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AusGAF 7 - We hang out IRL now and be social and shit. (Also, Adrian's Revenge)

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For those that missed it, a repeat of the SydGAF November meetup times:

  • Dinner/Drinks with jambo: Sunday, 11th of November 6:30PM (venue TBD)
  • Board Gaming with Holycheck: Sunday, 18th of November 10AM (Clipper's place)
  • Dinner/Drinks with shanshan: Friday, 23rd of November 6:30PM (venue TBD)

We'll determine venues over the next week, I guess. Most likely in the Rocks or somewhere else nearby Circular Quay.

If you are interested in any of the events and didn't put your name on the survey for dates, please go ahead and do so. That way we'll know the final numbers and the form allows you to suggest a venue too if you have something in mind.


Clipper, not that I'm in Sydney or anything, but I just want to give you credit for all the work you do organising AusGAF meetups. Very cool stuff. Keep it up.

Good luck organising the AusGAF AusPAX meet :p

BrisGAF is BestGAF
No expandable memory or LTE isn't an issue since the phone is going to my wife. 8GB will be plenty of space for her music and a few games that I buy for her, plus all the photos/videos of the little tike. It will mostly run off Wifi at home, 3G is quick enough for her Mamamia browsing and random Googling for the most part (at least that is my experience on Optus here).

I'll see what Telstra offer her, since she still has 3 months on her cap contract, but I expect to pick this up outright at $350 and just stick her on a cheap cap since she never goes over her $50 a month Telstra one (which is like, $29 cap on Optus).


Woot just got job offer 2 months after my interview when I thought they were never going to get back to me.

Now to check in about another position I had an interview for last week to see where they are at so I can decide between the two if I am that lucky.

The offer I have is a government position and the other possible job is in an accounting firm, so much to consider, CPA (gov) vs CA (priv).

Is the battery on the Nexus 4 not removable? I thought having fixed storage would be a problem when I went to the Galaxy Nexus, but I haven't really found it bothering me. The reason for it is so it can make the storage available to the device at the same time you are accessing it via the PC. Rather than devices with SD Cards which have to be mounted and thus are unavailable to the OS during that time.

Edit: A couple of sites suggest the battery may not be removable in the Nexus 4. It's a decent size but that would probably annoy me.

Battery is not removable. No micro-sd slot. But it has usb host mode.

My gnex is 16gb and I've barely filled up half that space all year I have had it.


I use my phone to listen to music, so I'm constantly filling it up. Currently on a 16GB iPhone 4 so I was looking to get a 32GB phone or one with a microSD card slot.

Looks like the S3 is the one for me.
internal only storage is a pain when your phone dies, like my nexus S has just done.

I think I'm over these new phones. I want a rubberized waterproof nokia brick again.
If you're technically inclined (and I'll assume you are since you bought a Nexus S), you may want to look into doing the occasional 'adb pull /sdcard/ C:\phonebackup' which will backup everything on the phone's internal memory. Easy to restore with an 'adb push C:\phonebackup /sdcard/' if you need to. You will need the Android SDK installed to achieve this.


Wait, you didn't get credits your first time? If so, then you perhaps got the nearly good ending on your first run.

Does your main menu have an option for "Preview"?
Yeah, no credits first time. Judging by the question mark box thing the game has, I assume I got the 2nd worst and worst endings.

Don't think I got a preview option, but I've done a lot more puzzles now according to the memories thing. I still have doors I haven't been through yet, so I guess I'll try to get to them on the next play through and see where it takes me.

Woot just got job offer 2 months after my interview when I thought they were never going to get back to me.

Now to check in about another position I had an interview for last week to see where they are at so I can decide between the two if I am that lucky.

The offer I have is a government position and the other possible job is in an accounting firm, so much to consider, CPA (gov) vs CA (priv).

Private all the way! Unless you really want that 9-5 gov job lifestyle.


