Well that can fuck right off and die in a fire.
My degree was only 12 hours of facetime a week.
It was amazing.
I guess Funway with Electronics Kits 1 and 2 dont cut the mustard these days![]()
Awww yeah.I only do anime avatar trends and real pic january
be glad you didn't. Everyone and their mother was there. There was free fairy floss, but the line started in the refec and finished in the great court.No uni today. I would probably collapse if I did go in.
I have breaks at 11 and 2 on Mon/ Tues. So let me know if you're free then and we'll burger it up.
Nah, it's probably the beard.2 on a Tuesday sounds like it. I may have to communicate through pen and pad, though. This cold and so much talking has dropped my voice to new monotone depths.
Their radio kits were big when I was in high school. For fun, a friend of mine and some other kids would run their own competing radio stations with them on weekends (it was a boarding school). Good times.
I put in my GMG order for Sleeping Dogs a month or so ago. I had tons of fun with the original True Crime and had been interested in Sleeping Dogs when it was going under that banner, bummed out when it was canned. I'm glad SE picked it up, as it looks like a lot of fun.
Sqaure Enix have been doing a damn good job of weaselling into my wallet this generation for non-FF money. Quite shocking to think about really. Will always love them for picking up Eidos and giving the games the time and money they need to really shine.
On consoles they made FF13 and FF13-2. :/
Remember last generation? Driving Emotion Type-S, The Bouncer, Dirge of Cerberus & Dawn of Mana :/
So much potential.
Also everyone should grab UC3 and SR3 at that price! Both awesome experiences.
Bushido Blade
JB sale on tonight if it hasn't already been posted
Fuck YES!
As much as I would be destroyed if there were an online component today, that game was what I wanted to see more of. There was never enough lethal games with that feel around that were still fun, even for novices.
When GoldenEye was in its heyday, the hours of fun that were had with Licence to Kill game mode with pistols only. It didn't age well, but damn that was some fun at the time. Something about instant or near-instant death that was really engaging.
It's probably why I'm taking a shining to some lethal PnP RPGs these days.
Goldeneye, I will argue til the end of time, has aged fine. It still plays perfectly, the audio is classic and nothing will ever top proxy mines in the bunker for pure mayhem and multiplayer fps gameplay.
Unfortunately if you play against someone who has memorised the spawn patterns on different maps, it's really not fun anymore. Why it wasn't random is beyond me.
Twilight replaces Shakespeare in English Literature classes?
OK, so deaths in the toilet vent were frequent, but so was the occasional escape from the impossible and karate-chopping the gloating cheat to death in the ensuing chaos.
It was a game where it was possible to enjoy losing, and taking everyone else down with you.
Moments like them are amongst the best times I have ever had in gaming. One particular GoldenEye memory will stay with me until the day I die.
As was the majority of our game time, it was Licence to Kill, pistols only (though like others, proximity mines was also a favourite). We got tired of people whining "oh, I'm dead again, I didn't even have a gun!" The rule "Don't have a gun? Grow one!" was instituted, so if you died without a weapon, suck it up princess because no one cares.
This one occasion, we were playing on Aztec and someone relatively new to the game was playing and didn't know where the gun spawn points were. Another player instead of dutifully putting a bullet in his head, walked up to him and said "follow me" and proceeded to lead him toward a nearby weapon and ammo crate. The new player, once he saw the weapons in the distance, then slapped the helpful player in the back, killing him. I can't remember laughing as hard as I did when I saw that happen, I'm still chuckling just thinking about it.
GoldenEye will always hold a special place in my heart.
A blank sheet of paper.
Just watched this. Looks damned good. I always wanted a GTA-style game set in Hong Kong, so if it looks as good as the walkthrough shows (love the way they're mixing up missions, hope this one isn't an exception) I'll be picking this up.
I could pay both GST and VAT on my most recent Amazon UK order and it would still be ~$100 less than the same items in JB's current 20% off sale. Have the non-people that make up Sunrise's audience and whoever else was buying into Gerry Harvey's "herp online sales derp GST" crap identified it as the bullshit that it is yet?
There's a thread in OT where people now think the LOTR films are shit, Peter Jackson only makes shitty movies, that the LOTR films are as bad as Star Wars or that The Hobbit as a potential 3 part film would be a bad thing.
I havent read it, but I take anything Peter Jackson says in good faith. His films have unrivalled atmosphere in the modern era.
I don't remember The Hobbit being that long of a book? I thought it was shorter than one of the LOTR books? EH.
For $16 I'm finally going to buy bf3. Thanks.