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AusGAF 8 - Worksafe Wankers

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So I take it you didn't see the thread about the 8 core, 8GB of RAM, AMD 8800 Nextbot dev kits?

Devkits were 12gb i think I read

I don't see how you can jump to them being super expensive though compared to this gen, 360 had state of the art CPU and GPU, there will require a few more ram chips for the board but if they could get away with $US300 cheapo version for the 360 I don't see how a $US350 version would be unlikely here.


I don't dev kits are necessarily indicative of the end product. Other than the fact you won't have a console MORE powerful than the kit itself. *shrug*


Can we argue more about Japan devs not understanding the PC space. That would be awesome.


So, just double checking here ... I mean, everyone is aware that we released some more tickets for each day of PAX Aus right?

I just don't want to check back here a week later and have people complaining that they missed out. TBH tickets HAVE been on sale for well over 3 months now, valid excuses are kinda running out :)
How Dragons Dogma didn't get a PC release is baffling to me, out of all the Japanese publishers Capcom seemed to be the one that was "getting it" the most.

that better?


So, just double checking here ... I mean, everyone is aware that we released some more tickets for each day of PAX Aus right?

I just don't want to check back here a week later and have people complaining that they missed out. TBH tickets HAVE been on sale for well over 3 months now, valid excuses are kinda running out :)

What is the schedule?

How Dragons Dogma didn't get a PC release is baffling to me, out of all the Japanese publishers Capcom seemed to be the one that was "getting it" the most.

that better?

Didn't include deriding Kotaku because Kotaku! Please try again sir!


So, just double checking here ... I mean, everyone is aware that we released some more tickets for each day of PAX Aus right?

I just don't want to check back here a week later and have people complaining that they missed out. TBH tickets HAVE been on sale for well over 3 months now, valid excuses are kinda running out :)

I posted in here when the extra ticket announcement popped up on Facebook =]


Just give me Crackdown 3 and I'll buy it at any price. For serious.

But man, it's going to be super interesting watching the importance of the hardcore gaming console (and in turn, the importance of the hardcore gaming press) diminish even further in 2013.

The funny thing, MS and Sony can turn this around super easy - just make it easy and attractive for developers to make games for it. The system that provides the most direct connection between creator and audience is going to win. That's proven true time and time again, in pretty much every entertainment industry you can think of. It's why comics are making a nice little comeback thanks to the Internet.

And yeah if you don't have your PAX tickets yet I don't know about your life priorities.
So, just double checking here ... I mean, everyone is aware that we released some more tickets for each day of PAX Aus right?

I just don't want to check back here a week later and have people complaining that they missed out. TBH tickets HAVE been on sale for well over 3 months now, valid excuses are kinda running out :)

did you release a schedual
because i think that will sell tickets more than a forum post ever will
Just give me Crackdown 3 and I'll buy it at any price. For serious.

But man, it's going to be super interesting watching the importance of the hardcore gaming console (and in turn, the importance of the hardcore gaming press) diminish even further in 2013.

The funny thing, MS and Sony can turn this around super easy - just make it easy and attractive for developers to make games for it. The system that provides the most direct connection between creator and audience is going to win. That's proven true time and time again, in pretty much every entertainment industry you can think of. It's why comics are making a nice little comeback thanks to the Internet. .
With the way they apparently treat the indie stuff on XBLA, and PSN, it isn't likely that they're interested in turning anything around. They'll be the main drivers if they can help it.

Both Sony and Microsoft want a prize unrelated to and safer in the long term than gaming - control of the personal cloud and home media network thingy. Games are just the tool they're using to try to get there.

"Hardcore" gaming is going to go the way of the Ancient Rome pretty soon. It's possible that by 2020, we'll look back on Gen 7 as a golden age for the console as a viable concept. When it's all over, we'll hardly notice it even happened.

Except for Nintendo. They'll stubbornly refuse to get with the times and still be releasing traditional consoles long after it stopped mattering.

JAnd yeah if you don't have your PAX tickets yet I don't know about your life priorities.


I wasn't having a go, just letting you know the guy lives in Japan. The article was definitely written for the people wondering why we don't get more Japanese games on the PC over in the west.

I know you were being nice as always.

My problem with the article is its a lazy piece of simplicity which calls kamiya clueless to boot.
It's offensive stupidity from a website of cunts.


Now. That is pretty harsh.

Is it? They are serial liars, hyperbole-driven, click-bait generators who love to misquote, misrepresent and mislead at every opportunity. They edit their stories if they get called out for their lack of research, and think putting 'Rumour:" is sufficient to make up bullshit stories such as "Rumour: John Smith eats babies for breakfast" <insert real, asinine headline here>

They make Fox news look professional.


Best post on the topic:

People freaking out about "foreigners" is just the ultimate irony. Japanese gaming, and all of Japanese culture has been smeared on these blogs basically every day for the last several years. Even just yesterday in the thread showing off Platinum's 2013 lineup I remember one commenter saying "Just when you thought it was safe to ignore Japanese games ...." and no one called him out for it. Kotaku runs shit culture articles every day to try and make Japan seem as fucked up as possible, only picking the weirdest shit.

