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AusGAF 7 - We hang out IRL now and be social and shit. (Also, Adrian's Revenge)

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What do you want to know Stack? I watched a fair amount of the livestream of the campaign. All you need to know is Day One purchase buddy.

ffs my phone broke. I've only had this Galaxy S2 for a year and it keeps dying, data cutting off, signal dying, ect. Finally tonight the data network just crapped itself and won't work anymore. And I need this for work! FUCK. This is no good!
Should be covered if it is an issue with the phone rather than you damaging it. Take it into the provider ASAP. Have you tried clearing the phone and putting the nexest version of Android on? Could be a software issue with the data.

I have a kid on the way, so I'm watching where my money goes more carefully. I'm not even buying a Wii U this year.
You just need to justify that the little tike would love the purchase too!

PS. Did anyone else get really confused at the start of all this because it sounded like people were talking about eSATA? No?
I thought maybe they had cloned the superior Armstrong. Disapoint was had.

On a side-note, would people here recommend Dishonored? I've been seeing/hearing good things, but I'm just not really sold on it at the moment...
I get the impression that if you loved Thief you will love Dishonored. Seems like the same kind of open, yet linear progression with a hub world. Will be my first post-QLD purchase.

Well, I didn't get into the best animation group but I did get into the 2nd best. I'm happy with that. People at least had tepid laughter to stuffed bear slaughter.

Oh, and someone used the deadly premonition theme in their animation. Fk in my coffee.
You Tasmanians are alright!

Also where the fuck is Deadly Prem DC? And the sequel! How are they still afloat!

aww dude law is like an instantfail if you miss the 80% without excuse

So how is Deakin viewed in the rich tapestry of Universities? I never went to a Law lecture or Tut, I don't think any of our Commerce units had attendance rates. Only ones I knew of was for Art units.


So you're Pro UnAustralian, then?
Pretty much. When it comes to BBQ it seems literally everyone else in the world does it better than us.

To appropriate the very eloquent phrase I picked up from a car bumper this morning "Love it or FUCK OFF!"
Does that mean you have to love my Pro UnAustralianism in order to be consistent with your own advice?

You just need to justify that the little tike would love the purchase too!
He would love the box that it comes in more.


aww dude law is like an instantfail


Man the HaloGaf thread is full of crazies.

I just want new Halo 4 info.
I'm thinking of having a peek of it sometime in the next few days if you're curious (JTAG 360). I'm buying it as well, so I'm not sure if that sort of talk is frowned upon or not but someone pull me aside and let me know!

Also rep: I don't get the "cloned" thing :(


What do you want to know Stack? I watched a fair amount of the livestream of the campaign. All you need to know is Day One purchase buddy.

Saving myself from any campaign info, just want to know what the playlists are like for MP.

Pretty hyped.

Favourite halo you guys? Finally got around to Halo: Anniversary and it's likely my favourite campaign.


Don worry then man, I'll be back over again soon for something.

SydGAF, I will be in you from the 10th to the 13tg of November. Going over for Radiohead and to see some mates. Anyone free that weekend?
Saving myself from any campaign info, just want to know what the playlists are like for MP.

Pretty hyped.

Favourite halo you guys? Finally got around to Halo: Anniversary and it's likely my favourite campaign.

This is MP, and I know most people around here don't like it, but I love Halo 3. I've played hours and hours of split screen with mates. 2v2 single flag on High Ground. So damn good.

Campaign wise I guess the first one is hard to top.


I'm thinking of having a peek of it sometime in the next few days if you're curious (JTAG 360). I'm buying it as well, so I'm not sure if that sort of talk is frowned upon or not but someone pull me aside and let me know!

Also rep: I don't get the "cloned" thing :(

Yes, you'll get instantly permabanned if you admit to downloading games off the Internet.


SydGAF, I will be in you from the 10th to the 13tg of November. Going over for Radiohead and to see some mates. Anyone free that weekend?

Well, we've almost certainly got board games on the 18th with Holycheck and dinner/drinks on one evening of the 23rd-25th with shanshan (exact date TBD)... We can certainly attempt the trifecta by having another get together the week before and I'm game, but I don't know. Which evenings/days are you actually free and what's your poison?


I get the impression that if you loved Thief you will love Dishonored. Seems like the same kind of open, yet linear progression with a hub world. Will be my first post-QLD purchase.

Yeah this is what I've heard as well. I enjoyed Thief, though it's been forever since I played it. I might give it a look, but I think I really missed the hype-train with that one haha. I'll probably wait until I can get it a bit cheaper.

Also, Post-QLD? Haven't been following the thread very closely, you'll be in QLD? When? Is there some form of event for it?
Pretty much. When it comes to BBQ it seems literally everyone else in the world does it better than us.
Look, I'm originally from England, so everyone cooks everything better than we do. I beleive the most eaten food in England now is curry and not for any demographic reasons. That's how much we hate our own cuisine.

Tangentially related, I don't like the way that Americans use the word "BBQ." They use it in sentences like "Do you like BBQ?", "I enjoy the taste of BBQ" and "that's good BBQ". It's a type of cooking, you idiots. It's like telling someone "I enjoy the taste of Oven".

Anyway, you're an UnAustralian asshat and you should feel ashamed of yourself.

Does that mean you have to love my Pro UnAustralianism in order to be consistent with your own advice?
I've never lived by my own advice up until now so I can't see why I'd suddenly start now.


Well, we've almost certainly got board games on the 18th with Holycheck and dinner/drinks on one evening of the 23rd-25th with shanshan (exact date TBD)... We can certainly attempt the trifecta by having another get together the week before and I'm game, but I don't know. Which evenings/days are you actually free and what's your poison?

The concert is on the 12th, do other than that I should be free most of Sat, Sunday and Monday during the day.

