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AusGAF 7 - We hang out IRL now and be social and shit. (Also, Adrian's Revenge)

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Also if Ubisoft are reading (I know you are) I won't be buying I Am Alive despite acclaim from people I respect because you guys were dicks and called me a pirate. As such I will pick it up on Steam sale, 75% off or more. Next time don't be dicks to a potential audience.

My man. See also: The Path, Limbo.

General game impressions from this week:

1. Sleeping Dogs demo. Played this yesterday. It's in some kind of limbo between Shenmue and Yakuza for how open and closed the world (within the demo) is. It looks authentic, but you can't go behind the curtains so to speak. Controls are a bit janky - especially controlling the camera. Shooting isn't that accurate but you have a bit of forgiving auto aim and slow-mo is cool. Hand to hand combat is like Yakuza/Spikeout and Batman, but not really that deep. I assume the full game has a lot more combos etc.

The missions you have in the ps3 demo are the one they showed where you have to chase some dude through the streets and over fences (all on foot). Then you have a warehouse shootout/punchup with flames later on. Missions were alright I guess.

I know its unfair to criticise a game or compare it to others, but it really feels like an amalgam of Uncharted shooting, Max Payne aping of John Wu films, Batman combat and quick and dirty Dreamcast era ports by Sega (think Dynamite Cop 2).

I'm sure many people like it, it's not a bad game, but it's not for me. It's still leagues better than GTA4 though.
The Path is a generally janky, weird europerience though. I'm glad that people can create an experience like that though. Very much looking forward to Bientôt l’été.

In regards to the Sleeping Dogs demo that is a mission from about halfway (or maybe 2/3) of the way through the game used to show off all the potential stuff in the game. Aside from during certain missions during the last half of the game you will NEVER fire a gun. By the end of the game 95% of the missions will be focused on the hand to hand combat, which improves astronomically once you unlock all 12 extra moves to the point where all you want to do is start a fight with someone. I would actually say it shares more with the AssCree combat style with a smattering of the rhythmic Arkham games combat.

Camera is free roam, at least on the PC, with the latest patch giving an option for non-controller gamers too. What did you think of the driving? Really enjoyed the arcade feel.

I feel that people forget that Braid actually has a pretty nifty game inside of it, which is a shame. And it did kind of help mold a lot of future games into being these really big things. See stuff like Fez and Limbo and, well, all those arty 2d platformers. And no matter your opinion on the content itself, more games being made is a good thing. Even if they're art games.
It had a nice little gameplay mechanic but I found pretty much all the puzzles to be lacklustre and didn't find it to be a fun experience. Even the artwork was just okay for me. The subtle story in play was nice, I really like it when a game puts the gameplay to the forfront since we ARE PLAYING A VIDEOGAME NOT READING A BOOK but it didn't reach that crescendo with me that it did with a lot of other people going by the looks of it.

Also Limbo was worse. I enjoyed the first.... quarter? third maybe? But then my interest fell into 'I'm going to finish this so I can say I have finished it and can give an educated opinion on what is delivered in the game' rather than out of enjoyment.

Fez I still need to play once I pick it up in the inevitable 75% off Steam sale this time next year. Won't support the 360 version due to a mountain of reasons.

Would love to hear Jon Blow come onto a podcast like Idle Thumbs. No matter how much I don't enjoy his games he is always a delight to read/listen to. Very intelligent and articulate man.

The Trio of Cheeses Red Rock corn chips? Meh. Very boring compared to the masterful Jalapeno and Matured Cheddar. I don't know what I was thinking, going on someone else's idea that these were better.

Shit, I reckon I've had Doritos that were better.

So salty, you just went in wanting to hate them!

I'll type off you next


I want a tag give me a tag
choc or omi

this seems liek a wauisotn for you

what do you call a house thats down a drive way

so like the driveway goes BEHIND another house

theres a term for it

and its somewhat odd
I paid $16 for AssCreeRev and I can't be fucked playing it. Even though it has been MONTHS since I played Brotherhood it just feels like an expansion pack without any of the expansion.

The opening titles exemplifies my issue with it. Up comes the title, DEVELOPED BY....

