the offers I saw, then I should be OK. So if you know anyone at Optus or know anyone who knows anyone at Optus, or if there's anything else you could do to help, please PM me or something!

You can read up on parts of my ordeal: https://community.optus.com.au/t5/B...-000-frequent-flyer-points-for/m-p/1584#U1584

I am user lint2015, and you can see that I get continually more frustrated as time goes on and they continually throw up roadblocks to resolving the matter, until I just didn't give a fuck and start dissing them and calling them out on all their bullshit.

Please help, AusGAF! Thanks! ;_;


try posting on the whirlpool forum perhaps o.o

its like ausgaf x 100 million.

edit: unless you're Piggy..... then uh...disregard ._.

The QFF Bonus Points offer that you&#8217;re referring to expired on 23/11/2012 but your landline service was ordered and activated after this date which means it&#8217;s not eligible for the bonus offer.

very dickish it seems if they led you along on the phone :/


lol Shan, what the hell is going on

For this year’s student union election, the Fresh incumbents have changed a number of important regulations pertaining to the conduct of the elections.

Here's a brief update of what's happened so far guys.

1. Only five days are allowed for tickets to prepare an entire slate of 25 candidates and to prepare for an entire election campaign- leaflets, shirts, banners, training and all. Unless you are Fresh, in which case you can just prepare for months beforehand and just inform (the word is used loosely) the rest of the University at the last minute.

2. Under previous regulations, the name of a electoral group (say, Pulse), could be protected for ten years and only used again with the signatures of 10 candidates from that electoral group. Under the new regulations which were passed in secret, this protection has been abolished. Fresh has used this new regulation to save for themselves the name of Pulse, and the name of every other oppositional group which has run against them, effectively banning them from the elections. This new policy was revealed after the period for registering names had closed.

This farcical situation has resulted in the disqualification of every electoral group besides Fresh in this year’s student union election, just over a week before the elections are due.

As this association has an operating budget of over $16 million and most office bearers are paid more than the average graduate this is not a fair use of fees that come from your HECS.

Please inform your friends today.

D4UQU Team.
lol Shan, what the hell is going on

They are complete scum, but even for them this is a new low. I got nabbed by yellow shirts as soon as I got off the bus =/ Have you read the flyers? Their policy for next year seems to be 'get rid of lame services and hire out dreamworld for a day + toga party yaaay!'


They are complete scum, but even for them this is a new low. I got nabbed by yellow shirts as soon as I got off the bus =/ Have you read the flyers? Their policy for next year seems to be 'get rid of lame services and hire out dreamworld for a day + toga party yaaay!'

My only interaction with politics morons today was watching one mob try to persuade a security guard to, I don't know, detain, another mob.
My only interaction with politics morons today was watching one mob try to persuade a security guard to, I don't know, detain, another mob.

Maybe I should grow a beard. I look too much like a gullible first year, and have had to take short(long) cuts to get to class unharassed.

EDIT: I seriously hope this gets them kicked out. Something will be done about it... right? :(
Looks like there's a good chance it's Appendicitis, so they're doing key-hole surgery at the moment. If they find anything odd about the Appendix it's coming out. Hated saying bye and good luck to her ='[

Find out how to remove the item yourself, then go to one of those car yards and find a working unit. (Shouldnt be too hard, doubt they suffer much) >.<


how did it all go jambo

Had the worst sausage roll for lunch. Damn you croissant express, you've made the list.
i would like to hear more about this list


EDIT: I seriously hope this gets them kicked out. Something will be done about it... right? :(

Dunno. Courier Mail could take the opportunity to (justifiably) kick the shit out of the university executive over it. That could get things moving.

But depending on the Courier Mail for moral action is a pretty goddamned parlous state to get into.


try posting on the whirlpool forum perhaps o.o

its like ausgaf x 100 million.

edit: unless you're Piggy..... then uh...disregard ._.

very dickish it seems if they led you along on the phone :/

No, I'm not Piggy. But he makes a guest appearance on the last page! I'll give Whirlpool a go. I don't expect people to be able to help though. Nobody would be able to prove anything against Optus' poor recordkeeping without Optus' internal docs. I asked for a list of the offers they had during the time I signed up, and the guy got them and refused share any details that may give a clue about what's going on. Even though those offers were on their website in December, they're now secret internal documents!