And I'm up for anything as long as it involves AusGAF
Look, I'm originally from England, so everyone cooks everything better than we do. I beleive the most eaten food in England now is curry and not for any demographic reasons. That's how much we hate our own cuisine.
Pretty sure tikka masala is a British invention, bastardising Indian curry. Not to say it's not delicious.


BBQ Shapes at home. Little guy saw the big stack at the supermarket. No-one can deprive a child of the joy of intricately stacked comfort food. Not that he gets to eat it. All mine buddy, yum. he enjoys carrying it around unopened until his eye is caught by something else so I can swoop in and liberate them from his iron rule.

Also, Post-QLD? Haven't been following the thread very closely, you'll be in QLD? When? Is there some form of event for it?
Up there this Friday-Monday, sisters 21st on the Saturday. Got some kind of family dinner at an Asian restaurant of some description on Friday night. I think Thai. Or maybe I just want some Green Curry Pad Thai. Who knows. I don't know. I just want alcohol. I think I should be able to swing some alcohol. I'll be happy then, despite having to hang out with family.

I've liked a BBQ and it was horrible.
Some of my best times were BBQ.
Up there this Friday-Monday, sisters 21st on the Saturday. Got some kind of family dinner at an Asian restaurant of some description on Friday night. I think Thai. Or maybe I just want some Green Curry Pad Thai. Who knows. I don't know. I just want alcohol. I think I should be able to swing some alcohol. I'll be happy then, despite having to hang out with family.

In Brisbane? Any idea of the restaurant's name? I feel like I've been to like 90% of the city, Valley and western suburbs Asian restaurants.
In Brisbane? Any idea of the restaurant's name? I feel like I've been to like 90% of the city, Valley and western suburbs Asian restaurants.

I am pretty sure that we will be up on the Gold Coast, I haven't actually seen a plane ticket or booking or invite or anything other than a peeved wife wondering why I don't seem to care about this weekend. She goes to Griffith University I think. Maybe. I don't know. Maybe I will call Mum on Thursday.

Oh shit, I should see if my suit still has vomit all over it too.


and i thought Australian politics was in the gutter


Employer says he will fire people if obama re-elected (rich ceo cunt). Urges employees to vote for Romney, provides letter and pack on how to do so

that be illegal in Australia i am sure. AMERICA FUCK YEAH. YEAH FUCKING CUNTS MORE LIKE IT.

It's a criminal offence in Australia. See s 327(2)(b) of the Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 (Cth).


Any recommendations for nightlife in Brisbane? And where would be the best area to stay? I stayed in the YHA on the hostel strip last time, but I can't remember whether that was near anything interesting or not. The Valley's the coolest bit of the city yeah?
I am pretty sure that we will be up on the Gold Coast, I haven't actually seen a plane ticket or booking or invite or anything other than a peeved wife wondering why I don't seem to care about this weekend. She goes to Griffith University I think. Maybe. I don't know. Maybe I will call Mum on Thursday.

Oh shit, I should see if my suit still has vomit all over it too.

Ha, classic suit status.
It's a criminal offence in Australia.

With good fucking reason. Christ what a cunt
Choc rage incoming.
With good reason though.

Also lol at possibly half of Thompson's charges being dropped because they took too long making the case. What a fucking schmozzle all round.
Any recommendations for nightlife in Brisbane? And where would be the best area to stay? I stayed in the YHA on the hostel strip last time, but I can't remember whether that was near anything interesting or not. The Valley's the coolest bit of the city yeah?

West End is pretty cool these days. City is a bit shit. Valley is still OK I guess. If you're keen on clubs.
It seems like I've discovered a phenomenon where people that like BBQ Shapes have poor comprehension skills and are quick to temper.

I did not say that I dislike BBQ Flavoured products; I said that I don't like the concept of something people BBQ Flavoured, this being because BBQ is not a flavour, it is a cooking style.

Settle, bitches. Take a chill pill / handful of soothing BBQ Shapes.


Choc rage incoming.
With good reason though.

Also lol at possibly half of Thompson's charges being dropped because they took too long making the case. What a fucking schmozzle all round.

FWA will apply for an extention which they will likely get. I don't have the law handy on me at the moment but I'll edit this out when I get a chance.


Barbecue (verb)

A method of cooking.

(1) Southern Barbecue or Low and Slow Smoke Roasting. A method of cooking involving roasting food, in a closed oven or in open air, indoors or out, in the presence of smoke, usually created by the combustion of hardwood, but other sources of smoke are occasionally used including tea and herbs. Most often applied to meat (including poultry or seafood), but occasionally applied to vegetables and other foods. Heat is transferred mostly by convection and temperatures of the oven are usually in the 200-300°F range.

Example: "Tonight I'm going to barbecue that damn dog iffen he don't shut up."

(a) Spit Barbecue or Spit Roasting or Rotisserie. Probably the oldest method of barbecue. Meat, originally whole animals, are impaled with a stick, sword, or spear and rotated above or near a heat source and smoke. Probably invented by cave dwellers, Middle Eastern and Asian kebab cooking is derived from this concept. Vertical rotisseries include Middle Eastern schwarma, Greek gyros, and Turkish doner kebabs. Eventually mechanical devices were invented to rotate the meat with a hand crank, then a weighted pulley system, and modern rotisseries use a motor.

Example: "For his wedding to Anne Boleyn, Henry VIII had many whole beeves spit roasted for hours."

(b) Caribbean Barbacoa. The AmerIndian method of cooking from which the word barbecue gets its name was done by suspending the food, usually fish, several feet above or around burning wood or coals on an open air rack so it cooks slowly and is exposed to smoke. Today, the term barbacoa is used almost exclusively in Mexico to describe a closed pit cooking technique, see Mexican Barbecue below.