Ubisoft Montreal

followed by

Ubisoft Annecy

followed by

Ubisoft Massive

followed by

Ubisoft Quebec

followed by

Ubisoft Singapore

followed by

Ubisoft Bucharest

And they outright state this right after you are dropped into another blank slate. BUT the issue is it feel cheap and lazy. It LOOKS cheap and lazy. It also plays on a state of confusion as to where you are and what the hell this arsewipe in front of you is going on about. Oh yes. The arsewipe. They certainly took that in a direction that removes any intrigue and wonderment you had for that piece of mythos in the past.

All I can think is, "Why the fuck did they do this?"

It feels like a giant, "Hey! Thanks for buying all our previous games. Sure made us some good coin. As such we are pumping this property dry so while we are working on a proper sequel here is some shit that was thrown together and then handed to the new guys to cut their teeth on over 5 months of 18 hour days. Thanks for the cash again! Don't worry! The burn out you are now experiencing will be washed away by the awesome next title!"

Worst of all it FEELS outdated. I'm, not sure if it is from playing Sleeping Dogs or just because sooooooo many other games now do the complete traversal thing but you feel like you are hitting marks on the architecture placed by computer game developers. Not organically making your way up a massive, impressive structure in a super dangerous fashion that could get you killed. It just feels sloppy. All the little metagame stuff now compacted on each other over AC2, ACB and now ACR reaks of trying to extend the content of the game with a reasonably low amount of developer time needed.

I dunno. If I can't force myself to run through this I'm not sure how I will go with AssCreeIII in October November
Thanks for the always on time PC version delay Ubi! You guys make PC gamers feel really loved!

Dead Man

Shit man, that's how I feel trying to playy AssCreed 1 at the moment. I think the series is just not for me in spite of the liking the premise.
Shit man, that's how I feel trying to playy AssCreed 1 at the moment. I think the series is just not for me in spite of the liking the premise.

I really really enjoyed the first game as the traversal was a new, unique gameplay mechanic to me and the story was fantastic. That whole Dan Brown kind of thing but actually good. Had lots of mystery and intrigue. Now that it has been peeled back so far the story isn't holding me and the gameplay has been improved upon by other games. I think Infamous 2 has ruined that style of traversal for me, such a fantastic feeling game with a Dualshock in your hands.

Maybe jump straight to AssCree2 as that was a huge improvement on the first game, fleshed everything out properly and is about twice as long, content-wise. Story is great too.


Just rush through ACR's main story. Then you have to watch AC:Embers for Ezio's actual ending. Then the DLC has all the stuff about Subject 16 and Lucy but it's those first person platforming parts, so don't bother buying it.
Shit man, that's how I feel trying to playy AssCreed 1 at the moment. I think the series is just not for me in spite of the liking the premise.
AC1 is an incredible chore to play; the actual assassinations are fun, but the 'filler' missions are so fucking monotonous. Thankfully AC2 was a quantum leap forwards (and one of the best games this gen if you ask me). You don't need to play AC1, but you definitely need to play AC2.


I have to say, Sono (Japanese restaurant) at Portside Brisbane is fantastic. The service was top notch and probably the best Japanese food I have ever had. My troublesome gf mentioned it was my birthday tomorrow and they sung to me, it was a little awkward but nice all the same :D. If you're in Brisbane do yourself a favour and check it out.


I have to say, Sono (Japanese restaurant) at Portside Brisbane is fantastic. The service was top notch and probably the best Japanese food I have ever had. My troublesome gf mentioned it was my birthday tomorrow and they sung to me, it was a little awkward but nice all the same :D. If you're in Brisbane do yourself a favour and check it out.

Started my new job this week! It felt good to be working in an area where I could walk outside during lunch and have some interesting shops to look at. plus there's a Grill'd like thirty seconds away from the front door. And a place to get sarsaparilla. And the local bar has comics all over the walls. That is neat. Oh yeah the job is good too.

So guys at to me about Bastion. It just came out on iOS and I'm thinking about getting it, but the 360 left me cooooooooold. Is it a Torchlight kind of game or am I on the wrong track?

Dead Man

I really really enjoyed the first game as the traversal was a new, unique gameplay mechanic to me and the story was fantastic. That whole Dan Brown kind of thing but actually good. Had lots of mystery and intrigue. Now that it has been peeled back so far the story isn't holding me and the gameplay has been improved upon by other games. I think Infamous 2 has ruined that style of traversal for me, such a fantastic feeling game with a Dualshock in your hands.

