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AusGAF 7 - We hang out IRL now and be social and shit. (Also, Adrian's Revenge)

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Holy shit.

Just had an epic game on PES 2011 Wii.

Portugal were being fucks. Cheating goals, 4-0 drubbings against me and I think my nunchuk isnt responding because open goal shakes werent even being detected as strikes in scramble situations.

I think I lost 15 straight.

Que revenge game.

2 all at half time after being down 2-0. Then I went 3-2 up til bullshit Ronaldo equalises in the last few minutes of the game. I have to sacrifice 2 red card defenders for bullshit "I thought he was offside" moments.

In the end, scored a winner in ET2 with 5 minutes to go and somehow had all the attack for the last 5 minutes with no invincible runs from the AI.

Oh yeah, this was with Ameobi United on professional, so not even the highest difficulty. Fucking tense though.

The thing with Portugal is they always try to walk it in


Oh and the two I had sent off were defenders, so I was still playing with two up front and a pack of floating midfielders running their heads off trying to fill gaps in defense.

Ultra realistic gameplay obviously.

edit: this was just one of those game setups where it becomes a grudge match that I take personally. A mate of mine (Italian) seemed to go through four year cycles starting in 1998 where he would almost exclusively wind up in the final against France and get knocked out either there or in a semi final. This was in the Fifa RTWC 98/PES1/2 days.

Then he had another France incident in 2000 (Euro) and PES obviously liked mocking him about it. After WC 2002 it was Mexico/South Korea who had it in for him, and then they would always beat him when playing as Italy.

After 2006, I think he finally let it go.

Somehow, the only game that ever got him to break anything was Rumble Racing.
Sal, still on for two at Burger urge?

Screw people. Seriously. Told people I was hoping to see Batman soon and THREE PEOPLE responded with( possible spoilers, I still haven't seen it)
oh really? Batman dies. Bane breaks his spine.
what the fuck. Why would you do that, to people who are your friends nonetheless. I've been avoiding a lot of the internet for this very reason.
Though I am looking forward to further sleepless nights when my daughter becomes a teenager. Ugh. Tower prisons are frowned upon these days, right?
Don't worry, if she's anything like I was you shouldn't have too many problems. I guess it depends on what would cause said sleepless nights.
LoL is probably more about smashing into each other. They tend to say LoL is over within 30 minutes and whoever gets the boss thingy on the map first pretty much wins.
nah, not really. Most lol games are 40+ minutes. It's basically dota but with cuter graphics, extra abilities from the start( heal, flash, clairvoyance etc) and a surrender options which DOTA REALLY REALLY NEEDS!!!!


Not a PES line, but from FIFA RTWC '98. I burst out laughing the first time I heard it.

"That tackle was so hard, it hurt his whole family!"


Yep. No-one wants to be right about it happening, but the sooner we can demonstrate it conclusively to the powerful elements of the tinfoil hat brigade the better.
I think you'll find the majority of the remaining dissenters are so for ideological reasons, and no amount of evidence or reasoning will sway them.

The two main ideologies against the idea are those who oppose government action and government based solutions of any sort, generally the libertarian types; and those who believe that the universe is inherently benevolent (or that humankind can do no wrong, which sounds different, but is basically the same thing). A lot of the time, the latter is held only implicitly. It informs the holders opinions, without them really being aware of it or wanting to dig that deep.

Libertarians are obviously anti-authority (and some of the more extreme types are heavy conspiracy theorists), and to them, the scientific community is just another authority (or part of the conspiracy). If "science agrees" that government action is required to fix a problem, it's really easy to get these people to believe otherwise. Ian Pilmer was actually a reputable scientist before it became obvious that his libertarian ideology came first. So guys like him and that Lord guy who isn't a actually Lord spread bullshit, and these guys believe it, and the benevolent universe guys see that there is debate involved and naturally side with the one they're more comfortable with.

So all these stats and graphs aren't going to mean shit to the people left over. There may be a few stragglers like this guy, but probably less than 5% are of the type to be swayed by evidence. You have to fight the ideology.
Screw people. Seriously. Told people I was hoping to see Batman soon and THREE PEOPLE responded with( possible spoilers, I still haven't seen it)
what the fuck. Why would you do that, to people who are your friends nonetheless. I've been avoiding a lot of the internet for this very reason.

