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AusGAF 7 - We hang out IRL now and be social and shit. (Also, Adrian's Revenge)

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Had the same idea briefly once, saw vgreleases.com exists, moved on.

'Because we are now working on a new version of VGReleases. The user registrations have temporarily been closed.'

..okay then. as well as that, its mostly as a personal project that could have people be interested in it. i asked to gauge how ambitious i should make this
..okay then. as well as that, its mostly as a personal project that could have people be interested in it. i asked to gauge how ambitious i should make this
It's been closed to registrations since probably this time last year as well so if you could beat them in terms of functionality and get to market sooner it may still be worth the effort.

Pretty sure Google scrapes them (and Wikipedia) for release dates...
It's been closed to registrations since probably this time last year as well so if you could beat them in terms of functionality and get to market sooner it may still be worth the effort.

Pretty sure Google scrapes them (and Wikipedia) for release dates...

I hope not since they have a lot of incorrect ones. Like Bioshock Infinite out in 10 days. That would be nice though!


I've just found the *best* store.

It's called "Daiso Japan".

They're so awesome, they have two websites.

Everything is $2.80. iPhone cables, covers, pet stuff, kitchen stuff, food, car care stuff, household goods. Everything. Like Kmart, but far awesomer because everything has Japanese writing on it so you don't know exactly what it is. Like NQR.

At first, I was perplexed because there were no prices on anything. But then I saw that everything was $2.80. I went from perplexed to not perplexed very quickly.

Corner Bourke and Swanston St., downstairs next to Dick Smith (where that book store used to be).

Even if you don't buy anything, it's awesome to walk around just so you can feel like an actual Japanese person in Japan.

I've been there. They sell most of their items on ebay as well.

Have you gone into the world of home ownership? Congrats if so!

Yes, and thanks.
It's been closed to registrations since probably this time last year as well so if you could beat them in terms of functionality and get to market sooner it may still be worth the effort.

Pretty sure Google scrapes them (and Wikipedia) for release dates...

Well mine would be pretty barebones tbh. My biggest issue currently is how to handle games with re-releases or multiplats.

Edit: I would be exclusively working with future games. Anything in the past past a certain date would be either purged or hidden.

Could constantly check this page and child pages: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Upcoming_video_games


When is MelbGAF?
I think the more appropriate question is "What is MelbGAF?". The answer to which is "If you have to ask, you'll never know".

I was. This one has an RRP of $550 apparently. How do I tell if a receiver supports that? Basically I just want something to plug everything into and have it come out some speakers instead of the TV. What I have now doesn't seem to do that. Then I don't use the TV much, so I have no idea. If only home theatre was as simple as a PC!
I'm not 100% sure, but I'd imagine it mentions something about scaling or D/A conversion. You could also maybe buy one of these which I'd imagine would do the trick, but that would depend on how many component devices you has. If more than one, you'd probably have to score something like this as well.
So they're related to the aliens from Alien?

Stealth Movie Crossover Confirmed!!


All according to keikaku :)
Yar. So nice.

My next pair are Mark McNairy blue suede loafers with a sort of yellow trim. I kind of need to earn them somehow, in a non-financial sense, though. Need to achieve something.

They make some nice looking shoes. I think getting out of bed is a pretty big achievement. Now you can buy them guilt free.

I care! Screw games, make me jelly about you seeing all the cool japanese culture stuff!

That's how they get you. "Maybe just try them on and see how they look"

Ooo yeah McNairy. I wouldn't mind a pair of those suede derby shoes that they seem to make a lot of.

I have become a fan of Tod's. Driving mocassins!

Yeah, it was a trap. She was also drop dead gorgeous to boot. Tods are indeed awesome, so comfy.

i own 2 pairs of shoes.

one is a black pair i wear maybe once a month for meetings.

the other pair i wear every day, work ,weekends, everywhere.

does that hurt you.

does it.

i will wear them until they fall apart too. then buy another pair.

Your dead to me.




This fat yak beer better be good.

Also the packaging on the James Bond collection is awesome, can't wait to dig in, and not a better day to arrive on, James Bond day :D


so with today not being overly busy i got some time to do a bit of my own thing

note: the following does not in anyway represent my employer and they are all personal thoughts.

EBExpo, where do i begin.

There is a lot they are doing right, there is a lot they are not doing right, at all.

First of all games I got a chance to play

Tomb Raider - E3 Demo
Same as LA, still fun to play want to see something new

Hitman - E3 Demo
yada yada etc etc

F1 Racestars

Super Mario Kart with F1 cars, fucking really quite awesome and could be a sleeper hit. Characterizations of the drivers may rub some of them the wrong way such as the 'pretty boy' seb vettel lol

Forza Horizon
Should not have been called forza at all. It's a lot like NFS Undercover. Yep....

Fuck yeah. No queues though so sad, many MANY people ignoring it :(

Sonic racing
Really only played this to play a WiiU in the time I had. wii u feels real good in the hand. Sonic ran like horse shit.

MGS Rising
Fuck yeah

Pro tip. Those who are going tommorow, the Sony booth hardly had a queue on MGS Rising today. Everyone going to mindscape so just keep that in mind.

AC Vita
YES YES YES. This game is SO GOOD. Female works SO WELL in AC world.

So thats what i managed to play without using some sneaky contacts to get a crack without queues

those which i gained special play time with were halo 4, ZombieU, injustice and AC3. If you want to play any of these expect long arse queues (unless you are an express gamer whore but lets get to that problem in a minute).

injustice is fuck awesome. Ed Boon <3

Ok so the show itself

things EB are doing right

1. The location really is very, very good. Right next to the train station and in the middle of Sydney really. Not to far for the interstaters to go from the airport either. Sydney Exhibition Centre would have been better but they couldn't sign a 5 year deal with them becaues of the tear down next year.