Well, I've decided what I'll probably do. Buy a cheap 16gb iPad 2 for the shit I have on my 4S, then I'm free to buy whatever phone I want (Nexus 4 looking good... and cheap compared to the Lumia 920). Everybody wins!


Radiohead in less then two weeks!

So fucking excited. We have our flights booked and a place to stay. Can't wait for the 12th!!!

EDIT: A new guy, welcome!!!

Steam ID?
360 Gamertag?
PS3 thingy?
How many of your children has the Carbon Tax suffocated so far?
Sexiest Bond: Pierce Brosnan or Sir Sean "The Rock" Connery?
Would you buy a Crackdown 3?
Thoughts on Viva Pinata Party Pinatas?
iOS gamer or Android user?
How do you feel about DRM and always on DRM?
Is Women teh weakest sex in gaeming?
Do you Kooka with Country Cookies?
UGG boots. Do you speak it?
Red Rock Deli chips are the best chips.
Picking up a Vita or have a 3DS? OR SNK THINGY?
D&D or Board Games or IRL Role Playing or Furry or Capcom fan?
Sexy: Karen Gillan? Ricki Lee? Missy Higgins? Insert guy/girl of interest (Lily Cerna, Ella Morton, Mel McLaughlin, kPOP) here.
Tony Abbott: Best budgie smuggler or just saggy smarmy arsehole cunt?
Jalapeño man?
Interest in alcohol? Scotch and Cider?
Vegemite... Mana from heaven or foul toxic sludge?
Do you plays the Halos or Duties or FieldsOfBattlez?
Any glass eyeballs?
Are you the one delaying all the fucking videogames into 2013?
Are you Mayan or can use Maya?
Curse of Monkey Island is the greatest game of all time


So if I hypothetically want to create some kind of Onion-esque content management system would standard wordpress software be fine

I think

it probably would.


EDIT: A new guy, welcome!!!

Steam ID?
360 Gamertag?
PS3 thingy?
How many of your children has the Carbon Tax suffocated so far?
Sexiest Bond: Pierce Brosnan or Sir Sean "The Rock" Connery?
Would you buy a Crackdown 3?
Thoughts on Viva Pinata Party Pinatas?
iOS gamer or Android user?
How do you feel about DRM and always on DRM?
Is Women teh weakest sex in gaeming?
Do you Kooka with Country Cookies?
UGG boots. Do you speak it?
Red Rock Deli chips are the best chips.
Picking up a Vita or have a 3DS? OR SNK THINGY?
D&D or Board Games or IRL Role Playing or Furry or Capcom fan?
Sexy: Karen Gillan? Ricki Lee? Missy Higgins? Insert guy/girl of interest (Lily Cerna, Ella Morton, Mel McLaughlin, kPOP) here.
Tony Abbott: Best budgie smuggler or just saggy smarmy arsehole cunt?
Jalapeño man?
Interest in alcohol? Scotch and Cider?
Vegemite... Mana from heaven or foul toxic sludge?
Do you plays the Halos or Duties or FieldsOfBattlez?
Any glass eyeballs?
Are you the one delaying all the fucking videogames into 2013?
Are you Mayan or can use Maya?
Curse of Monkey Island is the greatest game of all time

Alright, I'm on this.

