Not available yet. I need to figure out what it really updates, Since I would still like to have a legit key and ISO that I can use when I feel the need to format.
Hopefully it gets released soonish.
It will be a 30 minute talk on how STALKER is the best game ever made and whoever disagrees is escorted out of the room and strangled to death.
The offending passages that were removed (2 journalists that tweeted and threatened Eurogamer)
To say that you cannot quote from a public tweet makes you look guilty as all fuck.
She can seriously get fucked. Another person dragging gaming journalism deeper into the festering shithole.
Bravo. Just outstanding.
Why should a journalist in gaming even give a fuck at this point? They aren't rewarded for doing the right thing, better off taking the bribes, taking the junkets, taking the pre-written previews and just accepting that bank deposit whenever it arrives. Like a fucking addict, desperate for another 300 published and paid words.
Hehe, I'm not upgrading but I guess many over here were interested in Win8.
Also, Engadget surface review.
That par about tomb raider is a bit dodge I guess. It's pretty much insulting her integrity by reading a lot into a tweet.
He pointed out that when someone vociferously defends a journalists right to advertise a game for personal gain, and also has her Twitter homepage emblazoned in images from the forthcoming Tomb Raider game, it could make others ask questions. Never mind that its obviously massively stupid and inappropriate for a games journalist to smother an unreleased game all over their personal page he simply pointed out that in doing so while so enthusiastically arguing that other forms of advertising are fine, people could conflate the two. That would be an entirely reasonable point.
Youd think.
Let me categorically state that Lauren Wainwright certainly doesnt have her Twitter page emblazoned in images from the forthcoming Tomb Raider game for any reason that could be understood to be corrupt. Yes, she vociferously defended a journalists right to promote a game for personal gain in supporting the PS3 competition on that Twitter page, and yes, if you were the sort of person who wanted to get threatened, you might mistakenly conflate the two. However, Wainwright states that she is simply a massive fan of this unreleased game, and with what I believe to be naive enthusiasm, hasnt thought through the negative implications of making her Twitter page look like its sponsored. It isnt. Even though Wainwright publicly lists Square Enix, publishers of Tomb Raider (screencap for when that inevitably gets edited out), as one of her current employers. However, dont point out that possible confusion.
John Walker says it best, as always
LONDON, ENGLAND - Following an adult, rational discussion regarding the influence of advertising and public relations on the entertainment journalism industry, the dark spectre of libel lawsuits has destroyed gaming metajournalism forever as multiple outlets refuse to directly quote, mention or indeed talk about other journalists for fear of legal action.
"[REDACTED]" says gaming journalist [REDACTED], the man unwittingly at the centre of the entire debacle. "[REDACTED] [REDACTED] [REDACTED] [REDACTED]".
A picture in the original article showed Mr. [REDACTED] staring forlornly at the camera, sitting by a pile of Doritos and Mountain Dew, while the article attempted to enter into an interesting ethical argument regarding the appearance of commercially-tainted bias on the parts of gaming journalists, whether or not that bias actually existed. However, an un-namable individual missed the point entirely and allegedly initiated threats of legal action against the un-namable publisher that released the original article.
How far do I need to take this to become satire?
I was thinking something like, and I just woke up so this is still fuzzy, so...
This needs more amp, any suggestions?
Yeah, maybe write it as a press release from a PR company as a victory of common sense prevailing and that journalist are now free to support whatever companies they choose without fear of persecution.Sadly it reads less like satire and more like a sensible review of what's happened.
Maybe write it angrily from a PR company's perspective?
I think the PR topic isn't really the main thing I want to satirise anymore, it's more the unwarranted deployment of lawyers and Wainswright's increasingly stupid actions. Mainly though i want to be funny, and at the moment it's just depressing.
LONDON, ENGLAND - The newly-discovered complete inability of the gaming community to discuss questions of journalistic ethics is "an unmitigated victory for freedom of expression", says [REDACTED], following publishing outlet [REDACTED]'s editing of a story critical of the appearance of bias in journalists.
An attempt to have an adult, rational discussion about the noxious influence of public relations and advertising on hard-hitting, informed gaming journalism was defeated within 24 hours by threats of libel action by a journalist quoted directly in the article.
"We are glad that complex, non-understandable legal threats by hex-casting voodoo lawyers has successfully prevented this attempted censorship of a journalist's opinions," said a spokesperson from [REDACTED]. "Even if it was unlikely that there were actual legal grounds for a real case in libel, the power of expensive, drawn-out litigation to achieve end-results without actually having to lift a finger is the very bedrock of a free and fair press."
