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AusGAF 7 - We hang out IRL now and be social and shit. (Also, Adrian's Revenge)

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import a 3DS from the USA if you want to be guaranteed games

oi shaneus, you know that thing. I will send you that thing when i am done with it.
^^^^^ perspective is giving me a headache >_<

lol Win8 store won't allow R18 games such as Skyrim or Call of Duty in Europe.

Steam will be happy with that decision!


Microsoft is snatching defeat from the jaws of victory on win 8 in so many ways

seriously. Just don't allow MS Points to buy R18 games. Fixed because you need to be 18 to have a credit card.....


Anyone here running Windows 8 as their main OS? If so how is gaming compatibility? I have been running it in a VM but not for gaming and now I have the final build I am thinking of going native win8 over the weekend.
lol Halo 4 leak is hilarious, I wonder if it will be uploaded by the end of the day.

So Looper was pretty good. And Bruce Willis actually actored at me and gave me feels. BRUCE GODDAMN WILLIS.
I can't remember the last time I remember thinking he wasn't asleep in front of the camera! He was great again.

Microsoft is snatching defeat from the jaws of victory on win 8 in so many ways

seriously. Just don't allow MS Points to buy R18 games. Fixed because you need to be 18 to have a credit card.....
Seems like they have given up on GFWL yet again. Prefer to just tussle with Apple rather than the Valve juggernaut.


So i've been looking into the NSW legislation for R18+ games

amazingly, a parent will be LEGALLY able to buy an R18 game for a minor.

A parent will NOT be able to allow a child to attend an event where R18 games are being displayed.

and yes, the penalties are in line with ciggies and alcohol to an extent. In extreme cases (where parents are not involved etc), you can end up in prison and convicted.


When is that? I'm planning an O/S trip next year around Sept.

PAX East is in Boston mid March. But PAX Prime is in Seattle in September, you should totally go to that! It's being expanded to 4 days.

lol Halo 4 leak is hilarious, I wonder if it will be uploaded by the end of the day.

Don't we always gripe about pirates being able to play games before us loyal consumers?

Watched the Giant Bomb Dishonoured QL last night. Game looks incredible. It might have to wait for the Steam Xmas sale though. Still not done with Borderlands 2.


just read the ACT legislation

parents cannot buy for minors, and can get 6 month prison terms for doing so.

As in the CORRECT way to legislate this.


Quick question for those of you who have already finished TWD chapter 2...

I encouraged Kenny to kill Larry when we were all locked up so Kenny smashed Larrys head and now Larrys daughter is even MORE painful than before. Did I fuck up? Was there a way out of that situtation that kept Larry alive?


Quick question for those of you who have already finished TWD chapter 2...

I encouraged Kenny to kill Larry when we were all locked up so Kenny smashed Larrys head and now Larrys daughter is even MORE painful than before. Did I fuck up? Was there a way out of that situtation that kept Larry alive?

turns into a zombie if you don't kill him so no, but she doesn't get so salty


turns into a zombie if you don't kill him so no, but she doesn't get so salty
He didn't turn into a zombie in my playthrough, Kenny smashes his head when I tried to revive him and then Kenny was pissed at me. So either way someone is pissed and Lily is still a pain.


Okay cool, thx, and
I'd rather have that pricks daughter angry at me then Kenny. Wish I could've killed the cranky old bastard myself tbh lol


the media wont look at it this way when stupidity occurs. I get your point Omi but we just need to make sure the cunts in the media look at it that way


Your post after the above says this...

just read the ACT legislation

parents cannot buy for minors, and can get 6 month prison terms for doing so.

As in the CORRECT way to legislate this.



So i've been looking into the NSW legislation for R18+ games

amazingly, a parent will be LEGALLY able to buy an R18 game for a minor.

A parent will NOT be able to allow a child to attend an event where R18 games are being displayed.

and yes, the penalties are in line with ciggies and alcohol to an extent. In extreme cases (where parents are not involved etc), you can end up in prison and convicted.

I believe a parent can legally give their child alcohol as well within their own home, I think it all comes down to supervision.
There is no right choice, also no wrong, good, evil, paragon or renegade either.

Just, what you think at that time and I love the way you get little nuanced dialogue sometimes episodes later referencing what you did or didn't do.

btw Shan, how much of a spoiler is your reply to me above based on my current game situation, I don't wanna spoil obviously :p

No, its before where you're up to. But might as well finish up the chapter first, then we can have real talks.