Example: According to his diaries, on May 17, 1540, Spanish explorer shared a barbacoa near present day Salisbury, NC, with the natives. They had corn and small dogs. According to etymologist Michael Quinion, William Dampier, in his New Voyage Round the World of 1699, used the word in English for the first time to describe a raised wooden sleeping platform that protected Indians from snakes: "And lay there all night, upon our Borbecu’s, or frames of Sticks, raised about 3 foot from the Ground." This same design was used for smoke roasting meats and storing food.

(c) Open Pit Barbecue. A radiation method of smoke cooking derived from barbecoa probably by slaves in the Southern part of what is now the United States. They typically dug long pits in the dirt approximately 3' wide and 3' deep, burned hardwood down to coals in the bottom, put green saplings across the top, and laid meat on top of the crossmembers. The meat was basted with water, vinegar, and spices to keep it from burning. Eventually the saplings were replaced by metal gridirons, and the pits were built with stones or bricks above ground.

Example: "I don't care if your family has been cooking whole animals over a pit, Mr. Gianopolis, the health department won't let you cook like that for your restaurant."

(d) Closed Pit Barbecue. Roasting in an enclosed oven or a mostly enclosed oven which can take many forms around the world:

1) Modern Restaurant Barbecue is more often than not made in a huge box with a ferris wheel type arrangement erroneously called a rotisserie. Meat is placed on long wire shelves that orbit around a central pivot while fats and juices drip on the shelves below. Heat is usually gas burners in a chamber in the rear, and logs can be placed in the burn box to create smoke and heat. The whole affair is controlled by a thermostat and timer. Another variation burns wood pellets made from sawdust. The pellets provide both the heat and smoke flavor. These units produce very high quality food with set it and forget it ease, and they can run all night unattended.

Example: Honey! I just got a job as pitmaster at Famous Dave's! I start tomorrow with a 1 hour training session!

2) American Competition Barbecue in which the food is usually cooked by indirect heat from charcoal and smoke from hardwood in well insulated steel ovens with precise temperature and smoke control usually by constricting airflow.

Example: "Nowadays, if you want to win a competition dedicated to upholding the traditions of Southern American cooking you have to barbecue with a stainless steel thermostat controlled auger feed electronic ignition extruded pellet cooker."

3) Mexican Barbacoa. Today, in Spain and other Spanish speaking countries, the word barbacoa is used similarly to the word barbecue in the US, to describe outdoor cooking, especially spit roasting. But in Mexico and Texas, classic barbacoa is often the head of a steer wrapped in agave leaves, laid in a pit with hot coals, and covered with dirt. Nowadays it can also be goat, beef, pork, or lamb, wrapped in aluminum foil and buried or cooked in an oven. This is also an early method of cooking, but it bears little resemblance to what we call barbecue other than it is done outdoors.

Example: "Que pasa, baby. Do you remember where I buried the barbacoa?"

4) Indian Tandoori Cooking. Tandoors in India were originally clay ovens that were heated with coals, the meat inserted, and then sealed. Modern tandoors are similar to the Japanese Kamado and the American Big Green Egg.

Example: "Is that your best price for the barbecue?"

5) Greek Arni Kleftiko. Barbecue historian Dr. Howard Taylor tells the story: "According to legend, thieves living in the mountains would steal a sheep, burn wood in a small cave till the area was hot, butcher and dress the lamb, wrap it in leaves or cloth, put it in the cave, close it with a boulder, seal it with clay around the rock, and let the meat cook for four or more hours. The lamb was seasoned with lemon, garlic, salt, onion, oregano, olive oil, and other spices. Sometimes, vegetables were cooked with the lamb. Modern Greeks sometimes follow this procedure for a party."

Example:"After the wedding, we'll have an arni kleftko barbecue with lots of music by Abba."

6) Hawaiian Imu. An underground pit lined with hot rocks. Kalua pig, a whole hog, is cooked in an imu. It is wrapped in leaves and/or wet cloth, laid on the rocks, and buried by covering the pit with dirt or sand.

Example: "It must be a Hawaiian state law that all tourists go to a luau, eat kalua pig cooked in an imu, and dance the hula."

7) New Zealand Hangi. Ditto.

Example: "If you don't like lamb, skip the hangi."

8) New England Clam Bake. Clams, corn, and other foods are wrapped in wet seaweed and buried in a sand pit with hot coals or rocks.

Example: "Am I an old fart if my ringtone is 'This was a real nice clambake, And we all had a real good time,' from Carousel by Rogers & Hammerstein?"

9) Bean Hole Cooking. Developed by the Penobscot Indians of Maine, they dug a large hole, lined it with rocks, heated them with burning logs thrown in the hole, placed a clay pot with beans in it into the hole, and covered the hole with dirt.

Example: Nah, I'm not going there. Write your own example.

(2) Grilling or Char-Broiling. Cooking with direct heat radiation above or below a flame or heat source, usually at temperatures of 300°F or more. The act of cooking with a barbecue device. The food may be covered by a lid or not. This is the definition that most people use around the world. According to etymologist Michael Quinlon, the first example of the verb is in a work by Aphra Behn in 1690: "Let’s barbicu this fat rogue," showing that the word was known well enough by then to be used figuratively.

Example: "Tonight I'm going to barbecue that damn parakeet iffen he don't shut up."

(a) Asado. The traditional method of grilling in Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay, and other Latin American countries.

Example: "Man, now I need a new bolas. That idiot new gaucho from Buenos Aires forgot to take them off the ostrich before he put it on the asado."

(b) Churrasco. A method of rotisserie barbecueing over coals or embers popular in Brazil. It was originally done outdoors, but now many restaurants, called churrascaria, have sprung up in Brazil and even in the US, where many offer all you can eat for one price. The word comes from Portugese.

Example: "I'm not eating for a week so I can make room for our trip to the churrascaria Friday."

