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AusGAF 7 - We hang out IRL now and be social and shit. (Also, Adrian's Revenge)

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Finished Sleeping Dogs last night. Gets ultra modern gaming near the end, plenty of forced moments (escape from these guys in a boat! No, you can't beach it to escape them!) but the story is not totally terrible. Went pretty Infernal Affairs right near the end.

Uploaded a new photo from our recent Japan trip:

This was below Kintai bridge at Iwakuni.


Brain fart. I meant 70-80% of the original price, so 20-30% off.

So tired, damn you Planetside 2!

ha, yeah that sounds more like it :D

I think I might bite the bullet and grab a deluxe copy for $57, I haven't paid full price for a game in a while so why not.


Any VitaGAF Aussies in here? Playing Sine Mora?
Want to add some more folk for leaderboards and stuff.
I'm playing it on PC. If I get a Vita I'll get it on that too, I think :)

Any other bullet-hell(ish) shooters (hell, any shmups) on there I should be made aware of?


Finished Sleeping Dogs last night. Gets ultra modern gaming near the end, plenty of forced moments (escape from these guys in a boat! No, you can't beach it to escape them!) but the story is not totally terrible. Went pretty Infernal Affairs right near the end.

I loved the ending of Sleeping Dogs, everything from
when you escape the torturer
onwards was brutal.
I loved the ending of Sleeping Dogs, everything from
when you escape the torturer
onwards was brutal.

That whole part was balls.

you've just had the living shit kicked, cut and stabbed out of you; you can barely stand to start with; and then twenty second later you're killing dudes and leaping from building to building. Fuck off.

I will never be convinced that game was anything more than OK.


Sleeping Dogs is fucking rad. If it hadn't been True Crimes for ages I would have labelled it the best surprise of the year, although I think that title goes to Binary Domain. (Maybe Asura's Wrath for being super enjoyable despite not really having much gameplay)
Sleeping Dogs is fucking rad. If it hadn't been True Crimes for ages I would have labelled it the best surprise of the year, although I think that title goes to Binary Domain. (Maybe Asura's Wrath for being super enjoyable despite not really having much gameplay)

While I still haven't played it, surely Walking Dead? A licensed Telltale Game and it's not only good but super awesome?


Binary Domain has a token black, asian, lesbian, snobby british, american and underaged spunky colourful anime girl. And robots are essentially Zombies because neither have souls.

So clearly, Binary Domain is the greatest game this year.

(I liked binary domain but I thought it was a bit dumb in places. Only towards the end when my weapons were so powerful I was blowing entire chunks off robots was I really having any fun.)
I loved the ending of Sleeping Dogs, everything from
when you escape the torturer
onwards was brutal.
It was certainly exciting and interesting enough for me to push forward to the end, but it had enough stupid crap that it annoyed me (
jumping for the boat the first time I got stuck on an invisible nail and didn't make the jump - the second time I jumped about 200 metres to get on it, or the aforementioned "you can't beach the boat!" instant mission failure

Overall the game had a few fundamental problems that prevent it from feeling like an ultra polished, focused game. Can't believe I'm saying this, but I enjoyed Saints Row 3 more since it knew exactly what it was, was focused (if you ignored the side quests) and was batshit insane.

I will never be convinced that game was anything more than OK.
I'll give it a "yeah, it was pretty good", which is slightly better than "OK" but worse than "great". People like numbers, so 7/10. I have no desire to play any more of it.
It was certainly exciting and interesting enough for me to push forward to the end, but it had enough stupid crap that it annoyed me (
jumping for the boat the first time I got stuck on an invisible nail and didn't make the jump - the second time I jumped about 200 metres to get on it, or the aforementioned "you can't beach the boat!" instant mission failure

Overall the game had a few fundamental problems that prevent it from feeling like an ultra polished, focused game. Can't believe I'm saying this, but I enjoyed Saints Row 3 more since it knew exactly what it was, was focused (if you ignored the side quests) and was batshit insane.

I'll give it a "yeah, it was pretty good", which is slightly better than "OK" but worse than "great". People like numbers, so 7/10. I have no desire to play any more of it.

I can live with that. And agreed on Saints Row 3. It was dumb and over the top and knew exactly what it wanted to be. They've done a good job positioning that franchise in that niche since GTA went for a more serious tone.
Nice. I've heard whale tastes pretty good, what did you think?

Sea urchin is vomit inducingly terrible.
Didn't think much of whale, to be honest. A fatty cross between beef and tuna I guess? Given the implications of Japanese whaling I wouldn't have tried it if it wasn't already there.

I saw horse sashimi on the menu in Ginza but dodged it. How was it?
Did enjoy the basashi, though. Quite mild, fat was nice. I don't think it was the best example of basashi.


I felt nothing for Saint's Row 3. Nothing. Except my main character continued to be an awesome hispanic lady which was rad.

It somehow managed to miss that sweet spot of me that Saint's Row 2 hit, which was "We're stupid enough to be awesome". SR3 was just stupid.


Rahk, I just bought a copy of Far Cry 3 Deluxe, $60US, your move :D

edit: I really liked the world in Sleeping Dogs (it's nice to have these games not based in the US for a change), the story was great, and the graphics at times were breathtaking. However during the last half of the game I found the gameplay to be rather dull and the mini games became very monotonous. I think a sequel is where that game can really excel. Oh and it had the best driving in a gta style game yet.


Saints Row 2 is infinitely superior to 3, though. Even if 3 had some sweet set pieces.
The most memorable bit was the monster truck scene where the guy realised afterwards you'd put his girlfriend in one of the trunks he crushed.

I don't remember many specifics of that game, but I remember that. Possibly because it was so fucking brutal
ly awesome


Loved Saints Row 2, only played it for the first time not too long ago with Mr "fashion" Kritz, had a great time. Saints row 3 I still cannot play due to it running like shit on my PC, no matter what settings.


Rahk, I just bought a copy of Far Cry 3 Deluxe, $60US, your move :D

edit: I really liked the world in Sleeping Dogs (it's nice to have these games not based in the US for a change), the story was great, and the graphics at times were breathtaking. However during the last half of the game I found the gameplay to be rather dull and the mini games became very monotonous. I think a sequel is where that game can really excel. Oh and it had the best driving in a gta style game yet.

Oh most definitely. The melee combat never really expands even as you get more options, it's just cool shit you do; there's not much mechanically there I feel, or at least it doesn't seem obvious. I've topped most of the skill trees by this point and don't feel they're of much use at all.

A lot of the elements also feel half baked, specifically characters near mid-game who start being introduced and discarded in moments. There's a lot of great characters but what you kind of end up with are plot-points of characters so you get the highlights of their awesome but without the establishing baselines that really make up the totality of their stories. Also, every girl you date is like a mission long and you mostly never see them again. WHICH BLOWS, WHERE IS MY DRAGON AGE DATING SIM PLZ


I enjoyed Sleeping Dogs a hell of a lot, and I'm really holding out for a sequel. I think it could be fantastic, if it's well and truly polished. There's definitely something else you can do with that story, and I really want to know where it goes.


Having second thoughts, haven't even touched Hitman and still need to finish Dishonored.

It has co-op though, right?
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