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AusGAF 7 - We hang out IRL now and be social and shit. (Also, Adrian's Revenge)

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Man Halo is getting crazy good reviews. Even the low (read 8 so not actually low at all) are pretty glowing.
Isn't every copy of Halo "Man Halo"? Because everyone knows that neither girls nor women play video games.

Rep: Do you know if that DLC interferes with the main game at all? I don't want to be playing normal story mode SD when vampires come along or something.


Well that's 3 hrs of my life I am never getting back.

Stupid bloody investor presentation.

Chairman: We've re-branded, see the tree......the Giraffe?

Really great insight guys. Got boned on the parking too $16 2 hrs
Bacon? Yes
Beer? Sometimes... Asahi is OK, but I prefer cider
Yoghurt? Yes
Pickle? Sure, but not by itself
Avocado? Yes
Banana? Yes
Tofu? Fried yes, otherwise, not really a fan
Parmesan cheese? YES
Spam? No


It is separate, like in Red Dead Redemption or the GTA expansions. You select it at the main menu.

Also, somehow (I seriously have no fucking idea) when I went to GMG it was logged into an account I'd setup that'd previously had issues in the past (and as it turns out, still does) with purchasing stuff... not the one I normally use. But I ever so pleasantly found in there a key I think I paid a buck for, for Medieval Total War, Gold Edition. A year and a half ago. That still redeemed on Steam! Weird.


If you haven't been reading the gaming journalism thread, you would've missed this:

No apologies if it's been choc'd, it's worth it.
Have a couple of bottles of my first two brews left (an ESB and Robust Porter, which was fermenting when we caught up, and turned out pretty well; ESB just OK), half a dozen Belgian dubbels which was turned OK but not what I was after, and about 10 weissbiers and they turned out really good. Still a bit of room for improvement but given it's a new hobby I'm pretty happy with my results so far!

Looking at doing another brew in the next few weeks to get back into the swing of things and have something new for summer.

Despite the results being good (some on par with low end commercial efforts, but I'm biased so probably not) I'm constantly amazed whenever I pour a glass that what was just a bunch of grains somehow turned into beer.
Hey, you guys should watch Ikiru. Its a really good film, I cried a lot. Akira Kurasawa directed it.

If you haven't been reading the gaming journalism thread, you would've missed this:

No apologies if it's been choc'd, it's worth it.

There was another great shop in the "power-bombed my girlfriend" thread :p
The Walking Dead: Episode 1: All That Telltaled Before Was Shit

First off this is not a bombastic bloodbath of chaos and decay, this is a sombre, draining dredge through the primal human urge to survive against overwhelming despair and logic. This is not something to 'game'. This little write up is also about 5 months behind the times.


Initially the basic trimmings provided by Telltale set you up to worry about the quality of the content, menus are messy and the controls feel cobbled together. Flashbacks to the fish-out-of-water movement scheme of the Monkey Island series where the backgrounds and level design were ripped out of classic Lucasarts adventures only to be traversed like a third person adventure which lead to more fights with Guybrush than with any actual fucking pirates. Thankfully competent designers are on deck here. Rather than Lee acting as your puppet the experience is more of a direct visual novel, with practical physical puzzles that actually make sense despite their minimal nature.

The two obvious things radiating out of the game: the look and the sound. Here we see an art style somewhere between Borderlands and The Darkness 2, consistent and complementary to the basic system afforded to them. The limitations of the studio's budget results in an art style and animation that greatly enhances the emotional reaction of the player, expressions and focus points allowed to take front and centre rather than being blended into reality like a run-of-the-mill adaption probably would have offered up if a major publisher took on the licence. Once you notice your ears pricking up from the deeply dynamic score it becomes evident how important the ambient wash is in drawing the player into the world of the Walking Dead, minor ambient noises such as the distant moaning and groaning of the undead outside your current location, always reminding you that death is only a moment away at any time.