2. The idea behind the show. It does feel a bit like a festival more so this year especially with the homegrown gaming area etc so thats a positive.

3. The live shows in teh arena etc of gameplay from the devs. Really good and something the press usually only get to see.

What the fuck they are doing wrong

1. Queues. OH MY FUCKING GOSH the queues. Now of course queues will always exist but there is something EB is doing that is completely fucking it up more so than it needs to be and that is the express gamer passes.

So the theory is this. They sell a limited amount of these passes that gives you quicker access to games. You also pay about double to get these passes. Thats the first gross bit about it, basically if you are willing to part with a lot more money you are seen as a better person. Well ok generally that would be fine its how the world works but there is some major problems they need to fix wit hthis.

So first of all all the games have express queues for the people who pay the money. Again , fine where it becomes really disgusting and gross is how this works. You have people queuing for 2 hours, watching people who have queued for 5 minutes skipping right into play the game.

The way you do this PROPERLY is as follows. You either have a 2 hour early morning session each day exclusive to those people and you get rid of the express queues or perhaps a better way is to split the units

so if you have 10 units perhaps 7 for regular queue, 3 for express. There is less of express so its fairer in the long run. Its likely those who are express wouldn't wait that long anyway with this setup and it wouldn't be the queue of non express people not moving for ages because expres people keep turning up.

it's a real big fucking problem that leaves a foul taste in my mouth about the whole event because basically if you are rich, you can tell the majority of people to get fucked. EB is also treating the media as second rate citizens to. Banning them from the express gamer lines (because you know, waiting in line for people with deadlines is such a good idea) and in general not making them feel that welcome at all. This is what i've heard anyway.

EB should next year have a media day, all the publishers would get behind it i think and help cover costs for sure. It's an easy way to get a lot of media in the 1 spot looking at all games.

Personally i don't think those passes should exist at all. It's just a way for EB to make more money which leads me to my next point

of course eb needs to make a profit out of this but just like their stores its all about gouging. Food gouged (not surprised ) and by the way achievement unlocked: i didnt buy any food from there ;)

but everywhere you look PREORDER NOW, DO THIS DO THAT, i mean for fuck sake the EB store had a 90 minute wait for some reason. I don't know why the fuck you would line up for 90 mins when you can just go to your local westfield next week, people are nuts.

The commercialization of video games was never more than 5 seconds away. Even worse than what you see @ E3 and that is saying something.

but perhaps the most disgusting thing out of all of this......

Today there was a panel called ladies in gaming. it allowed a few of the more proiminent industry females to talk about how they got into gaming and into their profession.

anyway this is all well and good and it was a good panel but the rest of the show completely undermined the message. Sennheiser had chicks in tight dresses with boobs busting out, razer had girls that honestly i dont think were 18 wearing 30cm of clothing if that and there were just girls in tight clothing and fuck all clothing all over the place.

I don't want to get all prudeish but if you are going to run a fucking panel at your fucking show about how women are so good in games and get shit done, you dont have girls being paid purely to be sex objects just 100 metres away allowed in your show. It just completely undermined the entire thing.

I also noticed that there was a lot of young kids with parents @ the show today. Now what the fuck are the parents going to think with all that rubbish going on. Again you see it at e3 but its less of a problem that it was and i think EB should follow eurogamers example and ban booth babes, its ridiculous.

also and this is one of the biggest problems of all EB MUST, MUST AGE RESTRICT THIS SHOW NEXT YEAR

one last rant



ok pro tips for those yet to go.

1. if you want to play zombieu ac3 or halo GO EARLY and be prepared to wait. It is very unlikely you will play all 3 in one session

2. If you just want ot hold a wii u find the sonic racing pod, no queues

3. Play AC3 Vita, its really good and no significant queues.

4. GOW Ascension has queues but very short usually. Worth playing ;)

5. If you get there right when it starts, not many walk right to the end so do that and work your way back. Square is the furthers publisher from the front doors and has 2 quality games.

6. EA booth is fantastic for queues except MOH warfighter and Crysis 3.

7. Go to the stage shows when you can. Also keep an eye o nthe time, they don't announce them (lolwat)

8. Play Injustice. Surprise of the show for me.


one of the biggest problems ive heard from media people is that eb wanted to know coverage etc and wants huge coverage out of the show

but are not giving vip special kinda access. Allowing media in express gamer would make a shit ton of sense eb....

im sure the publishers could get behind that one as well ;)


choc is there a tldr version, I am tired and it's friday


fucking read it its importnat


having a panel about the empowerment of women in video game industry whilst having girls wearing fuck all, is hypocrisy at its best


I TL;DR'd for you

A) Lines are being mismanaged
2) Too many booth babes, especially in a family environment
III) Media are being screwed over


also just so you know, there is no express gamer queues @ Sony (aside from GOW)

edit: and whoever is going MUST play unfinished swan


Just cracked a Fat Yak, very impressed. I was surprised at the initial ginger taste, and maybe even a little put off but after a few more sips, I realised it was a prelude to greatness. I give this beer a solid 5/5 James Bonds.
Sennheiser had chicks in tight dresses with boobs busting out, razer had girls that honestly i dont think were 18 wearing 30cm of clothing if that and there were just girls in tight clothing and fuck all clothing all over the place.
Pics or didn't happen.
Walked into the middle of a thread and derailed it with an baseless, unnecessary insult.

In other AusGAF Community news, I saw that Gez has also been taken out.
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