(c) Yakiniku. The traditional Japanese method of grilling small pieces of meat and vegetables on a gridiron.

Example: "At the last Hokkaido Nippon-Ham Fighters game I sat in the bleachers and bought squid cooked on a Yakiniku from the vendors. Great stuff and great game. They really clobbered the Hiroshima Toyo Carp."

(d) Satay. Satay is marinated grilled meat cooked on a barbecue in many Southeast Asian, especially Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, and the Philippines.

Example. "My favorite part of chicken Satay is the peanut sauce. Do they have jelly sauce too?"

Barbecue (noun)

A cooking device, food cooked with barbecue methods or equipment, a cookout, a restaurant, a beautiful woman (slang).

(1) A Cooking Device. A wide range of outdoor cooking devices made with a variety of materials from steel to brick whose heat sources can include wood, charcoal, gas, and electricity are commonly called barbecues. There are hundreds of such devices manufactured around the world. Also called a "barbie" in Australia.

Example: "Honey, our Smokey Joe barbecue finally fell apart. Why don't we spring for a real Weber kettle barbecue?Example: "Maybe Santa will bring me Or better still, how about a cast iron barbecue with Michelin tires?"

Example: "Yessir, Mr. restaurant owner, with our Plug-N-Play Electric Barbecue you don't even need a chef, and you can still hang a sign that says 'barbecue' in front of your restaurant."

(2) Food Cooked by Barbecue Methods or Equipment. In many places barbecue is something to eat.

Example: Presidential candidate Barack Obama gave a speech at a Sunday barbecue in Eau Claire, WI on 8/24/2008. He began his remarks by saying: "There was a debate about whether technically this could be called a barbecue. Because my theory is that if there's no barbecue, it's not a barbecue. It's a cookout." Perhaps realizing that he might have offended the organizers or taken on an issue too hot to handle, he ended his speech with a politically correct pivot: "Let's go get a bratwurst!"

(a) Chinese BBQ. Chinese BBQ is usually marinated pork loin, ribs, or duck roasted by hanging in an oven. Although it used to be smoked centuries ago, hardly anybody smokes it anymore. Some restaurants use charcoal, but most use gas nowadays. Fundamentalists are outraged at the idea that this could be called barbecue. Unfortunately for them, some historians argue convincingly that the Chinese invented barbecue. Also called char siu.

Example. "You no like eels, Mister Meathead. Have some barbecue ribs instead. Velly popular."

(b) Korean BBQ. Korean BBQ is usually thin cut marinated beef, and it is typically grilled by the diners on an as needed basis over a hibachi in the center of the table.

Example: "You put slaw on your barbecue, I put kimchi. Both cabbage. Same thing."

(c) Mongolian Barbecue is actually Taiwanese, not Mongolian. It is meats and vegetables stir fried on an iron griddle.

Example: "At our restaurant you can cook this barbecue beef yourself in two minutes and we can still charge you as much as if our chef had done the cooking."

(d) Carolina Barbecue. In much of the Carolinas barbecue is defined as chopped pork, usually from a whole hog or pork shoulder, often cooked with gas, usually served on a hamburger bun, often topped with coleslaw. And often the slaw is made with ketchup. In many places they insist that barbecue can be made only from whole hog, and if you use only the shoulder it is not barbecue. Whole hog is often served up at a "pig pickin" where you can slide up to the carcass and pick off what you want. Both sides usually agree that ribs are not barbecue. Chicken? Don't make them laugh.

Example: "Let's go git some barbecue at the pig pickin' at the church."

(e) Packaged Barbecue Meat. The US Federal government regulates labeling of food products for sale in interstate commerce, including pre-cooked meats sold in grocery stores. According to the Code of Federal Regulations, Title 9, Chapter III, Part 319, Subpart C, Section 319.80, revised 1/1/1985 issued by the US Department of Agriculture's Food Safety and Inspection Service "Barbecued meats, such as product labeled 'Beef Barbecue' or 'Barbecued Pork' shall be cooked by the direct action of dry heat resulting from the burning of hard wood or the hot coals therefrom for a sufficient period to assume the usual characteristics of a barbecued article, which include the formation of a brown crust on the surface and the rendering of surface fat. The product may be basted with a sauce during the cooking process. The weight of barbecued meat shall not exceed 70 percent of the weight of the fresh uncooked meat."

Example: "Would you like to sample our new barbecue in a tub, sir?"

(3) A Cookout. A social event centered around an outdoor meal or picnic at which food that was cooked outdoors is served. It doesn't even have to include meat. That's the broadest, and by far the most common definition, and it has been used in this context since the 1600s. In 1769 George Washington wrote in his diary that he "went up to Alexandria to a barbicue". Colonials cooked everything from squirrels to venison at their barbicue parties. In 1860 newly elected Texas Governor Sam Houston was the featured speaker at the "Great American Barbecue" in Austin thrown by the American Party, to which all Texas citizens were invited for free. Thousands showed up. At these events meat was usually cooked directly over coals in dirt pits dug in the ground, not a steel tube with a digital thermostat. Today, a barbecue can include any food cooked over an open flame or coals, such as chicken, fish, or even vegetables. Sometimes the food is even wrapped in foil and never touches the flame.

Example: "At the Fourth of July barbecue we'll be cooking ribs, steaks, hamburgers, hot dogs, and marshmallows. Anything we can fit on the grill."

(a) Santa Maria Barbecue. Named after Santa Maria, California, this is an event at which food is cooked over an open uncovered charcoal or hardwood flame. The food is suspended on a grate than can be raised or lowered with a pulley and crank to control the cooking temperature. The substrate is usually tri-tip (beef sirloin), but can also include everything from clams to artichokes. Beef is always served rare at a Santa Maria Barbecue.

Example. "Like, let's go to the barbecue, man, and afterwards, let's see if the chicks want to go surfing."