"We in particular welcome the fact that journalists will continue to have the opportunity to express their love of the excellent Tomb Raider™ franchise, available for sale on the 5th of March, 2013 for a very reasonable price-point, without fear of unwarranted persecution."
What d'ya think
There isn't a dedicated "Onion" of gaming, is there? I was thinking of making one. Day Zero Patch or something equally annoying.
I don't know how to get more ridiculous right now![]()
There isn't a dedicated "Onion" of gaming, is there? I was thinking of making one. Day Zero Patch or something equally annoying.
I don't know how to get more ridiculous right now![]()
SOUTH London liquor stores have reported a critical shortage of champagne after a mass buy up by video game PR firms.
The companies have been celebrating after a heinous attempt to severe the close ties between PR companies and journalists was halted by swift threats of legal action.
"Serves the pricks right," one company employee said.
"We pay their salaries, we should decide what they write too."
Hey, video game talk.
Anyone played XCOM MP, what is it exactly?
SOUTH London liquor stores have reported a critical shortage of champagne after a mass buy up by video game PR firms.
The companies have been celebrating after a heinous attempt to sever the close ties between PR companies and journalists was halted by swift threats of legal action.
"Serves the pricks right," one company employee said.
"It's hardly fair for someone to be directly quoted on something they've publicly said. It's just shoddy journalism."
The win for censorship has also been hailed by other video game journalists.
"Objectivity is for pussies," one prominent UK journalist said.
"If I want a free fucking PS3 and talk about how much I love the games of a company I used to work for, I should be able to. Christ, it's not like my job description says I can't be in someone's pocket."
I like this one more. Putting my editor cap on, shouldn't it be "sever the tie" instead of "severe the tie"?Attempt 2
Is there anywhere where this article is still posted in it's entirety? I bookmarked it to read it but now that it's blown up, I want to read it with the edits in line with the rest of the article.So this blew up a bit. The writer has 'stood down' from writing for Eurogamer after they received threats of law suits because of content in the article and Eurogamer edited out that content.
Robert Florence is standing by his original article, clearly.
Fucking ridiculous situation.
Needs something about how gaming journalists shouldn't be held to the same standards as other journalists because they aren't paid well.Attempt 2
Is there anywhere where this article is still posted in it's entirety? I bookmarked it to read it but now that it's blown up, I want to read it with the edits in line with the rest of the article.
Needs something about how gaming journalists shouldn't be held to the same standards as other journalists because they aren't paid well.[/QUOTE]
Good call. But journalists everywhere aren't paid well.
Oh, there's a GAF thread? (duh)
Oh shit, I have a suggestion for a game for you to do that I was reminded of from your latest comic: Life & Death by Software Toolworks. It's just obscure enough that it might just work!So I make Blow The Cartridge. You tell me an old game, I make a comic about it. The first print collection of these went on sale earlier this year, and now the second issue will be here for Supanova! It contains over 30 pages of full colour retro gaming goodness. People seem to like it, I guess?
Good call. But journalists everywhere aren't paid well.
Jesus, that thread is hard to read. 90% of the posts are still on an insane witch hunt.
Bought a GTX670!
...thought I had a 600w PSU, it's a 420.
I'm probably going to end upgrading this whole PC this weekend because nothing will be compatible with anything else.
I feel the same way about "pieces" as JASE does about BBQ.called out on their pieces!
No different to every other game ever DeathJnr. Halo 4 has been out for more than a week now!
Why doesn't it surprise me that Jase doesn't like BBQ? Everyone likes BBQ!I feel the same way about "pieces" as JASE does about BBQ.
Yeah? Awesome. Mega keen. I loves me some Halo. Where's my boy Serrells? We can have Halo chats while everyone shits on it.I know, a friend finished it last week and said it was the best Halo yet. Too bad I don't really give a crap about Halo.
Why doesn't it surprise me that Jase doesn't like BBQ? Everyone likes BBQ!
On the topic of damning, somewhat controversial journalism, read this speech by Tracey Spicer on the misogynism (is that even a word?) that she encountered in her workplace. Pretty gutsy stuff.
I feel the same way about "pieces" as JASE does about BBQ.
Livestream made me want to pick it up Day One. Still holding back the urges.I know, a friend finished it last week and said it was the best Halo yet. Too bad I don't really give a crap about Halo.
Did you originally link to her piece on another website? Or maybe that was Jintor. Great read.That was awesome hey? Absolutely blasted the bastards.
Articles? Pieces is correct too, I just have an irrational dislike for it.I was stuttering for the correct word
Did you originally link to her piece on another website? Or maybe that was Jintor. Great read.