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AusGAF 7 - We hang out IRL now and be social and shit. (Also, Adrian's Revenge)

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Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
Why are you guys not saving often and using auto-save? It keeps like three recent saves. It's amazing.


cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt holycheck cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt
    // Guy playing a video game on a couch
	if(time>0 && time<10)
        // the rm function was for if I wanted to shoot a scene as far out as the wall was,
        // so it would just remove that one wall for me. I ended up not needing it for anything.
		// rm->hideWallExclusive(0);    

    // I used if instead of elseif. While it's more demanding, I presume, for it to be
    // going through each of these loops every frame, it didn't drop the FPS below 60.
    // Using elseif means that if I didn't specify <time, it wouldn't execute the next logical
    // if statement.
    // Side view of guy playing video games
	if(time>=2 && time < 2.5)
		gCamera.setPostTranslation(-10, 9.9, 12);
		gCamera.setTarget(0, 0, 0);
    // Pan across to the little bear toy thing
	if(time>=2.5 && time<5)
		if(time>4) human->animateHeadLeft(interpolate(4, 5, 10, -70));

		gCamera.setPostTranslation(gCamera.getCameraLocation().data[0] + 0.04,
								   gCamera.getCameraLocation().data[2] - 0.04);
		if(inc<3) inc += 0.01 * time;
		gCamera.setTarget(inc, 0, inc * 6);
    // Bear won video game, gloats
	if(time>5 && time<8)
		gCamera.setPostTranslation(6, 4, 6.77);
        // Don't know if C++ has anything like (bear.getPostTranslation() + new vector3(0, 1.5, 0));
        // Didn't have time to look it up.
						  bear->getPostTranslation().data[1] + 1.5,

		if(time>6) bear->animateSway(time);
		if(time>6.5) human->animateHeadLeft(interpolate(6.5, 8, -70, 0));
    // Cut back to guy
		gCamera.setPostTranslation(-3, 6, 3);

    // Guy realises he lost at the video game
		human->animateHoldHead(time, time+4);
		cont2->setPostTranslation(0.2, 0, 0);
		cont2->setRotation('x', 30, 'y', -45, 'z', -30);

    // Guy throws controller after losing
		gCamera.setPostTranslation(0, 4, -5);
						  c->getPostTranslation().data[1] + 8,

        human->setPostTranslation(-2, 8, 8);
        cont1->setPostTranslation(-1.7, 10, 6.6);
        human->setRotation('y', 90);
        human->animateThrowing(interpolate(12.5, 13, -180, 0), interpolate(12.5, 12.7, 0.4, -0.4));
        cont1->setPostTranslation(interpolate(12.5, 13, -1.7, 3), interpolate(12.5, 13, 10, 1), 6.6);
        cont1->setRotation('x', interpolate(12.5, 13, 0, 360));
    // Closeup of bear, more gloating
        gCamera.setPostTranslation(3, 6, 1);

    // Guy moves to bear. Hide legs with chair so I don't have to animate.
    // Working within restrictions of my ability. :D
        gCamera.setPostTranslation(3, 10, 25);
        human->setPostTranslation(interpolate(16, 17.5, -2, 4), 8, 8);
    // Rotate to look at bear
        human->setRotation('y', interpolate(17, 17.5, 90, 0));
    // guy picks up bear after losing. Bear isn't properly synced to hand. Too minor to fix.
        human->animateThrowing(interpolate(18, 19, 0, -120), interpolate(18, 19, -0.4, 0.4));
                                 interpolate(18.5, 21, bear->getPostTranslation().data[1], 8),
    // View from the side
        gCamera.setPostTranslation(20, 8, 8);
    // bear starts flailing its limbs in panic
    if(time>19.5 && time<28)
    // guy has bear in air
        gCamera.setPostTranslation(0, 7.5, bear->getPostTranslation().data[3] - 5);
        human->setRotation('y', 180);
        bear->setPostTranslation(1.5, 7.5, 5.5);

