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AusGAF 7 - We hang out IRL now and be social and shit. (Also, Adrian's Revenge)

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Old man post incoming.....

I remember a semester where we had an 8 or 8.30 lecture. No idea why they thought that was a good idea. Especially when four out of 5 days I had pracs from 2-5pm. Long arse days.

When I was at Vic Uni doing a TAFE course in Computer Systems (network for small to mediumish sized companies basically), I was there from 8am to 12pm for one block. Half an hour break. 12.30 to 4.30. Then home. Super draining when it was MSDN cert for 8 hours Thurs-Fri. I feel like people whinge too much about early starts.


Ya eng was pretty bad now that I think back on it. Was basically 9-5 Mon-Thurs and maybe Friday mornings as well:/ The switch to 2 days of finance was pretty rad lol.

I had one 8am start in my last sem, but it was recorded so I only attended when I had questions or if there was a test.


Neo Member
I turned up drunk to an 8am lecture once.

Got drunk with some mates at high school a couple times. Funny thing was alot of the people knew we were drunk but said nothing. Teachers never found out... i think. Some other guys tried to follow suit and got busted straight away, lol. They even went to the trouble of drinking outside of the school grounds. Think they got suspended, dunno.


God damn it uni.

12 pages of lecture slides
82 pages of various books
an hour quiz
and two hours of video recordings

I'm a computing student where the fuck did all this mandatory self-study reading come from? ... I have to do this every week? Oh no :(

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
God damn it uni.

12 pages of lecture slides
82 pages of various books
an hour quiz
and two hours of video recordings

I'm a computing student where the fuck did all this mandatory self-study reading come from? ... I have to do this every week? Oh no :(

only 12 pages of lecture slides? consider yourself lucky. I still have units that somehow manage 40-80 a week.


Is anyone jumping in on Sleeping Dogs day one? All the preview videos have me interested, but I still don't know if it's going to be the complete open world game that I love to play. Will wait for reviews.


I had uni lectures start at 8am and lab sessions finish at 6pm. That was science degree with maths, physics and chemistry to blame.

And all you sad sacks complaining about 8am starts. Pffffft. My job now has 530am starts, and 12 hour shifts. I'm genuinely surprised how easy it is to get up at ten to five nowadays. In uni, I could sleep in til noon on a day off. Now I can't sleep in past nine.



Is anyone jumping in on Sleeping Dogs day one? All the preview videos have me interested, but I still don't know if it's going to be the complete open world game that I love to play. Will wait for reviews.
Already preordered that and Darksiders 2 from GMG since they were cheap.

There appear to be some early reviews, but possible money hats. Check the thread.


Is anyone jumping in on Sleeping Dogs day one? All the preview videos have me interested, but I still don't know if it's going to be the complete open world game that I love to play. Will wait for reviews.
I'm skeptical; considering you can't even rely on Rockstar to give you compelling open-world sandbox experiences these days.:/



Firemint Joins Forces with Iron Monkey to Create "Firemonkeys"

We just got word from EA that their two mobile-focused studios, Firemint and IronMonkey will be merging into the single cleverly named "Firemonkeys" studio. Firemint, if you're unfamiliar, are the developers behind Flight Control [$0.99 / $4.99 (HD)], Real Racing [$2.99 / $4.99 (HD)], and other sequels in the series. Similarly, IronMonkey is responsible for games like Mass Effect Infiltrator [ $4.99 ] and Dead Space [$6.99 / $9.99 (HD)].

Interestingly enough, combining these two studios is going to form Australia's largest game development studio. As far as the reasoning behind the merger, according to EA's PR:

"By aligning the strategy of IronMonkey and Firemint, EA is able to create an even more focused team of passionate individuals who are dedicated to developing high-quality mobile game experiences. This merge in the mobile space is resulting in positive overall growth for the Firemonkeys team, as the studio is now hiring for several positions. Fans should expect to see progressive development efforts with upcoming launch and project announcements in 2012."