Because of the Snape Kills Dumbledore bullshit was oh so hilarious. People like spoilering others and being douchebaggy assholes.
nah, not really. Most lol games are 40+ minutes. It's basically dota but with cuter graphics, extra abilities from the start( heal, flash, clairvoyance etc) and a surrender options which DOTA REALLY REALLY NEEDS!!!!

I think he was getting at the fact that LoL matches are decided much earlier than dota matches. In LoL, the fact that items don't change the way you play as drastically (i.e blademail, bkb) and that each upgrade comes with, for the most part, simply larger stat increases means that it is much harder to stop a team from steamrolling. The first two team fights decide a game of LoL where that isn't the case in dota.

Re: surrender option, I'm completely against it. The amount of times I got to actually play a game of lol to completion were ridiculously small. It also led to people calling games over minute details in the first 6-8 minutes, sapping team morale and making the loss an inevitability. In the cases where the team was split over whether they should surrender, it quickly degenerated into those for surrendering talking in global about how the rest of their team was shit and that they refused to surrender.

The fact that the most efficient way to gain riot points was a series of 3 losses at the 20 minute mark rather than an hour long struggle made the surrender vote even more toxic.


Screw people. Seriously. Told people I was hoping to see Batman soon and THREE PEOPLE responded with( possible spoilers, I still haven't seen it)
oh really? Batman dies. Bane breaks his spine.
what the fuck.

not exactly.....

don't worry too much.

Most ppl who read the comics knew about key moments and it doesn't spoil the experience.

friends are dicks though :/


The worst part is that if you get annoyed they win, and YOURE the petty one for caring so much.

I think that's where "don't get mad, get even" comes in. I'd spoil the living shit out of everything possible in the future on them, but I can be really spiteful sometimes.


Ugh I hate it when people spoil movies, even if its just joking.

Shan, just go and enjoy the movie. I had been spoiled on a minor character detail about it before seeing it, just because the fuckwits in gameinformer decided to list the entire cast lineup. Wankers.

That was the only thing I knew going into the film, aside from the main 2 or 3 characters that aren't Batman. I saw no trailers, no teasers and the film was 99.9% new to me.

You will still be able to watch it and enjoy it, even if you go in unsure of whether your "friends" told you something that's in it or not.

I think that's where "don't get mad, get even" comes in. I'd spoil the living shit out of everything possible in the future on them, but I can be really spiteful sometimes.

I'd do this too. I actually did this really accurately years back when my mum spoiled End of Days for me. ("Is that the one where Arnold dies at the end?" when I'm leaving to see the movie >.<)

I told her that the superintendent in The Bill at the time was going to die at the end of the season and he actually did. I didnt know that.
I think that's where "don't get mad, get even" comes in. I'd spoil the living shit out of everything possible in the future on them, but I can be really spiteful sometimes.



you went to see End of Days at the cinema? XD

I'd probably spoiler you too to try to stop you from going....

Eh, I went to see Mortal Kombat Annihilation on opening night too. I'd do it again if a third one ever came out with Christopher Lambert and Lynden Ashby back in it.
I think that's where "don't get mad, get even" comes in. I'd spoil the living shit out of everything possible in the future on them, but I can be really spiteful sometimes.
Sadly one of the few instances where I don't think it will work. Firstly because I'd have to wait for a change to spoil something, but mostly because two of them are living, breathing internet trolls. There is no winning, there is only me sitting through the movie feeling disappointed and wondering when.



It's called a taste of their own medicine. People like that often react in the worst way to it and it serves them right.

Sadly one of the few instances where I don't think it will work. Firstly because I'd have to wait for a change to spoil something, but mostly because two of them are living, breathing internet trolls. There is no winning, there is only me sitting through the movie feeling disappointed and wondering when.

It doesn't even have to be the real deal, just make shit up. Or find what they're interested in that you're not and read a synopsis on it, some internet nerd would have written one. Spoil away.