So i've been looking into the NSW legislation for R18+ games

amazingly, a parent will be LEGALLY able to buy an R18 game for a minor.

That sounds perfectly fine. Just like taking minors to see R rated movies or buying minors alcohol in restaurants.


Two years jail for playing an RC game in Victoria seems like bigger news, no? Is that really what it says?


Clause 6 inserts references to R 18+ computer games in section 39 of the
Principal Act to prohibit the private demonstration in the
presence of a minor of a computer game classified R 18+, or an
unclassified game which would, if classified, be R 18+.
The offence already applies to RC games. The penalty for a
breach of this offence in the context of R 18+ computer games is
40 penalty units. The amending clause increases the existing
penalty for private demonstration of RC material from 20 penalty
units to 240 penalty units or imprisonment for 2 years.
This is
consistent with the penalty provided for in a correlating offence
relating to private demonstration of RC films in section 12 of the
Principal Act and with penalties relating to RC material more

So is that "demonstration" of RC material to a minor, or to anyone?
That edit above Fred reads like it would be in the presence of a minor, not just in your own home by yourself, but obviously it will depend on what the amended section 39 will look like in the end. Could be misreading it on my end.

Can you imagine the poor editors that had to fix his stuff?

Just pretend he is a correspondent from Argentina or something. Added to the lineup for pep and colour. And racial diversification.
Catherine's ~$20 on Play-Asia at the moment if you have a PS3. The 360 version is too, but it's region locked.

Pokemon getto da ze. Was of course duty bound to append Jas to the end when I saw that the default name for the rival is Hugh.
Catherine's ~$20 on Play-Asia at the moment if you have a PS3. The 360 version is too, but it's region locked.

Pokemon getto da ze. Was of course duty bound to append Jas to the end when I saw that the default name for the rival is Hugh.

haha. I've been watching Game Grumps play pokemon emerald, and they named the main character "fuck, I" (eg. "fuck, I put the potion in the bag") :p


Two years jail for playing an RC game in Victoria seems like bigger news, no? Is that really what it says?


So is that "demonstration" of RC material to a minor, or to anyone?

anyone and yes fred thats what it says. Good luck importing banned games victoria


Not in NSW they can't. They changed that law earlier this year

Really? I guess the NSW police force need to update their website then.

Section 118 Offences relating to consumption etc of liquor by minor

(1) Minor not to obtain, consume or carry away liquor
A minor must not:

consume liquor on licensed premises, or
consume liquor on the premises of an unlicensed restaurant unless the minor consumes the liquor in the company of, and with the permission of, his or her parent or guardian, or



Two years jail for playing an RC game in Victoria seems like bigger news, no? Is that really what it says?


So is that "demonstration" of RC material to a minor, or to anyone?

Sounds like Teddy.

Theoretically I already am with L4D2... :-/
My copy of Risen would certainly lead to my wife being very cross about having to do all the child rearing while I am chilling out in Jail, watching Foxtel and shit.

Only of the acarecrows are in the ss

Change those ball hands to wolverine claws and you got yourself some Nightmare On Elm Street icantbeliveitsnotporn on your hands.


Alright summary of R18 legislation so far (some is still before the parliament of the respective states)

-Parents can buy R18
-cannot allow kids to attend a venue that is showing R18 (EBExpo is rooted)

-Nothing. Not before parliament

-RC is now 2 years jail
-Parents allowed to buy R18 games
-R18 games are not allowed to be advertised on television or the interwebs in video form

-Parents can buy R18 games
-Slight fine for giving minors R18 games (nothing like cigs/alcohol). It's only 20 penalty points which is very low.

-Not before parliament yet

South Australia
-$750 fine for any minor buying an R18 game
-$5000 fine for showing R18 games publicly
-Parents can buy R18 games
-Games must be seperate to other ones

-Parents CANNOT buy R18 games (it seems, however depends on the main legislation not just the amendment)
-RC games is still prosecution but nothing like Victoria it would appear.
-Games must be displayed seperately (Also applies to MA15 games)

a key point around every piece of law i've read on this is that there has to be a gate or restriction around enabling and getting that content. Its going to be very difficult to haev R18 games on Live and PSN for download under the current systems and to meet the proposed laws.

We could be fucked :(
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