    // bear thrown by human, spins through air cartoonishly
        human->animateThrowing(interpolate(21, 23, -180, 0), interpolate(21, 23, 0.4, -0.4));
        bear->setPostTranslation(1.5, 7.5, interpolate(21, 25, 5.5, -5));
        if(time<25) bear->setRotation('y', (time/21) * 2000);
        gCamera.setPostTranslation(2, 7.5, interpolate(21, 25, -3, -9));
    // side view of bear running into television
        bear->setPostTranslation(1.5, 9, interpolate(25, 27, -6, -9));
        if(time<27) bear->setRotation('y', (time/25) * 2000);
        gCamera.setPostTranslation(20, 7, -5);
        gCamera.setTarget(-10, 7, -10);
    // bear hits television and falls to the ground
        bear->setPostTranslation(1.5, interpolate(27, 28, 7.5, 2), interpolate(27, 28, -9, -8));
        if(time<28) bear->setRotation('z', (time/27) * 4000);
        tele->setRotation('x', interpolate(27, 29, 0, -10)); 

    // television falls on bear, threatening my PG-13 rating until I clarify here that the bear is
    // actually a robot, and has no feelings. And the first law of robotics means that I cannot have
    // my grades harmed, or through inaction, allow my grades to be harmed, by me crushing it to death.
    // Because robots can't die.
    // ... probably.
        tele->setPostTranslation(0, interpolate(29, 29.5, 11, 2), interpolate(29, 29.5, -11, -6));
        tele->setRotation('x', interpolate(29, 29.5, -5, 110));
	// eventually stop
	if (time >= 32)
		gProgramMode = kpmFinished;
AnkhWeasel proclaims his epitaph in steam chat: "My brain is straight but GODDAMN is my penis ever bi!"

alas i'm in sydney for harvest festival on the saturdya!

As in sat the 17th? I might be able to extend my stay depending on exams if we want to do the meetup then. Not sure though.
Fucking Jetstar.

Get an email today while in Matsumoto telling me they've changed our flight on the 23rd from Osaka->Gold Coast->Melbourne to one on the 24th from Osaka->Taipei->Singapore->Darwin->Melbourne.

What. The. Fuck.

Why they couldn't have changed it to Osaka->Cairns->Melbourne on the 23rd like I did (after calling three times, as their system hung up on me) is beyond me.


So it's looking like the best option is to do board games with lunch on the 18th with Holy and dinner/drinks with shanshan on one of the nights the following week... Unless shan extends her stay and we combine everything :p.


I want a tag give me a tag
AnkhWeasel proclaims his epitaph in steam chat: "My brain is straight but GODDAMN is my penis ever bi!"

As in sat the 17th? I might be able to extend my stay depending on exams if we want to do the meetup then. Not sure though.

yup yup

staying on a forum friends couch, flying in friday night or sat morning, harvest all sat, then sunday im pretty free until i fly out, havent booekd plane tickets yet just concert

clip that sounds awesome.

danoss you in? no homo but you seem cool.

cods: LOL... jesus christ. hopefully dont have to be back at work etc on teh 24th?
cods: LOL... jesus christ. hopefully dont have to be back at work etc on teh 24th?
Original flight arrived Melbourne 24th 1pm-ish. Auto allocated one on 25th 5pm-ish. New one (awaiting confirmation so who the hell knows) arrives 24th 2pm-ish.

Wife returns to work 25th, me 29th. Was hoping to make the beer showcase on Thurs but apparently already sold out.
So, seems like I will be walking into an EBGames and picking up Halo 4 on launch day. Livestream is ridiculous even though the dude playing is terrible.

Just keep your shampoo in your room, that's what we had to do living on Residence!

shit thats what i have to do living in my own damn house with my sister


Fucking Jetstar.

Get an email today while in Matsumoto telling me they've changed our flight on the 23rd from Osaka->Gold Coast->Melbourne to one on the 24th from Osaka->Taipei->Singapore->Darwin->Melbourne.

