I'm kind of annoyed at all the pre-emptive comments about "now all the racist Australians are going to hate more muslims" that have circulated the past few days.
To me that's almost akin to dragging a third party in and blaming them for a reaction that hasn't happened, minority report style.
Most people, in fact the vast majority of Australians are not racist and have responded to the scenes in sydney in a measured way.
There seems to be a lot of two-way tarring of the brush going on, and I dont like it.
I don't know man, I've seen a comments on news sites saying "the answer is banning people from the middle east from coming to Australia" and a jump in people on facebook 'friends' liking "ban the buqa" type pages.
I've seen all episodes of CSI, Miami and NY...so Dexter was nothing new for me.
Seems like it would be. Crappy TV being different to good TV