(b) Kentucky Barbecue. An event in Kentucky at which burgoo is served. Burgoo is a complex savory stew that is cooked in a large cast iron cauldron over an open flame.

Example: "Double, double toil and trouble; Fire burn, and barbecue bubble." Paraphrased from Macbeth, Act 4, Scene 1, by William Shakespeare.

(c) Sheboygan Fry Outs. In the days before smoke detectors, the German settlers in Wisconsin liked to cook bratwurst sausages on the indoor stovetop in a frypan. So when they cooked in the backyard, it became a "fry out" or an "outdoor fry". The term has extended to refer to all sorts of outdoor cooking.

Example: "Sure is hot today, honey. Get the brats and a pan and I'll set up a fry out."

(d) Braai. A cookout in South Africa is called a braai in the Afrikaans language, and it is as big a part of their culture as it is to ours. There is even an official holiday devoted to barbecue, National Braai Day, on September 24. The "Bring and Braai" is a popular sort of potluck at which the host provides the grill and the fuel and the guests bring the food, often boerewors (a coarsely ground sausage), sosaties (marinated mutton skewers), steaks, and lobster. Braavleis is barbecued meat. A typical side dish is pap, made from cornmeal, a bit like grits.

Example: In 2007 Nobel Peace Prize laureate Archbishop Desmond Tutu became the patron of National Braai Day. "This is something that can unite us. It is so proudly South African, so uniquely South African," he said. "There are so many things that are pulling us apart, this has a wonderful potential to bring us all together. We've shown the world a few things. Let's show them that ordinary activities like eating can unite people of different races, religions, sexes." And then he added short people, tall people, fat people, lean people."

(4) Barbecue. A restaurant that specializes in serving barbecued products.

Example: Let's go on down to Big Bill's Barbecue and watch the barbecue chef barbecue up some ribs and get a big juicy barbecue sandwich swimming in barbecue sauce.

(a) Lolo. A makeshift barbecue stand on St. Maarten island in the Caribbean. Often nothing more than a few tables around a 55 gallon drum sawn in half along the side of roads, on the beach, or in somebody's front yard. Their inexpensive shrimp and lobster dishes are usually highly regarded by foodies.

Example. "Meet me at Johnny B Under the Tree in Cole Bay for dinner. Wear your bikini."

(5) Barbecue (slang). Jazz slang for a beautiful woman. "Struttin' with Some Barbecue", the classic instrumental jazz tune by Lil Hardin Armstrong and her husband Louis Armstrong, does not refer to a promenade with a pulled pork sandwich. Click here for more information.

Example: "Mighty tasty barbecue you had at the Cotton Club last night, my brother."

Barbecue (adjective)

The flavor associated with food cooked with barbecue methods or equipment.

(1) Barbecue. A modifier used to describe any food cooked on a barbecue device.

Example: "I love barbecue endive!"

(2) Barbecue Sauce. Around the world there are a variety of sauces and bastes used in preparing barbecue whose flavors people describe as barbecue flavor. In the US their main ingredients are most commonly ketchup or tomato paste, vinegar, mustard, and sweeteners such as molasses, sugar, or corn syrup. In other countries they may include soy based sauces.

Example: "My girlfriend makes great barbecue by putting ribs in my slow cooker and then she dumps in two bottles of KC Masterpiece Barbecue Sauce."

(3) Barbecue flavor. In South Texas, Barbecue Crab has long meant blue claw crabs, split and cleaned, heavily dosed with a spice mix similar to a barbecue spice rub, and then deep fried. In New Orleans, Barbecue Shrimp has long meant whole shrimp, heads and tails on, sautéed in butter laced with Worcestershire sauce.

(4) Barbecue Potato Chips, etc. Food scientists have created flavorings that simulate the flavors of barbecue foods and when they are applied to foods marketing people call it barbecue.

Example: "Mr. Lay! We've done it! Barbecue Banana Chips!"

(4) Barbecue Singsong. In England there is another interesting variation on the barbecue cookout, the "barbecue singsong", where food is cooked outdoors, a social event occurs, and singing breaks out. In a classic episode of the BBC sitcom "Keeping Up Appearances", Season 3 Episode 3, Hyacinth and Richard hold a barbecue singsong. Hyacinth claims that the concept is a party game invented by Henry VIII. She alone appears to be the inventor of the "outdoor indoor luxury barbecue with finger buffet."

Example. "Hello Elizabeth and Emmett! Welcome to our barbecue with the unique sing for your supper speciality!"

Barbecue (verb)

A method of cooking.

(1) Southern Barbecue or Low and Slow Smoke Roasting. A method of cooking involving roasting food, in a closed oven or in open air, indoors or out, in the presence of smoke, usually created by the combustion of hardwood, but other sources of smoke are occasionally used including tea and herbs. Most often applied to meat (including poultry or seafood), but occasionally applied to vegetables and other foods. Heat is transferred mostly by convection and temperatures of the oven are usually in the 200-300°F range.

Example: "Tonight I'm going to barbecue that damn dog iffen he don't shut up."

(a) Spit Barbecue or Spit Roasting or Rotisserie. Probably the oldest method of barbecue. Meat, originally whole animals, are impaled with a stick, sword, or spear and rotated above or near a heat source and smoke. Probably invented by cave dwellers, Middle Eastern and Asian kebab cooking is derived from this concept. Vertical rotisseries include Middle Eastern schwarma, Greek gyros, and Turkish doner kebabs. Eventually mechanical devices were invented to rotate the meat with a hand crank, then a weighted pulley system, and modern rotisseries use a motor.

Example: "For his wedding to Anne Boleyn, Henry VIII had many whole beeves spit roasted for hours."