What. The. Fuck.

Why they couldn't have changed it to Osaka->Cairns->Melbourne on the 23rd like I did (after calling three times, as their system hung up on me) is beyond me.

This is why I never use Jetstar. Never hear good experiences from them.
This is why I never use Jetstar. Never hear good experiences from them.
Had alright experiences flying to Hobart and Singapore (both from Melbourne) so coupled with the cheap prices to Japan (1500 return for two) figured it'd be OK. Going to be pretty wary in the future.

No explanation why the scheduled flight (in 11 days!) from Gold Coast to Melbourne was cancelled, either.


I want a tag give me a tag
Had alright experiences flying to Hobart and Singapore (both from Melbourne) so coupled with the cheap prices to Japan (1500 return for two) figured it'd be OK. Going to be pretty wary in the future.

No explanation why the scheduled flight (in 11 days!) from Gold Coast to Melbourne was cancelled, either.

last time i flew with them (and had to spend 6 hours at auckland airport and not allowed into the qantas lounge even tho my ticket was fucking booked through qantas. flight from auckland to melb with no entertainment on the flight. fuckers.
The thing with Jetstar international is you have to collect/check your bags for EACH FLIGHT so it'd be hard to lose them. Each of those auto-allocated flights had a 3 or so hour layover too.

Luckily (I hope! Awaiting confirmation) it's only two flights after I called to fix it up. They were even nice enough not to charge me for fixing our fucked up flights. They're so generous!

Actually, the in-flight staff were really nice getting here, much nicer than Qantas IME. Just their policy and customer service is atrocious.

Unrelated, I picked up a VMD (video disc, kinda like laserdisc) of Back to the Future today! This old bookshop (one of those disorganised floor to ceiling and stacks of stuff in the aisles type places) in Matsumoto had 5 items for ¥100 and the guy insisted I take the full 5 items, but it was all shit. I picked up a West Side Story LP that was so warped I think it'll crack in my backpack. The guy was really annoyed I only took two things for ¥100 but he'll get over it.


The thing with Jetstar international is you have to collect/check your bags for EACH FLIGHT so it'd be hard to lose them. Each of those auto-allocated flights had a 3 or so hour layover too.

12 hours of sitting at airports, god damn!


I want a tag give me a tag
drunk fb msgd my aunty tonight

Holy Check:

is that a way of sending me a friends request, if it is I accept as I cant wait for all my friends to ask who my new friend is with such a cool name, good undercover

Holy Check:

no . my facebook is for friends only, or people i want hearing about the mundane shit i talk about every day. this also allows me to add whom ever i want, without the presssures of "why didnt you add me" as we've discussed before that you have with your current account! SORRY TO BE HONEST AUNTY.

oh yeah.


I was supposed to go out and get xcom today, but didn't cos I couldn't be bothered:/

super laaaaazy saturdayyy!
Digital Distrubution. Way of the future!

drunk fb msgd my aunty tonight

Holy Check:

is that a way of sending me a friends request, if it is I accept as I cant wait for all my friends to ask who my new friend is with such a cool name, good undercover

Holy Check:

no . my facebook is for friends only, or people i want hearing about the mundane shit i talk about every day. this also allows me to add whom ever i want, without the presssures of "why didnt you add me" as we've discussed before that you have with your current account! SORRY TO BE HONEST AUNTY.

oh yeah.
What I wouldn't give for a tape recording of the awkward silence that ensues when Holy next catches up with that particular aunt.


I want a tag give me a tag

i polished off an entire bottle of jimbeam last night alone. in like 6 hours.

and im awake today and perfectly fine, just got up and had a glass of orange juice etc.

oh liver.



man that game kicks you in the dick
After playing twice on Classic Ironman I've had enough of the bullshit hit percentages where you can miss three 70% shots in a row, but hey, you're likely to get that 30% shot and so are the aliens while you are behind full cover!