There are issues, some of the puzzles are fucking stupid and have fucking stupid results but that is the nature of an Adventure game though. Hard to remain completely logical when you are dealing with the end of times or whatever. It doesn't mistep continually enough to take you out of the experience for more than a few seconds. Most of the dialogue and script is believable and, most importantly, delivered perfectly to make each character feel as real as possible. You actually give a fuck about these people, even the ones who are unlikable cunts. Despite their behaviour they aren't currently moaning "BRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAINS" and trying to fondle your brain steaks so even the most dispicable human being is possibly a live saver to you at some point.


Plenty of people don't like the FPS action of Halo, or the Hollywood bombast of COD. But everyone can appreciate a moving story when delivered in such a way that transports you into the minds of those involved. You feel what they feel, and more importantly, it feels real. Not like a game. You won't replay an episode, the decisions so far seem less like win scenarios and more like potholes between the present and survival. The value is in the moments after closing the window, moving away from the monitor. The incredibly believable reaction for this bunch of normal people in a unbelievable situation inevitably lead you to think about what if it actually did happen. Could you make the same decision in the real world that you made in the game? Would you even know for sure until the moment it is happening in front of you? The desire is to continue on, into more episodes, into more survival, to see how long it is possible to hold out and hold together in the face of an unknown future. In this reality, what is most important is retaining that humanity that has fallen around Lee, embracing relationships that can only exist between those pre-death in order to avoid becoming part of the shambling, decomposing mass left to rot into eternity.


Was a gift form Omi, RRP is $25. $5 per episode for 2-3 hours, final episode releasing this month. Amazon and a few places have had it for $15. Fully Steamworks so a key from anywhere will redeem on Steam.


Hey, you guys should watch Ikiru. Its a really good film, I cried a lot. Akira Kurasawa directed it.
Will check out! Ya know I really wish sbs would show some better j-movies. Like, apart from that one recent time when they had Okuribito, it's always crappy crap or horror:/
Don't you owe Choc some sort of 3DS review?

I did a quick impression from first use but by the time the little guy is asleep I am too buggered to hold it up to play with lol

On that note I think it is a bit weighty, more than the DSPhat?

Ghost Recon is next on the list though!
Feel free to add (quote) on both 360/Steam. Intend on getting Horizon but not until it's cheap.


I'm Spartacus!

Man, I wish I got that XBL tag. That would be hilarious for AGES
five minutes

I'm actually just Shaneus on XBL, bodyboarder. I changed it (had to pay, lolz) a while back, obviously haven't fixed my GAF thingy yet.

Ah fair enough. Tried to add you, seems you are too popular.


Mannnn Okami HD is like 30 bucks on psn...I think I'll just pay a little more and get a physical jp copy. Or go crazy and splurge on the super ultra edition that comes with a snow globe!
I did a quick impression from first use but by the time the little guy is asleep I am too buggered to hold it up to play with lol
The Walking Dead impressions more than make up for it. Now where are my Doritos?

Anyone want a metallic blue DS phat for the cost of postage? I've asked before but I found it again tonight.

Don't feel much compulsion to finish Alan Wake. Up to chapter 4 I think.
Fuck, list is full?

I'll let you know when I get around to pruning the fucker, then we can be joined in online gaming matrimony.


Till death do us part. Unless your significantly better then me at forza, then much sooner.

Mannnn Okami HD is like 30 bucks on psn...I think I'll just pay a little more and get a physical jp copy. Or go crazy and splurge on the super ultra edition that comes with a snow globe!

Snow globe!!!!


One more thing before I hit the sack: In case you haven't read the journalism thread (or even if you have), you would have missed this awesome article on Polygon (sorry) that interviews Daniel Pesina, aka Johnny Cage from the Mortal Kombat series. It's really, really fucking good.



There's not the slightest chance of any game taking the throne from Journey for GOTY. Not even Walking Dead has a shot for number 1 at this stage, considering some of its flaws have become a little more tangible. And you know what? Hotline Miami is damn fucking close to being in my top 5. I think it suffered from too many pacing issues, unfortunately, but it's still one hell of an experience.


Did DOTA 2 get released and I didn't realise? I apparently own it, except I never bought the early access and don't remember getting a key.
Housemate ended up at Watergardens train yard, where the night guard found him passed out next to a pile of his own vomit. He claimed he had nothing to drink and was in fact drugged by someone. Luckily the guard made him call me and didn't call the cops.