(b) Caribbean Barbacoa. The AmerIndian method of cooking from which the word barbecue gets its name was done by suspending the food, usually fish, several feet above or around burning wood or coals on an open air rack so it cooks slowly and is exposed to smoke. Today, the term barbacoa is used almost exclusively in Mexico to describe a closed pit cooking technique, see Mexican Barbecue below.

Example: According to his diaries, on May 17, 1540, Spanish explorer shared a barbacoa near present day Salisbury, NC, with the natives. They had corn and small dogs. According to etymologist Michael Quinion, William Dampier, in his New Voyage Round the World of 1699, used the word in English for the first time to describe a raised wooden sleeping platform that protected Indians from snakes: "And lay there all night, upon our Borbecu’s, or frames of Sticks, raised about 3 foot from the Ground." This same design was used for smoke roasting meats and storing food.

(c) Open Pit Barbecue. A radiation method of smoke cooking derived from barbecoa probably by slaves in the Southern part of what is now the United States. They typically dug long pits in the dirt approximately 3' wide and 3' deep, burned hardwood down to coals in the bottom, put green saplings across the top, and laid meat on top of the crossmembers. The meat was basted with water, vinegar, and spices to keep it from burning. Eventually the saplings were replaced by metal gridirons, and the pits were built with stones or bricks above ground.

Example: "I don't care if your family has been cooking whole animals over a pit, Mr. Gianopolis, the health department won't let you cook like that for your restaurant."

(d) Closed Pit Barbecue. Roasting in an enclosed oven or a mostly enclosed oven which can take many forms around the world:

1) Modern Restaurant Barbecue is more often than not made in a huge box with a ferris wheel type arrangement erroneously called a rotisserie. Meat is placed on long wire shelves that orbit around a central pivot while fats and juices drip on the shelves below. Heat is usually gas burners in a chamber in the rear, and logs can be placed in the burn box to create smoke and heat. The whole affair is controlled by a thermostat and timer. Another variation burns wood pellets made from sawdust. The pellets provide both the heat and smoke flavor. These units produce very high quality food with set it and forget it ease, and they can run all night unattended.

Example: Honey! I just got a job as pitmaster at Famous Dave's! I start tomorrow with a 1 hour training session!

2) American Competition Barbecue in which the food is usually cooked by indirect heat from charcoal and smoke from hardwood in well insulated steel ovens with precise temperature and smoke control usually by constricting airflow.

Example: "Nowadays, if you want to win a competition dedicated to upholding the traditions of Southern American cooking you have to barbecue with a stainless steel thermostat controlled auger feed electronic ignition extruded pellet cooker."

3) Mexican Barbacoa. Today, in Spain and other Spanish speaking countries, the word barbacoa is used similarly to the word barbecue in the US, to describe outdoor cooking, especially spit roasting. But in Mexico and Texas, classic barbacoa is often the head of a steer wrapped in agave leaves, laid in a pit with hot coals, and covered with dirt. Nowadays it can also be goat, beef, pork, or lamb, wrapped in aluminum foil and buried or cooked in an oven. This is also an early method of cooking, but it bears little resemblance to what we call barbecue other than it is done outdoors.

Example: "Que pasa, baby. Do you remember where I buried the barbacoa?"

4) Indian Tandoori Cooking. Tandoors in India were originally clay ovens that were heated with coals, the meat inserted, and then sealed. Modern tandoors are similar to the Japanese Kamado and the American Big Green Egg.

Example: "Is that your best price for the barbecue?"

5) Greek Arni Kleftiko. Barbecue historian Dr. Howard Taylor tells the story: "According to legend, thieves living in the mountains would steal a sheep, burn wood in a small cave till the area was hot, butcher and dress the lamb, wrap it in leaves or cloth, put it in the cave, close it with a boulder, seal it with clay around the rock, and let the meat cook for four or more hours. The lamb was seasoned with lemon, garlic, salt, onion, oregano, olive oil, and other spices. Sometimes, vegetables were cooked with the lamb. Modern Greeks sometimes follow this procedure for a party."

Example:"After the wedding, we'll have an arni kleftko barbecue with lots of music by Abba."

6) Hawaiian Imu. An underground pit lined with hot rocks. Kalua pig, a whole hog, is cooked in an imu. It is wrapped in leaves and/or wet cloth, laid on the rocks, and buried by covering the pit with dirt or sand.

Example: "It must be a Hawaiian state law that all tourists go to a luau, eat kalua pig cooked in an imu, and dance the hula."

7) New Zealand Hangi. Ditto.

Example: "If you don't like lamb, skip the hangi."

8) New England Clam Bake. Clams, corn, and other foods are wrapped in wet seaweed and buried in a sand pit with hot coals or rocks.

Example: "Am I an old fart if my ringtone is 'This was a real nice clambake, And we all had a real good time,' from Carousel by Rogers & Hammerstein?"

9) Bean Hole Cooking. Developed by the Penobscot Indians of Maine, they dug a large hole, lined it with rocks, heated them with burning logs thrown in the hole, placed a clay pot with beans in it into the hole, and covered the hole with dirt.

Example: Nah, I'm not going there. Write your own example.

(2) Grilling or Char-Broiling. Cooking with direct heat radiation above or below a flame or heat source, usually at temperatures of 300°F or more. The act of cooking with a barbecue device. The food may be covered by a lid or not. This is the definition that most people use around the world. According to etymologist Michael Quinlon, the first example of the verb is in a work by Aphra Behn in 1690: "Let’s barbicu this fat rogue," showing that the word was known well enough by then to be used figuratively.

Example: "Tonight I'm going to barbecue that damn parakeet iffen he don't shut up."

(a) Asado. The traditional method of grilling in Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay, and other Latin American countries.

Example: "Man, now I need a new bolas. That idiot new gaucho from Buenos Aires forgot to take them off the ostrich before he put it on the asado."