Otherwise just trick-link them to tubgirl and such all the time. Trolling people and pissing them off isn't hard.


edit: Danoss, you are a devious man. Remind me never to piss you off. :p

Sadly one of the few instances where I don't think it will work. Firstly because I'd have to wait for a change to spoil something, but mostly because two of them are living, breathing internet trolls. There is no winning, there is only me sitting through the movie feeling disappointed and wondering when.

You will get them one day. A good example would be if theyre big sports fans. Spoil the result of any game on delayed telecast.

Or just whatever game or film they get hyped for. Do it, and dont hold back. Even if you have to wait years for it, just send them a simple text message that says "Master Chief gets killed by Johnson" or whatever. No warning, no remorse, no limits.
Black Dynamite cartoon has the original cast and one of the directors on Boondocks? FUCK YES! Watching tonight.

you went to see End of Days at the cinema? XD

I'd probably spoiler you too to try to stop you from going....
I went and saw Doom with a mate of mine. At the end of the movie the other person in the cinema clapped. I think that was more for sitting through the whole fucking thing.

lol. No more Ubishit games for reptile on PC.

Rootkitting bastards.

lol thankfully I never had UPlay installed on this current machine. My parent's current work PC (my old Q6600) will though. Lucky it isn't online. Will have to tell the boss to reformat though.

Test yourself by going to this link.

Hope they pull that shit out of there by the time AC3 comes out on my birthday as I have a free copy sitting in my GMG account!


eww eww ewwww >_<

the first one was great though.

First one was amazing, second one was baffling. Shao Kahn looked cool though.

Test yourself by going to this link.

Hope they pull that shit out of there by the time AC3 comes out on my birthday as I have a free copy sitting in my GMG account!

I've only ever installed one PC game, and thats the steam free copy of Portal. Oh, and Cave Story.

Join the console master race!


Screw people. Seriously. Told people I was hoping to see Batman soon and THREE PEOPLE responded with( possible spoilers, I still haven't seen it)
oh really? Batman dies. Bane breaks his spine.
what the fuck. Why would you do that, to people who are your friends nonetheless. I've been avoiding a lot of the internet for this very reason.
Who cares about spoilers
especially fake ones
I was pretty much spoiled on every plot point when I went into TDKR anyway.:eek: and I definitely didn't feel like it ruined the experience. (but that's just me).

I'm not so sure if your friends are being dicks tbh, that's a typical thing a lot of people do to each other from my personal experience on the subject, hell I'm guilty of doing it on occasions, not flat-out spoiling people, but making up fake spoilers that seem believable as a joke.;p


I don't think it is indicative one way or another about the allegations on Slipper but it is just fucking disgusting that people can be shit to each other. Maybe I am just naive.

Oh, of course not. I thought my post was pretty cut and dry, whilst being pretty simple.

I'm not sure if the worlds number of shitheads is increasing, or just the amount of spotlight they receive.
Oh, of course not. I thought my post was pretty cut and dry, whilst being pretty simple.

I'm not sure if the worlds number of shitheads is increasing, or just the amount of spotlight they receive.

I agree with the glass houses sentiment, mainly just airing my exasperation at how ridiculous the web of bullshit has gotten with politics here. If all this could have been handled in a timely manner (including shit in the past which the related parties should have cleared up years ago) we might be able to focus more on the important matters, which is the policies themselves. The NDIS is a damn good start (especially since even Abbott waved off Newman's levy idea :/).


I'm not really bothered with the whole deal regarding Slipper/Ashby/Brough/News Ltd. There are legal cases in there about harassment and now this new one about statutory rape. Those are legal issues that lie outside politics, as in they are not inherent to the field.

What I have a strong dislike for is the tone of discourse regarding politics, the news media, the endless spin and lack of co-operation, the tit-for-tat point scoring, focus on polls, rorts, lack of foresight and inspiration, pandering to the mouthbreathing lowest common denominator component of the electorate that makes xbox live cod kiddies appear like intellectual giants by comparison.

There is nothing to hold out any hope for, and if there are people in the mix who do hold higher ideals and have the intellect and integrity to do better, why the hell aren't they the ones speaking up, doing good work and being more than reactionary , party-towing grey men.