Steam ID? N0VAM0D
360 Gamertag? N/A
PS3 thingy? N0VAM0D
Twitterer? N0VAM0D
How many of your children has the Carbon Tax suffocated so far? zero
Sexiest Bond: Pierce Brosnan or Sir Sean "The Rock" Connery? Connery, of course.
Would you buy a Crackdown 3? no
Thoughts on Viva Pinata Party Pinatas? YES
iOS gamer or Android user? Little bit of both!
How do you feel about DRM and always on DRM? It's a really controversial issue, and I haven't really looked into it enough to have an opinion of merit.
Is Women teh weakest sex in gaeming? Nah, my species is equally competent, fo' sho.
Do you Kooka with Country Cookies? Hahah! I've actually never had them. Am I missing out?
UGG boots. Do you speak it? ew
my panda slippers are far superior
Red Rock Deli chips are the best chips. This is a statement for a reason. (Lime and Pepper/Dijon Mustard and Honey, oh yes).
Picking up a Vita or have a 3DS? OR SNK THINGY? I've been looking into a Vita just for Liberation, honestly! Never bought a 3DS, but I have an original DS, heh.
D&D or Board Games or IRL Role Playing or Furry or Capcom fan? I've dappled in D&D, and I enjoy board games a whole lot. It's a shame I don't play them often!
Sexy: Karen Gillan? Ricki Lee? Missy Higgins? Insert guy/girl of interest (Lily Cerna, Ella Morton, Mel McLaughlin, kPOP) here. There are simply too many babes out there. Jonny Greenwood, Robert Downey Jr., and Ezra Miller are my main attractive humans of interest right now, though.
Tony Abbott: Best budgie smuggler or just saggy smarmy arsehole cunt? cunt
Jalapeño man?
PORQUE NO LAS DOS dun dun dundun dundun
Interest in alcohol? Scotch and Cider? I'm actually not legally allowed to drink yet, though, I will admit I have. I'm open to try whatever, though!
Vegemite... Mana from heaven or foul toxic sludge? When used correctly on toast, Vegemite is delicious.
Do you plays the Halos or Duties or FieldsOfBattlez? I have played BF:BC2 before, but never picked it up again. I just couldn't get into it!
Any glass eyeballs? not yet
Are you the one delaying all the fucking videogames into 2013? No, I swear!
Are you Mayan or can use Maya? no
Curse of Monkey Island is the greatest game of all time perhaps
Oh lovely, my copy of Virtue's Last Reward just came in. Now to actually pick it up and not play it thanks to the bloody deluge of games coming out this week....

..That, and sit through the last hour of 999.
I have a parcel card! I bet it is just the slowpoke Harvey Norman order of Disneyland Adventures, not my Idle Thumbs stuff :(

Red Rock Deli chips are the best chips. This is a statement for a reason. (Lime and Pepper/Dijon Mustard and Honey, oh yes).
Curse of Monkey Island is the greatest game of all time perhaps

Okay, you can stay!


I have a parcel card! I bet it is just the slowpoke Harvey Norman order of Disneyland Adventures, not my Idle Thumbs stuff :(

Okay, you can stay!
Dude, you saw what he wrote about Crackdown 3.

What say you, AusGAF? White iPad 3 refurb 16gb wifi-only for $419. Frees me up to buy pretty much any fucking phone I want without worrying about not being able to use my apps. I assume that everything that runs on iPhone runs on iPad, at least in shitty 2x screen mode or whatever, even if it's not universal?



"But you let Shan in!"

"We're allowed one"


That he is a she!

Also, apologies, I don't know much about it. Is this bad?
My apologies. Apologies even further if your avatar is strongly indicative that you're female... I have avatars turned off at work!

You should play Crackdown. But, as you don't have a 360... your best bet is to play, um, I'm not sure. But given you have a PS3, you should 100% buy Tokyo Jungle. In some ways, it's BETTER than Crackdown.



My apologies. Apologies even further if your avatar is strongly indicative that you're female... I have avatars turned off at work!

You should play Crackdown. But, as you don't have a 360... your best bet is to play, um, I'm not sure. But given you have a PS3, you should 100% buy Tokyo Jungle. In some ways, it's BETTER than Crackdown.


Hahah, it's okay! It's got nothing to do with me being a female, however, it is indicative of a Radiohead fan.

Ah, that's a shame. Otherwise I would've given it a go! I really need some new games to play after this damn HSC finishes. I can't wait to play Tokyo Jungle! Definitely buying it once I have some spare cash.


lol, HSC

How much you got left?

Legal Studies, Japanese Continuers, and Society and Culture. Not looking forward to any of it, because essays. I'm not hoping for a decent ATAR anyway, I'm much more interested in what I'm going to do during my gap year!
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