(b) Churrasco. A method of rotisserie barbecueing over coals or embers popular in Brazil. It was originally done outdoors, but now many restaurants, called churrascaria, have sprung up in Brazil and even in the US, where many offer all you can eat for one price. The word comes from Portugese.

Example: "I'm not eating for a week so I can make room for our trip to the churrascaria Friday."

(c) Yakiniku. The traditional Japanese method of grilling small pieces of meat and vegetables on a gridiron.

Example: "At the last Hokkaido Nippon-Ham Fighters game I sat in the bleachers and bought squid cooked on a Yakiniku from the vendors. Great stuff and great game. They really clobbered the Hiroshima Toyo Carp."

(d) Satay. Satay is marinated grilled meat cooked on a barbecue in many Southeast Asian, especially Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, and the Philippines.

Example. "My favorite part of chicken Satay is the peanut sauce. Do they have jelly sauce too?"

Barbecue (noun)

A cooking device, food cooked with barbecue methods or equipment, a cookout, a restaurant, a beautiful woman (slang).

(1) A Cooking Device. A wide range of outdoor cooking devices made with a variety of materials from steel to brick whose heat sources can include wood, charcoal, gas, and electricity are commonly called barbecues. There are hundreds of such devices manufactured around the world. Also called a "barbie" in Australia.

Example: "Honey, our Smokey Joe barbecue finally fell apart. Why don't we spring for a real Weber kettle barbecue?Example: "Maybe Santa will bring me Or better still, how about a cast iron barbecue with Michelin tires?"

Example: "Yessir, Mr. restaurant owner, with our Plug-N-Play Electric Barbecue you don't even need a chef, and you can still hang a sign that says 'barbecue' in front of your restaurant."

(2) Food Cooked by Barbecue Methods or Equipment. In many places barbecue is something to eat.

Example: Presidential candidate Barack Obama gave a speech at a Sunday barbecue in Eau Claire, WI on 8/24/2008. He began his remarks by saying: "There was a debate about whether technically this could be called a barbecue. Because my theory is that if there's no barbecue, it's not a barbecue. It's a cookout." Perhaps realizing that he might have offended the organizers or taken on an issue too hot to handle, he ended his speech with a politically correct pivot: "Let's go get a bratwurst!"

(a) Chinese BBQ. Chinese BBQ is usually marinated pork loin, ribs, or duck roasted by hanging in an oven. Although it used to be smoked centuries ago, hardly anybody smokes it anymore. Some restaurants use charcoal, but most use gas nowadays. Fundamentalists are outraged at the idea that this could be called barbecue. Unfortunately for them, some historians argue convincingly that the Chinese invented barbecue. Also called char siu.

Example. "You no like eels, Mister Meathead. Have some barbecue ribs instead. Velly popular."

(b) Korean BBQ. Korean BBQ is usually thin cut marinated beef, and it is typically grilled by the diners on an as needed basis over a hibachi in the center of the table.

Example: "You put slaw on your barbecue, I put kimchi. Both cabbage. Same thing."

(c) Mongolian Barbecue is actually Taiwanese, not Mongolian. It is meats and vegetables stir fried on an iron griddle.

Example: "At our restaurant you can cook this barbecue beef yourself in two minutes and we can still charge you as much as if our chef had done the cooking."

(d) Carolina Barbecue. In much of the Carolinas barbecue is defined as chopped pork, usually from a whole hog or pork shoulder, often cooked with gas, usually served on a hamburger bun, often topped with coleslaw. And often the slaw is made with ketchup. In many places they insist that barbecue can be made only from whole hog, and if you use only the shoulder it is not barbecue. Whole hog is often served up at a "pig pickin" where you can slide up to the carcass and pick off what you want. Both sides usually agree that ribs are not barbecue. Chicken? Don't make them laugh.

Example: "Let's go git some barbecue at the pig pickin' at the church."

(e) Packaged Barbecue Meat. The US Federal government regulates labeling of food products for sale in interstate commerce, including pre-cooked meats sold in grocery stores. According to the Code of Federal Regulations, Title 9, Chapter III, Part 319, Subpart C, Section 319.80, revised 1/1/1985 issued by the US Department of Agriculture's Food Safety and Inspection Service "Barbecued meats, such as product labeled 'Beef Barbecue' or 'Barbecued Pork' shall be cooked by the direct action of dry heat resulting from the burning of hard wood or the hot coals therefrom for a sufficient period to assume the usual characteristics of a barbecued article, which include the formation of a brown crust on the surface and the rendering of surface fat. The product may be basted with a sauce during the cooking process. The weight of barbecued meat shall not exceed 70 percent of the weight of the fresh uncooked meat."

Example: "Would you like to sample our new barbecue in a tub, sir?"

(3) A Cookout. A social event centered around an outdoor meal or picnic at which food that was cooked outdoors is served. It doesn't even have to include meat. That's the broadest, and by far the most common definition, and it has been used in this context since the 1600s. In 1769 George Washington wrote in his diary that he "went up to Alexandria to a barbicue". Colonials cooked everything from squirrels to venison at their barbicue parties. In 1860 newly elected Texas Governor Sam Houston was the featured speaker at the "Great American Barbecue" in Austin thrown by the American Party, to which all Texas citizens were invited for free. Thousands showed up. At these events meat was usually cooked directly over coals in dirt pits dug in the ground, not a steel tube with a digital thermostat. Today, a barbecue can include any food cooked over an open flame or coals, such as chicken, fish, or even vegetables. Sometimes the food is even wrapped in foil and never touches the flame.

Example: "At the Fourth of July barbecue we'll be cooking ribs, steaks, hamburgers, hot dogs, and marshmallows. Anything we can fit on the grill."