This is who I blame:
1. Lobbyists
2. Rupert Murdoch and his arselicking empire of corruption
3. Party hierarchy
4. Factions
5. Pollsters
6. Anyone ever who votes for the same old shit because they think they know best


They look like nice shirts, but the shipping pricing for international looks nasty. They also have a fat person tax on their shirts.

Dead Man

The house we're renting has a cool rumpus room out the back with a bar. We've put the TV out there with all the consoles and the HD Foxtel box. There's also a Foosball table, a record player and a tonne of nerd stuff (figurines, lightsabers, bobble heads, etc).

Perfect for RadGAF

If you have a heater in there it can be the new RadGAF Batcave.

Screw people. Seriously. Told people I was hoping to see Batman soon and THREE PEOPLE responded with( possible spoilers, I still haven't seen it)
oh really? Batman dies. Bane breaks his spine.
what the fuck. Why would you do that, to people who are your friends nonetheless. I've been avoiding a lot of the internet for this very reason.

You punched them in the mouth, right?

I need to see that. I was going to wait until it was on disc, but the hey BATMAN SPOILERS! shit seems to be all over the place. That said, a film that relies on twists kind of shits me these days. Too much Shyamalamadingdong around.
lol thankfully I never had UPlay installed on this current machine. My parent's current work PC (my old Q6600) will though. Lucky it isn't online. Will have to tell the boss to reformat though.!
I installed Driver: San Francisco from Steam and going to that test page doesn't work for me on any browser.

There was an Ubisoft Game Launcher that I removed, but I wouldn't really consider this a 'rootkit', at least in the spirit that the word is generally used. It's a browser plugin that has too many privileges only on specially-crafted pages (and is there anything except speculation? Anything that's in the wild?), but it's not exactly a driver that's loaded on boot that gives root privileges or anything.

Is saying
there aren't really any twists in TDKR
a spoiler? I guess some could construe it as one. I watched the first two a couple of weekends ago and TDKR on Friday, and IMO TDKR is the weakest of the trilogy. I'm not a huge Batman fan but I knew early on that
Talia was Talia
. I also think Bane was a really dull villain, but
I don't even know if it was really about him
. My biggest gripe is that
Batman was missing for long periods
, which again I guess was kind of the point.


That said, a film that relies on twists kind of shits me these days. Too much Shyamalamadingdong around.

Vince pointed something out earlier that was worth noting. A cast list spoiled a film for him, which is more common than you might think.

I've had that too, the film poster naming the main actors for 'Insomnia' spoils the film and it's really obvious how spoiled it is when you're not too far into it. Sometimes when you watch a film or tv show you have to try and ignore the intro credits. I've had some tv shows spoiled when I've seen "Guest Starring: Actor XYZ" and know who's making an appearance and it's easy to deduce why.


I would say, as someone who is not familiar with Batman lore in general, TDKR was a series of awesome events and surprises. If someone is a huge Batman fan and knows the continuity of every single alternate version of the story, then I guess they would have known what's coming more than I did.

The only thing you need to know is that it is a high quality film, well acted and has a fantastic atmosphere.

Vince pointed something out earlier that was worth noting. A cast list spoiled a film for him, which is more common than you might think.

I've had that too, the film poster naming the main actors for 'Insomnia' spoils the film and it's really obvious how spoiled it is when you're not too far into it. Sometimes when you watch a film or tv show you have to try and ignore the intro credits. I've had some tv shows spoiled when I've seen "Guest Starring: Actor XYZ" and know who's making an appearance and it's easy to deduce why.

Yep. I'll say this since it's not a spoiler, but take the upcoming Hobbit films. If someone told me that Sir Ian McKellen was in it, I'd be annoyed someone spoiled me on Gandalf being in the film. Obviously it's not the same as Batman, but if someone had said "Danny DeVito is in TDKR" I'd be angry at them too. (That isnt a spoiler btw).

It's ideal to just go in to a film fresh and knowing as little as possible in order to enjoy the ride.

You crazy TDKR was the best of the trilogy, narrowly beating out BB for me.