Kamiya lashes back once after their article basically uses him to call all of Japan "clueless," and you guys act like you give a damn about xenophobia now? Give me a break. It's getting to the point of reverse racism because if anyone's been the victim of constant bashing and race-based generalizations in gaming this gen, it's the Japanese.

Just look at the comments on that initial Kotaku article on Kamiya's comments, merely saying he's not interested in PC gaming. "Just when I thought Japan couldn't be any more behind than they already are ..." and on and on.

Cry me a river. Oh no, he said "foreigners."
Oblivion was like a hot blonde bimbo, nice to look at and hang out with but thinking back it was really boring and bland. Also poorly animated. And she looks the same as a thousand other bimbos. Fun while drunk though. Nice to show off to friends.


Oblivion was... nice to look at...



Hideki Kamiya is the greatest. Made so many awesome games and isn't afraid of blasting idiots on twitter. Badass.

Also that fanboy in Oblivion, I pushed him off a cliff.


Good buy.

I would also recommend this:


Amazing version of In The Air Tonight, love the crescendo when he walks up to the drums.

I don't even know what they were thinking.

They weren't, that's how games like that exist.

Hideki Kamiya is the greatest. Made so many awesome games and isn't afraid of blasting idiots on twitter. Badass.

Also that fanboy in Oblivion, I pushed him off a cliff.

Kamiya (and Platinum in general) are like a second version of Treasure.

Actually, come to think of it.

Konami spawned Treasure
Capcom spawned Platinum Games
Square spawned Monolith Soft

All have vastly outperformed their former employers in terms of quality output (not quantity of course).


's never straight out crashed before. I cleared the cache, hoping that does something.

Weird thing is that chrome doesn't seem to actually kill multiple window processes until the entire program shuts down properly, so if you restore and awaken from sleep mode you will have a tonnnnnnnnne of processes running. I don't actually know anything about the way it functions, though, so I might just be blathering nonsense.
So, just double checking here ... I mean, everyone is aware that we released some more tickets for each day of PAX Aus right?

I just don't want to check back here a week later and have people complaining that they missed out. TBH tickets HAVE been on sale for well over 3 months now, valid excuses are kinda running out :)
I think the only reason people wouldn't pick up tickets and still be thinking about attending is because there is no lineup announced yet.

In any case it doesn't matter as it will be a sellout regardless.
So I hope there is some awesome developers coming out for the show!
Try and get Tim Schafer out again! And force him to employ Bill Tiller for the love of all that is holy!

I will also attend this panel. That's two reptilescorpio, you better put on a good show.
There better be a Q and A sessions afterwards, as well.
It will be a sight to behold.
Unlike my usual 3 day benders it will be in Melbourne so I expect there to be lots to be excited about. Also lots of delicious beers/ciders to sample!

The panel will detail the days bargains in depth. As well as reminiscing over OG Square, Sonic games, how awesome boobs are, as well as FREE Quiche & Almonds!
(note: I will probably mistake almonds for peanuts)

My problem with the article is its a lazy piece of simplicity which calls kamiya clueless to boot.
It's offensive stupidity from a website of cunts.
My immediate reaction after reading the article was, "Who the fuck came up with that headline title? They didn't even read the article I bet." Going by Plunkett's tweet to Kamiya it could have been him, seemed quick to try and cool Kamiya down (that was when Kamiya went on a blocking spree though). Not sure who handles captions/headlines on a blogroll like Kotaku, if it is editor based or at the whim of the article writer themselves.

Computer freezing up after like an hour or so... think it's related to Chrome being a son of a bitch
Sounds the same as my problem last weekend. Ended up being SSD firmware so update that if you have one.

Hideki Kamiya is the greatest.
Would be even more great if he had more than one game out this generation so far! At least Mikami has Vanquish & Shadows of the Damned. The Wonderful 101 looks like it could end up being a good game thankfully, will scratch the Pikmin itch possibly (hopefully).

Stupid fucking idiot gaijin? Bit rude.


My immediate reaction after reading the article was, "Who the fuck came up with that headline title? They didn't even read the article I bet." Going by Plunkett's tweet to Kamiya it could have been him, seemed quick to try and cool Kamiya down (that was when Kamiya went on a blocking spree though). Not sure who handles captions/headlines on a blogroll like Kotaku, if it is editor based or at the whim of the article writer themselves.

Could have been anyone, but the one pattern Ive noticed is kotaku writers circle the wagons and protect their own each and every time (and there are many times) they fuck up. They have some serious group mentality of denying culpability for their 'post news first, think later' mentality and love to play the victim when they get called out for being wrong.

Even polygon hasn't fucked up that bad (yet - they will soon enough, knowing the calibre of their writers).

The games writing industry is laughably incompetent at the moment, outside of a miniscule handful. What's funny/depressing is that online media is causing the death of print based media through sheer volume/speed, but not quality. Even rubbish mags like PSM/XBox World had better standards than kotaku etc.

New games media is a miserable pile of shit.
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