Maybe jump straight to AssCree2 as that was a huge improvement on the first game, fleshed everything out properly and is about twice as long, content-wise. Story is great too.

AC1 is an incredible chore to play; the actual assassinations are fun, but the 'filler' missions are so fucking monotonous. Thankfully AC2 was a quantum leap forwards (and one of the best games this gen if you ask me). You don't need to play AC1, but you definitely need to play AC2.

Will do, I picked up 1,2 and Bro for console for $30 a while ago, they are just staring at me.
So busy today, trying to catch up. Expect terse responses from here on in!

Thanks, that's awesome.

I feel that people forget that Braid actually has a pretty nifty game inside of it, which is a shame.
Agreed. I like Braid, it may be a bit pretentious but I enjoyed the puzzles and the ending as well. Who cares if there aren't a million ways to solve every puzzle or whatever? It's a solid game and though I don't think I'm interested in The Witness, I want Blow to keep making stuff.

AusGAF is surprisingly big!
Welcome! Stick around and feel free to interject with your opinions any time.

BUT the issue is it feel cheap and lazy. It LOOKS cheap and lazy.
Definitely a cash in. Bombs were fun (I thought they'd be a terrible addition) but that's about it.

AC1 is an incredible chore to play; the actual assassinations are fun, but the 'filler' missions are so fucking monotonous.
Totally disagree. The whole AC series has the same sort of missions that can seem tedious as the first, but the first had them make sense: gather intelligence. If you don't try to rush through the missions gamer-style and pay attention to the information you get valuable intel to make the actual assassination easier.


Also if Ubisoft are reading (I know you are) I won't be buying I Am Alive despite acclaim from people I respect because you guys were dicks and called me a pirate. As such I will pick it up on Steam sale, 75% off or more. Next time don't be dicks to a potential audience.
Is this a new news thing I missed, or just typically shitty Ubi?

So salty, you just went in wanting to hate them!
Damnit, I wanted to like them! I even ate them before dinner so the hunger would (hopefully) somewhat magnify any good components of it, but there wasn't anything there to work off. They're like a bland, slightly cheesy, salty Dorito. Whoever it was (deek? VKS?) that recommended it should be given a good, stern talking to.

PS. So fucking relieved that Torchlight 2 finally has a release date. September 20th. I'll probably take a day off for it.
What was your mum doing there?

um being a mother? also she drove me. is that ok?
Subbed. I think I've been pretending the community section doesn't exist or something.

AusGAF is surprisingly big!

we get that a lot :p

Torchlight 2 - September 20

This and Borderlands 2 releasing during Uni break. Good times ahead.
ill believe it when i see it
june 13 2011 was its release date

holy shit





and squeeled


Damnit, I wanted to like them! I even ate them before dinner so the hunger would (hopefully) somewhat magnify any good components of it, but there wasn't anything there to work off. They're like a bland, slightly cheesy, salty Dorito. Whoever it was (deek? VKS?) that recommended it should be given a good, stern talking to.
Aww oops:p No harm in trying!

I think I like the trio cheese better because it's not as, I dunno, punchy?... as the jalapeno ones, which I basically got sick of after eating them non stop for a few months lol. It's a phase I guess, I'll probably switch back to jalapeno at some point and change my mind again. Kinda like my relationship with honey mustard vs pepper lime rrd's.


I didn't care for the triple cheese either. Tasted too fake to me. Cheddar and jalapeño much nicer.

Aww oops:p No harm in trying!

I think I like the trio cheese better because it's not as, I dunno, punchy?... as the jalapeno ones, which I basically got sick of after eating them non stop for a few months lol. It's a phase I guess, I'll probably switch back to jalapeno at some point and change my mind again. Kinda like my relationship with honey mustard vs pepper lime rrd's.
See, I get sick of something awesome and switch to a completely different food, thereby not tainting the memory I had of said awesomeness. You deliberately mislead me :(

You should switch to Jelly & Crunchie Bits Cadbury thingos. Then once you're sick of those, go back to jalapeno! Problem solved.



Started my new job this week! It felt good to be working in an area where I could walk outside during lunch and have some interesting shops to look at. plus there's a Grill'd like thirty seconds away from the front door. And a place to get sarsaparilla. And the local bar has comics all over the walls. That is neat. Oh yeah the job is good too.