Just picked him up and got him home. He was stinking of vomit and beer. Why would anyone intentionally drug him and not steal his wallet and phone?
Don't feel much compulsion to finish Alan Wake. Up to chapter 4 I think.
Is that Chapter 4 of Episode 1? The whole first Episode is pretty meh, starts to get good with Episode 3. You really need to play on Easy too since the combat/enemies is garbage in context of the great story and level design.

Also my Dorito packet arrived empty from Omi :(

Housemate ended up at Watergardens train yard, where the night guard found him passed out next to a pile of his own vomit. He claimed he had nothing to drink and was in fact drugged by someone. Luckily the guard made him call me and didn't call the cops.

Just picked him up and got him home. He was stinking of vomit and beer. Why would anyone intentionally drug him and not steal his wallet and phone?

He got drunk.


Did DOTA 2 get released and I didn't realise? I apparently own it, except I never bought the early access and don't remember getting a key.
It's probably just the spectator client, so you'll be able to watch games but not play.
There's not the slightest chance of any game taking the throne from Journey for GOTY.
Did you really think Journey was that powerful? Early on I probably would've agreed with you, but closer to the end all I was doing was pushing forward on the thumbstick. I wrote more but decided just to go with this.

Is that Chapter 4 of Episode 1?
Didn't realise the episodes had chapters. Pretty sure it's episode 4. The combat is repetitive, annoying and I haven't found it much fun at all. They tried to mix it up a bit, but not nearly enough.

Was the game originally meant to be episodic?


I played Alan Wake on hard, which initially was very hard due to learning the combat system, mostly ends up being about resource management between your bullets and flashlight and using them effectively in combination.

Did get repetitive, but it was satisfying when you got it 'right'.
Didn't realise the episodes had chapters. Pretty sure it's episode 4. The combat is repetitive, annoying and I haven't found it much fun at all. They tried to mix it up a bit, but not nearly enough.

Was the game originally meant to be episodic?

Nah, Max Payne had the same break up of chapters. That would be down to Lake as a writer, which actually works really well (even if they needed a FUCKLOAD more time spent during day time events to contrast the annoying combat of the night events).

Combat system was terrible, needed to completely revamp the encounters and what is danger to Alan. Just becomes a boring trudge of FLASH -> HEADSHOTS over and over.
Have a couple of bottles of my first two brews left (an ESB and Robust Porter, which was fermenting when we caught up, and turned out pretty well; ESB just OK), half a dozen Belgian dubbels which was turned OK but not what I was after, and about 10 weissbiers and they turned out really good. Still a bit of room for improvement but given it's a new hobby I'm pretty happy with my results so far!

Looking at doing another brew in the next few weeks to get back into the swing of things and have something new for summer.

Despite the results being good (some on par with low end commercial efforts, but I'm biased so probably not) I'm constantly amazed whenever I pour a glass that what was just a bunch of grains somehow turned into beer.

That's pretty cool. I've always wanted to brew my own beer but am just too lazy. My dads been doing it for ages and his is generally pretty good, though its nothing fancy.

Housemate ended up at Watergardens train yard, where the night guard found him passed out next to a pile of his own vomit. He claimed he had nothing to drink and was in fact drugged by someone. Luckily the guard made him call me and didn't call the cops.

Just picked him up and got him home. He was stinking of vomit and beer. Why would anyone intentionally drug him and not steal his wallet and phone?

How does one vomit beer from being drugged? Unless that's how he was being drugged, one pint at a time. Also your a good housemate, I probably would have slept through the call.

Man BOSS is such a good show because Kelsey Grammer is such a good actor.
He really does those types of roles well, if only he was in more movies.

Boss is such a boss show, and looks like the perfect job to pick up in. So much nudity, so little politics. At the start I thought grammers disease was going to ruin the show, turned out pretty well.


its pretty amusing that the two people being accused of instigating the tanking bullshit in melbourne came from Fremantle :p

(cameron schwab and Chris Connolly)
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