We'll have to wait to see what actual benefits we see as iOS gamers from this merger, but if there's one thing you can bet on, it'll be a lot of internet comments regarding how EA has "ruined" Firemint. Personally, I'm excited for this, as Firemonkeys now has a lot of talent under one roof. Surely something rad will come out of it eventually.
FireMonkeys is worrying, I am sure for no reason other than the idea that EA like to amalgamate and downsize. Hope their next few games do well enough to keep everyone around.

Sleeping Dogs looks a little janky and the kind of game I will drop 100 hours into without breaking a sweat. The hand-to-hand sounds awesome and the focus on variation in missions is a winner for me. Seems like a modern day Shenmue heavily influenced by cinema. So day one for me.

Mad Max is still an AMAZING movie. Shocking considering how everyone were basically doing their first movie and the low low budget. What could have been for Miller....


We don't know why he keeps buying PAL, either.
I love both Firemint and Iron Monkey's output, their games are great fun and they've done spectacularly well on iOS (not sure about Android, who cares people only pirate them).

But the last time there was a merger and we had 'Australia's Biggest Gaming Studio' we had what happened to Krome. Then again they have EA's backing.... which could be a good thing or a bad thing.

I don't want to see that happen again and it worries me every time that phrase is used.

Sorry Gaz.


EA are never a good thing, especially when they start meddling with studio size and mergers etc. EA will buy up/claim ownership of the IP the two studios make, outsource it to a studio in a country with more favourable trade conditions/subsidies, and close down the studio citing exchange rates and market conditions.

It's always the same, always.
In times gone by, the motto was 'divide and conquer'.

Today, it's 'merge and rationalise'.

I give them 10 months.
Merge & Downsize is what I was thinking. Fire one employee and lump the workload on another one. Who needs 2 community managers!

I am sure it is just my stupid memory overruling my common sense though, since both companies have done very well for EA's P&L over their time.

Reptile I don't care if i appear stupid but what is your avatar?

Is it really an upside down wolf with 2 different coloured eyes?
Electronic artist Khonnor released an EP in 2009 called Softbo.

I'm not a die hard fan or anything but I really loved the artwork by Philistine DSGN (who also did an amazing cover for Machinedrum) and at the time I was looking for something nice that wasn't already being used on NeoGAF while also being a bit abstract, not particularly linked to anything for me so I could use it for the rest of eternity without feeling like I needed to change avatar to whatever I was enjoying at the time. More of a proper avatar I guess, a symbol. Also the music is good.
It is upside down since I live in Australia :)


Already preordered that and Darksiders 2 from GMG since they were cheap.

There appear to be some early reviews, but possible money hats. Check the thread.

I'm assuming moneyhats. Most of the early reviews are from 'Official' console magazines. I'll let the masses have their say before I buy.

I bought Darksiders in the Steam sale, keen to play that.
Rep did you ever play Once Upon a Monster with your son.

I think my daughter is too young for it yet, she spent the whole time playing with the line marker then did roly polies in front of it and then ran out of the room.

I kept playing for about an extra half hour.
Rep did you ever play Once Upon a Monster with your son.

I think my daughter is too young for it yet, she spent the whole time playing with the line marker then did roly polies in front of it and then ran out of the room.

I kept playing for about an extra half hour.

Not yet, will probably hold off for another year or so. He doesn't have the patience yet to stand still for that long. :)

Spends his time with electronics either taking photos and looking at them or just opening every damn app possible on the Touchpad to play with for 2 minutes at a time.
Also Plex -> Sim Sims.
It's funny because I found out yesterday that console.log breaks IE. Secndly javascript has issues with curlies being on a separate line from the if. So that might not work at all. :)
Yeah there's another method for console.log ... window.console.log I think? If you bring up the developer tools console.log does work.

Or you could add something like if (typeof console == "undefined") var console = { log: function() {} };

Besides, if anyone uses IE with GAF they deserve it to break. :)


Dick Smith near me closing. Half price Wii, 3DS and Vita consoles.

Any of those really worth it?

Depends. Wii if you just want a few games like SMG1/2/Skyward Sword. If you want a Wii U, dont bother.

3DS is good if you dont want the XL which has better ergonomics by all reports.

Vita has no memory card so factor that in with the extra cost to be able to play games.
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