The runs where you have no injuries/deaths are so satisfying but you're likely going to be fucked the very next mission and it's so difficult to keep the base in check on classic unless I intend to look up strategies or something. For now I've just started a new game in normal ironman and it seems like it might be a bit too easy, but we'll see. Maybe I'll try classic again after I finish it.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
After playing twice on Classic Ironman I've had enough of the bullshit hit percentages where you can miss three 70% shots in a row, but hey, you're likely to get that 30% shot and so are the aliens while you are behind full cover!
Haha. This reminds me of a conversation on Idle Thumbs where they talked about some games (I think it was Civ?) automatically skewing probability in favour of the player because human beings don't understand how probability actually works and get frustrated. It's interesting that a game by the same developer doesn't appear to do this. I'd suppose difficulty level might be a factor.


Haha. This reminds me of a conversation on Idle Thumbs where they talked about some games (I think it was Civ?) automatically skewing probability in favour of the player because human beings don't understand how probability actually works and get frustrated. It's interesting that a game by the same developer doesn't appear to do this. I'd suppose difficulty level might be a factor.

pretty sure i want to try a cross nation photo scavenger hunt thing
basically theres a list of things to find
you go and find them and take a photo of it
each thing gets points based on difficulty
person with most points by the end wins

may not actually win a prize
whos interested

i should say, by cross nation i just mean everyone can play
pretty sure i want to try a cross nation photo scavenger hunt thing
basically theres a list of things to find
you go and find them and take a photo of it
each thing gets points based on difficulty
person with most points by the end wins

may not actually win a prize
whos interested

i should say, by cross nation i just mean everyone can play

Sounds like fun, how do you sign up?


This interests me. Which part did you find hard?

Positioning, mostly.

Each object, save for one or two, are composites of a geometry. So, the human model, is about 14 objects, with a base object and then children added to that base object (or to other children). When an object is parented to another, its positioning changes from being relative to the entire world, to being relative to its parent.

So the hard part, well, one of the hard parts, was working out proper distances between objects with and without the same parentage. And, at that, when you move one part of an object, you have to make sure every child of that object moves with it. So if I wanted to make the guy stand up, I'd have to work out where to move the torso. I'd then need to work out where to move the legs and arms in conjunction to the torso moving in order for it to look remotely decent.

It's hard to explain. Um, here's an example. Here is all the logic that goes into making the human sit down.

void humanoid::sitPose()
	upperTorso->setRotation('x', 20);
	torso->setRotation('x', -10);
	head->setRotation('x', -10);

	upperLegL->setPostTranslation(upperLegL->getPostTranslation().data[0], -1.0, 1.8);
	upperLegL->setRotation('x', -105);
	lowerLegL->setRotation('x', 80);
	lowerLegL->setPostTranslation(0, -1.2, -1.2);

	upperLegR->setPostTranslation(1, -1.0, 1.8);
	upperLegR->setRotation('x', -105, 'y', 20);
	lowerLegR->setRotation('x', 80);
	lowerLegR->setPostTranslation(0, -1.2, -1.2);

	upperArmL->setRotation('x', -60);
	upperArmL->setPostTranslation(-1.6, -0.4, 1);
	lowerArmL->setRotation('x', -60, 'y', 40);
	lowerArmL->setPostTranslation(0.6, -1.4, 0.5);

	upperArmR->setRotation('x', -60, 'y', 30);
	upperArmR->setPostTranslation(1.6, -0.2, 0.5);
	lowerArmR->setRotation('x', -60, 'y', -60);
	lowerArmR->setPostTranslation(-0.6, -1.4, 0.1);

So, it's not complex mathematics or anything. It's just... change a value, compile, look, animate, quit. Rinse repeat for every single fucking limb that needs to be changed. And, if you noticed, that function doesn't even -animate-. Because if I wanted to animate I'd need to calculate the speeds that objects needed to interpolate.

So, the short answer is, it was hard because it was tedious and required a lot of tinkering with a lot of moving parts to do things that should be simple.
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