If this weren't so terrible, I'd be laughing about how ludicrous it is. In fact, I am laughing about it right now. I'm so exasperated by what they call Customer Service that I don't really give a fuck about whether I get the points advertised or nothing at all. Fuck the 2,500 point consolation they tried to offer to hush me up. I'm just gonna TIO them and push my case, win or lose.


TWEWY 2 guys. Haven't felt hype for a possible game like this in a long time.

This was announced?? :0 :0 :0

When labour abandons labour principles, you can kinda see why voters abandon labour. Tory lite isnt what people want...

Nothing fertalizes the greens more then labour bs.

Pretty much. Man, WTF. But then I've also been mad at The Greens for contributing to the No room for negotiations attitude of current politics. Their stubborn inability to compromise led to bills getting nerfed and that's just stupid and more in the interests of their party than for the interests of the country.

I think Labour have been somewhat brave to compromise, but why pull this sort of thing that you'd think would be plain Lib policy? I guess it's been pretty clear with their attacks on The Greens - abandon anything further left of Labor because there's no way in hell they'd vote for the right anyway, and try to win over voters that hover about centre and even slightly right, because they're the ones who'd swing between Labor and the Libs.

Oh well. I'm pretty sure Abbott's got the next election, nothing can be done on my part but watch it unfold.
That is why I don't vote Labor any more. Just Liberals in disguise.
There is nobody worth voting for anymore :(

Holy shit, Optus are complete liars. At first I wanted to think they wouldn't actually be actively deceiving me, but now I just don't know any more. I mean, the Social Media Response guy flat out lied and denied that he had failed to tell me crucial information even though I can clearly recall how our first phone conversation went down, and even wrote it down for the record. He just kept claiming that my view of the events was "my opinion" and wasn't what actually happened.

So please heed my warning: Never deal with Optus, ever. If you ever do, make sure you have proof of everything that happens in writing because if you don't, they'll just deny that it ever happened!!!

I'm forced to take this to the TIO now because they've resorted to lying to my face, but it feels like a David and Goliath battle here, so I ask again for any sort of assistance anyone could offer to help me back up my claims, I would really really appreciate it!

I'm sure they're going to argue like they have so far that they don't have anything on their records and therefore, the online offer I saw didn't exist. If I could get any tangible evidence of the offers I saw, then I should be OK. So if you know anyone at Optus or know anyone who knows anyone at Optus, or if there's anything else you could do to help, please PM me or something!

You can read up on parts of my ordeal: https://community.optus.com.au/t5/B...-000-frequent-flyer-points-for/m-p/1584#U1584

I am user lint2015, and you can see that I get continually more frustrated as time goes on and they continually throw up roadblocks to resolving the matter, until I just didn't give a fuck and start dissing them and calling them out on all their bullshit.

Please help, AusGAF! Thanks! ;_;
I can't help, but I can tell you I know exactly how shitty it is to deal with them. They switched us to online payments without telling us, then charged us overdue fees for not paying the bills on time (because we never received bills in the mail). We called them up and told them we didn't want online billing, and we never asked for it. They keep billing us online and charging us overdue fees for months after. Morons.

1. Most would agree universal access to education is an entitlment.
I twitched when i read this. gaf has made me despise that word..


lol Shan, what the hell is going on

They are complete scum, but even for them this is a new low. I got nabbed by yellow shirts as soon as I got off the bus =/ Have you read the flyers? Their policy for next year seems to be 'get rid of lame services and hire out dreamworld for a day + toga party yaaay!'

My only interaction with politics morons today was watching one mob try to persuade a security guard to, I don't know, detain, another mob.

Maybe I should grow a beard. I look too much like a gullible first year, and have had to take short(long) cuts to get to class unharassed.

EDIT: I seriously hope this gets them kicked out. Something will be done about it... right? :(

Dunno. Courier Mail could take the opportunity to (justifiably) kick the shit out of the university executive over it. That could get things moving.

But depending on the Courier Mail for moral action is a pretty goddamned parlous state to get into.

Cheer up you two. These people will be standing for public office in the next 20 years!


University union politics is hilariously insular and absurd.

How the fuck can they take that so seriously? Student unions do sweet fuck all aside from enabling EngSoc/ChemSoc beer barrels.

Oh, and I guess they double as recruiting grounds for Young Liberals/Young Labor, which is reason enough to deport them all to Sweden.
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