(a) Santa Maria Barbecue. Named after Santa Maria, California, this is an event at which food is cooked over an open uncovered charcoal or hardwood flame. The food is suspended on a grate than can be raised or lowered with a pulley and crank to control the cooking temperature. The substrate is usually tri-tip (beef sirloin), but can also include everything from clams to artichokes. Beef is always served rare at a Santa Maria Barbecue.

Example. "Like, let's go to the barbecue, man, and afterwards, let's see if the chicks want to go surfing."

(b) Kentucky Barbecue. An event in Kentucky at which burgoo is served. Burgoo is a complex savory stew that is cooked in a large cast iron cauldron over an open flame.

Example: "Double, double toil and trouble; Fire burn, and barbecue bubble." Paraphrased from Macbeth, Act 4, Scene 1, by William Shakespeare.

(c) Sheboygan Fry Outs. In the days before smoke detectors, the German settlers in Wisconsin liked to cook bratwurst sausages on the indoor stovetop in a frypan. So when they cooked in the backyard, it became a "fry out" or an "outdoor fry". The term has extended to refer to all sorts of outdoor cooking.

Example: "Sure is hot today, honey. Get the brats and a pan and I'll set up a fry out."

(d) Braai. A cookout in South Africa is called a braai in the Afrikaans language, and it is as big a part of their culture as it is to ours. There is even an official holiday devoted to barbecue, National Braai Day, on September 24. The "Bring and Braai" is a popular sort of potluck at which the host provides the grill and the fuel and the guests bring the food, often boerewors (a coarsely ground sausage), sosaties (marinated mutton skewers), steaks, and lobster. Braavleis is barbecued meat. A typical side dish is pap, made from cornmeal, a bit like grits.

Example: In 2007 Nobel Peace Prize laureate Archbishop Desmond Tutu became the patron of National Braai Day. "This is something that can unite us. It is so proudly South African, so uniquely South African," he said. "There are so many things that are pulling us apart, this has a wonderful potential to bring us all together. We've shown the world a few things. Let's show them that ordinary activities like eating can unite people of different races, religions, sexes." And then he added short people, tall people, fat people, lean people."

(4) Barbecue. A restaurant that specializes in serving barbecued products.

Example: Let's go on down to Big Bill's Barbecue and watch the barbecue chef barbecue up some ribs and get a big juicy barbecue sandwich swimming in barbecue sauce.

(a) Lolo. A makeshift barbecue stand on St. Maarten island in the Caribbean. Often nothing more than a few tables around a 55 gallon drum sawn in half along the side of roads, on the beach, or in somebody's front yard. Their inexpensive shrimp and lobster dishes are usually highly regarded by foodies.

Example. "Meet me at Johnny B Under the Tree in Cole Bay for dinner. Wear your bikini."

(5) Barbecue (slang). Jazz slang for a beautiful woman. "Struttin' with Some Barbecue", the classic instrumental jazz tune by Lil Hardin Armstrong and her husband Louis Armstrong, does not refer to a promenade with a pulled pork sandwich. Click here for more information.

Example: "Mighty tasty barbecue you had at the Cotton Club last night, my brother."

Barbecue (adjective)

The flavor associated with food cooked with barbecue methods or equipment.

(1) Barbecue. A modifier used to describe any food cooked on a barbecue device.

Example: "I love barbecue endive!"

(2) Barbecue Sauce. Around the world there are a variety of sauces and bastes used in preparing barbecue whose flavors people describe as barbecue flavor. In the US their main ingredients are most commonly ketchup or tomato paste, vinegar, mustard, and sweeteners such as molasses, sugar, or corn syrup. In other countries they may include soy based sauces.

Example: "My girlfriend makes great barbecue by putting ribs in my slow cooker and then she dumps in two bottles of KC Masterpiece Barbecue Sauce."

(3) Barbecue flavor. In South Texas, Barbecue Crab has long meant blue claw crabs, split and cleaned, heavily dosed with a spice mix similar to a barbecue spice rub, and then deep fried. In New Orleans, Barbecue Shrimp has long meant whole shrimp, heads and tails on, sautéed in butter laced with Worcestershire sauce.

(4) Barbecue Potato Chips, etc. Food scientists have created flavorings that simulate the flavors of barbecue foods and when they are applied to foods marketing people call it barbecue.

Example: "Mr. Lay! We've done it! Barbecue Banana Chips!"

(4) Barbecue Singsong. In England there is another interesting variation on the barbecue cookout, the "barbecue singsong", where food is cooked outdoors, a social event occurs, and singing breaks out. In a classic episode of the BBC sitcom "Keeping Up Appearances", Season 3 Episode 3, Hyacinth and Richard hold a barbecue singsong. Hyacinth claims that the concept is a party game invented by Henry VIII. She alone appears to be the inventor of the "outdoor indoor luxury barbecue with finger buffet."

Example. "Hello Elizabeth and Emmett! Welcome to our barbecue with the unique sing for your supper speciality!"

He was talking about BBQ though! Also Chinese and Korean BBQ don't count since they don't let me cook shirtless.


West End is pretty cool these days. City is a bit shit. Valley is still OK I guess. If you're keen on clubs.

West End has been pretty cool since I started working there, yeah.

Okay thanks. The city did seem eerily quiet, and I'm from Hobart!

So what's this I'm hearing about Channel 9 going bankrupt? I thought I'd live to see Sony carved up before Channel 9 was.

what would this mean for cricket?


I am a complete zombie, today completely sapped me. Almost to the airport, hopefully the flight home is nice and smooth. Then I will collapse in to bed.

"Obtaining" a game like Halo 4 well before release and admitting to playing it is a tad different to buying a game on Steam :p



Bought pre-owned NSMB2 and Resident Evil Revelations because these damn 3DS games never seem to drop in price. Club Nintendo codes still working lol.


I don't mean to get all giddy like a school girl, but Gavin Wanganeen is on the flight back to Adelaide!

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