So guys at to me about Bastion. It just came out on iOS and I'm thinking about getting it, but the 360 left me cooooooooold. Is it a Torchlight kind of game or am I on the wrong track?

Oh you're still here, hello! I haven't seen you in YEARS. Where's your new job? There's a Grill'd pretty close to where I work and it's AMAZING.

Btw if any Brisbane highrollers want to eat like royalty, check out Malt in Market street. Cannot recommend enough.
The whole AC series has the same sort of missions that can seem tedious as the first, but the first had them make sense: gather intelligence. If you don't try to rush through the missions gamer-style and pay attention to the information you get valuable intel to make the actual assassination easier.
The problem I had with those AC1 missions is that there were only the three basic mission types, copied and pasted (with no real changes) to make up the entire main mission structure. Of those mission types, take Eavesdropping for example: the mission was to sit on a bench and listen to people talk. The only thing that changed was the bench that you sat on... From AC2 onwards the mission structure was changed drastically to give the player more freedom, and most importantly they finally added some variety.

The concept of researching your target was a good one, but the problem with the AC games is that they're ridiculously easy to begin with; since it's nearly impossible to die in combat, you never needed anything to make the assassinations easier. I also found that in AC1 the extra information generally only told you stuff that was immediately apparent as soon as you arrived at the target area.




Ok I'll hold you to that! If I come back from hk/japan with a white vita, I'm making you buy my old one! I'll even throw in my persona 4 screen protector that I didn't use!!! And some extra jpop cds I happened to buy duplicates of. AND MAYBE EVEN SOME J-SNACKSSS!!!

How sweet is that deal??! Pretty sweet.


it's way too fucking cold in here

i'm a little drunk but not drunk enough to count as liquid courage

this sucks. brain, why are you still in control. you suck, brain.


It better not be the alcohol talking when you say you'd buy my vita. Don't play with my emotions like that!!

Umm yeah, I'll check back with you on this in a week and a bit when I'm actually over there. Think on it!
I think I have had... too much to derink.
Their politics are described on the website as being literally national socialist (i.e. conservative social values under a command economy)

Also, I live in what I'm almost certain is deep crimson Labor country (Federal seat of Oxley, State seat of Bundamba). If I stood as an independent, I'd get slaughtered either by Bernie Ripoll or Jo Ann Miller, depending on whether I stood for state or federal parliament.

Come stand in my seat (Ashgrove). contest campell newman!

Will do, without the scotch. Seems I've been eating Japanese every night now.

That's because Japaniese is GREAT.

I have to say, Sono (Japanese restaurant) at Portside Brisbane is fantastic. The service was top notch and probably the best Japanese food I have ever had. My troublesome gf mentioned it was my birthday tomorrow and they sung to me, it was a little awkward but nice all the same :D. If you're in Brisbane do yourself a favour and check it out.
Possible Bris-gaf2.0 meetup location????????
The problem I had with those AC1 missions is that there were only the three basic mission types, copied and pasted (with no real changes)
The concept of researching your target was a good one, but the problem with the AC games is that they're ridiculously easy to begin with
Fair points, though I would ask how many more types of "gather information" missions you'd could think of. I just found the research aspect made it feel a lot more open-worldy than the sequels, which also have very little mission variety but are pretty linear, and populated with plenty of pointless side quests as filler. The Borgia towers, hidden temples and Da Vinci missions are the best IMO, Revelations' Uncharted style temples were a huge step backwards.

The best direction it could have headed for me is what Dishonored seems to be doing: here's a target, speak to a bunch of people (not in Dishonored from what I can tell) and have at it. Instead it's becoming more and more a year olde Uncharted clone. Give me a medieval assassin simulator over that any day.

come to sydney

let's all go out and get hammered. or at least carefully pushed into wood

/edit holy shit guy actual ausPax just got announced

Indeed. Kinda bummed there wasn't an actual location announced, but hey, it's happening at least.

Now what's the bet I need to fly back to Sydney to enjoy it?


Hopefully they do end up deciding on Sydney. It's definitely the most central position, and you guys in Melbourne, Adelaide and Perth already have Comic-Con.
Melbourne is CLEARLY the best choice. 1) because I live there and 2) it's the most liveable city so something something better than Sydney.
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