I can't rank them. I think all three are on equal footing, which is very rare for a trilogy. It does help immensely that they all have a unique identity.
Vince pointed something out earlier that was worth noting. A cast list spoiled a film for him, which is more common than you might think.

I've had that too, the film poster naming the main actors for 'Insomnia' spoils the film and it's really obvious how spoiled it is when you're not too far into it. Sometimes when you watch a film or tv show you have to try and ignore the intro credits. I've had some tv shows spoiled when I've seen "Guest Starring: Actor XYZ" and know who's making an appearance and it's easy to deduce why.

They really need to make the standard cast be credited at the beginning of a show, then guests or other cast members that could spoil plot be after the show is done.


They really need to make the standard cast be credited at the beginning of a show, then guests or other cast members that could spoil plot be after the show is done.

I completely agree, but the Screen Actors Guild (I think they're the ones who dictate this) doesn't unfortunately. They're unlikely to ever cave on it either.

Dead Man

Vince pointed something out earlier that was worth noting. A cast list spoiled a film for him, which is more common than you might think.

I've had that too, the film poster naming the main actors for 'Insomnia' spoils the film and it's really obvious how spoiled it is when you're not too far into it. Sometimes when you watch a film or tv show you have to try and ignore the intro credits. I've had some tv shows spoiled when I've seen "Guest Starring: Actor XYZ" and know who's making an appearance and it's easy to deduce why.
Interesting point.
I would say, as someone who is not familiar with Batman lore in general, TDKR was a series of awesome events and surprises. If someone is a huge Batman fan and knows the continuity of every single alternate version of the story, then I guess they would have known what's coming more than I did.

The only thing you need to know is that it is a high quality film, well acted and has a fantastic atmosphere.

Good enough.


Shaper Divine
Anyone else hear about the public hearing that went on in sydney today about why australians hqve to pay up to 80% more on electronics, video games and computer software compared to other countries?
I'd go and find the link but i'm not very browser confident on this 3Ds


Anyone else hear about the public hearing that went on in sydney today about why australians hqve to pay up to 80% more on electronics, video games and computer software compared to other countries?
I'd go and find the link but i'm not very browser confident on this 3Ds


A national inquiry is beginning today into accusations that the international IT industry is ripping off Australian consumers.

The industry blames the cost of doing business in Australia, but consumer advocates reject that.

A House of Representatives inquiry is holding its first public hearing into the issue in Sydney today.

There are countless examples of electronic goods, software and entertainment products that cost more in Australia than overseas.

For example, an Arctic Monkeys album costs $17.99 on iTunes in Australia, but according to the Federal Department of Communications, it costs the equivalent of about $13 overseas.

The movie Toy Story costs $24.99 on iTunes in Australia, but buyers overseas pay only $10.

"In Australia you pay on average 52 per cent more than an American consumer for the same top 50 iTunes songs," said Choice's head of campaigns, Matt Levy.

He says Australian consumers should not have to pay so much more.

"We're talking about a product here which doesn't have the same sorts of overheads that industry often talk about in terms of rent, in terms of logistics and distribution," he added.

"It's the same file being downloaded more or less from the same server, but a 52 per cent price difference if you happen to be Australian."

A spokeswoman for Apple declined to comment on why movies and music are more expensive on iTunes in Australia.


Anyone else hear about the public hearing that went on in sydney today about why australians hqve to pay up to 80% more on electronics, video games and computer software compared to other countries?
I'd go and find the link but i'm not very browser confident on this 3Ds

Choice released a report last week about the same thing.


Even uses SteamPrices.com to look at digital pricing disparity.


Shaper Divine
yeah its nuts.

I was living in that states for 18 months and returned home last year. We bought all this awesome stuff for super cheap over there. We managed to get 2 new desktops at 2500 each. Which would be like 4000+ for them here.

On import we got hit with a nice fat $500 import tax, just because they were less than a year old (and hence depreciating themselves out of value) so all up it cost 3000 bucks per PC. Granted it as already 8 months old at that point. But still there difference was still like $1000!

We are (most probably) going back to the states in october for another working stint, and the one of the exciting things to look forward to is being able to buy stuff for a much cheaper! hahah
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