Eh. While I won't say I'm completely blame free from how my expectations helped form my initial response to the game, I think I mitigated most of that when I took my 4 month break from it.Looks like you had similar issues that RandomVince had with Uncharted 3, Planet_JASE.
I don't really have anything else worthwhile to add to the discussion since I haven't played it (and my earlier input was with around the--IMO hyperbolic--wording Vince was using more than his points).
It sounds like the disappointment with the game was partly due to high expectation. Have you given all the games in the series another look-in more recently to see whether you have the same opinion of them?
When I went back, I still had issues with the fundamental design and mechanics of the game. Also, the third game seemed to rely too much on escape the burning/exploding/capsizing/crumbling boat/building/castle/tourist attraction for the major moments of excitement and non-shooting action.
So yeah, I would not rate it as the best Uncharted and based upon my memories I'm counting it as my least favoured of the series.
Also, I'm not sure if I'm willing to take the chance of going back and playing the previous two instalments; the memories I have of those a good and there's every chance that I'll see more flaws with an additional playthrough. At this point I'm not short of games to play, so until I have absolutely nothing new to play and want to get nostalgic, I think I'll leave the rose-coloured glasses on.